HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-12-9 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726:37G9 OU(cc: 72G.3759 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT: SPfllNCFIELP 1Xlm~ OLOCI,: . JOG NUMOEfl 0\'4 ((PC i' 225 Filth Streel Sprln\J(lcleJ, Oregon 97.177 TAX LOT: SUODIVISION: PHONr-' 741-(:;gS7 OWNER: TODD tl Sl-fERR1E Lue-4g ADDREAs:' /72Lf (!flR.R.JA6E?Uf~E CITY: .::J 0 Y IN a .{/ el d . STATE: . I J DESCRIBE WORI,: c3 ffi PUJ2AJ!ttt. f1 It / (!,/ I NEW v- REMODEL DR . . ADDITION DEMOLISH __. ZIP: _Q1Y77 On-I Ell --~-._--- CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: PLUMBING: . MECHANICAL:toWlFDttr PLDW ,/qS/1X>I'\J s.~ 5tf Jt_' ELECTRICAU:, r-". rnlinl/I/ r. IIA~ '.,r';,"r,-:,:" " ADDRESS CONST. CONTFlACTOR h PHONE . ~'.. ,-. j -. ., '. ",,! oti.j'! Cr. ,,; ~ '..-" :.;r~'; ~ L . I':'." :~.(:: ('_:''''(:''!''_:~'r'~ 1';~ ' -~'_J . .' -'..:'>: :''''-':::,r=:n';',.rPl- OFFICE USE -:... EXPIIlE.S 410D ~.:.a1 --OJ '1f)Io~DIlJ) ~n O/.\H ~1~"~'.-i..i:.;'~ ~'. :,' , ' .\ ~\...:' :....-1 ~~f.;~: .t~c ~~" QUAD A:51:.9.:-5"~. ',';.. c. . ,,;~,,: ~:.: . :;;", Lt),f;:t.9 tYj;3E: _. ~ OF BLDcfs~iling {i~e GG)I'Z"'. "":':"';1' (',i;.:~)r'6rr-:WUNITS: nurnbertor U1f: Ort"':::50;': t.. .. \\~OWjcatiCrI! OCCY GROUP: r."",...,.,... :;:""""':,4), CONSTfl TYPE: NQTI~E: . THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IFTHE WORK ---AlJfHORIZEifitl~elVa^hlJ? PERMIT ISNOr r,OMMENC~g ~~ l? ~~~~pONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. . ,II OF fJDnMS: " OF STORIES: WATER HEATER:_ HEAT SOURCE: RANGE: ___ SECQNOAny HEAT: ___..... SQUAnr: FOOTAGE.: ..._,_..~. To request an Inspection, you musl call 72G.37G9. Tills Is a 2-1 Ilour rccordlng. Alllm:pecl/o"s requested before 7;00 a.m. will be made the, same worlelng d<.lY, In:;pections requested afler 7:00 a.m. will be made the followlnn worle clay. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Temporary Electric o Site Inspection - To be made aller exctlVa!ion. bu.l prior to setting turms. o Underslab P.lumbingl Electrical! . MechanIcal - Prior lo cover. o Footing "';"Afler trencllCs arc . exctlva led. o Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, groul/ng. . o Foundallon - After forms arc erected but prior to concrete . placemcnt. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling Irencl,. . o Underlloor PJuinblnu/MeCI1;mical - Prior to Insulation or decleing. o Post and Beam - Prior to floor Insulation or decldng.. . o Floor Insulation - Prior to declelno. ' o SLlnilLlry Sewer ~ Prior 10 filling trench. o Slorm Sewer - Prior {o (j(ling . trencll. \'.' I.;' , , o Waler Line - Prlor)o fill,i,ng. trench. '.; . . o Rough PI~l11billO ~ 'prior to- cover. ..,. " o Rough Mechanic;1I - Prior 10 cover. . , 0 Rou\Jh Electrical - Prior 10 CQver. o Eleclric,1I Service - Must be approvee! to obtain permanent eleclrlcal power. o Fireplace - Prior lo. fuclng malerlals and (rarninglnsp. o FrLlmlno - Prior 10 cover, O WLlII/ C'ellinglnsulation - prior 10 cover. ~. . o Dryw.:\1I - Prl~r !0'!.:1pi;1g'. o Wood Stove - Afler In:>lallalion, o Insert - After fireplace approval and Inslallilllon of unit. o CurbCllt & Appro;lch - Aller (orms are crncled bul prior 10 pl<.lcclllent 01 concr(~I(). . o SidewLllk & Drivew:l\' - Aller , cxcavillion is complele,' 10rlllS aneJ :;ul;.bi:lse 'mi'l~eri,ll in plilce. o Fence - \"mcn completed., o ~;troot Tree:; - When all required Irees arc pl.:lnled. o Final PlulIll>in!J - When all plllml)ing w9rl, is complcl,e. o Fin; Elcctlica/"-INllen t11r el clriciJl Worll is cornplcle, ( Fin:ll Mechanical - When nil mecll:lf,ical worlels complele. o Fin;IJOuiltlinu - WI)en all required in::;pecllons have been approvcd and lJuilcling is completed. o Ol.her \, MOBILE HOME INSPECfIONS o Olocking nnd Set-Up - WI1Cn nil blocleint) Is complelc. . ' o Plulllbin!J Connections - When Ilom(~ l)as been connecled to wa ler ;.Intl :;eVl(~r. o ElcclliGill Connection - When LJlocllin!J. SCI.up. and plumbing In:;pccllons Il;we: been approved ilnd .tlle Ilo/no I:; connected 10 111U scrvj co panel. [ I Finnl - After all required Inspections arc approvcd and porcl1es, sl<lrling, dccl<5, and ventlnnhavc been Installed. Lot filce:; LOI Tyr Se\bac.l~:; . Lot SQ.,ltg. Interior' P.L. HSE _GAR' ACC I Lot coverage Corner N I ---..-. I Topography Panhandlc S --..-- Total height Cul.cJe.sac; W .---..... --- ---- BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO. FT. Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fcc Slilte Surcharge Tolal Fcc (A) E VALUE " (0) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT \ ITEM r:ixturos 'I . . . N,' Residential O:J~h(s) . :J ',~ . F'J: Sanitary S~wcr Water FT. FT. Storm Sewer Mobile Home Plumbing Permi! Slate SurcharGe Total Charge (C), MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan NO i,.. . Wood Stovel1nsert /Flreplace 'Unit Dryer Venl Mechanical Permi I Issuanco S I a te S,LJ rc Il~lI!l'J Tolal Permit (0) MISCELLAN,EOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance Stale Surcharge Sldewall~ rl Curbcul rl Oomollllon ?talc Surcharge Tolal Miscellaneous Permils (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (eXCludinG electrical) (^. 0, c, 0, <Ind E Combil1e(l) FEE '- ~6, ~ . :ilQ!_.._~- ._ . -,.r-+ I JS ~~~ I IS THE PliOPOSED WORI< iN THE, HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes, this application musl be signed and approved ,-by the ,Historical Coordinator prior to permil issuance. APPROVED: . ,BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT TI1is'permit is grol1led ol1lhe express conditionthatlhe snid construction sholl, in 011 rcspccts, conform 10 thc Ordinance adopted by lhe City of Springfield. including thc Developmen\ Coele, re(lulnting the conSlruction <lnd use of buildings, <lnd m;Iy be suspended or revoked at <lny time upon violation or :Jny provisions or said ordinLlnccs. Plan Checl< Fcc: D:Jle P:Jid: Reccipt Number: ReceivN! Oy: PI:lns ReXcwe(i-'Oy-'-"---'-- Date Systems Developmen\ Chnrgc is due on all undcveloped properlies within the City limits which are being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ~'~'-',,,,.f cf~.~' \ ( Oy slgnaturC,1 st<Jle and agree, tl1atl havc carefully examined the completed :Jpplic:Jtion and do hcreby ccrtlfy thaI all Inrormatlon hereon is true :In(! Gorrect, and I further cerlily thai any and all work performed shall be donc. in accordance with tllC Ordinances or the: City or Springfield, (lnd (he Laws or lhe Slale of Oregon pertaining to the work. described herein,<)f1d \1101' NO OCCUPi-\I\)CY will be rnacle or any structure without permission or ll~c BuildInG Si.lrcty Di~ision. I rur\l1cr ccrUfy lllat only contractors and cmployces who arc in complionce'with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I rurlhor agrce 10' ensure t11at all required inspections are reQucsted at the proper lime, Ih:J.t c:J.ch address Is readable rrom Ihe slreet, 111:Jt 111e permit card Is localed at the fronl or the pr~~ty, :Jnc:!-II1C Llpproved sel of plans will remain on the si e :It , limes 'uring c 1St ucUon, (I Sign"", ~. d Ddte J~~q~9q VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMOn1 ~{I? '3 q --:2--- DAn: PAID, \ ?--~ - C, f AMOUNT RECEIVr-:D ----$..~ u RECEIVED OY __...___~