HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 TEAM Springfield Annual Meeting Follow-up AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/17/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Gino Grimaldi Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: TEAM SPRINGFIELD ANNUAL MEETING FOLLOW-UP ACTION REQUESTED: Review follow-up actions from the January 25th TEAM Springfield meeting and provide direction. ISSUE STATEMENT: At the annual TEAM Springfield meeting held on January 25, 2014, discussion was held on a series of next steps to continue to strengthen TEAM Springfield and provide direction regarding the future of TEAM Springfield. It was agreed that each governing body would review the next steps and provide direction. The results of the discussions of the governing bodies will be reviewed at the TEAM Springfield Chief Elected Officials meeting of April 16, 2014. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Draft minutes of the January 25, 2014 TEAM Springfield Meeting. Attachment 2: Memorandum from Bob Keefer dated March 6, 2014 regarding TEAM Springfield tasks currently underway. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Page 9 of Attachment 1 begins the listing of the next steps discussed at the January 25, 2014 TEAM Springfield meeting. Attachment 2 contains four tasks that are currently underway by staff. It is recommended that the Mayor and Council provide direction by answering the following questions: 1. Do you agree that we should move forward with the four items included in Attachment 2? 2. After reviewing the minutes from the January 25, 2014, meeting is there a general statement that can be made regarding the future direction of TEAM Springfield? 3. Are there any items from Attachment 1, page 9, that TEAM Springfield should establish as future direction for TEAM Springfield? TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 1 Attachment1, Page 1 of 13 MINUTES JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS’ MEETING Saturday, January 25, 2014 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. City of Springfield Library Meeting Room 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 The TEAM Springfield Joint Elected Officials’ meeting hosted by the Springfield Utility Board was held on Saturday, January 25, 2014, in the City of Springfield Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. ATTENDANCE: City of Springfield: Mayor Christine Lundberg; Councilors Bob Brew, Sheri Moore, Sean VanGordon, Marilee Woodrow and Hillary Wylie; absent was Dave Ralston. City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery. Springfield School District: Board Members Nancy Bigley, Laurie Adams, and Al King. Superintendent Hertica Martin. Absent were Jonathan Light and Garry Weber. Staff Member: Devon Ashbridge. Springfield Utility Board: Board Members Virginia Lauritsen, Pat Riggs-Henson, and Tom Draggoo. Absent were Ken Boyst and Joe Mathieu. General Manager Jeff Nelson. Willamalane Park and Recreation District: Board Members Ann Ballew, Denise Bean, Lee Beyer, Greg James, and Gary Ross. Superintendent Bob Keefer, Deputy Superintendent Seve Ghose. Others: Stan Biles, Management Solutions Prior to the meeting, the JEOs took a tour of the Springfield Electrified exhibit at the Springfield Museum between 8:00-8:30 a.m. From 8:30 until 9:00 a.m., the JEOs participated in a breakfast and social. CALL TO ORDER / WELCOME / INTRODUCTIONS Jeff Nelson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to TEAM Springfield’s Joint Elected Officials’ Meeting. He thanked the City for the use of the Library Meeting Room for this meeting and for their staff’s assistance in arranging the tour of the “Springfield Electrified” exhibit at the Springfield Museum prior to this meeting. TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 2 Attachment1, Page 2 of 13 Agenda Check: Jeff Nelson requested that everyone try to stay within the time allotted for the agenda items. He said that if anyone wanted further discussion regarding an agenda item, it would be tabled until the end of the meeting, if additional time was available. 1. UPDATES A. Junior Track & Field Championships Partnerships / Sponsors Gino Grimaldi gave an update on the Junior Track and Field Championships. This event is a partnership between the City of Springfield and Willamalane regarding the World Junior Championships that is being held at Hayward Track and Field. There will be 1,800 athletes from around the world participating in this event, aging from 16 to 20 years, some of whom will be in the next Olympics. This world class event was last held in 2012 in Barcelona, Spain. We want all the athletes, coaches and spectators to experience Springfield, Oregon, so we are hosting a brief concert at Island Park around July 20 or 21. This will be an opportunity for the world to see us and for our community to experience the world. Since the athletes are young, we will have age-appropriate entertainment, he said, and this should be a fun event. Springfield will sponsor a party with the theme “Welcome the International Athletes to Oregon”, said Bob Keefer, and this is a special privilege for Springfield. We are going to work with Umpqua Dairy and Dairy Mart to have free ice cream for the athletes. We may also ask members of TEAM Springfield and our local civic clubs to help serve the ice cream. This event will be free and we will invite the community. We haven’t decided on the entertainment, but we’ll plan something very good that the athletes will enjoy. We’re looking forward to this part of the event and we will try to do this on Monday, before the actual event on Tuesday and Wednesday. It will be early in the evening and will probably be over by 8:00 or 8:30 because the athletes have to get back to the University. LTD will provide transportation from the University here and back. Since the athletes will eat at the University before they come here, we are not planning to have a lot of food other than dessert. We’ll have a limited selection of food, he said, noting it will be more of a service and not really a fundraiser for anybody. We’re really excited about it, and it will be fun. When we met with the organizers, they wanted us to focus on the athletes and design the experience for them, said Bob Keefer, and our staff will be meeting with the organizers during the planning process for guidance on dos and don’ts. Our intent is to have this be a fun event for the athletes. B. Mayor’s Soccer Tournament / El Grito This event is scheduled for the first part of September, said Mayor Lundberg. We have been working around the U of O football schedule, so we will be setting a final date for El Grito (Spanish for the celebration of Mexico’s independence) and the Soccer Tournament a little later. This will be a 3-day event, starting on Friday and ending on Sunday. It is being held at Willamalane’s Sports Complex for part of the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then we will move to Springfield City Hall to do El Grito in the plaza where the fountain is located. This year our library services will participate and Willamalane has a TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 3 Attachment1, Page 3 of 13 big role in the downtown portion of the El Grito event. At our first El Grito event last year, we tried to figure out how to do this event, and this year will be a much more organized venue. All of the awards for the team winners of the Soccer Tournament will also be given out in the plaza. There will be more information to come. Our next committee meeting is February 6 at 3:00 p.m. Anyone who would like to participate on the committee is more than welcome to attend. This event is a reflection of our Latino Outreach and organizing a multicultural event with the help of the TEAM Springfield partners. Mayor Lundberg asked Seve Ghose to review the details of this event. Seve Ghose said this will be an adult soccer tournament that is open to 24 teams that will play on Friday night, all day on Saturday, and on Sunday morning. There is a fee of $300 per team, which is typical for tournaments of this size and scope. They have three games guaranteed and if they make it to the finals they have six games. The winning team receives $400 cash and the second-place team receives $200. The finals will be held early afternoon on Sunday and will culminate with the final trophy presentation in the plaza at City Hall at about 4:00 p.m. On Saturday, most of the day, we are also presenting, as part of our diversity outreach, the Carnaval Latino that our special events staff are hosting at Willamalane. This will be a good event to tie in with the Soccer Tournament. We will also have the stage in the plaza with some entertainers as part of the festivities for El Grito from 1:00-4:00 p.m. and culminating in the trophy presentation at 4:00 p.m. He also noted that the current title of “Mayor’s Soccer Tournament” is just a placeholder at this time. Jeff Towery said that he believed the original name was the “Mayor’s El Grito” and that the Soccer Tournament was added on as part of that festivity, so it wasn’t planned as the Mayor’s Soccer Tournament with El Grito added to it. Gary Ross recommended the current name for this event, the Mayor’s Soccer Tournament, is fine they way it is and recommended they concentrate on moving it forward and making it a successful event. After the event, we will have ample opportunity to discuss if it’s going to grow and become bigger, become more of a fixture, and would a different name be appropriate, he said. Greg James told Mayor Lundberg that he appreciated her leadership in multi-cultural outreach, and thanked her for the work she put in on this process for the Mayor’s Soccer Tournament and El Grito. C. Projects (Web Design, Promise Neighborhood, Mill Race) Web Design: Devon Ashbridge gave an update on the new TEAM Springfield website progress. We have purchased the URL, springfieldoregon.com. We plan to retain teamspringfield.org and use both URLs to point to the new website when it’s complete to help make it easier for people to find information about us, and make it easier to brand Springfield, Oregon. We are currently looking at website designers. When the CAOs met early in this process, we discussed what we wanted it to look like and decided it would be appropriate to focus on finding a local designer who could do what we needed to make it look successful. We did this because we felt it would reflect the spirit of TEAM Springfield more if we could get someone from Springfield who may be more invested in the community. Having a local designer that we can have access to gives us the ability to TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 4 Attachment1, Page 4 of 13 make adjustments to the website, as needed, in the future. We want to be able to adjust and shift the website as the priorities and needs of TEAM Springfield shift. We have interviewed two designers, one from Springfield and one from Eugene, and both are promising. Our next step is to look at their capabilities and determine which of these designers has the ability to make a successful website. Our goal is to create a website that not only gives information about TEAM Springfield, but also provides an easy link to the resources each agency has, and that our community has. We want to make it a hub for people who are either in the community already and looking for information or resources, or people considering moving to Springfield and/or starting a business here. We want the website to offer one-stop shopping and provide a base of communicating what our community is about. Promise Neighborhood: Jeff Towery said with the assistance of the chief elected officials (CEOs) and chief administrative officers (CAOs) over the course of the last several months, TEAM Springfield staff put together a well planned and well executed, but poorly attended, community outreach event in the fall to try to engage folks in the Promise Neighborhoods. We gathered what information we could from that effort and we continue to look for ways to engage the community in the Promise Neighborhoods area. He noted that at the staff level, there continue to be conversations about the appropriate next steps to do a Promise Neighborhoods project with TEAM Springfield partners. Mill Race: Bob Keefer referred to a wall map of the Mill Race. Although this is not a TEAM Springfield Mill Race project, it involves each agency in one way or another. Starting at Booth Kelly and the portion of the Mill Race that has been redone through the restoration work, there is an opportunity to build a path, install a water line, and do some storm water work in this area by Booth Kelly. Willamalane is looking at a project for a trailhead and a path; the City is involved in a storm water project for this summer. We are looking at contracting with the City’s consultants in order to work collaboratively to do Willalmalane’s project at the same time as the City’s project this spring, summer and probably into next year. In the next section, Springfield Utility Board will install a 24-inch water line over this year and next year, and by the end of summer or the first part of fall, they will have enough of that completed that we can come through as part of the Mill Race Path Project and do paving to have that portion available. In the meantime, Willamalane’s staff will be working on the entire plan for the path, including the part that runs through Agnes Stewart Middle School. We have an agreement with the Springfield School Board and Superintendent Hertica Martin to proceed with placing the bike path along Agnes Stewart. In the last few months, the School District was able to secure 12 acres at the corner of Jasper Road and 32nd Street so that we can have our south access back down to the Middle Fork Path. All four TEAM Springfield agencies are involved in one way or another and if everything comes together as planned, we will have a completed bike path by late summer or early fall of 2015. This is a great example of the synergy of our four agencies working cooperatively together, and as a result we are saving each other money, he said, and thanked the agencies. City Councillor Bob Brew said he would like to see TEAM Springfield celebrate this project when it is completed. TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 5 Attachment1, Page 5 of 13 2. RECENT ACTIVITIES A. City of Springfield and Lane County Approve Designation of Groundwater Resource Outside City Limits At the last TEAM Springfield, we talked about other on-going projects, said Jeff Nelson, and it was suggested that we talk about these projects at this meeting to update the elected officials. He introduced Gino Grimaldi to give an update on the Designation of Groundwater Resource Outside City Limits. Mr. Grimaldi said there was an issue that came up regarding our drinking water supply, which is important to both the City of Springfield and Springfield Utility Board. Lane County and the City were in discussions about moving the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), and there were concerns that moving the UGB would remove some of the protections that we have, or could have, on SUB’s wellheads. The City, Lane County, Springfield Utility Board, and various elected officials were involved in those discussions. There were a lot of interests that needed to be addressed, but everyone rolled up their sleeves and worked together to find a solution to this issue. As a result, about a week ago the Lane County Board of Commissioners took an important step when they designated the wellheads as a Goal Five Resource, which means we can apply protections to those wellheads. Although they have a few more things to do to wrap up that project, it was a great experience to see everyone working together, he said, and he acknowledged everyone’s efforts in the process. B. Property Purchase for Ridgeline Trail Bob Keefer referred to a wall map of the Ridgeline Trail Project. He explained that to make this project possible, there were properties that Willamalane needed to acquire. These purchases were made possible using their bond funds and with help from BPA, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Oregon Department of Forestry. The Ridgeline Trail Project is important to TEAM Springfield because all of the agencies are involved in this project in one way or another. C. Water Transmission Line to Serve New School Site Mr. Keefer referred to the site for the new Quartz Park School and noted that SUB and Willamalane have reserved portions of property outside the conservation areas for reservoir sites to help furnish water to this school when it is built. D. Acquisition of Easement for Water Transmission Line to Site for New Water Treatment Facility / STEM Grant / BPA Grant Mr. Keefer said that Willamalane is also working with SUB on the number of easements to be set aside for electrical transmission to make sure SUB has access to maintain and service that equipment. Willamalane is also working with the School District to find ways this area can be used as a learning lab for students. He also reported that the Hall Road will not only be a bike path, but a portion of it is scheduled to be a public street. TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 6 Attachment1, Page 6 of 13 So all these things are coming together because we worked together and the bond measure passed, said Mr. Keefer. And we are talking about a trail system we will build going east as far as possible along the federal forest BLM property. So when we look at the Ridgeline, having the hiking and mountain bike trails in there, plus preserving the forest and the viewshed and watershed of this area, this is a great attribute for our community. There are also some great cliffs up there, and rock quarries. This is going to be one of those areas we will be able to point to 20 years from now and know that we have something very special that will draw people here. Mr. Nelson reviewed a few additional updates. SUB has installed a 24-inch water line down the Bob Straub Parkway, he said. We are going to do another extension to the Quartz Park School site that is primarily to serve the balance of the Natron area as it develops. One of the benefits of the water reservoir sites that we are working on with Willamalane is that Quartz Park School will not need to have its own internal fire suppression system and to also serve the development in that area as well. Having access to those higher elevation sites on Willamalane’s property is critical for those water lines. SUB also acquired an easement from the School District in 2011 by SUB’s Thurston Wellfield to run from the wells and the potential future surface water intake to a treatment facility on 66th Street. Mr. Nelson noted that Stuart Perlmeter, coordinator of Springfield Public Schools’ Water and Energy Learning Lab (WELL) Project, recently made a video of the Springfield students taking water samples and working in the field as part of this project that is funded by a grant from SUB. The School District has also taken advantage of a grant opportunity from BPA allowing the WELL Project to include a hydroelectric component. And working with the University of Oregon, they have acquired a grant through Oregon Department of Energy to secure funding for science, technology, engineering and mathematics projects so that students can do hands-on work in these areas also. B R E A K -- 10 MINUTES 3. TOPICS TO BE DIRECTED BY ELECTED OFFICIALS / FACILITATOR STAN BILES Jeff Nelson introduced Stan Biles to facilitate the next part of the agenda. Mr. Biles thanked Jeff and said it was nice to see everyone again. He noted that a couple questions have been put forward by the planning team for discussion this morning. Staff will be taking notes to record everyone’s thoughts and ideas and any next steps that come out of this activity. To begin the process, Jeff Nelson made some opening comments to give some context for the two questions that the elected officials would be addressing. These questions came out of a discussion at the January 15 CEO/CAO meeting regarding the following: TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 7 Attachment1, Page 7 of 13 • What is the public’s perception of what TEAM Springfield does? • Are there more opportunities, not to add to what we are individually doing, but to integrate what we’re all doing more? • Referring to projects like Fiesta Latina where seed money was provided for more than one time to get them started, TEAM Springfield should provide more of a support role rather than trying to lead the way on all of the interests that folks have; they should encourage the leaders of these projects to get engaged, take off on their own and generate enough support outside of TEAM Springfield to sustain themselves. • Look for ways to get TEAM Springfield’s brand out there. • Update the Mission Statement/Bylaws document; have the document signed by the current CAOs or CEOs of TEAM Springfield. Gino Grimaldi added that when you look at the things TEAM Springfield does, the best things that we do are bringing the agencies together to work on projects that are already in our work plans. Although it is great when we come up with additional things, like when we bring our synergy together and create something better for the community. But are we taking full advantage of that? Are we creating an environment where we are talking enough so we can see where the things connect, and work on the things that “move the dial”? There are some things we do in government that doesn’t move the dial, but there are other things that are bigger that are all about making this community better for the citizens of Springfield, and they notice it. He didn’t feel it was necessarily important that people know who TEAM Springfield is as much as it is to hear people say, “Things are getting better, and I can see our agencies working together.” Mayor Lundberg agreed and said it’s not so much that TEAM Springfield has to have new projects as much as it is letting the community know we are working on projects together. And although the TEAM Springfield agencies can be working together on any one of those projects, we don’t identify to people who we are, so people may not even recognize what TEAM Springfield is as an entity. So, rather than having half-day meetings of all the members on a Saturday, perhaps we could plan to have smaller meetings with two agencies per meeting a couple three times a year. Somebody suggested that since the agencies all have regular meetings each month that, for example, the City and the School District could meet on a Monday night; and SUB and Willamalane could meet on a Wednesday night, because the respective Boards/City Council members meet on those evenings regularly already. And in those meetings, the agencies could focus on what those joint projects are that we are doing, and how we can do them better, discuss some of the issues or goals that are coming up on the other agency’s agendas and how we could partner better on those things rather than having separate projects. Then perhaps we can capitalize better on what we do and put our resources, time and energy together to come up with better community-wide projects. My hope at this meeting was that Stan Biles could help us to define where we want to go in terms of our agencies. Laurie Adams said that when TEAM Springfield was formed, they had talked about being able to come together and talk about what the agencies were doing so they could support one another, and we could get to know one another’s leaders of the community, and so we could just have conversation about what’s going on. At the beginning, it was never about doing projects, we just wanted to keep in contact with and help one another and supporting the projects that were going on. If we could spend some of the project money that we have on TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 8 Attachment1, Page 8 of 13 just promoting Springfield and how we support one another, that would be helpful and really good. As you look at TEAM Springfield right now, said Mr. Biles, what is working well? What are you taking pride in? What are you accomplishing? What do you feel good about? Below are responses from the elected officials for the following questions: A. What are we doing well as TEAM Springfield? • City transferred some property to SUB • Interagency communication and cooperation • The agencies elected leaders creating the culture of cooperation and working together • Collective impact on community • Supporting, communicating and advocating • Community pride comes from belief/feeling of cooperation • Advocacy for other TEAM Springfield partners • Collaboration • Set the tone for agencies’ collective action • Coordination and cooperation is an expectation • Can discuss opposing views and reach middle ground • Trust B. What can we do better? • Recognize uniqueness of TEAM Springfield • Don’t over-think, don’t change it too much • Have a vision statement of what TEAM Springfield does • Revise TEAM Springfield’s charter/mission/vision • Draft of a one-line mission statement: Together we share ideas, energy and resources to deliver projects that benefit our community • Celebrate TEAM Springfield • Annual photo of members • TEAM Springfield t-shirts • Do a better job of communicating TEAM Springfield, what you are doing, what you have done • Celebrating wins and successes • Acronym: Together Everyone Achieves More • Is there more we can do? • Is there something we can do better? • A short mission statement, i.e., “A collaboration of ideas, energy, and resources to benefit Springfield” located just under the masthead of the newsletter • Another idea for a shorter mission statement: “Working Together for Springfield” • Maintain agencies cooperation rather than competition with each other—spirit of cooperation TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 9 Attachment1, Page 9 of 13 • Maintain the norm; don’t make changes that are unintentionally counter-productive to what TEAM Springfield is and what it has done • Explain TEAM Springfield as a collaboration of partners, not a separate entity • Clearly identify the four partners 4. NEXT STEPS TO IMPLEMENTATION OF AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 / FACILITATOR STAN BILES • Get a group photo of the members • TEAM Springfield T-shirt • Review goals and align with what we do well and what we can do better • Move forward with intention of working as a partnership/team • Have a large (3’ x 6’, approximately) current aerial photo with coding of all public agencies’ facilities and identifying jurisdictional boundaries to use as a tool and to identify • Have a TEAM Springfield tagline, just three or four words • Consider how others view TEAM Springfield • Market the projects that TEAM Springfield is working on as they are happening • Improved communication on/perhaps have a Communication Banner on (1) what is TEAM Springfield?—do a better job of defining who TS is and getting that out through various lines of communication, and (2) doing a better job of communicating what TS is working on, especially successes • Have a special section in the TS newsletter for reporting successes, ways we’re coming together, and advertise what is coming up, expected events, complimenting team members, etc. • Share about TEAM Springfield in meetings held by other groups, i.e., League of Oregon Cities • Move the four TS agencies’ up into the logo of TEAM Springfield • Invite news media to TEAM Springfield meetings to get word out • TS members get word out • Consider if JEOs meeting just once this summer is effective with the social/meeting or should they look at their calendars and consider meeting before the July meeting • Suggestion: Elected officials meet before the July meeting to discuss/process these bullet points and bring back to the July meeting • Each partner needs to discuss with their board members where they want to go and bring that back to the whole group in July • Fine-tune bylaws • Mill Race can become the nexus, • a utilization plan for TS, not to finish it, but to be involved with it • Have a party for the city sponsored by TEAM Springfield • Suggestion: Coordinate meetings, have two boards meet on Mondays and the other two boards meet on Wednesdays, and do this before the July meeting rather than a full elected officials’ meeting before July—discuss at February CAOs’ meeting Mr. Biles thanked everyone for all their input. TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 10 Attachment1, Page 10 of 13 The consensus was to do the Agency Updates next and finish with the Meeting Debrief. 6. AGENCY UPDATES OR KEY ISSUE FOR 2014 A. City of Springfield -- Mayor Lundberg Mayor Lundberg said the City is going to put lighting in downtown Springfield this year, block by block. Main Street will look like A Street looks now. It will be nice and bright so people can spend time downtown in the evenings. Glenwood is moving along. We are going on our United Front trip to speak again about the importance of the Glenwood corridor and getting Franklin Boulevard finished. We annexed Franklin Boulevard and are going to start the design phase, so we will have some interesting conversations with the community regarding that project. We also have new developers who are interested in Glenwood. We are doing a Main Street corridor study to see what we can do to improve the Main Street corridor. It’s a state highway, it’s a freight corridor, it has lots of residents and schools, and is a very important arterial that runs the length of the city. We’re looking at the Urban Growth Boundary expansion for commercial/industrial, primarily industrial, and there are five areas throughout the community. We are putting pedestrian crossings with the bright yellow flashing HAWK lighting across Main Street in response to safety concerns. There is artwork going in downtown and for Gateway and more information will be available later. Al King asked about urban renewal, how can that help the School District be able to part of the improvements in the downtown core area. He thought that might be helpful to the School District. That is a good point, said Mayor Lundberg. Some of the very first urban renewal dollars that the City received went toward improvements for the School District’s downtown A3. There is a history of that cooperation, which is another example of TEAM Springfield’s partnership. Gino Grimaldi said that might be a good topic for a joint meeting. B. Springfield Public Schools -- Nancy Bigley Nancy Bigley said there will be a handout to attach to the minutes from this meeting about what is happening with the School District. She quickly touched on some of the high points: TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 11 Attachment1, Page 11 of 13 With Dr. Martin’s entrance into our School District, she has some advisory councils that she has established with parents, teachers, principals, and with students in the District so she can have them involved in decisions and sharing what is happening in the schools. We have kindergarten orientation coming up. We had the Hamlin Game of Life for elementary school students at Hamlin Middle School yesterday, which is a Chamber sponsored event. The Springfield Chamber has been involved with helping the School District keep its sights on what happens to students after they graduate from our schools. There was a Rotary presentation this week about that partnership and how much growth we’ve had with Springfield students going to the University of Oregon, which demonstrates how much Springfield cares about what happens to its students beyond their time at our schools. The numbers of Springfield students who have gone to the U of O have increased from 8 students in 2006 to 77 students this past fall. And there are also students who go to other Oregon Universities as well, but we don’t have those numbers. Another program that we have at Hamlin Middle School is called Campus Bound, another Chamber sponsored event, for students to spend a day at the college and we will have our second Campus Bound event this fall. The School District’s biggest priority at this time is its bond. We had a bond measure in November that did not pass and although we plan ahead, the School District still has a need. We are looking into why the bond did not pass, reviewing survey results and considering input from others who have some good advice and looking at all the data we have and formulating our next steps. If anyone has any ideas they would like to share with us on how to help the next bond measure pass, please contact us. We will also hold some community forums in the month of February to inform as well as gather public input, and this information will also be attached to these minutes. We have all-day kindergarten coming up and the School District needs space for those kids. As it is, we will have all-day kindergarten, but as it is now the space will be cramped and less than ideal for those kids to do some learning for the all-day kindergarten. The School District also has technology needs for infrastructure in our schools so we can start to teach in the 21st Century to our students and we are informing our community about those needs. And we also need the bond in order to update the School District’s facilities. For our bond measure going forward, we want to make sure we have our community involved and engaged and hear what they want . She noted that the bond request in November was a big request, which was part of the issue, although our needs have not gone away and we want to make sure there is an understanding about what the School District’s needs are. TEAM Springfield supports Gift of Literacy, and it is coming up again on May 30. The new volunteer coordinator for Gift of Literacy is Lisa Forten with Springfield Rotary and she will be contacting the members of TEAM Springfield to volunteer for this year’s event. Nancy also noted that TEAM Springfield is highlighted in a newsletter from the School District that is sent to all the families of first graders to know that TEAM Springfield has sponsored this event. There is a thank-you I The Register-Guard and the Springfield Times thanking TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 12 Attachment1, Page 12 of 13 you, and there’s a copy inside the book bag that was given to everyone today. There is also a banner hung at the event, it’s included in numerous slides, on T-shirts. TEAM Springfield is promoted as much as possible because we could not do this event without you. Thank you all very much for your support, she said. C. Springfield Utility Board -- Virginia Lauritsen Virginia Lauritsen said that SUB is very busy on its various treatment facilities. SUB has the best water in the country. However, due to the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, the State of Oregon requires that SUB’s water be treated to increase the pH. BPA is in the middle of its 2-year rate process. There are no electric retail rate changes planned for 2014. SUB is conducting a seismic analysis on its water facilities and will propose to incorporate a capital plan to address seismic issues in SUB’s overall capital plan. In March, SUB will attend the American Public Power Association along with other utility representatives to speak with our elected officials about public power. She referenced SUB’s electric and water rate comparison graphs. She said she has enjoyed the meeting today and all the comments from the members. D. Willamalane Park and Recreation District -- Anne Ballew Anne Ballew said that Willamalane has a new Deputy Superintendent, Seve Ghose, and a new Planning and Development Manager, Vincent Martorello. Regarding new properties, she referred to Ruff Park and the Magnolia Arboretum where Willamalane has added six acres. The Community Garden, which is actually the School District’s land, has 60 plots and is in the Game Farm Road area. Quartz Park, another example of good cooperation with the School District, she said. The Middle Fork Path that was being put together, Clearwater/Dorris Ranch, is done. New Activities out at the Willamette Center: An indoor driving range and two new bocce ball courts. Future Projects: The Mill Race Path, expansion of the multi-purpose fields, and Willamalane is looking into a way to put a bridge between Dorris Ranch and Buford Park. She also noted that with Willamalane’s $20 million bond fund, $8 million was spent acquiring properties. We have another $5 million coming up for acquiring the Thurston Ridgeline properties, and another $3.5 to $4 million to renovate the multi-purpose fields. Laurie Adams said she was very impressed with how well Willamalane is managing its bond funds. TEAM Springfield Minutes January 25, 2014 Page 13 Attachment1, Page 13 of 13 5. Meeting Debrief Jeff Nelson acknowledged Amy Sowa with the City and Judy Berra with SUB for making all the arrangements and setting up for this meeting. Mr. Nelson said he would like to ask for input at this time on what went well for this meeting and what could be done in the future to make it better and if the general updates at the beginning of the meeting were helpful. Everyone concurred that the updates at the beginning were helpful. Gary Ross said this was one of the better meetings they have had. Laurie Adams said she liked that they had the opportunity to converse with one another. In the past, the meetings have sometimes been so structured that if anyone were to go off schedule even a small amount, it would interfere with someone else’s time and there was no opportunity to just converse with one another. To me, that’s the power in this meeting; that’s what makes things good. Everyone also concurred that the venue space was good, food was good, they enjoyed the half-hour prior to the meeting to socialize. Mayor Lundberg said she felt that having a smaller, more intimate space gave the group a sense of being relaxed and able to have a conversation. Marilee Woodrow agreed with Laurie Adams, she liked that everyone had an opportunity to share, have conversation and talk about how much they liked TEAM Springfield and what they can do to keep it going. She felt like they were all a cheering team, and appreciated that. We are cheering what we’ve accomplished, and we’re cheering to go forward, she said. This was a very good meeting, and the format set it up to be a good meeting. Everyone thanked Jeff Nelson for doing a great job putting this meeting together. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Minutes Recorder: Judy Berra Attachment 2 Willamalane Center for Sports and Recreation, 250 S. 32nd St., Springfield OR 97478-6302 (541) 736-4544 | willamalane.org TO: TEAM Springfield Elected Officials and Chief Administrative Officers FROM: Bob Keefer DATE: March 6, 2014 SUBJECT: TEAM Springfield Tasks from JEO meeting The purpose of this memo is to provide you with a brief update from our discussions at the Joint Elected Officials meeting on January 25, 2014. In addition, the CAOs would like to hear any additional feedback the elected officials have regarding the meeting and future direction of TEAM Springfield. The TEAM Springfield CAOs met on February 20th at Willamalane Center. The primary agenda item focused on a review of the January 25, 2014 TEAM Springfield Joint Elected Officials meeting. Judy Berra (Executive Secretary for Jeff Nelson) provided the group with her draft notes from the JEO meeting. As we reviewed the notes, we identified a few immediate tasks that can and/or will be implemented over the next few months. The tasks are described below. The bolded sentences provide a brief update on the progress being made on the task. 1) Produce and distribute a large current aerial photo with coding of all public agencies’ facilities and which also identifies jurisdictional boundaries. The aerial photo/map could be used as a tool for strategic planning efforts associated with public facilities. Staff is already working on this. 2) Create a TEAM Springfield tagline, just three or four words that capture our collaborative efforts as a team to make Springfield better. Agency PIOs will be assigned to come up with some ideas. 3) Have a special section in the TS newsletter for reporting successes, ways we’re coming together, and advertise what is coming up, expected events, complimenting team members, etc. Use this effort to explain TEAM Springfield as a collaboration of partners, not a separate entity. Agency PIOs who prepare the newsletter will be responsible for moving this task forward. 4) Move the four TS agencies’ up into the logo of TEAM Springfield. Staff is moving ahead with this small change. The CAOs also agreed to have each agency complete their own review of the January 25th meeting and to gather comments and recommendations regarding the future direction of TEAM Springfield (projects, meetings, focus areas, collaborative/coordination efforts). Comments and recommendations will be reviewed at the March 19 CAOs’ meeting with follow-up discussions with the CEOs at the April 16 meeting. At the JEO meeting there was also some discussion about the possibility of having an additional meeting prior to the JEO meeting in July. Some thought was given to coordinate the additional meeting with existing meetings already scheduled by the agencies. Is there a need or desire to do this now? We look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions. Memo