HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Council Goal Setting Session AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/10/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Jeff Towery/CMO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 Estimated Time: 2.5 Hours S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL GOAL SETTING SESSION ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct annual goal setting session. ISSUE STATEMENT: This is the opportunity for Council to meet and discuss issues raised during one-on- one meetings with Stan Biles. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Memo from Stan Biles, Facilitator Attachment 2 – Council Briefing Memo – Goals Update DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Stan Biles met with each of the councilors individually to hear their ideas for Council goal setting. The Council will address two primary issues during the session. Item 1: Roles and Responsibilities for Mayor, Council President and Councilors. Discussion will be led by Mayor Lundberg and facilitated by Stan Biles. Item 2: Big Picture Proposals. Stan Biles will facilitate the discussion intended to result in the Council setting a new priority or priorities of significant magnitude. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2 MEMO TO: Springfield City Council Gino Grimaldi Jeff Towery FROM: Stan Biles RE: March 10 Council Meeting March 4, 2014 Thank you for taking the time to meet with me the past few weeks. I was impressed by the general interest in this meeting and a desire to make it productive. After reviewing my notes and conferring with the Mayor and Gino and Jeff an agenda has been developed with two central topics. The first will focus on the internal operations of the council. During this discussion I will ask you to share with one another many of the comments you made to me. I will ask you to identify what is working well now and should not be changed. I will then ask what is not working so well and why and what change(s) would enhance the effectiveness of your Council. In preparation for this discussion you may wish to consider the appropriate roles of leadership positions and non-leadership positions within the Council. I want to encourage the Council to insure that individually and collectively you are working at a high leadership level to drive the big improvements you wish to bring to your city. In some of my interviews I sensed a bit too much work on the details or the minutia of governance rather than high-level leadership. This discussion will allow all to express their views of the recent past and the future and achieve agreement on the best approach for your Council. The second agenda item will be a nomination and discussion of “Big Picture” proposals to help your city. Most of you indicated you wanted an opportunity to set a new priority or priorities of significant magnitude during this meeting. The word “Dream” came up more than once or twice. Economic recovery, the likelihood of an improving city financial condition, and the passage of time since the last opportunity for the Council to discuss some big ideas were the reasons stated in my interviews supporting an opportunity to share some big dreams for your city. Rather than a short term “project” the topics mentioned to me are multi-year and transformational in nature. They are not easy to do and not without some controversy. Examples mentioned to me were: • A new library • Large scale industrial and commercial economic development • Physical redevelopment of downtown • Significant improvement in the health of the community Attachment 1, Page 2 of 2 To prepare for this portion of the agenda I encourage you to review the results of last year’s meeting, specifically the five-year projects. Refer back to your campaigns for election and any visionary ideas you offered in those campaigns or ideas you received from others in the campaign process. Think about “hard” projects a city can do such as public works and parks infrastructure, as well as “soft” projects that enhance livability. Allow yourself to dream a little or a lot, unconstrained by financial challenges, inter-jurisdictional matters, or the crisis of the day. Great leaders have a dream and can turn that dream into reality despite many hurdles. It starts with taking the time to dream. During the second portion of this meeting you will have time to share your dreams with your colleagues and see if there is enough interest to authorize a next step. I look forward to facilitating your discussion on March 10. Stan Biles Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 1/21/2014 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Jeff Towery, Assistant City Manager BRIEFING Subject: COUNCIL GOALS CHECK-IN MEMORANDUM ISSUE: Last year the City Council conducted a Goal Setting session and established several short term goals. This session provides a progress report for the goals in advance of this year’s Goal Setting, scheduled for March 10, 2014. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel While Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality BACKGROUND: The Council set several goals and refined them in January and February of last year. The goals, work done to date and current status are provided below. One Year:  Explore incentives to encourage annexation of improved area developments just beyond the city boundary. (Council Direction: A work session will be scheduled to discuss this further). Current Status This item was discussed with Council Leadership in Agenda Review on 10/14/13. No Work Session has been scheduled. The Mayor and Councilor Wylie were supportive of the approach staff outlined to gather information from citizens about annexation. They left it up to staff to decide whether or not to start with one area at a time, or all areas. Council Leadership wanted to make sure those doing the survey have a map of the areas so they can see how the properties fit around those already annexed. They were interested in possible incentives for both residential and commercial properties. We will provide information about costs to annex; taxes paid and services provided without annexation compared to taxes paid and services provided with annexation. Provide them with a worksheet of costs and timelines. We need to know the gap to appropriately create incentives to address those gaps. Councilor Wylie would like to know the number of households in the affected areas and the number of those properties on service agreements. Staff will provide information about the plan in a Communication Packet. While pulling together information for the Communication Packet, staff found a discrepancy in the City Code regarding the requirement to hook up to sewer once annexed and will bring that issue to the Council during an upcoming Work Session. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 5  Identify two large (50 acres minimum) properties for near-term job development. Current Status The large property annexation is part of the work being done on the potential expansion of the urban growth boundary (UGB), also known as Springfield 2030. The Council did not request additional information or direct any work in addition to the ongoing project. Two Year:  Hold a city-wide cleanup event twice a year. (Council Direction: A work session will be scheduled to discuss this further). Current Status A Work Session was held on July 1, 2013. The Council consensus was to concentrate on graffiti abatement. Staff will develop a public private partnership plan intended to enlist a wide variety of volunteers and donors to support cleanup efforts. A program would be designed to identify sites for cleanup with the City acting as a coordinator and perhaps a participant in cleanup efforts. A kickoff event to publicize the program and conduct cleanup is anticipated for September, 2014.  Explore the viability of a local voter’s guide for Springfield. (Council Direction: A work session will be scheduled to discuss this further). Current Status A Work Session was held on November 25, 2013. The consensus of the Council indicated support for a local voters guide with preference for an online version. Based on the discussion and the amount of work to explore, it will likely be the next fiscal or calendar year before this could be ready rather than the 2014 Primary and a thorough review of statutes and requirements will be done prior to determining what should or should not be included. Three Year:  Complete a signature milestone in Glenwood such as NEPA process completion, engineering of Franklin Boulevard, or acquisition of right of way for Franklin realignment, etc. (Council Direction: Continue to with current work plan). Current Status An update on this project was included in the October 14, 2013 Communication Packet. In July 2012 the City, in partnership with ODOT, hired a consultant team (URS Corporation) to work with the City to complete the required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the Franklin Boulevard project. Phase 1 of the project is now complete. The deliverables from Phase 1 included a white paper with the following recommendations: • Realign the center of proposed improvements to widen equally on both sides of the existing right-of-way. • Further design refinements for the four intersections along the corridor (Glenwood Attachment 2, Page 3 of 5 Blvd., Henderson Ave., Mississippi Ave. and McVey Hwy.). • Complete detailed environmental resource documentation. • Look at how the widths of the various design elements, like travel lanes, can be reduced in an effort to avoid impacts. Phase 2 of the project is now under contract and work has begun. Phase 2 of the project will include: • Stakeholder and public involvement which includes but is not limited to: 1. Development of public involvement and communication plans. 2. Development of project website & functions (public comments and surveys). 3. Introduction of project to project area businesses and property owners. 4. Collection of employment data from area businesses. • Environmental data collection and analysis for right-of-way, land use and planning, socioeconomics, populations protected by Environmental Justice policies, wetlands and waterways, water quality, biological and threatened and endangered species, air quality, seismic conditions, and hazardous materials. • An updated conceptual level design of the multi-way boulevard/urban arterial hybrid corridor centered on the existing right-of-way. • Concept level cost estimates. • Meeting(s) with FHWA, FTA, Consultant, and City to help determine whether the project will be able to be considered a Categorical Exclusion (Cat-Ex) or if the project will need to proceed under an Environmental Assessment (EA). As part of the environmental scan, and related to public involvement in this Phase, a letter and a FAQ sheet has been sent out to employers and property owners of those employers in the Franklin NEPA study area to introduce this phase of the project and to gather employment data as part of assessing the project’s environmental impacts. A copy of the Project FAQ information sheet is attached. Phase 2 is expected to wind up by February 2014, including the meeting with FHWA and FTA to determine which NEPA documentation process will be required. The follow on Phase 3 will complete the required environmental process and public involvement. Phase 1, 2, and 3 of this project is scoped at $1.2 million and funded by a combination of Federal-Aid Surface Transportation Program - Urban (STP-U), Urban Renewal, Transportation Systems Development Charge, and Lane Transit District funding. Phase 1 of the project was $46,000 and the cost of phase 2 is $500,000. A total of $6 million in construction funding for the project is proposed in the 2013-2015 and 2016 – 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and expected to be approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) later this calendar year.  Develop long-term plan to phase out mobile home parks in Glenwood by offering replacement housing, counseling, and other options. (Council Direction: Work Session scheduled to discuss this further on February 25). Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 Current Status As a first step to this project, staff assembled data specific to park demographics in the Glenwood area. This data helps to generate a picture of structure size and ownership by each park, information that will important to understand should a park receive notification of closure. An update was presented to Council during the June 3rd Work Session. Staff then began meeting with area housing advocates to explore ideas regarding outreach to park residents. Advocates expressed caution against extensive outreach with no anticipated closures on the horizon but also expressed a strong desire to partner in any efforts moving forward. During the October 28th Council Work Session, staff proposed a partnership with the State of Oregon Housing and Community Services Department and South Willamette Valley Regional Solutions Team which would result in the formation of a statewide working taskforce charged with the responsibility of identifying and defining pertinent issues impacting residents and their needs and solutions. On November 8th at the South Willamette Valley Regional Solutions Team meeting, the Mayor and staff proposed the formation of a task force focused on issues related to mobile home park closures and topics. The proposal was approved, empowering Oregon Housing and Community Services staff to make the project a priority. City and State staff are now working together to assemble this task force and begin meeting regularly. At this time, no park closures are known or anticipated. Council Goals Removed during the February 4, 2013 Council Work Session: One Year: • Complete an intra-jurisdictional agreement to reduce system development charges to stimulate economic development. (Council Direction: Leave this to the Development Advisory Committee to continue to discuss and work through, and then bring back to Council at a later date). Current Status The Development Advisory Committee is actively reviewing a number of issues including methodology for System Development Charges. A Work Session(s) is anticipated for the spring of 2014. • Create a Springfield consortium of public and private interests to market our community. (Council Direction: TEAM Springfield goal) Current Status This goal was reviewed but not selected for further effort by the Team Springfield Joint Elected Officials. Attachment 2, Page 5 of 5 Two Year:  Move jail and police service off the levy. (Council Direction: Discuss this during the Budget process and bring back additional information during next year’s Goal Setting Session) Current Status The issue was addressed during the Budget Committee process and staff reported that means of eliminating the levies continue to be explored and that reviewing options to find another resource would occur as part of the planning for the next levy renewal in 2015.  Form a partnership with TEAM Springfield to host a downtown multicultural festival. (Council Direction: TEAM Springfield goal) Current Status The City worked with Team Springfield and community partners to hold the first El Grito event in Springfield last September. Planning is under way for the 2nd Annual El Grito event next year. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review the update and ask questions or provide direction as the Council desires. No action necessary.