HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Franklin Boulevard-McVay Highway Jurisdictional Transfer AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/24/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Tom Boyatt/ DPW Staff Phone No: 541-744-3373 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: FRANKLIN BOULEVARD – MCVAY HIGHWAY JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER ACTION REQUESTED: Review the current Franklin Blvd.-McVay Hwy. Jurisdictional Transfer offer from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and provide direction to staff. ISSUE STATEMENT: ODOT and City staff has been in intermittent jurisdictional transfer discussions for the past three years. Draft 2015 – 2018 STIP Enhance funding is now programmed for Franklin Phase 1 improvements, and ODOT and the City share a desire to affect a jurisdictional exchange of the Franklin/McVay corridor for the mutual benefit of both parties. ATTACHMENTS: 1: Map of Proposed Transfer Segment DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: ODOT has proposed to transfer Franklin Blvd. between the I-5 right of way on the west end and McVay Highway on the east end, along with McVay Highway from its intersection with Franklin Boulevard south to the bridge going over the railroad tracks. The transfer of this approximately 1.8 miles of roadway includes all existing right of way and transportation facilities within that right of way. The Springfield bridges over the Willamette would remain in ODOT ownership. There is no set formula for what constitutes a fair exchange, and generally these deals are made based on what each side in the negotiation perceives they can afford and the particular benefits of owning the facility. The state is motivated to transfer a state facility because of the reduction in future costs to maintain and improve the roadway in question. Springfield sees an interest in receiving money to operate and maintain the facility, as well as a desirable benefit in terms of design flexibility for future improvements, and/or operational flexibility that may not be allowed by the state’s policies and standards today. In this particular case ODOT is offering $3.2 million to the City to take jurisdiction of Franklin/McVay in Glenwood as noted above. Staff had asked for $3.4 million, $1.7 million for Franklin and the same for McVay. ODOT responded with $3 million, and eventually offered to split the difference. ODOT has also committed to lending strong support to any requests for state or federal funding to improve the corridor. Support of this kind cannot be underestimated in the scramble for scarce funding, as the City recently experienced with the $6 million placed in the Draft 2015-2018 STIP. Estimated annual cost to maintain the roadways is $100,000, and once the facility is improved that cost will change with increases due to the addition of functional drainage systems and improved landscaping and likely partial offsets from an improved travel facility. The increase in maintenance costs will depend on what is ultimately built. Pending construction of Phase II staff will recomm4end that the money be set aside in a reserve to leverage contributions to Phase II construction costs and for extraordinary maintenance Staff will be available at the work session to answer Council’s questions about this proposed transfer. Following Council direction, the state and the City may finalize the transfer agreement (IGA), which will then come back to Council in regular session for final approval. W i l l a m e t t e R. BR O O K L Y N A V E M I S S I S S I P P I A V E H E N D E R S O N A V E G L E N W O O D B L V D NU G G E T W A Y Mc V A Y H W Y S . F R A N K L I N B L V D / E 19TH AVE S. A S T MAIN S T FRANKLIN BLVD 5 Foot of RRoverpass Springfield UGB Franklin Blvd - McVayHwy segments proposedfor jurisdictional transfer T e chnical Ser v i c e s DivisionDevelopment & Public W o r k sFeb 2 0 14 There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 1/4 1/2 Mi.1/8 ATTACHMENT 1: AIS 02-24-14 WS DPW FRANKLIN - McVAY JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER