HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Franklin NEPA Project Update and Direction AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/24/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Tom Boyatt/Kristi Krueger/ Dave Reesor DPW Staff Phone No: 541-744-3373 Estimated Time: 45 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: FRANKLIN NEPA (PROJECT) UPDATE AND DIRECTION ACTION REQUESTED: Review updated Project information and provides staff direction regarding Project design and footprint prior to meeting with Federal Highways (FHWA) to discuss National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) classification (Categorical Exclusion-CE, Environmental Assessment-EA or Environmental Impact Statement- EIS). ISSUE STATEMENT: City’s consultant, URS Corp., has substantially completed Phase 2 work including refined intersection design, realignment of the facility to match existing center line, and draft environmental baseline reports. Staff will present the modified single line design concept and the associated Project footprint for Council review and direction in preparation for meeting with FHWA and ODOT to seek guidance for NEPA classification. The Project goal is to gain concurrence that the Project may proceed under the CE process. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Council Briefing Memo Attachment 2 – Annotated Project History Attachment 3 – 10/21/13 Communication Packet Update Memo Attachment 4 – Design Concept Iterations DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Based on the information presented in the suite of draft environmental baseline reports, as well as staff and LTD input, City’s consultant has prepared a revised Project design concept that will be the subject of Council review at the work session. The latest draft design iteration mitigates environmental impacts to the full extent possible without compromising the Project’s intended purpose to modernize Franklin Blvd. for all modes of travel and to contribute to successful redevelopment of the Glenwood riverfront area. As noted in Attachment 2, design concepts for Franklin Blvd. were considered in the 2002 Glenwood Specific Area Plan effort, revised in 2008 as a result of the Franklin Blvd. Study, and incorporated into the Glenwood Refinement Plan update. More recently, staff and URS Corp. have been working through an iterative environmental impacts/design refinement process to develop a draft design to take to FHWA in pursuit of federal concurrence for a Categorical Exclusion. This latest work effort was approved by Council in April 2013, with an update provided to Council via communication packet in October 2013. Input from the general public, businesses, property owners and other stakeholders has been an important part of getting to this point in the Project. Most recently, City and consultant staff met face to face with potentially impacted business and property owners within the Project Area to gather employment information and to establish personal communication between the City and these interested parties. Additional outreach will begin in earnest following this Council check-in. At the work session staff will review the design iterations and associated reduction in Project impacts and seek direction to move forward with FHWA. ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 2 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 2/24/2014 COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM To: Gino Grimaldi From: Len Goodwin, DPW Director Tom Boyatt, DPW Community Development Manager Subject: Franklin NEPA Update and Direction ISSUE: City’s consultant, URS Corp., has substantially completed Phase 2 work including refined intersection design, realignment of the facility to match existing center line, and draft environmental baseline reports. Staff will present the modified single line design concept and the associated Project footprint for Council review and direction in preparation for meeting with FHWA and ODOT to seek guidance for NEPA classification. The Project goal is to gain concurrence that the Project may proceed under the Categorical Exclusion process in the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities This important project to improve the Franklin Blvd. Corridor also leverages economic development and revitalization in the Glenwood Riverfront and Downtown, and promotes livability and environmental quality in Springfield. BACKGROUND: As described in Attachment 2 of this AIS packet, a project to upgrade Franklin Blvd. in Glenwood has been a City priority for many years. Phase 1 construction funding is now in the Draft 2015-2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and staff, with significant consultant assistance, is carefully navigating the NEPA process that must precede right of way acquisition and construction. Recent work has focused on developing the 15 or so required environmental baseline reports covering things like endangered species, historic and cultural resources and environmental justice, and then using that information and Council’s desire to minimize impacts to properties to develop project design. This has been an iterative process, and has achieved a measure of success in systematically reducing the project’s NEPA and business impacts. At the work session staff will review the design iteration process with Council and seek input on the latest design recommendation. Council’s agreement with a project design concept is necessary before staff can represent that design to Federal Highways (FHWA) in seeking a categorical exclusion under NEPA, as well as vet the design concept with the public, and in particular business and property owners who are likely to be impacted. Most projects to improve significant transportation systems or segments will have impacts to the existing physical environment. One of the key values in the development of the Franklin Blvd. upgrade continues to be finding the design solution that achieves the project’s purpose while avoiding impacts where possible. Because impacts will occur the City remains committed to working with business and property owners openly, honestly, and fairly; respecting the challenges of being impacted; and working with those impacted to find workable solutions such as business relocation or site reconfiguration. 2/20/2014 Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review the Franklin project development process and associated design refinements, and reach agreement on the design to represent to FHWA for the NEPA classification discussion in March. ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 1 Franklin Blvd. Improvement Annotated Project History • Next Steps: March 2014 – Meet with ODOT and FHWA for best read on NEPA (CE or EA?), begin focused public outreach with NEPA design concept. • February 2014 – Phase 2 sketch design and draft environmental baseline reports complete. Council check-in on project footprint and design elements prior to meeting with FHWA and ODOT in March for direction on possible CE. • October 2013 – Phase 2 issues reported to Council: alignment on existing centerline, intersection design and EmX, how to reduce project impacts. Initiated project outreach to businesses and property owners along corridor and within project area of influence per NEPA. • September 2013 – ODOT Region 2 ‘SuperACT’ agrees to fund phase 1 construction with $6 million in STIP Enhance dollars, City agrees to match with $3.6 million local dollars. Project construction now in draft STIP. • April 2013 – NEPA Phase 1 Scan complete, issues reported in white paper. Decision to move into Phase 2 and work to reduce impacts with further design refinements, complete draft environmental baseline reports, prepare for meeting with FHWA on NEPA classification (CE or EA?). • 2013 – Franklin Blvd. right of way annexed to the city limits, facility remains ODOT. • 2012 – Glenwood Riverfront Plan (Glenwood Refinement Plan Phase 1 update) approved, contains the Franklin project concept from the 2008 Study, and a larger project ‘envelope’. • 2012 – Council direction to pursue Categorical Exclusion (CE) with design refinements. • 2012 – ODOT IGA for Project NEPA documentation approved, consultant selected. • 2010/2011 – $1.2 million NEPA funding package secured: STP-U, SEDA, Transportation SDCs, LTD. • 2010 – Joint City of Springfield, City of Eugene, LTD and ODOT Franklin TIGER II grant submitted (not awarded). • 2010 – Franklin jurisdictional transfer dialogue begins. • 2009 – TIGER 1 application for NEPA, design and construction (not awarded). • 2009 – Council endorsement of Franklin Blvd. Study recommendation, directs staff to pursue funding and project development. • 2007/2008 – Conducted Franklin Blvd. Study with stakeholder involvement. • 2005 – STP-U Funding secured to further explore Franklin Blvd. improvement options. • 2002 – Glenwood Specific Area Plan proposes a “square about” or “double couplet” intersection for Franklin/McVay Hwy. Four traffic lights and separation between each direction both north/south and east/west. Long term Franklin cross section identified at over twice existing right of way. ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 2 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 10/14/2013 To: Gino Grimaldi COMMUNICATION PACKET MEMORANDUM From: Kristi Krueger, Principal Engineer Len Goodwin, DPW Director Subject: FRANKLIN NEPA UPDATE INFORMATION SHARE: This update is for your information. You may wish to share this with the Council by placing it in the Council Communication Packet In July 2012 the City, in partnership with ODOT, hired a consultant team (URS Corporation) to work with the City to complete the required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the Franklin Boulevard project. Phase 1 of the project is now complete. The deliverables from Phase 1 included a white paper with the following recommendations: • Realign the center of proposed improvements to widen equally on both sides of the existing right-of-way. • Further design refinements for the four intersections along the corridor (Glenwood Blvd., Henderson Ave., Mississippi Ave. and McVey Hwy.). • Complete detailed environmental resource documentation. • Look at how the widths of the various design elements, like travel lanes, can be reduced in an effort to avoid impacts. Phase 2 of the project is now under contract and work has begun. Phase 2 of the project will include: • Stakeholder and public involvement which includes but is not limited to: 1. Development of public involvement and communication plans. 2. Development of project website & functions (public comments and surveys). 3. Introduction of project to project area businesses and property owners. 4. Collection of employment data from area businesses. • Environmental data collection and analysis for right-of-way, land use and planning, socioeconomics, populations protected by Environmental Justice policies, wetlands and waterways, water quality, biological and threatened and endangered species, air quality, seismic conditions, and hazardous materials. • An updated conceptual level design of the multi-way boulevard/urban arterial hybrid corridor centered on the existing right-of-way. • Concept level cost estimates. • Meeting(s) with FHWA, FTA, Consultant, and City to help determine whether the project will be able to be considered a Categorical Exclusion (Cat-Ex) or if the project will need to proceed under an Environmental Assessment (EA). 2/20/2014 Page 2 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 2 of 2 As part of the environmental scan, and related to public involvement in this Phase, a letter and a FAQ sheet has been sent out to employers and property owners of those employers in the Franklin NEPA study area to introduce this phase of the project and to gather employment data as part of assessing the project’s environmental impacts. A copy of the Project FAQ information sheet is attached. Phase 2 is expected to wind up by February 2014, including the meeting with FHWA and FTA to determine which NEPA documentation process will be required. The follow on Phase 3 will complete the required environmental process and public involvement. Phase 1, 2, and 3 of this project is scoped at $1.2 million and funded by a combination of Federal-Aid Surface Transportation Program - Urban (STP-U), Urban Renewal, Transportation Systems Development Charge, and Lane Transit District funding. Phase 1 of the project was $46,000 and the cost of phase 2 is $500,000. A total of $6 million in construction funding for the project is proposed in the 2013-2015 and 2016 – 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and expected to be approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) later this calendar year. If you have questions or comments, please contact Kristi Krueger at 541-726-4584. ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 3 Oldham Crane Six Sac Self-Storage Corp Ol d h a m Cr a n e Va c a n t VacantVacant Big B F R A N K L I N B L V D GLENWOOD BLVD HENDERSON AVE 14 T H S T 17 T H S T 15TH ST EVA IPPISSISSIM TS DROCNOC TS NYLKOORB MCV AY H WYEVA NOTGNIXEL EVA ACENESLucky Dog Day and Night CareWillametteGraystone In t e r Ci t y In c . My r m o an d S o n s Cit y of Eugene, Regio nal Pump Sta ti o n Or e g o n Co n v e r t e r Co . La n e T r a n s i t Di s t r i c t Glenwood Flea Market t3 T e c h So l u t i o n s Signature Surfaces NW (Nugent Enterprises LLC) Em i l i o ' s Ba r b e r Sh o p Eugene Springfield Lock and Safe Co.Vacant A-American (pawn shop)Big B Tires Au t o m a t i c He a t / E u g e n e He a t i n g , I n c . Monroe Motors R& S Ou t d o o r Su p p l y Ac e Tr a d i n g Co . Br o o k s Au t o Pa r t s Goofy's Mufflers Su i t e s ruc t i o n ) Washington Auto Services, Inc.Ramsey-Waite Co.(power equipment)U-HaulVacantThabetManagementOperationsCastle Rock Auto LLC Residence (Duplex)DariMart Turn Key RV Rentals,Inc.Vacant Sc o t h o r n Au t o Re p a i r Ce n t r a l Va l l e y Cy c l e Westside Classic Buicks Un i v e r s i t y Mo t o r P o o l Action Surplus CampPutt Adventure GolfParkRoaringRapidsPizzaResidence(50 Mobile Homes)Vacant Planned P arenthood of Southwestern Oregon St o v e T e c Buy 2 (convenience store) Gl e n w o o d Ap p l i a n c e C& M P u m p Budget Self Storage Eye Beam Event Services Bring RecyclingCashKingBig BResidence (5 apartments)Vacant Su m m e r s C a r C o . / Su m m e r s In v e s t m e n t s I n c . No r t h w e s t Au t o G r o u p At Y o u r S e r v i c e Na t i o n a l Ph o t o c o p y Co r p . Dr e s s 2 Im p r e s s Kn e z B u i l d i n g Ma t e r i a l s I 0 25 0 50 0 75 0 1, 0 0 0 12 5 Fe e t Co n c e p t u a l D e s i g n R i g h t o f W a y B o u n d a r y Ri g h t o f W a y I m p a c t s Bu i l d i n g i n R . O . W . , B u s i n e s s D i s p l a c e m e n t Lo s s o f A c c e s s o r P a r k i n g , B u s i n e s s D i s p l a c e m e n t Bu i l d i n g i n R . O . W . , B u s i n e s s N o t D i s p l a c e d Bu i l d i n g a n d f r o n t l a n d s c a p i n g c o n s i d e r e d e l i g i b l e fo r t h e N a t i o n a l R e g i s t e r o f H i s t o r i c P l a c e s , pe n d i n g O D O T a n d S H P O r e v i e w . DRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDDDDDRR AARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAR16 ’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 7 ’ 1 6 ’ 1 0 ’ 7’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 16 ’ 10 ’Sidewalk Median Buffered Bike Lane Travel Lane Travel Lane Median Travel Lane Travel Lane Buffered Bike Lane Median Sidewalk DRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDDDDDRRAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAR16’11.5’11.5’7’17’12’14’10’7’11.5’11.5’16’10’SidewalkMedianBuffered Bike LaneTravel LaneTravel LaneMedianTravel LaneTravel LaneBuffered Bike LaneMedianAccess LaneAngled ParkingSidewalkDRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDDDDDRRAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAR16’11.5’11.5’7’17’12’14’10’7’12’11.5’11.5’17’7’10’SidewalkParallel ParkingAccess LaneMedianBuffered Bike LaneTravel LaneTravel LaneMedianTravel LaneTravel LaneBuffered Bike LaneMedianAccess LaneAngled ParkingSidewalk He n d e r s o n A v e t o G l e n w o o d B l v d C r o s s S e c t i o n Mississippi Ave to Henderson Ave Cross SectionMcVay Hwy to Mississippi Ave Cross Section ATTACHMENT 4 Page 2 of 3 OldhamCrane Six Sac Self-Storage Corp Ol d h a m Cr a n e Va c a n t VacantVacant Big B F R A N K L I N B L V D GLENWOOD BLVD HENDERSON AVE 14 T H S T 17 T H S T 15TH ST MISSISSIPPI AVE CONCORD ST BROOKLYN STMCVAY HWYLEXINGTON AVE SENECA AVELucky DogDay and Night CareWillametteGraystone Sh a r e d A c c e s s t o S t o v e T e c , Or e g o n C o n v e r t e r C o . , a n d Kn e z B u i l d i n g M a t e r i a l s Sh a r e d A c c e s s t o W i l l a m e t t e G r a y s t o n e , Ce n t r a l V a l l e y C y c l e , I n t e r C i t y I n c . , a n d Dr e s s 2 I m p r e s s Bu i l d i n g a n d f r o n t l a n d s c a p i n g c o n s i d e r e d e l i g i b l e fo r t h e N a t i o n a l R e g i s t e r o f H i s t o r i c P l a c e s , pe n d i n g O D O T a n d S H P O r e v i e w . In t e r Ci t y In c . My r m o an d S o n s Cit y of Eugene, Regional PumpSta ti o n Or e g o n Co n v e r t e r Co . La n e T r a n s i t Dis t r i c t Glenwood Flea Market t3 T e c h So l u t i o n s Signature Surfaces NW(Nugent Enterprises LLC) Em i l i o ' s Ba r b e r Sh o p Eugene SpringfieldLock and Safe Co.Vacant A-American (pawn shop)Big B Tires Au t o m a t i c He a t / E u g e n e He a t i n g , I n c . Monroe Motors R& S Ou t d o o r Su p p l y Ac e Tr a d i n g Co . Br o o k s Au t o Pa r t s Goofy's Mufflers Su i t e s ruc t i o n ) Washington Auto Services, Inc.Ramsey-Waite Co.(power equipment)U-HaulVacantThabetManagementOperationsCastle Rock Auto LLC Residence (Duplex)DariMart Turn Key RVRentals,Inc.Vacant Sc o t h o r n Au t o Re p a i r Ce n t r a l Va l l e y Cy c l e Westside Classic Buicks Un i v e r s i t y Mo t o r P o o l ActionSurplus CampPutt Adventure GolfParkRoaringRapidsPizzaResidence(50 MobileHomes)Vacant Planned Parenth ood of South weste rn Oregon St o v e T e c Buy 2(convenience store) Gle n w o o d Ap p l i a n c e C& M P u m p Budget Self Storage Eye BeamEventServices Bring RecyclingCashKingBig BResidence (5apartments)Vacant Su m m e r s C a r C o . / Su m m e r s In v e s t m e n t s I n c . No r t h w e s t Au t o G r o u p At Y o u r S e r v i c e Na t i o n a l Ph o t o c o p y Co r p . Dr e s s 2 Im p r e s s Kn e z B u i l d i n g Ma t e r i a l s I 0 25 0 50 0 75 0 1, 0 0 0 12 5 Fe e t 1/23/2014 Ri g h t o f W a y I m p a c t s - 1 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 4 Bu i l d i n g i n R . O . W . , B u s i n e s s D i s p l a c e m e n t Lo s s o f A c c e s s o r P a r k i n g , B u s i n e s s D i s p l a c e m e n t Bu i l d i n g i n R . O . W . , B u s i n e s s N o t D i s p l a c e d Re v i s e d C o n c e p t u a l D e s i g n R i g h t o f W a y B o u n d a r y Residence (4 apartments) ME D I A N SI D E W A L K BU S P U L L O U T M E D I A N S I D E W A L K BU S P U L L O U T BU S S T O P BU S S T O P BIK E L A N E BIK E L A N E BI K E L A N E GLENWOOD BLVD ME D I A N MEDIANACCESS LANEPARKING SI D E W A L K SI D E W A L K SIDEWALK BIK E L A N E BI K E L A N E BIKE LANEBIKE LANESIDEWALK HENDERSON AVE ACCESS LANEPARKINGMEDIAN MEDIANSIDEWALKSIDEWALK MISSISSIPPI AVEBIKE LANE BIKE LANEBIKE LANE BUS STOPBUS PULLOUTBUS STOPBUS PULLOUTSIDEWALKPARKINGACCESS LANE BIKE LANE SIDEWALK MCVAY HWYBUS PULLOUTBUS STOPMEDIAN BUS PULLOUT BUS STOP DRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDDDDDRR AARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAR16 ’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 7 ’ 1 6 ’ 1 0 ’ 7’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 1 1 . 5 ’ 16 ’ 10 ’Sidewalk Median Buffered Bike Lane Travel Lane Travel Lane Median Travel Lane Travel Lane Buffered Bike Lane Median Sidewalk DRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDDDDDRRAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAR16’11.5’11.5’7’17’12’14’10’7’11.5’11.5’16’10’SidewalkMedianBuffered Bike LaneTravel LaneTravel LaneMedianTravel LaneTravel LaneBuffered Bike LaneMedianAccess LaneAngled ParkingSidewalkDRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDDDDDRRAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAR16’11.5’11.5’7’17’12’14’10’7’12’11.5’11.5’17’7’10’SidewalkParallel ParkingAccess LaneMedianBuffered Bike LaneTravel LaneTravel LaneMedianTravel LaneTravel LaneBuffered Bike LaneMedianAccess LaneParallel ParkingSidewalk MMMoMoMo He n d e r s o n A v e t o G l e n w o o d B l v d C r o s s S e c t i o n Mississippi Ave to Henderson Ave Cross SectionMcVay Hwy to Mississippi Ave Cross Section McVay Hwy RoundaboutsMcVay Hwy Roundabouts Henderson Ave Roundabout Gl e n w o o d B l v d R o u n d a b o u t ATTACHMENT 4 Page 3 of 3