HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/2014 RegularMINUTES OF THE JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, AND LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014 A joint elected officials meeting with the City of Springfield and Lane County was held in the Library Meeting Room, Springfield City Hall, 225 5`h Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 at 6 ;00pm with Mayor Christine Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Mayor Lundberg opened the meeting of the Springfield City Council. Board Chair Farr opened the meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Present from Springfield were Mayor Christine Lundberg and Councilors Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Brew. Councilors VanGordon and Wylie were absent (excused). Springfield City Manager Gino Grimaldi and other Springfield staff were also present. Present from Lane County were Board Chair Farr and Commissioners Leiken, Stewart and Sorenson. Commissioner Bozievich was absent (excused). Lane County Associate Planner Sarah Wilkinson and other Lane County staff were also present. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) Adoption. Springfield Transportation Planner David Reesor introduced Lane County Associate Planner Sarah Wilkinson. City Manager Gino Grimaldi read the ordinance for the City of Springfield. ORDINANCE NO. 1 — AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2035 SPRINGFIELD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN (TSP) AS A REFINEMENT PLAN OF THE EUGENE - SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE AREA OF PLANNING JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE (FIRST READING). Board Chair Farr read the ordinance for Lane County. ORDINANCE NO. PA -1301 IN THE MATTER OF CO- ADOPTING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 2035 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE URBANIZABLE AREA OUTSIDE THE SPRINGFIELD CITY LIMITS BUT WITHIN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY AND ADOPTING A SAVINGS AND SEVER-ABILITY CLAUSE (SECOND READING). Mr. Reesor referred to the draft of the Springfield Transportation System Plan and supporting volumes that were included in the agenda packet. After an in -depth and thorough planning process, the Springfield 2035 TSP was now ready for a public hearing and a final review by the City Council. On September 3 `d, 2013, the attached draft Plan was recommended for approval by both the Technical February 4, 2014 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Public Hearing City of Springfield Lane County Page 2 of 3 Advisory Committee (TAC) and Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC). On December 18`", 2013, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft TSP and recommended approval. This was the City Council's first public hearing and reading of the draft ordinance adopting the Springfield TSP. The County was asked to co -adopt this Plan because of unincorporated land within Springfield's urban growth boundary that fell into the County's purview. The Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) provided a 20 -year blueprint for how the City should maintain and improve the transportation network to meet growth demands within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). Upon adoption, this Springfield 2035 TSP would replace TransPlan (amended 2002) as Springfield's local TSP. Until now, TransPlan had served as the adopted TSP for both Eugene and Springfield. In 2006, House Bill 3337 passed requiring the two cities to develop separate UGBs. With separate UGBs, the State of Oregon's Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) required that Springfield and Eugene develop city- specific TSPs. Once adopted, the TSP would supersede TransPlan as the City's specific transportation refinement plan of the Eugene - Springfield Comprehensive General Plan (Metro Plan) insofar as it affected Springfield and the Springfield UGB. Staff prepared findings confirming that the TSP was consistent with the Metro Plan. TransPlan would remain as the region's Regional Transportation System Plan (RTSP) until such time as a new RTSP, now in preparation, was adopted by the partner jurisdictions. As part of the staff report, staff prepared findings confirming that the TSP was consistent with TransPlan. Volume I of the TSP contained the draft document proposed to be officially adopted as the new Springfield 2035 TSP. The subsequent volumes, 2 and 3, provided appendices which supported the Plan, but would not be officially adopted. Staff made some minor, non - substantive edits to the previous draft Plan reviewed by the City Council at the October 4h, 2013 work session. A "track change" version of these edits was available upon request. Some minor edits were also proposed to the Chapter 2 Action Items, adding text to further support Springfield School District's Safe Routes to School program. Those were shown in red font in this TSP draft. Mr. Reeser said during the public hearing before the Planning Commission on December 18, 2013, comments were received from the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). Since that time, staff had bolstered some of the findings that were noted in the draft document. Since those changes were made, staff from the City, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and DLCD had met and would be working to further bolster the findings. They were working cooperatively with DLCD to address their concerns. In order to allow time to address those concerns, staff made a formal request to continue the public hearing to March 11, 2014. Schedules had been coordinated with County staff for that date. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing for the Springfield City Council Chair Farr opened the public hearing for Lane County. No one appeared to speak. February 4, 2014 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Public Hearing City of Springfield Lane County Page 3 of 3 IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BREW TO KEEP THE PUBLIC HEARING AND PUBLIC RECORD OPEN UNTIL MARCH 11, 2014. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (2 ABSENT — WYLIE AND VANGORDON). IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER STEWART WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER LEIKEN TO APPROVE THE SECOND READING FOR ORDINANCE NO. PA- 1303 AND SET THE THIRD READING AND CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO MARCH 11, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M. AT THE GOODSON ROOM AT LANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS, 3040 NORTH DELTA HIGHWAY, EUGENE, OREGON. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT — BOZIEVICH). Board Member Stewart asked if the February 18, 2014 date for this topic was still needed. Mr. Reesor said that meeting had been rescheduled to the March l l'� date. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lundberg thanked the County Commissioners for coming to the meeting and adjourned the Springfield City Council at 6:09 p.m. Board Chair Farr recessed the County Commissioners at 6:09 p.m. and said they would reconvene in Executive Session tomorrow (Wednesday, February 5) in the Public Safety Building Conference Room. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa City Recorder Attest: .li. . I� Christine L. LutWerg Mayor