HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2014-05 02/03/2014CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FY 2013.2014 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -05 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General, Street, Special Revenue, Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project, Regional Wastewater Capital, Street Capital, Sanitary Sewer Operations, Regional Wastewater, Ambulance, Storm Drainage Operations, Insurance, and Vehicle & Equipment Funds. WHEREAS, the 2013 -2014 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 2013 -10 dated June 17, 2013; and, WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting; and, WHEREAS, this supplemental Budget #3 as amended by Supplemental Budget #2 Resolutions #14 -01, as amended by Supplemental Budget #1 Resolution #13.16, for the 2013 -2014 fiscal year, amends Resolution #13 -10. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 1. Resolution 2014 -01 is hereby adjusted as follows: General - Fund 100 Resources Requirements Miscellaneous Receipts $ 2,000 Operating Expenses: Planning Fees 22,189 Development & Public Works $ 32,189 State Conflagration Funds 6,401 Fire & Life Safety 443,401 Total Operating Expense $ 475,590 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (445,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ 30,590 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 30,590 Comments: Fire & Life Safety request General Fund reserves to cover increase projected cost of overtime and to cover cost associated with retirement payouts of personnel. Recognizes projected increase in Planning Fees and allows for additional planning staff time. Allows use of reserves to fund Comprehensive Planning staff to respond to Council direction to research the WASHBURN District zoning. Accept reimbursement from State Conflagration for personnel responding to Government Flats Complex Fire and from Jerry's Home Improvement Center for F &LS participating in Jerry's Safety Day activities. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 4 Street- Fund 201 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ 43,028 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (43,028) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request reallocates infrastructure planner personnel services budget into appropriate fund which will allow the Development & Public Works department to track time spent on infrastructure planning. Reduces personnel costs in utility funds and increases costs in transportation. Special Revenue - Fund 204 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 7,177 Operating Expenses: State Homeland Security Grant 31,700 Development & Public Works $ 31,700 Library 7,177 Total Operating Expense $ 38,877 Total Resources Adjustments $ 38,877 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 38,877 Comments: Accept funds from State Homeland Security Grant which will used to purchase a computer system that will operate the OPS Center Emergency management program and recognizes the Child Services Improvement Grant and allocates funds for program expense. Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project - Fund 412 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ - Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (171,755) Capital Projects 171,755 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Re- appropriates funds for Odorous Air Treatment II budgeted for but not completed in FY13. Request carryovers committed funds into current year FY14. Regional Wastewater Capital - Fund 433 Resources Requirements Claims Recovery $ 168,665 Operating Expenses: Transfer from Fund 612 320,000 Development & Public Works $ 320,000 Capital Projects 168,665 Total Resources Adjustments $ 488,665 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 488,665 Comments: Request transfer budget from Regional Wastewater Capital Fund to Regional Wastewater Fund for the replacement of the Willakenzie pump station discharge valves. Recognizes settlement related to Primary Sludge Thickening project's claim recovery. Both approved by Commission MWMC Resolution X13 -10, Attachment 2 Page 2 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -05 Street Capital - Fund 434 Resources Requirements $ - Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (50,000) Capital Projects 50,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Funds allow city staff to proceed with the installation of a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) pedestrian crossing on 58th Street at Thurston High School. Local Wastewater Operations - Fund 611 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (21,514) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 21,514 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request reallocates infrastructure planner personnel services budget into appropriate fund which will allow the Development & Public Works department to track time spent on infrastructure planning. Reduces personnel costs in utility funds and increases costs in transportation. Regional Wastewater - Fund 612 Resources - Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (320,000) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 320,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request transfer budget from Regional Wastewater Capital Fund to Regional Wastewater Fund for the replacement of the Willakenzie pump station discharge valves. Approved by Commission MWMC Resolution #13 -10. Ambulance - Fund 615 Resources Requirements Springfield Pinpoint $ 170,000 Operating Expenses: Firemed Donations 50,000 Fire & Life Safety $ 229,000 Equipment Sales 9,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 229,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 229,000 Comments: Recognize an increase in Ambulance Fund's projected revenue and increase ambulance operations overtime expense. Accept donation from estate of Anne E. Michaelson and recognizes sale of surplus equipment; increases program expense to allow spending of funds in current budget year. Attachment 2 Page 3 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -05 Storm Drainage Operations - Fund 617 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (21,514) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 21,514 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request reallocates infrastructure planner personnel services budget into appropriate fund which will allow the Development & Public Works department to track time spent on infrastructure planning. Reduces personnel costs in utility funds and increases costs in transportation. Insurance - Fund 707 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ - Operating Expenses: Human Resources $ 30,000 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (30,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request funds a one year limited duration clerical position for Human Resources and Finance department. Vehicle & Equipment - Fund 713 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ 25,000 Human Resources 1,000 Total Operating Expense $ 26,000 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (26,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request appropriates funds for replace of 1970 International sander with anew sander unit that will be mounted on an existing chassis. Allocates funds from HR equipment replacement reserves for purchase of new computer. Total Resources Adjustments $ 787,132 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 787,132 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. 3rd Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 7th day of February, 2014, by a vote of 4 for and 0 against. (2 absent) Attest: 11, Mayor Christine L Lund er City Re rder Amy Sawa Attachment 2 REVIEWED & APPROVED ASTQFO''d DATE: Z OFFICE OF CITY A TORNEY Page 4 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -05