HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2014-1-31 SPRINGFIELD- 225 Fifth St CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Springfeld,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 OREGON Building / Residential Permit Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2013-01466 www.springfield-or.gov permitcenter @springfield-or.gov PROJECT STATUS: Issued ISSUED: 01/31/2014 EXPIRES: 07/30/2014 STATUS DATE: 01/31/2014 APPLIED: 06/28/2013 SITE ADDRESS: 6428 Dogwood ST,Springfield,OR 97477 SCOPE: Single Family Residence ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1702344301100 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: STR-Single family residence • OWNER: THOMAS WALTER CUSTOM HOMES LLC _ 'Phone Number: 541-683-6355 ADDRESS: 2863 RIVERWALK LOOP 1}' -EUGENE OR 97401 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION • Contractor Type Contractor Name Lic Type Lic No Lic Exp Phone Electrical Contractor STEVEN EDWARD HAUCK II CCB 147618 04/30/2015 541-221-2665 Plumbing Contractor T 8 S PLUMBING INC • CCB 186903 06/01/2015 541-915-1000 General Contractor THOMAS WALTER CUSTOM HOMES INC CCB 192984 02/02/2015 541-683-6355 Mechanical Contractor THOMAS WALTER CUSTOM HOMES INC CCB 192984 02/02/2015 541-683-6355 L INSPECTIONS REQUIRED Inspections . 1020 Zoning Setbacks 1090 Street Trees _ 1110 Footing Footing: After trenches are excavated. 1118 Footing Drain 1120 Foundation Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. 1160 UFER Ground Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. 1220 Underfloor framing 1260 Framing Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. 1410 Underfloor insulation 1420 Insulation Vapor Barrier • . 1430 Insulation Wall Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. 1440 Insulation Ceiling Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. 1530 Exterior Shearwall - 1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall Drywall: Prior to taping. Lath/Plaster: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior are in place,but prior to_plastering,, „ir" vnu to 1999 Final Building Final Building: After all required OW rule s,have.been�requested andtap'p�oved and NOTICE: the building is complete. 1011oW fion outer. T r Notification Center. Those rules are set forth THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK • in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by • COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR calling the center. (Note: the telephone sp""gHIV rad°orJPUA'Y PERIOD. 1/31/2014 11:39:48AM umber for the Oregon Utility Notification Page e 1 oft Center is 1-800-332-2344). SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CA' ^'�b , 225 Fifth St {y ,ay, TRANSACTION RECEIPT Springfield,OR 97477 ';""OREGON 541-726-3753 811-SPR2013-01466 • www.springfield-or.gov 6428 Doawood ST permitcenter spnngtield-or.gov RECEIPT NO: 2014000206 RECORD NO:811 SPR2013-01466 DATE:01./31/2014 lU 3 zi112 kCo5; �;- .r ;-.�.'sr ,,_ ;, ,�v-'1y, r„ 1; `_ACCOUNT,CODE TR 4NS CODE IL-.L∎ Y L AMOUNT DUE t State of Oregon Surcharge(12%of applicable fees) 821-00000-215004 1099 188.65 Technology fee(5%of permit total) 100-00000-425605 2099 80.71 Willamalane fees-Single family detached 821-00000-215023 . 1074 3,278.31 TOTAL DUE: 3,547.67 tEPAYMENTOM E 'PAYOR CA SNIERaCCARPENTER COMMENTS AMOUNTAPi Check THOMAS WALTER CUSTOM HOMES 3,547.67 11828 TOTAL PAID: 3,547.67 • • SPRINGFIELD--' - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St 1 It. . TRANSACTION RECEIPT Spnngfield,OR97477 OREGON 1'''A 541-726-3753 811-SPR2013-01466 www.springfield-or.gov 6428 Dogwood ST permitcenter @springfield-or.gov RECEIPT NO: 2014000202 RECORD NO:811-SPR2013-01466 DATE:01/31/2014 IDESCRIPTION W ACCOUNT CODEITRAN$CODE" ' A M OUNT DUE-.;] Address Assignment,each new or change 224-00000-425602 1020 42.00 Curb Cut/Driveway 1st Cut 201-00000-428060 1141 102.00 Planning-Major Review-City 100-00000-425002 1231 211.09 Residential Fire(.05 Per Sq Foot) 100-00000-424005 9111 171.60 SDC:Administrative Fee-MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC 611-00000-426604 1189 10.00 SDC: Compliance Cost-MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC • 444-00000-426607 1113 22.61 SDC: Improvement-Transportation SDC 447-00000-448027 1174 955.32 • SDC: Improvement Cost-Local Wastewater 443-00000-448025 1184 1,017.12 _ SDC: Improvement Cost-MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC 445-00000-448025 1187 1,392.04 SDC: Improvement Cost-Storm Drainage 440-00000-448028 1176 593.12 SDC: Reimbursement-Transportation SDC 446-00000-448026 1173 . 262.11 SDC: Reimbursement Cost-Local Wastewater 442-00000-448024 1183 2,083.97 SDC: Reimbursement Cost-MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC 444-00000-448024 1186 108.14 SDC: Reimbursement Cost-Storm Drainage 441-00000-448029 1177 407.16 SDC:Total MWMC Administration Fee—Local 719-00000-426604 1121 76.64 SDC:Total Sewer Administration Fee 719-00000-426604 1175 155.05 SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee 719-00000-426604 1180 50.01 SDC:Total Transportation Administration Fee 719-00000-426604 1190 60.87 Second Permit Discount 201-00000-428060 1148 67.00 Structural Building Permit Fee 224-00000-425602 1002 1,572.10 Technology fee(5%lof permit total) 100-00000-425605 2099 8.45 Willamalane fees-Single family detached 821-00000-215023 1074 131.69 TOTAL DUE: 9,500.00 L!PAYMENT TYPE '','PAYOR. CASHIER:CCARPENTER-''`: COMMENTS - at„r` = AMOUNT PAID . .-;..' .,:j Credit Card THOMAS WALTER CUSTOM HOMES 9,500.00 00723g TOTAL PAID: 9,500.00 • • SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St L kEGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT Spnngfield,OR 97477 541-726-3753 811-SPR2013-01466 www.spnngfield-or.gov 6428 Dogwood ST permitcenteragspringfield-or.gov RECEIPT NO: 2013001387 RECORD NO:811-SPR2013-01466 DATE:06/28/2013 1 0' S..,4 _==tea x. _ ACCOUNTCODEITRANS.CODC t AMOUNTDUE Structural Plan Review Fee Residential 224-00000-425602 1061 1,021.87 TOTAL DUE: 1,021.87 P,AYMENI YP.E PAYOR cnsNle2.oeowtti - COMMENTS AMOUNTaP41_D Credit Card thomas welter 1,021.87 06569z TOTAL PAID: 1,021.87 • Structural Permit Application SPRINGFIELD 6-.LpFF.Ati-Et..,,ncrip.,g,,pyi_:yg n.„.7i,;-4-Titana.-Yatf:.5.-tritew.a:ai.:-.7tvitimgclaec:i6TcswWWW-iWi5tia.351 -±! '"' ii-A-ssi4tivelT;WOFT; PRINCIFIELIAOREGONe,AA-coMV-c---qE4-4,51:2' ,c --tri Permit no g ' OREGON 225 Fifth Street•Springfield,OR 97477•P14(541)726-3753•FAX(541)726-3689 Date: e03 This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030.Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days o issua ce or if work is suspended for 180 days. 5;i6dAil•TdeiVEkiaifilAiiiiiiiiiii142:.:75:71.i.z , :::,?: :..g.:itri'il:IVIatelt,if. FEC.r0:&1460011:111gAra,:vi2K4-1:=3z.;* This project has final land-use approval. -1,2 yataaalirlitaiiika W rti; i±Wi#::';19:12-Y,A'K41:4;1. Signature: Thi Date: (a)Job description: 5/Ai/ • ?4,,,,d7 44/C4........cfr s project has DEQ approval. Occupancy IL_ tA Signature: Date: Zoning approval verified: E Yes 0 No Construction type: 17 Property is within flood plain: 0 Yes E No Square feet: -e--3?Z/ '70 c{ 0::1;:1; cdATEOciiitt6#.7,e014.1:1-14iei1614;1A1±,-12:6;f1*7-:1;3. Cost per square foot: esidential 0 Government 0 Commercial Other information: ;:i:61ialft-Iisig6kii-Atitii4FAi5;!..E66-AfieiWitt:75:- Type of Beat Job site address: 6H 2_.. b.by ..1Q,Ac.9... Energy Path: City: SeC\c". State: OK ZIP: "Vnew nalteration 0 addition Subdivision: iS e Lot no.: 4 1 (b)Foundation-only permit? 5 Yes ,1ZrNo ' Refence:I 70 a 34 Taxlot: 0 7(6 0 Total valuation: Z‘f re /3i 8( Ei;:14-11-Egt7.1%Ciitf:ti4-A'ilikalithitY,TaCinsiElka6.Le;.k'Rgg:'W.0 ;:kiiiiiiaillWeigrafinkcaVVatiggiggirm.,:,-kitir: Name: Loa_\-ke r Ct. .S\-txx.".... -\ialui-gaS (a)Permit fee(use valuation table): $ /5721°- Address: 2_56 3, Loa\v. ciP (b)Investigative fee(equal to[2a]): $ City: C-n.._. &v.v.__ State: GA. ZIP:91 Llo t (c)Reinspection($ per hour): $ Phone: gm I- 6 \ 6r Fax: /-gril 311 3 (number of hours x fee per hour) E-mail: 77 cl. 0 ,,,,ic,_‘,A-e."- kr. e#,e_s . (d)Enter 12%surcharge(.12 x[2a+2b+2c]): $ /(25C.:-§-- ON\ (e)Subtotal of fees above(2a through 2d): $ Building Owner or Owner's agen>aatorizing thi pli . cation: •JI.LtitafilceIcritieriAltIWattgclitgializ'AI:IFSVIWrI,IIKI (a)Plan review(65%x permit fee[2a]): $ /0 2 ( 87 Sign here: , (b)Fire and life safety(40%x permit fee[2a]): $ D This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by (c)Subtotal of fees above(3a and 3b): $ me or a member of my immediate family,and is exempt from licensing :4;Mii6afaiV6iiiigAYattai:J9,t2kg:K5ififeiiiv±: ),"..;=:4,--zr,„-- requirements under ORS 701.010 (a)Seisnaic fee, 1%(.0I x permit fee[2a]): $ NTRACTOR&INSTALIATION:p,IiQrn.,..4,:.-,,yr„,-,::;]..,.. (b)Technology fee,5%(.05 x permit fee[2a]): S 7g-6,1 Business name: TOTAL fees and surcharges(2e+3c+42+41s): $ 274,/13 Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone: - - Fax: - - .,. . E-mail: CCB license no.: / 9 2 ?er y Print name: Signature: --_- _-=.1E-F.—=---„="SuB;CONTITRACTORiiNECIRMATION - ----e-r-75---7—= Name CCB License# Phone Number Electrical ikktek- filla8 93 - /1167 Plumbing ;3 - ---101-7 1,g6f0,3 Mechanical !Slice ct7 - /1/6F uv&kk