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Permit Building 2014-1-29
SPRINGFIELD - 225 Fifth St CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 OREGON Building I Commercial Permit Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 • Fax: 541-726-3676 • PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2014-00174 www.springfield-or.gov permitcenteraspringfield-or.gov PROJECT STATUS: Issued ISSUED: 01/29/2014 EXPIRES: 07/28/2014 STATUS DATE: 01/29/2014 APPLIED: 01/29/2014 SITE ADDRESS: 388 S 58TH ST,Springfield,OR 97478 SCOPE: Heating System ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1702334401602 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remove 2 through the wall PTAC heaters and install high efficient Ductless heat pump in its place. OWNER: EHL PROPERTY LLC Phone Number ADDRESS: 382 S 58TH ST STE B SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Type Contractor Name Lic Type Lic No Lic Exp Phone Mechanical Contractor HOME COMFORT HEATING 8 AIR CONDITIONING INC CCB 84164 06/25/2015 541-345-2838 INSPECTIONS REQUIRED Inspections 2300 Rough Mechanical Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover 2999 Final Mechanical Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. By signature, I state and agree,that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. to E Owner or Contra Or Signature Date • • 12g /y uires you to .. ATTENTION: Oreged by th eOregon Utility ORY. follow rules adopt NOTICE: • Notification Center. Those rules are set forth Ta�IS PERMIT SHALT EXPIRE W THE W in OAR 952-001-00{0 throLites ofpRe rule Oby 0090. You may obtain cop AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT O IS NO• calling the center. (Note: the telephone COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR number for the Oregon Utlllty Notification Center is 1-8003322344). ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Springfield Building Permit 1/29/2014 9:41:48AM Page 1 of 1 • . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -+ 225 Fifth St TRANSACTION RECEIPT SpnngZeld,OR 97477 1.,710 OREGON 541-726-3753 811-SPR2014-00174 www.springleldor.goy 388 S 58TH ST permilcenter @spnngfield-or.gov RECEIPT NO: 2014000183 RECORD NO: 811SPR2014-00174 DATE:01/29/2014 Le]X.3e1:11•d1ACe1`t ihtel " 5. M1r1^e . ... -, aTar'ACCOUNT/CODERRANSCODE _444e. l'ait OUNT a rra Mechanical Permit fee(based on value of work) 224-00000-425604 1006 121.30 State of Oregon Surcharge(12%of applicable fees) 821-00000-215004 1099 14.56 Technology fee(5%of permit total) 100-00000-425605 2099 6.07 TOTAL DUE: 141.93 P.AYMENTsTpYPE " PAYOR iCcnsrlt"° e oeoasev ,,. COMMENrc `T ' 140.1N7PAID Credit Card aaron duncan 141.93 119284 TOTAL PAID: 141.93 FROM (TUE)JAH 20 2014 0:60/ST. 8:40/Ho. 7618000702 P 2 • Mechanical Permit Application • DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Permit no.: /y^oo 17L/ 225 Fitt Street • Springfield.OR 97477 • PH(541)726-3753 • FAx(54t)726-36x9 / �J 4 S [/ OREGON Date: / 7 This permit is issued under OAR 918-440-0050. Permits expire If work Is not started within 180 days of Issuance or If tvork is suspended for 180 days. CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTIO FEE SCHEDULE ❑ Residential ❑Government Commercial Residential Qty, Cost Total ea. cost JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION First Appliance $80.00 $ lob site address: 3 •• S S$Z Furnace/burner including ducts and vents City: SP f Tl P J State:D f ZIP: 979 )g Up to 100k BTU/hr. $18.60 $ Over pr. 6 2.. ?'3 if O�GOZ Heaters/stoves/vents ersk BTUs/v. $22.00 $ Reference: Taxlot.: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Heatersestoves/vents Unit heater $18.50 s Remove 2 through the wall PTAC heaters and install— Wood/pellet/gas stove/flue $42.00 $ —high efficient Ductless heat pump in its place. Repair/alter/add to heating appliance/ — refrigeration unit or cooling system/ $80.00 $ PROPERTY OWNER absorption system Name: ( /\fit/' P esa -h I- l t be;Ay Evaporated cooler $14.60 $ Address: 3 66" 5 K� Vent fan with one duct/appliance vent $10.00 $ r�('>� Hood with exhaust and duct $14,60 $ City: set.1-1 'Fte I, State:Dr. ZIP: Y 7 r fJ Floor furnace including vent $80.00 $ Phone:5.11- a 9 g•c' Fax: - - Gas piping E-mail: One to four outlets $7.60 $ This installation is being made on property owned by me or a Additional outlets(each) $4.60 $ member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing Air-handling units,including ducts requirements under ORS 701.010. Up to 10,000 CFM $12.00 $ Signature: Over 10,000 CFM $22.00 $ CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Compressor/absorption system/heat pump Business name: ��m� l,y-..v-{o c r Up to 3 hp/look BTU $18.50 $ y Up to 15 hp/500k BTU $32.00 S Address: (.9.3-?c) Rb�os�-r4_I"1 V Up to 30 hp/1,000 BTU $47.50 $ City i 044' flQ I State:(Sr ZIP: 9)4CSz Up to 50 hp/l,750 BTU $62.50 $ Phone: 9{�-jC S- r}g 3g Fax: 5'1/ 30),- 3 0 70 Over 50 hp/1,750 BTU $104.50 $ E-mail: Incinerators ?LI ]�1 Domestic incinerator I $22.50 I $ CCB license no.: t-� Commercial Print name: ). (y/`p,/4 °4n C.G� Enter total valuation ofinecharAicart system and installation costs$ 5/l Uv Signature: �� Enter fee based on valuation of mechanical system,etc. $ • Miscellaneous fees Items Cost Total en. cost Reinspeclion $80.00 $ Specially requested inspections(per hr.) $80.00 $ Regulated equipment(unclassed) $14.60 $ Each additional inspection:(1) $80.00 $ APPLICANT USE (A)Enter subtotal of above fees(or enter set n �� minimum fee of $80,00) $ L (B)Investigative fee(equal to[A]) $ (C)Enter 128/surcharge(.12 x[A+B]) $ ' if 1� (D)Seismic fee, I%(.01 x[A]) $ 6 7 (E)Technology Fee(5%of[A]) $ G O Q 44D-2545-1(4/1/2013/COM) TOTAL fees and surcharges(A through E): $ /(,J/ / S FROM (TOE)JHH 20 2014 8:60/ST. 8:40/No. 7018806702 R 3 COM check Software Version 3.9.2 Mechanical Compliance Certificate 2010 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Section 1: Project Information Project Type:Alteration Project Title : Elder Health&Living Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 388 S 58th Nancy Kok Aaron Duncan Springfield,OR 97478 Elder Health&Living Home Comfort 97478 2730 Roosevelt Blvd Eugene,OR 97402 541-345-2838 aarond@tehomecomfort.com Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Eugene,Oregon Climate Zone: 4c • Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Tyne&Description 1 HVAC System 1 (Single Zone):Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Healing Mode:Capacity=22 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=4,80 COP,Required Efficiency=2.81 COP Cooling Mode:Capacity= 18 kBtulh, Proposed Efficiency=12.00 EER,Required Efficiency=9.11 EER Fan System: Unspecified . Section 4: Requirements Checklist In the following requirements,blank checkboxes identify requirements that the applicant has not acknowledged as being met. Checkmarks identify requirements that the applicant acknowledges are met or excepted from compliance. 'Plans reference page/section'identifies where in the plans/specs the requirement can be verified as being satisfied. Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 : • 1, Equipment meets minimum efficiency: Heat Pump: 2.61 COP 9.11 EER Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: • 1. Calculation of heating and cooling loads.Design loads are determined in accordance with the procedures described In the ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183.Alternatively,design loads have been determined by an approved equivalent computation procedure. • 2. Cooling equipment economizers:The total capacity of all cooling equipment without economizers must be less than 240 kBtu/h.This project lists 18 kBtu/h capacity without economizers.That portion of the equipment serving dwelling units and guest rooms Is not included in determining the total capacity of units without economizers. Plans reference page/section• ✓ 3. Equipment and system sizing.Healing and cooling equipment and systems capacity do not exceed the loads calculated in accordance with Section 503.2.1. Plans reference page/section: ✓ 4. HVAC Equipment Performance Requirements.Reported efficiencies have been tested and rated in accordance with the applicable test procedure.The efficiency has been verified through certification under an approved certification program or,if no certification program exists,the equipment efficiency ratings are supported by data furnished by the manufacturer. Project Title: Elder Health &Living Report date: 01/10/14 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 1 of 3 FROM (TUE)JAN 28 2014 9:61/ST. 9:49/No. 7610950702 P 4 1 5. Thermostatic Controls.The supply of heating and cooling energy to each zone is controlled by Individual thermostatic controls that respond to temperature within the zone. Plans reference page/section: ✓ 6. Heat pump supplementary heat. Heat pumps having supplementary electric resistance heat have controls that,except during defrost, prevent supplementary heat operation when the heat pump can meet the heating load. Plans reference page/section: • 7. Set point overlap restriction.Where used to control both heating and cooling,zone thermostatic controls provide a temperature range or deadband of at least 5°F(2.8°C)within which the supply of heating and cooling energy to the zone is capable of being shut off or reduced to a minimum. Plans reference page/section• O 8. Optimum Start Controls.Each HVAC system has controls that vary the start-up time of the system to just meet the temperature set • point at time of occupancy. Plans reference page/section• • 9. Off-hour controls.Each zone is provided with thermostatic setback controls that are controlled by either an automatic time clock or programmable control system. Plans reference page/section: O 10.Shutoff damper controls.Both outdoor air supply and exhaust are equipped with not less than Class I motorized dampers. Exception(s): O Gravity dampers shall be permitted for outside air intake or exhaust airflows of 300 dm or less. Plans reference page/section: • 11,Freeze Protection and Snow melt system controls.Freeze protection systems,such as heat tracing of outdoor piping and heat exchangers,including self-regulating heat tracing,include automatic controls capable of shutting off the systems when outdoor air temperatures meet code criteria. Plans reference page/section: O 12.Humidity control. If a system is equipped with a means to add or remove moisture to maintain specific humidity levels in a zone or zones,a humidity control device is provided. • Plans reference page/section: 13.Humidity control.Where a humidity control device exists it is set to maintain a deadband of at least 10%'relative humidity where no active humidification or dehumidification takes place. Exception(s): O Heating for dehumidification is provided with heat recovery or heal pumping and the mechanical cooling system efficiency is 10 percent higher than required in section 503.2.3,HVAC equipment performance requirements. Plans reference page/section: • 14.Ventilation.Ventilation,either natural or mechanical,is provided in accordance with Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code. Where mechanical ventilation is provided,the system has the capability to reduce the outdoor air supply to the minimum required by Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code. Plans reference page/section: • 15.Demand controlled ventilation(DCV). DCV is required for spaces larger than 500 ft2 for simple systems and spaces larger than 150 ft2 for multiple zone systems. Exception(s): • O Systems with energy recovery complying with Section 503.2.6 O Spaces less than 750/t2(69.7 m2)where an occupancy sensor turns the fan off,closes the ventilation damper,or closes the zone damper when the space is unoccupied. Plans reference page/section: • 16.Kitchen hoods.Kitchen makeup Is provided as required by the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code. Exception(s): O Where hoods are used to exhaust ventilation air that would otherwise be exhausted by other fan systems. O Kitchen exhaust systems that include exhaust air energy recovery complying with section 503.2.6. Plans reference page/section: O 11.Enclosed parking garage ventilation controls, In Group S-2.enclosed parking garages used for storing or handling automobiles employs automatic carbon monoxide sensing devices. • Project Title: Elder Health 8 Living Report date:01/10/14 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 2 of 3 FROM (TUE)JAN 28 2014 8:51/5T. 8:48/No. '7515058702 P 5 Plans reference page/section: ❑ 18.Air system balancing.Each supply air outlet and zone terminal device is equipped with means for air balancing in accordance with the requirements of IMC 003.17. Discharge dampers intended to modulate airflow are prohibited on constant volume fans and variable volume fans with motors 10 horsepower. Plans reference page/section: ✓ 19.Manuals.The construction documents require that an operating and maintenance manual be provided to the building owner by the mechanical contractor.See long description for specifications, • Plans reference page/section: ❑ 20.Allowable fan floor horsepower. Each HVAC system at fan system design conditions does not exceed the allowable fan system motor nameplate hp(Option 1)or fan system bhp(Option 2)as shown and calutated in requirement details. Exception(s): • ❑ Hospital and laboratory systems that utilize flow control devices on exhaust and/or return to maintain space pressure relationships necessary for occupant health and safety or environmental control shall be permitted to use variable volume fan power limitation. ❑ individual exhaust fans with motor nameplate horsepower of 1 hp or less. Plans reference page/section: ✓ 21 All air-conditioning equipment and air-handling units with direct expansion cooling and a cooling capacity at ARI conditions greater than or equal to 110,000 Btu/h that serve single zones have their supply fan operation controlled according to code specific requirements. Plans reference page/section: Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical alteration project has been designed to meet the 2010 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code,Chapter 8,requirements in COMcheck Version 3.9.2 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. • Name-Title Signature Date Section 6: Post Construction Compliance Statement ❑ HVAC record drawings of the actual installation,system capacities,calibration information,and performance data for each equipment provided to the owner. • HVAC 08M documents for all mechanical equipment and system provided to the owner by the mechanical contractor. ❑ Written HVAC balancing and operations report provided to the owner. The above post construction requirements have been completed. V � 1 I I -L\C2144(4 C_0vni tt .�/ �_ l�l Principal Mechanical Designer-Name Signature Date • Project Title: Elder Health 8 Living Report date:01/10/14 Data filename: Untitled,cck Page 3 of 3 FROM (TUR>JRN 28 2014 8:61/ST. 8:40/H0. 7618088702 P 6 • • r u�� tiw .. .11 CERTIFIED TM www..tlu idircc tint y.m y . Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 3577580 Date: 1/10/2014 Product: Variable Speed Multi-Split Heat Pump Outdoor Unit Model Number: MXZ-2B2ONA • Indoor Unit Type: Non-Ducted Indoor Units Manufacturer: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONICS USA, INC. Trade/Brand name: MR. SLIM Series name: • Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONICS USA, INC. Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity(Btuh): 18000 EER Rating (Cooling): 12.00 SEER Rating (Cooling): 18.00 Heating Capacity(Btuh) @ 47 F: 22000 Region IV HSPF Rating (Heating): 8.90 Heating Capacity(Btuh) @ 17 F: 12500 CERTIFIED RATINGS FOR VARIABLE-SPEED,MINI-AND MULTI-SPLIT SYSTEMS ARE VALID FOR ALL COMBINATIONS OF INDOOR UNITS (BASED ON COMBINATION TYPES)WITH THE SPECIFIC OUTDOOR UNIT LISTED ABOVE AND IN THE AHRI DIRECTORY OF CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT.VISIT WWW.AHRIDIRECTORY.ORG TO VERIFY THAT THIS COMBINATION IS AN ACTIVE LISTING AND THE DATA LISTED ON THIS CERTIFICATE IS ACCURATE.SEARCH ON THE AHRI REFERENCE#TO QUICKLY LOCATE THIS COMBINATION IN THE DIRECTORY. •Ratings followed by an asterisk(')indicate a voluntary rerale ol previously published dale,unless accompanied with a WAS,which indicates an Involuntary mate. DISCLAIMER ANRI does not endorse the product(*)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no nepotist llity for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory atwww.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not,in whole or in part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated;entered into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,in any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's individual,personal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information fur the model cited on this certificate can be verified atwww.ahrldirectory.org, in Alf-Conditioning,Heating, click on"Verify Certificate"link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on Im as and Refrigeration Institute which the certificate was issued,which Is Wad above,and the Certificate No.,which Is listed below. ©2013 Air-Conditioning,Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 130338441764314181