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Receipt PLANNER 1/29/2014
• • SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD sl 225 Fifth St TRANSACTION RECEIPT Spnngfield,OR97477 OREGON 541-726-3753 ANX14-00001 www.spnngfeld-or.gov VACANT-WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS permifcenter @spnngtield-or.gov RECEIPT NO: 386837 RECORD NO:ANX14-00001 DATE:01/28/2014 je( 111-itlPo}Si h'-`fifi.'4 .A:b�.! „�..4_,. �.J Lt ACCOUNT CODE/TRANS CODE ;t:t_:,b.,._„W"AMOUNT'DUE�i.I 5%Technology Fee 100-00000-425605 2299 ' 558.17 Annexation Comprehensive Planning Fee- UGB 100-00000-425002 1298 8,149.44 - Annexation to the City of Springfield-UGB 100-00000-425002 2270 2,740.00 Concurrent Special District Boundary Adjustment-UGB 100-00000-425002 2272 274.00 Type 4 Postage Fee 100-00000-425505 1299 543.00 TOTAL DUE: 12,264.61 PAYMENT+TYPE„23;PAYOR:;_cn SHleR:,uxl[tFn _,..y_, ,-.;COMMENTS - - a... _ . 'AMOUNTPAID pat_;L. _+- ter Check SUB PO Box 300 12,264.61 199170 Springfield, OR 97477 TOTAL PAID: 12,264.61 RECEIVED JAN 2 9 2014 • By: P[