HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Joint Meeting with Library Advisory Board AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/13/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Rob Everett/Library Staff Phone No: 726-3756 Estimated Time: 40 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: JOINT MEETING WITH LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Review Board activity for previous period and give direction for proposed “community conversation” presentation. ISSUE STATEMENT: While both the community and the library have undergone significant changes over the past decade the library’s role in providing literacy training, information, youth programming and cultural experiences to the community remains as vital and relevant as ever. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment I – Library Board Charge Attachment II – Library Board Roster Attachment III – “Community Conversation” presentation Attachment IV – Summary of Board activity 2011-2013 Attachment V – Pew Research Center Summary Report DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Board is seeking to raise awareness about current library services and to gather feedback about what community needs are arising that the library can help address. What changes or improvements would the library need to make in order to accomplish this. To this end the Board has developed a “community conversation” to educate and to stimulate a dialogue with Springfield citizens. This presentation is broken into two parts with the initial part describing current services and the latter portion describing how other Oregon communities have addressed their library service needs since 2008. The Board is seeking direction from the Council on whether to take the presentation out into the community; on whether to make building a new library a part of the conversation; and whether the Council would want to play any role in these conversations at this stage. This community outreach effort would be a precursor to any discussion about funding any expansion of library services or mounting of any building project. Attachment 1 Library Board CHARGE The Library Board acts in an advisory capacity for the City Manager and City Council with respect to opinions and recommendations for future Library development, expansion of Library service, and Library policy. Source of Existence Council/State of Oregon/Charter Bylaws: Yes Code: Springfield City Code, Chapter I, Article 9 Sunset Date: Council/Mandatory Membership Number: 7 In City: 6 Out of City: 1 – one board member may be a non-resident of the City if an owner of real property or tangible personal property subject to assessment and taxation situated within the city. Term (2 max): 4 Years Ward: No Qualifier: Yes, 4 in City of Springfield Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time Monthly – First Tuesday – 5:30-7:00 p.m. – City Hall Meeting Room 3 (Except July, August and December). Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Rob Everett, Library Director, 726-3756 Council Liaison: Sean VanGordon, Ward 1 Attachment 2 SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 2013 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD October 21, 2013 Jody Anderson – Is a 36-year resident of Springfield and is a history instructor at Lane Community College. She has been active both on the Board and as its liaison to the Library Foundation. When Jody’s term ends this December she plans on becoming involved in fund raising for the Library. Term Expires – 12/31/13 Janice Friend - Is a seven-year resident, small business owner (Friend Court Reporting and Real Time Captioning), and avid library user. She is interested in helping the library make the most effective use of new technologies while retaining its family friendly emphasis on community and literacy. Term Expires – 12/31/15 Jocelyn Harley – A teacher in the 4J School District, Jocelyn and her family; live within walking distance of the Library. She has been an articulate and effective member of the Board since the autumn of 2008. Term Expires – 12/31/14 Laura Madsen – An educator and school librarian in the Springfield School District, Laura lives in east Springfield. She is active in many reading initiatives including Gift of Literacy and Oregon Battle of the Books. She is also serves on the Executive Board of the Oregon Library Association. Term Expires – 12/31/15 Gary Ross - Mr. Ross is a former teacher / librarian who oversaw library service for Springfield Public Schools and held a similar post at the Lane Education Service District prior to his retirement. He is also currently a member of the Willamalane Board of Directors. He is a resident of the Thurston area. He is very interested in the overall improvement of library services in Springfield and in extending the library’s reach into the eastern portion of the city. Term Expires – 12/31/16 Robyn Sattler – Currently serves as the Board Chair. She has also been active in library fund-raising activities for several years through both the Friends and the Foundation. In addition she has served on Springfield’s Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee and the Downtown Urban Renewal Citizen Advisory Committee. Term Expires – 12/31/15 Barbara Stramler – Is the Chair-elect of the Board and a seven-year resident who has been an active volunteer at her children’s schools (Thurston HS, Briggs MS, and Page Elementary). She is also active in the local Camp Fire Girls organization. She and her children are regular visitors to the library and one of her priorities is to retain and, some day, expand, current library operating hours and services. Term Expires – 12/31/15 City Council Liaison – Sean VanGordon, Ward 1 It’s Attachment 3, Page 1 of 33 State-wide Involvement •Board members attend the Oregon/Washington Library Association annual conference •Board member Laura Madsen serves on the Executive Board of the Oregon Library Association Imagining the Future •Held inaugural Board retreat in August of 2012 •Researched how other Oregon communities have improved library services during the current recession •Developed a community “conversation” presentation to create awareness about the Library and gather feedback about community needs Keeping our “house” in order •Reviewing and vetting library policy & procedure changes •Patron Privacy policy •Fine & fee changes •Library Materials Vendor contracts •Budget review each fiscal year •Library reorganization – personnel changes •Board expansion •To better serve and represent all of Springfield •Intergovernmental Agreement •Reviewed & vetted LCOL Reciprocal Lending Agreement Keeping our “house” in order •Reviewing and vetting library policy & procedure changes •Budget review each fiscal year •Library reorganization and personnel changes •Board expansion to better serve and represent all of Springfield •Reviewed & vetted LCOL Reciprocal Lending Agreement Attachment 3, Page 2 of 33 The Misconception: Libraries should be obsolete since I can buy e-books from Amazon. The Truth: Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators. Attachment 3, Page 3 of 33 •Prepares tens of thousands of our children to be successful in school by introducing them to the joy of reading •Informs you about the topics and events that are affecting your life •Creates a place where everyone, regardless of age, economic status, race or gender can seek to improve themselves Attachment 3, Page 4 of 33 •Builds, expands & improves the City’s cultural life •Bridges the digital divide, allowing all citizens access to online information & services •Provides a $1.32 Return for Every Tax Dollar Spent Supporting Library Service Attachment 3, Page 5 of 33 WHO IS USING LIBRARY •20,000 library card holders •180,000 visits per year •354,000 checked-out books, CD’s DVD’s, and eBooks •55,000 visits to the library website •17,000 attendances to story time, children, teen and adult programs CLAY FLUTE WORKSHOPS Attachment 3, Page 6 of 33 Will Have Excellent Help Attachment 3, Page 7 of 33 PROGRAMS MAY BE INTERESTED IN Last year, 1800 children received a free book and incentives to read all summer long resulting in 12,000 books being read. Attachment 3, Page 8 of 33 PROGRAMS MAY BE INTERESTED IN We partner with the Springfield School District and Rotary International to provide every Springfield first grader with a free book and a library card through the Gift of Literacy program. Attachment 3, Page 9 of 33 PROGRAMS MAY BE INTERESTED IN Storytimes happen every Wednesday morning! Lego Club on No-School Fridays. The 2013 winners of the library bookmark contest. Attachment 3, Page 10 of 33 PROGRAMS MAY BE INTERESTED IN Teens created graphic novels in a workshop with award-winning illustrator/storyteller Elizabeth Blue. Lane Arts Council Artist-in-Residence Samuel Beccera lead a clay flute workshop and also taught about the music of ancient Mayan culture. In 2012, the Teen Advisory Board created a virtual Banned Books Read-Out Attachment 3, Page 11 of 33 Teens Attachment 3, Page 12 of 33 PROGRAMS MAY BE INTERESTED IN Adults played life-size Scrabble in the lobby as part of a National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Write-In at the Library. The bi-annual poetry series in partnership with the Oregon Poetry Association features three poets every spring and fall. Classes on Library2Go and downloading digital eBooks and audiobooks Attachment 3, Page 13 of 33 PROGRAMS MAY BE INTERESTED IN Eugene Youth Ballet perform the Nutcracker. National Award-Winning Dìa de los Niños y los Libros/ Day of Children & Books A calaveras (skull) workshop in celebration of Dìa de los Muertos Attachment 3, Page 14 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 15 of 33 Then 1981, Springfield Population: 41,621 Library Opens Doors in Current Location Now 2013, Springfield Population: 59,840 Same Location The Future 2020, Projected Population: 71,000 Attachment 3, Page 16 of 33 Standards for Oregon Public Libraries Oregon Library Association 2010 “Threshold” Minimum Standard Springfield Library Open Hours 50 hours/week 46 hours/week Staff 19.4 FTE 12.6 FTE Library Size 44,240 sq.ft. (60,000 sq.ft.–20 years) 24,365 sq.ft. Library Collections 118,000 items 167,812 items Since 2005, Springfield Public Library has not met the Oregon Progress Board Benchmark #38 for public libraries as established by the Oregon Legislature. Attachment 3, Page 17 of 33 The Misconception: Springfield Can’t Afford a New Library The Truth: We can’t afford not to. The Library helps families and individuals most in times when resources are scarce. Attachment 3, Page 18 of 33 YEAR CITY POPULATION 2014 Cornelius 12,413 2014 Canby 25,142 2013 Oregon City 31,859 2013 Monroe 619 2013 Lake County (Lakeview) 7,885 2009 Albany 50,520 2009 Lebanon 15,656 2008 Tualatin 26,896 2008 Port Orford 2,426 2008 Seaside 6,457 2006 Tillamook County 25,255 Attachment 3, Page 19 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 20 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 21 of 33 Vancouver Public Library in Washington Attachment 3, Page 22 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 23 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 24 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 25 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 26 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 27 of 33 Attachment 3, Page 28 of 33 Last year, your library received more than $100,000 from: •Friends of the Library •The Library Foundation •Grants & Awards Attachment 3, Page 29 of 33 In return, your library was able to: •Increase library hours •Purchase more books •Add more children’s, teen and adult programs •Add more computers, eBooks and digital audiobooks Attachment 3, Page 30 of 33 •Get a library card •Like Us On Facebook •Check-out great books, movies, music and more •Attend a library program •Join the Friends of the Springfield Public Library Attachment 3, Page 31 of 33 •Find great books, music and movies at our annual used book sale •Support the Springfield Library Foundation by getting involved or making a contribution •Join our focus group •Fill out our survey here or on-line Attachment 3, Page 32 of 33 What do you want from YOUR library? It’s yours. Attachment 3, Page 33 of 33 Attachment 4, Page 1 of 2 Springfield Public Library Citizen Advisory Board January 2, 2014 SUMMARY OF BOARD ACTIVITIES 2011-2013 I. Policy Review Reviewed & vetted library policy & procedure changes, including: - Patron Privacy - Fine & Fee Changes - Patron Placed Holds – pilot project - Circulation loan periods, limits, and renewals - Library Vendor contract II. Budget Review - Reviewed FY 12, FY13, and FY14 Budget presentations III. Personnel Review - Reviewed proposed personnel changes including: o Reclassification of Latino Liaison to Librarian status. o Reclassification of Youth & Adult Services Mgr. to Associate Mgr. status. IV. Board Expansion – Bylaws Change - Created two new seats on the board, expanding from 5 to 7 members in an effort to better reflect and represent the entire Springfield community - Recruited and filled two new board positions – Janice Friend and Barbara Stramler. - Updated member information and photo on Foundation link to Library website. - Filled departing Board member, Carol Philips’ position with Gary Ross V. Intergovernmental Agreement - Reviewed & vetted the establishment of a reciprocal lending agreement among SIRSI consortium Lane County public libraries (all but Eugene). VI. Board Retreat - Held inaugural Board retreat in August of 2012 at the law offices of Springfield attorneys, Thorp, Purdy, Jewett, Urness & Wilkinson and developed a vision and draft task list / work plan to better inform the community about the value of the library to the Springfield community and about the need to improve its capacity to serve our community. Attachment 4, Page 2 of 2 VII. New library initiative - Research how other Oregon communities have improved library services during the current recession. - Develop a community presentation that describes current library services and contributions to the community as well as informing the community about what expanded library service could do for Springfield. - Schedule and present to a wide variety of community groups - Gather feedback both formally and informally about expressed community needs, library and otherwise. - UO Sustainable Cities projects – participate in library design reviews of UO architecture design class – participate in focus groups for library marketing study by journalism classes. - Responded to Council queries about how new technologies were affecting the provision of library service and about how other Oregon communities have funded new library buildings in the past 8 years. - Set about defining the Library as a “core” community service. VIII. Fund Raising - Library Board Liaison, Jody Anderson, is active in helping plan and execute Library Foundation annual fund-raiser, Books & Brew. IX. State-wide involvement - Board member Laura Madsen becomes a member of the Oregon Library Association Executive Board - Board members Laura Madsen & Robyn Sattler attend the Oregon/Washington Library Associations joint conference in 2013 RE 01/02/2013 ATT5—Page 1 ATT5—Page 2 ATT5—Page 3 ATT5—Page 4 ATT5—Page 5