HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/2013 RegularMINUTES OF THE JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, AND LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2013 A joint elected officials meeting with the City of Springfield and Lane County was held in the Springfield Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 7:OOpm with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Mayor Lundberg opened the meeting of the Springfield City Council. Commissioner Leiken reconvened the meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Present from Springfield were Mayor Christine Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, and Woodrow. Councilor Brew was absent (excused). Springfield City Manager Gino Grimaldi and other Springfield staff were also present. Present from Lane County were Board Chair Leiken and Commissioners Bozievich, Farr, Sorenson and Stewart. Lane County Planning Manager Matt Laird and other Lane County staff were also present. PUBLIC HEARING 2012 Willamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan ORDINANCE NO. 1 — AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2012 WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS A REFINEMENT PLAN OF THE EUGENE - SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE AREA OF PLANNING TURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. City Manager Gino Grimaldi read the ordinance into the record. City Planner Mark Metzger presented the staff report on this item. The Draft 2012 Willamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan was presented to Council in work session on September 24, 2012. No substantive changes were requested by City Council. Submittal and adoption proceedings were delayed until this budget year and the document was now ready for formal consideration. . Minor changes to the Strategies and Actions section of the 2012 Plan had been made since Council reviewed the draft version of the plan last year. No substantive policy changes were contained in the current version of the 2012 Plan. Attachment 3 of the agenda packet included the Community Needs Assessment which formed the basis for the 2012 Plan. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed 2012 Willamalane Comprehensive Plan on July 16, 2013, voting unanimously to recommend Council approval of the plan. Staff had evaluated the proposed 2012 Plan against the approval criteria for refinement plan amendments found in Section 5.6-115 of the Springfield Development Code. The staff report October 17, 2013 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Public Hearing City of Springfield Lane County Page 2 of 3 contained findings which provided the Planning Commission a substantive base for recommending Council approval of the Plan. No testimony in opposition was voiced during the Planning Commission's public hearing. Bob Keefer, Superintendent for Willamalane Parks and Recreation District, thanked the City and County for their review of the Plan and meeting with Willamalane over the past couple of years. Willamalane looked at what Springfield wanted from their parks district, such as walking and being close to nature. They tried to look at those things and draft a Plan that fit those needs. The Plan was the vision of the community and community leaders, and that was a good way to work and bring forth what was needed. The Plan reflected the needs and desires of community and that made him proud. This was about partnerships with the City and the County. The City and Willamalane worked together about the programming as well, and it was clear the City cared about how we were serving our public. TEAM Springfield was one of our greatest assets and he often talked to others throughout the State about the collaboration and partnerships and working together for what was best for the community. They didn't always agree, but they respected each other and continued to move ahead with what was best for Springfield. Parks and recreation were vital to the livability of any community providing access to nature, access to good recreational facilities and programs, and keeping our kids, adults and senior adults busy and helping them to socialize better. The Plan spelled out all of those things and acknowledged what the community wanted. He urged them to support the Plan. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. Gary Ross. Springfield, OR. Mr. Ross said he was currently serving his fourth term on the Willamalane Board of Directors. He and his family had lived in Springfield for nearly 30 years. Last year while serving as President of the Willamalane Board, he served as one of the co- chairs on the Yes on 20 -199 Connecting People, Parks and Nature campaign in support of Willamalane's successful bond measure. Today he was here to urge the adoption of the Willamalane 2012 Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. The project list from Willamalane's bond measure approved by voters last November was directly tied to the priority list in this Plan. With their adoption of the Plan, they would have a community-wide Plan to help achieve the vision of enhancing the quality of life in our community. The development of this Plan set the stage for important change, documented where our community was today in terms of parks and recreation, and developed a road map for where we would like to go over the next twenty years. This Plan's findings were based on detailed analysis and more importantly to him, significant public input. He was fortunate to be the Board President during the final two years of this Plan's development and could attest to the continuous efforts of District staff to solicit public input and priorities. They believed that community support of their bond initiative was a direct result in this community's involvement in creating the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. They heard what the community wanted, what was important to them, and they worked to ensure these priorities were incorporated into this Plan and the bond measure: In closing, he wanted to affirm that this was notjust Willamalane's Plan, but was theirs. It was a community plan that they and their neighbors helped develop a vision for future of parks and recreation in Springfield. He thanked them for their support of the Plan. 2. Anne Ballew, Springfield, OR. Ms. Ballew said she served as the current President of the Willamalane Board. She felt this was a well written document and easy to understand for October 17, 2013 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Public Hearing City of Springfield Lane County Page 3 of 3 everyone. She felt they did`the due diligence to get public input. The best thing about Willamalane was that the public liked what Willamalane did and supported them. They had, in return, tried to do the best job they could to meet the needs and wants of the community and that was set out in the Plan. She hoped they could support the Plan. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. This was just a first reading for the City of Springfield and a second reading for Lane County, so action would be taken at a future meeting. Commissioner Leiken closed the public hearing. He asked for a motion to direct staff to return with the ordinance for the third reading. He asked staff if a date was set for the third reading. Not at this time. He asked if the City had a date set for adoption. Mr. Metzger said the City was scheduled to meet jointly with Lane County and the City of Eugene on November 4 and had planned to vote on this item only after dismissing the City of Eugene. It could be possible for the County to also vote on this at that time. Commissioner Leiken said they would schedule it for adoption on November 5. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER STEWART WITH A SECOND BY COMMISSIONER FARR TO MOVE THE SECOND READING AND SET A THIRD READING FOR ORDINANG PA -1301 ON NOVEMBER 5. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 3 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (2 ABSENT - BOZIEVICH AND SORENSON). ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lundberg adjourned the Springfield City Council at 7:13 pm. Commissioner Leiken adjourned the Lane County Commissioners at 7:13 pm. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa City Recorder Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: City & - ec er � r