HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 11/18/2013 Lane County Clerk •Lane County Deeds and Records ^O13.O5814O Tar)L .5m-remain TO $47'00 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: 1111 I I IIII I IIII III II II IIII I II III I I I II III III Olson&Morris 01404657201300561400020025 380Q Street,Suite 200 11/06/2013 Y I1 11 ;10;26 AM Springfield, 97477 RPR—DEED Cnto1 Stn-4] CASHIER 02 • . • $10.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Cummins Investments,LLC is setting forth this declaration to adjust the property line between Tax Lot 900 and 1000,Assessor's Map 17-02-28-34,to comply with the provisions of ORS 92.190(4)and to satisfy the conditions of approval for City of Springfield Planning file number TYP113-00017. Original Parcel 1 (Tax Lot 900): Cummins Investments,LLC is the owner of a tract of land described known as Lot 1,THURSTON PLACE,as platted and recorded June 14,2007,Reception No.2007-040528,Lane County Deeds and Records,in Lane County,Oregon,said property being more particularly described in Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein. ' . Original Parcel 2(Tax Lot 1000): Cummins Investments,LLC is the owner of a tract of land described known as Lot 2,THURSTON PLACE,as platted and recorded June 14,2007,Reception No.2007-040528,Lane County Deeds and Records,in Lane County,Oregon,said property being more particularly described in Exhibit"B"attached hereto and incorporated herein. , Revised Parcel 1(Tax Lot 900): Following this property line adjustment,the description of the Revised Parcel 1 is more particularly described on Exhibit"C"attached hereto and incorporated herein. The underlined portions indicate the adjusted property line. Revised Parcel 2(Tax Lot 1000): Following this property line adjustment,the description of the Revised Parcel 2 is more particularly described on Exhibit"D"attached hereto and incorporated herein. The underlined portions indicate the adjusted property line. The true and actual consideration for this is something other than money. . • / .i. Troy n ns,Manager Cumin/,yam vestments,LLC STATE OF OREGON ) )ss . County of l.-inn ) This instrument was acknowledged before me this I �� Id�eay of /V OV ,2013 by Troy Cummins,as Manager of Cummins Investments,LLC, to r its voluntary act and deed. • 4lzt04 /t/(!72//1-f- dF�IC1AL SEAL.. >.:.'/ �`��' SHARON q KEENON ( Notary Public for Oregon /, �`p'�i NOTARYPUBLIC-OREGON O My CommissionEx Expires: � 1) _ ,a — � L) Ve COMMISSION NO.472.207 t, y P IIY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 02,2018!J • 1048 Declaration ofl'mperty Line Adjustment Page of2 Date Received: Planner: Ti • • • • EXHIBIT"A" ORIGINAL PARCEL 1: A tract of land in the Southwest quarter of Section 28,Township 17 South,Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Springfield,Lane County,Slate of Oregon,being more particularly described as follows: • Beginning at a point on the Southerly right-of-way of High Banks Road,said point being the Northeast corner of Lot I, THURSTON PLACE,as platted and recorded June 14,2007,Reception No.2007-040528,Lane County Deeds and Records,in Lane County,Oregon;thence nut along said right-of-way along the arc of a 1004.93 foot radius curve to the right,the long chord of which bears North 72°59'42"West a distance of 79.50 feet,with an arc length of 79.52 feel; thence North 70°43'40"West 12.39 feet;thence North 81°41'18"West 85.84 feel;thence leaving said right-of-way run South 41°52'28"East 130.37 feet;thence South 89°50'00"East 78.94 feet;thence North 090'55"East 22.64 feet; thence North 10°43'26"East 35.54 feet to the point of beginning,all being in Springfield,Lune County,Oregon. EXHIBIT"B" ORIGINAL PARCEL 2: A tract of land in the Southwest quarter of Section 28,Township 17 South,Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Springfield,Lane County,State of Oregon,being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right-of-way of High Banks Road,said point being the most northerly northwestern corner of Lot 2,THURSTON PLACE,as platted and recorded June l4,2007,Reception No.2007- 040528,Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County,Oregon;thence run along said right-of-way along the arc of a 1004.93 fool radius curve to the left,the long chord of which bears South 75°38'00"East a distance of 13.02 feet, with an arc length of 13,02 feet;thence leaving said right-of-way run South 10°43'26"West 33.52 feet;thence South 0°10'55"West 123.37 feet;thence North 4I°52'28"West 137.25 feet;thence South 89°50'00"East 78.94 feet;thence North 0°10'55"East 22.64 feet;thence North 10°43'26"East 35.54 feet to the point of beginning,all being in Springfield,Lane County,Oregon. EXHIBIT"C" REVISED PARCEL 1: A tract of land in the Southwest quarter of Section 28,Township 17 South,Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Springfield,Lane County,State of Oregon,being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right-of-way of High Banks Road,said point being the Northeast corner of Lot 1, THURSTON PLACE,as platted and recorded June 14,2007,Reception No.2007-040528,Lane County Deeds and Records,in Lane County,Oregon;thence rot along said right-of-way along the arc of a 1004.93 foot radius curve to the right,the long chord of which bears North 72°59'42"West a distance of 79.50 feet,with an arc length of 79.52 feet; thence North 70°43'40"West 12.39 feet;thence North 81°41'187 West 85.84 feet;thence leaving said right-of-way run South 41°52'28"East 138.66 feel; thence North 48°07'32"East 46.00 feet;thence South 86°53'55"East 39.29 fat; thence North 10°43'26"East 3534 feet to the point of beginning,all being in Springfield,Lane County,Oregon. EXHIBIT"D" REVISED PARCEL 2: A tract of land in the Southwest quarter of Section 28,Township 17 South,Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Springfield,Lane County,State of Oregon,being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right-of-way of High Banks Road,said point being the most northerly northwestern corner of Lot 2,THURSTON PLACE,as platted and recorded June 14,2007,Reception No.2007- 040528,Lane County Deeds and Records,in Lane County,Oregon;thence run along said right-of-way along the arc of a 1004.93 fool radius curve to the left,the long chord of which bears South 75°38'00"East a distance of 13.02 feet, • with an arc length of 13.02 feet;thence leaving said right-of-way run South 10°43'26"West 33.52 feet;thence South 0°10'55"West 123.37 feet;thence North 41°52'28"West 128.96 feet;thence North 48°07'32"East 46.00 feet;thence South 86°53'55"East 39.29 Feet;thence North 10°43'26"East 35.54 feet to the point of beginning,all being in Springfield,Lane County,Oregon. • 1048 Declaration of Property Line Adjusunent • Paget f2 Date Received: • Planner: TJ