HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/29/2010 SPRINOPIELD Staff Report and Notice of Decision — Site Plan (Final) Type I P � ) Yp Relief Nursery Project Name: Site Plan—Relief Nursery Project Proposal: To construct a 14,902 square foot combined pre-school and office complex. Case Number: DRC2009-00047 Project Location:The subject site is a vacant lot southwest of 42nd and Mt.Vernon Rd. The Lane County Assessor's Office shows a site address of 850 South 42nd Street. The location is identified as Assessor's Maps 18-02-05-22 TL 1400 (Owned by the Relief Nursery) and 18-02-05-23 TL 101 (Owned by School Dist. 19). Zoning: Community Commercial Overlay Districts: N/A Applicable Refinement Plan and Designation: N/A Metro Plan Designation: Commercial Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: 11/3/2009 Application Submitted Date: 12/11/2009 Decision Issued Date: 1/25/2010 Final Site Plan Submitted:4/26/2010 Final Site Plan Approval Date: 4/29/2010 Associated Applications: Tree-Felling Permit (DRC2009-00020) CIWOFSPRINGFIELDDEVELOPMENT REVIEIiV TEAM , P:::116i:tiffallikPljlir POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Planner III Land Use Planning Mark Metzger 726-3775 Transportation Planning Transportation Jon Driscoll 726-3679 Engineer Public Works Engineering Sanitary&Storm Sewer, Clayton 736-1036 Utilities& Easements McEachern Deputy Fire Marshall Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Community Services Manager Building Dave Puent 726-3668 1,000/APP1407NTS15`i ,t APPLICANTS r Relief Nursery Springfield School District Rowell Brokaw Architects DRC2009-00047 Final Site Plan Review Date Received: Relief Nursery Planner: MM April 29, 2010 n� • • 720 W.25`"Ave. 525 Mill Street 1 East Broadway, Suite 300 Eugene, OR 97405 Springfield, OR 97477 Eugene, OR 97401 Irene Altucker, Executive Jeff DeFranco, Director of Lori Nelson Director Communications and Peter King (541) 343-9706 Facilities (541) 726-3204 Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Greg Mower I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND DECISION The Relief Nursery proposes to construct a 14,902 square foot combined pre-school and office complex. The development combines social service offices and pre-school classroom and care facilities. The application has been processed on the basis of this combined use. No adverse public comment was received concerning the development. The only written comment received was not pertinent to the criteria for approval of the application and related to the possible extension of a future street not associated with the Relief Nursery development. The applicant submitted a tentative site plan application on December 11, 2009. A tentative approval was issued by staff on January 25, 2010,with eleven (11) conditions listed that must be met to for final site plan approval. The applicant submitted the final site plan on April 26, 2010. This report analyzes the new site plan against the conditions issued in the tentative plan approval. Based on the analysis of the revised site plan against the conditions set forth in the tentative site plan approval,staff finds that the applicant has satisfied the required conditions for site plan approval. Certain conditions listed in the tentative site plan approval shall be met at the time of construction plan review, public improvement plan review and final inspections at the time of initial occupancy. These are detailed in the Development Agreement attached to this decision. Procedural Requirements Section 5.4-100(Table 5.4-1) of the Springfield Development Code Development Applications shows that Final Site Plan Review is a Type I application. Type I decisions are made by the Director without public notice and without public hearing. Under a Type I procedure,the Director may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. The Director's decision shall address all of the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. The Director's decision is the final decision of the City. The Director's decision is effective on the day that it is mailed or otherwise provided to the applicant. Criterion for Approval Section 5.17-135 describes the Final Site Plan Review process and the approval criteria to be applied when an application is submitted. The review criterion described in the section states: "The submittal shall incorporate all approval conditions listed in the staff report," [referring to the staff report listing conditions of approval for the final site plan]. DRC2009-00047 Final Site Plan Review Relief Nursery April29, 2010 2 h The body of this staff report and notice of decision compares the final site plan submission against the conditions of approval listed in the Notice of Decision for the tentative site plan (Case. No. DRC2009-00047) issued by staff on January 25, 2010. "The submittal shall incorporate all approval conditions listed in the staff report" Condition of Approval#1:Alter the Landscaping plan to remove or replace the vegetation at the northeast corner of the site as necessary to maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of the driveway per SDC 4.2-130. Applicant's Response: Vision triangles shown with plant material noted per requirement. Staff Finding and Conclusion: Sheets L1.1 and A1.1 show the required vision clear triangles. Sheet L1.1 includes notation about planting in the vision clear areas restricting plant selection to species with a maximum height of 2.5 ft. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#2:The Final Site Plan shall show modifications to the site plan so that the design vehicle (S-Bus-40) with a one foot buffer may maneuver through the site without striking curbs and may enter the site without crossing the position of a vehicle queued to exit the site. Work with the Transportation Planner if necessary to obtain a larger driveway width than the code normally allows, providing modified truck turning templates. Applicant's Response: The driveway entrance design has been modified as requested, and is shown on the Final Site Plan. Attached with this submittal are revised bus turning templates for review. Staff Finding and Conclusion:The applicant has modified the drive lanes to provide unobstructed access for school buses as per ODOT S-Bus-40 template specifications. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#3: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan,the applicant shall modify the design to be in compliance with all applicable ADA Standards. Specifically,the accessibility route from the handicap ramps on the west side of the building shall be shown to be graded properly. Applicant's Response: The grading and ADA ramps have been revised as shown on the Final Site Plan. Staff Finding and Conclusion: Sheets C3 and C4 show the revised grading and design detail for the ADA ramp as requested. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#4: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, plans shall be submitted showing all necessary plan detailing that includes construction details for the proposed trash enclosure, roof construction, and a design for hydraulically isolating the enclosure. Applicant's Response: The trash enclosure will be covered and the bottom slab will be sloped to drain to a sanitary drain. As shown on the Final Site Plan, the trash enclosure is hydraulically isolated. See A1.2 for details. DRC2009-00047 Final Site Plan Review ReliefNursery April 29, 2010 3 Staff Finding and Conclusion: Sheets A1.1 and A1.2 include drawing details and plan notes showing that the trash enclosure will be covered and hydraulically isolated from stormwater runoff. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#5: Prior to Final Site Plan approval,the applicant shall submit a proposed seed mix for both the private vegetative water quality swales and the water quality detention pond. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual may be referenced for design. Applicant's Response:Portland Stormwater Management manual referenced for seed specifications—see note on L1.1. Staff Finding and Conclusion:Sheet L1.1 now includes a plan note specifying that the stormwater areas shall be planted with grasses, forbs and sedges as per the Portland Stormwater Manual's F-1 seed specifications. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#6:To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit,the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swale and detention pond shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Site Plan. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes established. Applicant's Response: Item noted, no response necessary. Staff Finding and Conclusion: This advisory comment has been noted by the applicant. Condition of Approval#7: The Final Site Plan shall show the location and sizes of the proposed water lines and connections to water mains. Applicant's Response: The domestic water and fire lanes are illustrated on the Final Site Plan as requested. Staff Finding and Conclusion:Sheet C2 shows a SUB water connection to the main building (Construction Note#18). The Sheet A1.1 identifies drive lanes for use by fire apparatus. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#8: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall execute and record a 7' Public Utility Easement (PUE)fronting S.42nd Street. Applicant's Response: A draft of the PUE is attached to this submittal. Please review and comment on any changes before recording. Staff Finding and Conclusion:The submitted draft PUE submitted by the Relief Nursery has been reviewed by staff and is acceptable. This condition shall be met when a copy of the PUE has been executed and submitted to the city for recording. Staff did not find "Exhibit B" (property DRC2009-00047 Final Site Plan Review Relief Nursery April 29, 2010 4 • • description)to the PUE document in the materials submitted for Final Site Plan Review. Please submit the final PUE document with all exhibits together with a check in the amount of the recording fee set by Lane County. The check should be made payable to Lane County. The City Surveyor shall take the PUE document to the County for recording. A copy of the recorded document shall be returned to the Relief Nursery. A similar PUE document shall be required for the property owned by Springfield School District 19,the second applicant that is party to this project. This condition has been partially met. Condition of Approval#9: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall execute and record the 40'wide Private Ingress/Egress Easement as shown on plans and located on Tax Lot 1301 for the benefit of Tax Lot 101. Applicant's Response: A copy of the recorded easement is attached. Staff Finding and Conclusion: The applicant has supplied a copy of a recorded Declaration of Private Joint-Use Access Easement between Springfield School District#19 and the Relief Nursery assuring mutual access. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#10:The Final Site Plan shall show the location and spacing of the No Parking Fire Lane signage. Spacing shall be approximately 40 feet per Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Applicant's Response: The "No Parking Fire Lane Signs"are illustrated on the grading and paving plan of the Final Site Plan. Staff Finding and Conclusion:Sheet C3 shows the required "No Parking Fire Lane" placement along the drive lanes reserved for access by fire apparatus. This condition has been met. Condition of Approval#11:The Final Site Plan shall show a paving design cross section describing how that 80,000 Id. standard shall be met. Contact Eric Walter, City of Springfield Public Works Engineer(736-1034) for assistance if required. Applicant's Response: The typical paving section on Sheet C4 has been revised to include fl- inches of AC over 12-inches of crushed rock for aisle areas. This is consistent with the City's 80, 000 lb load standard. Staff Finding and Conclusion: Sheet C4 shows the required 4-inches of asphaltic concrete over a 12-inch base required for drive lanes. Parking stalls are shown as 3-inches over a 12-inch base. This condition has been met. Conclusion and Decision Based upon a review of the Final Site Plan submitted by the applicant on April 26, 2010, staff concludes that the conditions for approving a Final Site Plan as described in Section 5.17-135 of the Springfield Development Code have been met. DRC2009-00047 Final Site Plan Review Relief Nursery April 29, 2010 5 • • Development Agreement To complete the Site Plan Review Process, a Development Agreement shall be prepared by the Director to be signed by the applicant.The purpose of the Development Agreement is to ensure that the terms and conditions of Site Plan Review approval are understood and binding upon both the applicant and the City.The Development Agreement and the Final Site Plan approval are valid for two years from the date the document is signed. If construction does not begin within this timeline, both the Final Site Plan and the Development Agreement shall become null and void. However, one extension, not to exceed one year may be granted by the Director upon receipt of a written request by the applicant, including an explanation of the delay. Work under progress shall not be subject to Final Site Plan or Development Agreement expiration. The Development Agreement is attached below. DRC2009-00047 Final Site Plan Review Relief Nursery April 29, 2010 6