HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ARC 6/23/2011 , ARCHITECTS +PLANNERS June 23, 2011 Mr. Steve Hopkins City of Springfield - Development Services Planning Division 225 51h Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: 51s`-52nd & Main Street Redevelopment • Final Site Plan Review Application (200913/1.3) Project Address: 5175 and 5195 Main Street • Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: 17-02-33-32 Tax Lots 6200 and 6300 Applicant: OBO Enterprises, LLC Nick Boyles Daytime Phone: 541.954.0217 Mailing Address: 1390 Grosbeak Court Redmond, Oregon 97756 E-mail Address: qualityapartments @q.com Applicant's Representative: TBG Architects + Planners Kristen Taylor Daytime Phone: 541.687.1010 Mailing Address: 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Date Received: Eugene, Oregon 97401 E-mail Address: ktaylor @tbg-arch.com JUN 2 3 2011 NARRATIVE In accordance with the Final Site Plan Review submittal requirements, this written statement demonstrates that the proposal addresses the Tentative Site Plan Review conditions of approval consistent with SDC 5.17-135(A). Land Use Request The present request is for Final Site Plan Review approval of Site Plan Option C. There are two multiple- family residential buildings proposed on the southern portion of the site adjacent to the neighboring Low- Density Residential (LDR) zoned properties. Building One is a two-story building with 11 units facing South 52nd Street. This larger Building One has three multiple-unit structures connected together with a covered outdoor stair and corridor system. The two structures located along the internal drive aisle facing South 52nd Street have ground floor garages for all of the residential units and second floor one- bedroom residential flats. The third structure located adjacent to the LDR property to the south and facing South 52nd Street has two floors of two-bedroom residential flats. Building Two is a two-story building with 4 townhouse units tucked in the back southwest corner of the site facing Building One. 541.687.1010 1 132 EAST BROADWAY, SUITE 200 1 EUGENE,OREGON 97401 TBG-ARCH.COM • • City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review Application June 23, 2011 Page 2 of 7 The commercial portion of the development includes a 6,000-square-foot commercial building with associated site infrastructure, parking and landscaping. Tenants and tenant uses have not yet been identified for the commercial buildings, therefore exterior building elevations and more accurate building footprints will be submitted once tenants have been identified. The applicant has presented a conservative assumption of the possible tenant uses for the purposes of the Site Plan Review process. It is likely that the commercial tenant use(s) will be an eating and drinking establishment. Per discussions with Steve Hopkins through the Site Plan Review process, if the tenant use(s) and commercial building footprint (approximate building area and basic form) remain generally consistent with the proposed Site Plan Review plans, changes to the building articulation (recesses and projections, entryways, patios, awnings, etc.) for instance, will only require a Type I Site Plan Review Modification application. A phased development plan has been schematically submitted, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. The entire residential portion of the development will be constructed during Phase I, which includes the residential buildings, storage, common open space, landscaping and fences, pedestrian circulation, the required 23 residential parking spaces (minimum 8 surface spaces and 15 individual garage spaces), as well the main drive aisle running east-west through the site from South 51st Place to South 52nd Street, 4 additional parking spaces on the north side of the main drive aisle and the associated site infrastructure. Phase II includes the construction of the 6,000-square-foot commercial restaurant building with attached trash area on the corner of Main Street and South 51st Place, 56 parking spaces and associated on-site pedestrian walkways, landscaping and site infrastructure. Additional details regarding this proposal are provided on the Final Site Plan Review drawings, the remainder of this written statement, and other materials attached herein. Tentative Site Plan Review Conditions of Approval - Supporting Facts and Findings This section is organized by the Tentative Site Plan Review Conditions of Approval. The Tentative Site Design Review Conditions of approval are outlined in bold below, followed by proposed findings in normal text. Condition 1: Provide a ground cover plant or seed mix found in the BES stormwater manual to replace Rubus pentalobus "bramble", or submit certification by a landscape architect that the proposed plant will function in a similar manner as the ground cover plants listed in the BES stormwater manual. Finding: The landscape architect has provided certification on the signed Planting Plan that the proposed Rubus pentalobus "bramble" plant will function in a similar manner as the groundcover plants listed in the BES stormwater manual. Please reference the Planting Plan, Sheet L1, dated June 23, 2011. Date Received: YI D ARCHITECTS. PLR NNERS ��� 2011 Fingl : ubmi b i • • City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review Application June 23, 2011 Page 3 of 7 Condition 2: Provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed double chambered catchbasins, filter inserts and infiltration swales consistent with maintenance criteria required by BES stormwater manual and manufacturers if applicable. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. The City of Springfield can provide a template for each facility upon request. Finding: Please reference the attached operations and maintenance plan, which ensures the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed double-chambered catchbasins, filter inserts and infiltration swales consistent with maintenance criteria required by BES stormwater manual and manufacturers where applicable. The plan designates maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system. Condition 3: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swale shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to occupancy, while the grassy swale/detention pond shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to City acceptance of the Public Improvement Project. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Finding: This condition cannot be met prior to occupancy of the first buildings so the applicant will provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Condition 4: Full width sidewalks shall be constructed along the frontage of 51s` Place and 52' Street. The sidewalk on 52"d shall terminate at the southernmost sidewalk accessing the residential portion of the project. Finding: Full-width sidewalks will be constructed along the frontage of 51st Place and 52nd Street. The sidewalk on 52nd terminates at the southernmost sidewalk accessing the residential portion of the project. Please reference the attached final Site Plan Review drawings dated June 23, 2011. Please also reference the Public Improvements Permit (PIP) for 51st Place. The required sidewalk improvements on 52nd Street will be submitted as part of an Encroachment Permit application at the time of the development of the residential portion of the site. Date Received: JUN 2 3 2011 0 D D . ARCHITECTS+ PLANNERS Final Submittal City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review Application June 23, 2011 Page 4 of 7 Condition 5: Fill the existing tree wells on Main Street with concrete or modify the landscaping plan to utilize the tree wells. Include a note on the PIP that identifies which option is chosen. Finding: The existing tree wells on Main Street will be filled with concrete. This information has been noted on the PIP for the improvements on 51st Place. Condition 6: Provide a 7' public utility easement along Main St adjacent to the existing ROW. This PUE can exist concurrently with the slope and drainage easement shown on the proposed plan. All proposed site improvements that will encroach on the PUE are not required to be relocated. Finding: The applicant has provided a 7' public utility easement along Main Street adjacent to the existing ROW. Please reference the attached final Site Plan Review drawings dated June 23, 2011. Condition 7: If Option A is chosen for final review, submit written approval from ODOT for access to Main Street. Finding: The applicant has chosen to proceed with Option C for the Final Site Plan Review so Condition 7 is not applicable. If in the future the applicant chooses to modify the Site Plan Review and proceed with Option A, the applicant will submit written approval from ODOT for access to Main Street. Condition 8: As part of the PIP, include street lighting along the Main Street frontage in compliance with SDC 4.2-145 (A) and the City of Springfield Engineering and Design Standards and Standard Construction Specifications. Finding: Street lighting along the Main Street frontage in compliance with SDC 4.2-145 (A) and the City of Springfield Engineering and Design Standards and Standard Construction Specifications has been included as part of the PIP. Please reference the PIP for 51st Place. Condition 9: Prior to the first occupancy of the residential buildings, install the residential landscaping and the perimeter landscaping of the entire site. Finding: I Prior to the first occupancy of the residential buildings, the residential landscaping and the perimeter landscaping of the entire site will be installed. Please reference the Title Sheet dated June 23, 2011 for the phasing plan. The planting plan with exact location, size and species of plants will be submitted for the residential landscaping and the perimeter landscaping of the entire site at the time of building permit application submittal for the residential portion of the development. Date Received: 11 JUN 2'3 2011 uD ARCHITECTS+ PLANNERS L. >.,-1 5.11hmittal • City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review Application June 23, 2011 Page 5 of 7 Condition 10: The interior commercial landscaping shall be installed prior to occupancy of the commercial buildings. Finding: The interior commercial landscaping will be installed prior to occupancy of the commercial buildings. The planting plan with exact location, size and species of plants will be submitted for the commercial landscaping at the time of the building permit application submittal for the commercial portion of the development. Condition 11: If Option A or B is chosen for final site plan review, the site plan shall include a 3' high sight obscuring, decorative wall adjacent to the drive thru lane. Finding: The applicant has chosen to proceed with Option C for the Final Site Plan Review so Condition 11 is not applicable at this time. If in the future the applicant chooses to modify the Site Plan Review and proceed with either Option A or B, the site plan will include a 3' high sight-obscuring, decorative wall adjacent to the drive-thru lane. Condition 12: For Option A, the access to Main Street does not have to be improved until the first commercial building is constructed, unless ODOT requires a different sequence. Finding: The applicant has chosen to proceed with Option C for the Final Site Plan Review so Condition 12 is not applicable at this time. Condition 13: For Option A, the throat depth for this type of curb return driveway shall be met by relocating the commercial building access aisle or installing a non-mountable median to prevent vehicular movements crossing the proposed Main Street access. Finding: The applicant has chosen to proceed with Option C for the Final Site Plan Review so Condition 7 is not applicable. If in the future the applicant chooses to modify the Site Plan Review and proceed with Option A, the throat depth for this type of curb return driveway on Main Street will be met by installing a nonmountable median to prevent vehicular movements crossing the proposed Main Street access. Condition 14: For all site plan options, the internal sidewalk dimensions shall be revised to comply with the City of Springfield Design Standards. Finding: The internal sidewalk dimensions have been revised to illustrate the 5'-0" minimum typical required width to comply with the City of Springfield Design Standards. Please reference the attached Site Plan, Sheet Al, dated June 23, 2011. Date Received: JUN 23 2011 Final Seabmittai_...._ 1.1 D . R P AN Eas ___ City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review Application June 23, 2011 Page 6 of 7 Condition 15: Unless site-specific conditions make it impractical, the improvements to the 51st Street frontage shall include a planter strip with street trees. Finding: The improvements to the 51s1 Street frontage include a planter strip with street trees. Please reference the Planting Plan, Sheet L1, dated June 23, 2011. Condition 16: The final site plan shall be revised to contain no more than 30% compact vehicle spaces in the commercial area. Finding: The final site plan has been revised to contain no more than 30% compact vehicle spaces in the commercial area. Please reference the attached Site Plan, Sheet Al, dated June 23, 2011. Condition 17: On the building permits for the commercial buildings, include the required number of bicycle parking spaces. Compliance will be verified prior to occupancy. Finding: The required number of bicycle parking spaces for the proposed tenant use will be included on the building permit(s) for the commercial buildings in compliance with City standards. Condition 18: The landscape plan shall locate trees along the southern property line to obscure the view between the second story porches and the adjacent LDR property. Finding: The landscape plan has been revised to locate trees along the southern property line in a manner to obscure the view between the second-story porches and the adjacent LDR property upon tree maturation. Please reference the Planting Plan, Sheet Li, dated June 23, 2011. Condition 19: The facade on 52nd Street shall comply with SDC 3.2-240(D)(2) that requires a minimum of 15% of the front facade contain windows or doors. Finding: The front facade on 52nd Street (Building 1, Structure A and B, east elevation) provides a minimum of 15% windows and/or doors east in compliance with SDC 3.2-240(D)(2). Please reference Residential Buildings Exterior Elevations, Sheet A4, dated June 23, 2011. Condition 20: The final site plan and building permit plans shall include a note that all outdoor lights shall contain full cut off shields and be directed downward. Finding: The final site plan includes a note that all outdoor lights shall contain full cutoff shields and be directed downward. Please reference General Notes on the attached Site Plan, Sheet Al, dated June 23, 2011. The building permit plans will also include a note that all outdoor lights shall contain full cutoff shields and be directed downward. Date Received: JUN 23 2011 DD 1 D . ARCNIT COTS-, FLAN N E RS "':LEI 1!._,_.._-....-...-■-�.r.c.'.. • • City of Springfield Final Site Plan Review Application June 23, 2011 Page 7 of 7 Condition 21: The final site plan and building permit plans shall include a note that freestanding lights within 50' of the southern property line shall not exceed 12' in height. Finding: The final site plan includes a note that freestanding lights within 50' of the southern property line shall not exceed 12' in height. Please reference General Notes on the attached Site Plan, Sheet Al, dated June 23, 2011. The building permit plans will also include a note that freestanding lights within 50' of the southern property line shall not exceed 12' in height. Condition 22: The building permit plans shall demonstrate all mechanical equipment are screened from view and buffered so noise does not typically exceed 45 to 50 decibels at the LDR property line. Finding: The final site plan includes a note that all mechanical equipment are screened from view and • buffered so noise does not typically exceed 45 to 50 decibels at the LDR property line. Please reference General Notes on the attached Site Plan, Sheet Al, dated June 23, 2011. The building permit plans will demonstrate all mechanical equipment are screened from view and buffered so noise does not typically exceed 45 to 50 decibels at the LDR property line. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact me at TBG Architects + Planners (541.687.1010). Sincerely, Kristen tt'- CSBA Project Manager . nl Enclosures: 1 Copy Final Site Plan Review Application Form 5 Copies Operations and Maintenance Plan dated June 23, 2011 5 Sets of Plans dated June 23, 2011 cc: Nick Boyles, 080 Enterprises, LLC Damien Gilbert, Branch Engineering, Inc. Michael Sanchez, Schirmer Satre Group Z:\PROJ\200913 OBO 51st-52nd&Main\Corresp\Agency\Site Plan Review\Final\200913 Final Site Plan Review Written Statement.doc Date Received: JUN 2.3 2011 0 D D . ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS Final Submittal