HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ODOT 5/11/2011 • • Department of Transportation .(¢ l ,� ,,•, District 5 Maintenance office t t ii (o ' • ,- isn 644"A"St. u'-^44:77 '456. Springfield,Or. 97477 v•q �` John A.Kitzhabcr,,bt.D,,Governor 541)744-8080 FAX(541)726-2509 .Aaron.j.ketch@odot.state.or.us May 6, 2011 File Code: PM"!'4-00 Mr. Damien Gilbert Branch Engineering 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Mr. James Spickerman Gleaves Swearingen Potter& Scott LLP 975 Oak Street, Suite 800 Eugene, OR 97401-3156 - VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Subject: Application for State Highway Approach Highway Number 015 (McKenzie) at Milepoint 5.72 Application Number 10859 Dear Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Spickerman: The purpose of this letter is to address comments in two letters received by ODOT from Mr. James Spickerman, dated April 4, 2011 and by Mr. Damien Gilbert, dated March 31, 2011. Mr. Spickerman's letter focuses on two issues: the reasonableness of alternate access; and how crash data relate to safety factors cited in OAR 734-051. Mr. Gilbert's letter addresses specific issues associated with the methodology of the traffic analysis. Mr. Spickerman's letter cites Revised Statutes and Administrative Rules, specifically OAR 734-051-0080(7)(a-b), as these provisions relate to reasonable access. In addressing these provisions, Mr. Spickerman cites that the development proposal is consistent with the land use designations authorized by the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan General Plan. ODOT does not disagree with this determination. OAR 734-051 sets forth approval criteria for An Application for State Highway Approach based on an approved site plan by the local jurisdiction. ODOT disagrees with the conclusion that the alternative access from S. 51st Place and S. 52nd Street is unreasonable to accommodate the planned uses for the site. This disagreement stems from the methodology to establish trip distribution that was assumed by the March 31, 2011 traffic analysis prepared by Branch Engineering. Date Received: Ic Planner: SH • • • Application for an Approach to a State Highway Application Number 10859,Highway Number 015(McKenzie)at Milepoint 5.72 May 6,2011 Page 2 ODOT has prepared the table below which reflects the split of traffic assumed by the Branch traffic analysis. PM Peak Hour Trip Distribution and Assignment— Exiting Site No Main Street Access With Main Street Access Driveway on S. 51st PI. 92 trips (80%) 23 (20%) Driveway on S. 52nd St. 23 trips (20%) 46 (40%) Driveway on Main Street n/a 46 (40%) Total 115 trips (100%) 115 trips (100%) Note:Data compiled by ODOT from Figures 8 and 12 in applicant's 10/14/2010 Traffic Impact Analysis The Branch traffic analysis assigned 80 percent of the trips to S. 515t Place and 20 percent of the trips to S. 52nd Street without providing any supporting evidence or explanation for such an uneven distribution of traffic to and from the site. By assigning 80 percent of the trips to S. 515t Place, the Branch traffic analysis concludes that without an additional approach to Main Street, eastbound traffic entering the site will queue and block the west driveway on S. 515t Place creating unsafe conditions. The interim ODOT Region 2 Traffic Engineer(Dorothy Upton, PE, Senior Transportation Analyst) reviewed the Branch traffic analysis and prepared an additional sensitivity analysis for the area. Based upon these analyses, Ms. Upton concurs with the use of the 2-Minute Rule analysis procedure used by the Branch traffic analysis but not with the assumptions to establish the trip distribution patterns to S. 515t Place and S. 52nd Street that were used in the Branch analysis. The Upton analysis found that the general distribution of current traffic on Main Street related to this site is 60 percent eastbound and 40 percent westbound. Using this general traffic distribution pattern Ms. Upton estimated that driver behavior to this site would follow this split (60-65 percent generally travel east toward S. 52nd Street and 30-35 percent travel west toward S. 5151 Place). • Ms. Upton considered this 60-40 trip distribution pattern when she conducted an • independent queuing analysis utilizing the 2-Minute Rule analysis procedure to estimate the allowable trips based on the proposed available storage length. Assuming that 35 percent of the site generated trips headed east from the site would use the S 515t Place access (based upon the above data), Ms. Upton concludes that without an additional approach road to Main Street there is sufficient storage available on S 51st Place and S 52nd Street to allow the authorized uses for the property. In other words, when 35 percent of the trips that would otherwise access on Main Street use the S. 515t Place access there is no blockage of the S. 515t Place driveway. Based upon this analysis ODOT concludes that the type, number and location of approaches on S. 5151 Place and S. 52nd Street are adequate to serve the volume and type of traffic reasonably anticipated to and from the property based upon the planned property uses. In addition, the Branch traffic analysis has other unexplained inconsistencies with the assumptions and methodologies it considered in the analysis including: Date Received: 5 f) t ,1i t Planner: SH Application for an Approach to a State Highway Application Number 10859,Highway Number 015(McKenzie)at Milepoint 5.72 May 6,2011 Page 3 • The Branch traffic analysis does not explain why the trip distribution drops 60 percent at the S. 51st Place driveway when it assumes an approach to Main Street when that approach is only assigned 40 percent of the trips. • The Branch traffic analysis does not explain why an additional 20 percent of traffic will use the S. 52"d Street driveway when it assumes a Main Street approach. Routing additional traffic to S. 52"d Street is what allows the "With Main Street Access" scenario to appear so much better. • The Branch traffic analysis does not explain why the majority of exiting eastbound traffic would use the S. 51St Place driveway in the "No Main Street Access" scenario instead of the S. 52nd Street driveway since it is in the eastbound direction. The Branch traffic analysis assumes this traffic drives back along the front of the property instead of using the S. 52"d Street driveway as demonstrated in the "With Main Street Access" scenario. Mr. Spickerman asserts that the use of crash data in the determination of safety factors cited in OAR 734-051 is improper. ODOT staff disagrees, and believes crash data are relevant to the determination of highway safety. The attached Appendix A of the ODOT Access Management Manuals identifies those safety factors when considering the characteristics of OAR 734-051-0080(8). In determining traffic character pursuant to OAR 734-051-0080(8) ODOT must consider "roadway speed, crash history, existing and projected traffic volumes, vehicle types, presence of pedestrians and pedestrian facilities and the presence of bikes and bike facilities". The crash data provided by ODOT document the crash history for that area. Mr. Spickerman noted that ODOT did not have a professional engineer stamp the crash diagram in my January 31, 2011 letter to Mr. Gilbert. The crash diagram previously furnished to the applicant was an informational diagram of the available data. Attached is the official crash history from the ODOT Crash Analysis Reporting Unit with its certification: ("The information displayed in this data is compiled from individual driver and police crash reports submitted to the Oregon Department of Transportation as required in ORS 811.720. The Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit is committed to providing the highest quality crash data to customers. However,,because submittal of crash report forms is the responsibility of the individual driver, the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit can not guarantee that all qualifying crashes are represented nor can assurances be made that all details pertaining to a single crash are accurate.") This manual is intended to be a detailed reference for those involved in access management and access management decisions. Date Received: 5 I I planner: SH Application for an Approach to a State Highway Application Number 10859,Highway Number 015(McKenzie)at Milepoint 5.72 May 6,2011 Page 4 Since this report is a listing of data without any interpretation, it is not stamped. Any interpretation of the data would be engineering and those conclusions would be stamped by an engineer. Although the ODOT Scope of Work only required three years of crash data, we furnished a five-year listing for added information. ODOT analysts typically use 3-5 years of crash data when performing an investigation. The analyst performing the study can then determine the appropriate time period needed for the specific analysis. Mr. Spickerman noted that ODOT did not have a professional engineer stamp the traffic analysis review comments prepared by ODOT's consultant, CH2M Hill. Attached is a copy of those comments with the December 8, 2010 cover memo from ODOT, bearing the engineer's stamp of Ann Batten, PE, the ODOT Traffic Analyst who reviewed and • agreed with the CH2M Hill comments. Mr. Gilbert addressed the various characteristics outlined in Appendix A of this response in his March 31, 2011 traffic analysis under the heading of"Supplemental Comments Regarding Crash Data." It should be noted, although not specifically mentioned in OAR 734-051, they are relevant when evaluating crash data and are addressed when findings are prepared. It is the collective nature of these characteristics, along with their relationship to the highway segment in close proximity to the proposed development, that are evaluated. • This application will require approval of a deviation to the Access Management Spacing Standards as specified in OAR 734-051-0115; Table 1. The spacing standard for this portion of highway is 990 feet. The spacing distance, in this case the 990 feet, is the distance measured between approaches— both public and private—along the highway frontage. The spacing standard is based on a Statewide highway classification, a posted speed of 45 miles per hour and the approach location in an urban area. The need for the spacing deviation is based on the distance between the proposed road approach to S. 51St Place and S. 52' Street, respectively. Both distances do not meet or exceed the spacing standard. At this time ODOT has deemed this Application for a State Highway Approach complete. ODOT will be preparing written findings documenting its decision within the prescribed timeframe specified in Division 51. This is also mentioned in the letter that accompanies this response. Sincerely, David Knitowski, PE, AICP Region 2 Access Management Engineer Date Received: cl)1/11 Planner: SH • • Application for an Approach to a State Highway Application Number 10859,Highway Number 015(McKenzie)at Milepoinl 5.72 May 6,2011 Page 5 Attachments: o Appendix A— Safety Factors o May 4, 2011 Memo from Dorothy Upton to David Knitowski regarding technical review of applicant's traffic analysis o May 5, 2011 Memo from Dorothy Upton to David Knitowski regarding crash data December 8, 2010 Cover Memo from Ann Batten to Damien Gilbert and December 1, 2010 Memo from CH2M Hill to Gerry Juster regarding Traffic Impact Study review cc: David Warren, PE, ODOT Dorothy Upton, PE, ODOT Ann Batten, PE, ODOT Jeff Lange, ODOT Aaron Ketch, ODOT Gerry Juster, ODOT Steve Hopkins, City of Springfield • Date Received: i:3_111/1-1--_ Planner: SH • • • Application for an Approach to a State Highway Application Number 10859,Highway Number 015(McKenzie)at Milepoint 5.72 May 6,2011 Page 6 Appendix A2 Safety Factors Purpose In the 2004 Rules.some engineering principles were deliberately not specified so that engineering jud nment could be used to determine what issues to consider,on a case-by-case basis. Safety Factors is probably the most significant of those sets of issues. The following are examples of the characteristics to be considered under safety factors. Roadway • Highway classification character • Number of travel lanes • Road Capacity • Median Treatment • Traffic Controls Traffic • Speed: character • Crash history; • Existing and projected traffic volumes; • Vehicle types; • Presence ofpedeshiams,pedestrian facilities; • Presence of bikes,bike facilities. Geometric • Topography.horizontal and vertical curves; character • Stopping sight distance; • Intersection sight distance; • Clear vision areas(clear zone); • Right of way. Environmental • Whether the site is urban or nun!; character • Presence of wetlands,riparian areas,endangered speciesihabitat(Special Management Areas); • Drainage issues; • Snowplowing needs. Operational • Mobility standards; character • Peak hour times and volumes; • Signal timing and coordination. 2 drat(p://www oregon.gov/ODGT/HWY/ACCESSMGT/does/Vol Ch04.pdf see pages 99- 100 Date Received: 5 1 I Planner: SH • • t =V+,f^ra 'ke rego nt Department of Transportation � `l. 111E 2 :' Region 2'Tech Center 's'' y,ins A.Razhnimg NJ.I).,Governor 455 Airport Rd.SE Bldg.A Salem,OR 97301-5397 Phone:(503)986-2990 PROFEs May 4,2011 NOINEfq S7�Y X14,485 H� To: David Knitowski, PE • Region 2 Access Management Engineer j/i '� ' P From: Dorothy J. Upton, PE OU <4':2o.°��V�c Interim Region 2 Traffic Engineer 3. 02 (Senior Transportation Analyst) 671-5 W.30/10/d., Subject: Technical Review for Gilbert Development on McKenzie Hwy at MP 5.72, Application No. 10859 • (Property located between 51" Place and 52nd Street) The traffic analysis submitted by the consultant for the subject property looked at capacity, level of service and queuing for reasonableness of site access for the proposed development. The analysis for capacity/level of service reports that both intersections are projected to meet standards in 2016 with or without the mid- block access.The study concludes that the two access scenario is unreasonable because it contributes to unsafe conditions on 50 Place due to the associated stacking of traffic entering the site. The queuing (stacking) reported in the consultant's study is based on the 2-Minute Rule procedure. You asked that 1 review the 2-Minute Rule traffic analysis. This procedure is an acceptable method for use at unsignalized intersections according to the ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual (APM).The March 3 l, 2011 memo from Branch Engineering cites the correct formula for use to report the required 95th percentile • estimated queue. Note that the volume is what varies since the"t"value and vehicle length do not change in this instance. Therefore the volumes used in the formula are the crucial input. 1 reviewed the October 14, 2010 submitted Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA) from Branch Engineering to verify the volumes used in the queue analysis.This report cited the pm peak hour as being front 4:30-5:30 PM. Figure 7 from the TIA reports the 2016 Existing Conditions/Background traffic for the study area.The TEA also states"the proposed development is projected to generate an average of 251 PM new vehicle trips accessing the site during the design hour." Table 3 in the TIA shows the trip generation and general split of the traffic from the proposed development as 130 trips into the site and 121 exiting the site. The report • states that"The traffic was distributed to the site with the existing traffic distribution as an indicator..."The split referred to was 60%eastbound(from west to cast) and 40% westbound(from cast to west) in the pm peak hour. The distribution has six trips entering and six exiting that do not use Main Street. The table below shows the split of other traffic generated in the report exiting the site accessing Main Street. PM Peak Flour Trip Distribution and Assignment— Exiting Site No Main St Access With Main Street Access Driveway on 5I" 92 trips (80%) 23 (20%) Driveway on 52"d 23 trips(20%) 46 (40%) Driveway on Main Street n/a 46(40%) Total 115 trips(100%) 115 trips (100%°) NOTE: Data complied by ODOT from Figures 8 and 12 is applicant's 10/14/10 Traffic Impact Analysis • • Figure 8 shows the trip distribution without the Main Street Driveway, while Figure 12 shows the distribution with the third access. I question specifically how the site generated traffic was distributed.There is no explanation why trip distribution drops 60% at the 5I'`Place driveway with the addition of the Main Street driveway when that access takes only 40%of the trips.There also is no explanation as to why there are fewer trips eastbound away from the 52" Street intersection(19 fewer) with the third access scenario. The three-access scenario assumes that an additional 20% uses the 52" Street driveway without explanation, This routing of traffic is what allows this scenario to appear to function better than the two-access one. It is unclear why more exiting eastbound traffic would use the 51a Place driveway and have to drive back along the front of the property instead of using the 52"d Street driveway like the assignment assumed in the three access scenario. Keeping high amounts of traffic routed to 51" Place is what appears to cause the queues to block the west driveway. This is the crux of our concern with the trip distribution reported and analyzed. The next step of my review was to review whether there is a safety concern(as cited by the consultant) that the 51g Place access would be blocked by northbound traffic queued from Main Street.To bracket the issue, 1 used the 2-Minute Rule to understand the amount of traffic that could queue at the Main Street/5 Is' Place intersection. The October 2010 study indicated that there was just over 100 feet of storage available on 5l" Place at Main Street. Considering both the background and site generated volumes at this approach, it appears that the right turn movement from 5l" Place onto the highway is the highest volume move. Using the 2- Minute Rule, 100 feet of storage accommodates about 65 vehicles per hour(vph). For the right turn movement, the Existing Conditions/Background Traffic has 23 vph in 2016 leaving 42 vph to come from the development. This equates to about 35% of the trips exiting the site heading to the east from the west access on 51'' Place, leaving 65% to access elsewhere. It could be reasonable to assume that one-third of exiting eastbound traffic would drive slightly out of direction using 5l" Place and making two right turns while two-thirds of the vehicles would head in the general east direction to find an access to the through route with its two turns(one left' and one right). 'therefore, using the trips generated as furnished in the TIA and a distribution generally based on the original 60%eastbound/40% westbound distribution, the 100 feet of queue storage on 51'` Place is a reasonable configuration for the two-access scenario. • • Syr,':se i F 4i :;o i Department of Transportation regon \"' k.54;j z Region 2 Tech Center \iee`9 John A.ktzI,ts r,M.D.,Governor 455 Airport Rd.SE Bldg.A Salem,OR 97301-5397 Phone:(503)986-2990 Q 0 ESS/py Date: May 5, 2011 �NEER�( /2'\ To: David Knitowski, PE / �G`,//// Region 2 Access Management Engineer �71,e, 0� E cb O •From: Dorothy Upton, PE . \LY 2.0 JQ~ (Senior Transportation Analyst) \OTHV J• Interim Region 2 Traffic Engineer • Subject: Crash Information—January d,2005 to December 31, 2009 McKenzie Highway No. 15 (Main Street) Mile point 5.62 to 5.82 • City of Springfield I Attached is the crash listings furnished by the ODOT Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit for the specified location for the requested five year period. This is the exact listing that would be furnished to any requestor as the ODO"['listing of crashes. Any questions related to this data can be directed to: • Sylvia M.Vogel Crash Reporting Technician . Crash Analysis And Reporting Unit Oregon Dept. of Transportation Transportation Data Section 555 13th Street NE, Suite 2 • Salem,OR 97301-4178 (503)986-4240 Fax:(503)986-4249 sylvia.m.vogel @odot.s tate.or.us • This is the listing that should be used to evaluate the crash history on this segment of state highway. • Date Received: Planner: SH 0 . 0 r o o r O r r r r 0 N o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 • LL O OK W O Z O Q 0 O w O O O O r O r O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 r • I- F ? W w N K Z r 0 r N O N N 0 0 CO C) 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N OI r v r C ujCC H O C - W o UI a Y 0 ' 0 rrN 0000 r00' OrNr rU) T � at Q O O v L a y -o-N ONN r M? W In 9-N OD x0001-W CO .� Q Z O Cl O a r0 an OF F�l U. 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U 2 a. a a " • . a 8 „ 7: :7 "-• 5 •.; •'] U a 8 5 r;:. •(•:: • a 8 a • 5 ;8 "i 88 8 8: 2 17: rj; !:: '7" 5 Ill 11111 . e- Oq �re it on Department of Transportation "s; a Region 2 Tech Center Theodore R.Kulongoski,Governor 455 Airport Road SE Building A Salem,Oregon 97301-5397 Telephone(503)986-2990 i Fax(503)986-2839 i I DATE: December 8,2010 File:T15-3 TO: Damien Gilbert, P.E. 4 OleI1c�rESs``'y Branch Engineering t E Itlrt; .s 310 5 Street ft-' tiP08 Springfield,OR 97477 da a�m ieriAbbrancIiienngineerinn:com fA fril /" JA-A FROM: Ann M Batten, PE �r�REGUNa , J II Region 2 Traffic Analyst 443. 29. � SUBJECT: Boyles Property Mixed-Use Development, E,t�j,;az n../r u''t CHAMPS Application Number 10859 Transportation Impact Analysis Review ODOT Region 2—District 5 McKenzie Highway—OR 126(Highway#15) Milepost 5.67'—5.74 City of Springfield Lane County The purpose of this letter is to provide review comments for the Main Street Mixed Use Site. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) dated October 13, 2010, prepared by Branch Engineering, inc. This study is part of supplemental documentation required for CHAMPS Approach Permit Application No. 10859. This application is for direct highway access to McKenzie Highway OR 120(Main Street) in Springfield. The site is bordered by two public streets. 51'1 Place and 52nd Street, providing alternate access. The original ODOT scope of work for this study,dated December 2009,stated the following: Alternate Access; This site contains alternate access via 52nd Street and 51s1 Place. Alternate access Is another means of accessing the property other than directly to/from the State highway. This traffic study must clearly demonstrate how the alternate access is not reasonable in accordance with OAR 734-051-0080 Section 8. This analysis shall be performed with and without the proposed road approach (driveway) to the site so as to demonstrate the alternate access is or is not reasonable. Because there ■ are two alternate access locations, the analysis shall clearly indicate the distribution • of trips to and from the site. Additional mitigation shall be explored at the intersections of 51s` Place and 52nd Street, with the McKenzie Highway, if the analysis Indicates queuing and/or operational issues, which result from traffic impacts associated with proposed development. For guidance, please contact the Region Access Management Engineer.... Attached are review comments prepared for ODOT under contract with CH2M HILL,for the subject TIA. Please note the Primary Review Comment to do with queuing analysis, cited by CH2M HILL in the attached review: • Validation of the queuing Analysis does not appear to support the need for a Main Street Access, CH2M HILL was unable to replicate the results of the queuing analysis presented in the TIA. A separate queuing analysis conducted by CH2M HILL is in the attached review comment letter. Please respond to the CH2M HILL Primary Review Comment as to why the results presented in the TIA cannot be replicated. In addition please address the other review comments in CH2M review letter attached. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Gerry Juster, 0DOT Region 2 Development Review Coordinator, at 503-986-2732 or by e-mail at gerard.p.juster@odot.state.or.us odot.state.or.us Cc w!attach: David Knitowski, PE, ODOT Jeff Lange, ODOT John Downing, ODOT Gerry Juster, 0001 Julie Kentosh, ODOT Steve Wilson, PE, ODOT Steve Hopkins, City of Springfield • • TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM CIHt2MFS ILL Springfield Main Street Mixed Use Site: Traffic Impact Study Review PREPARED FOR: Gerry Juster,ODOT Region 2 Development Review Coordinator PREPARED RY: CH2M HILL DATE: December 1,2010 Under Oregon Department of Transportation(0001)Price Agreement 1.25950, Work Order#8, ODOT Region 2 has engaged CH2M HILL to provide assistance with development review. Through this work order,ODOT Region 2 engaged CI-12M HILL to review the Main Street Mixed Use Site Traffic Impact Study in Springfield,Oregon,submitted to 000T by Branch Engineering, Inc.in October 2010. This memorandum uses the following documents: Y ODOT Development Review Guidelines(2005) ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual(2006) J 2001 Oregon Thghwny Design Manual • Institute of Transportation Engineer's(ITt) Trip Generation,8th Edition (2008) • ITE's Trip Generation Handbook,2nd Edition (2004) This memorandum is divided into two sections:(1)Primary Review Comment;and (2)Other Review Comments.The queuing analysis validation is provided as Attachment A, Primary Review Comment Validation of the queuing analysis does not appear to support the need for a Main Street access. CI-12M HILL used the applicant's Synchro and Sim traffic files to attempt to replicate the results of the traffic impact study's queuing analysis. Without making any modifications to the applicant's files, no substantial queuing issues were observed. After five runs of the 2011 and 2016 Build networks without a Main Street driveway, no significant queue buildups were observed on 5'Ist Place or 52nd Street at Main Street.The 95th percentile queue lengths reported in the traffic impact study (1'IS) at these locations could not be replicated for any of the five runs.CH2M HILL recognizes that SimTraffic will not produce the same results for each run, but the large differences between GUM HILL and the tiS analyses in queue lengths seem to be unreasonable. A separate queuing analysis was conducted by CH2M FULL using recommended ODO'r parameters(see Attachment A).This analysis also concluded that queues would not be as severe as the TB queuing analysis.Adequate storage is available for vehicles leaving the site at • • • SPoINGI9rt06ffiW SrREET taXEa USE Are: TRAFFIC JMPPCI SNOT REVIEW the intersections of Main Street/51st Place and Main Street/52nd Street without e Main Street driveway access if the approaches to Main Street are modified from a shared left/right-turn lane to separate left-and right-turn lanes.This assumes queue storage is provided back to the site access points. Other Review Comments The comments in Table 1 are related to the data and technical analysis presented in the TIS. TABLE I Data and Technical Analysis Comments _ TIS Page Topic Comment 3 ; Truck Turning The TIS stales:" ..,Main Street access should be looked at closely during Analysis ' the site review process to confirm that delivery trucks and emergency vehicles are accommodated". The turning template figure provided is marked as preliminary design and ' not for construction. From the figure,it appears that when a single-unit truck enters the site, it is not able to complete a right turn off of Main Street • without traveling over both the parking end curb and the center island.The front left tire of the design vehicle is shown inside the boundary of the island. Assuming the island is raised(and not just painted),the design vehicle cannot be accommodated.The analysis also assumes that trucks • wilt only be entering from eastbound Main Street.Tho TIS does not • provide documentation to explain why delivery trucks are not anticipated to • arrive from the westbound direction,which would require trucks to access the site from either 52"'Street or 51''Place. 5 Table 1 Table 1 shows a posted speed of 40 miles per hour(mph)on Main Street. This contradicts page 3 of the TES,which states that the Access Management Spacing Standards used assumed 45 mph on Main Street. B Segment : The TIS states that intersection crashes were not calculated for the Crash Rates ! segments.When a corridor analysis is being conducted that breaks a i section of roadway into corresponding intersections and segments, it is ' reasonable to assign crashes in the corridor to either an intersection or a segment. However,since the TIS did not calculate intersection crash rates • i for all intersections located within the study segment, the Main Street • crashes within the segment(coded intersection related or not)should all have been included in the segment crash rate calculation.The TIS crash analysis removed crashes that can result in a skewed analysis. 8 Crash ' The TIS states that crashes have been a problem on Main Street within Mitigations : the study area,but OOOT Is working to improve safety.One mitigation • cited to improve safety is access management. This is inconsistent with • . the TIS conclusion and request to provide a new driveway on Main Street to the site. 10 ' Existing Traffic The TIS states that the"...AM and PM peak hours generally occur , Volumes between 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM,respectively,in the area of analysis." There is no documentation in the TIS to support this statement. 2 SPRINGFIEL D:AN STREET VIXEC USE CRC: TMFF:C'LTACI Sruar RENEW TABLE 1 Data and Technical Analysis Comments TIS Page Topic Comment 11 1-leavy Although the traffic counts included heavy vehicle volumes, the TIS 44 Vehicles analysis adjusted the volumes to a design heavy vehicle percentage using ODOT TRANSGIS and highway reports.Because heavy vehicle counts I were collected,percentages should be calculated using this data. 17 Site Traffic The TIS states that the existing counts show a 60/40 distribution of and i eastbound and westbound vehicles, respectively. 1-lowever, Figure 6 Distribution : shows an 80/20 distribution. 27 t Queuing i In Table 6 of the TIS, eastbound and westbound queues on Main Street are reported for the uncontrolled through movements.How were these queues calculated when the movements do not stop?For example,under the'Build Condition with No Main Street Access'the 951"percentile EBTR queue is 250 feet, and the WBT queue Is 300 feet.These movements are not controlled by a signal or stop-sign.How would a 300 feet queue be generated? 31 Trip The TIS mentions 42 percent of trips generated would be pass-by trips, Generation i but there Is no documentation or reference in the Appendix to support this j percentage. Traffic Simulation ! The peak hour factors(PHF) used in the'Synchro/SimTraffic files do not appear to match those provided based on the counts in Appendix E of the TIS.The PHF's used in the 2011 Synchro files appear to he the default value(0,92), while the calculated PHFs range between 0,56 and 0.94.The PHPS used In the 2016 Synchro files are all 0.95,which does not follow APM. Traffic Simulation 00OT requires that the right-turn speeds within the simulation settings of the Simi-raffle files be changed to 15 mph.The TIS analysis used the default value of 9 mph. Traffic Models j The ODOT scope of work specified that the mitigated scenario should model separate right-and left-turn lanes on 51"Place and 52nd Street.The . i TIS analyzed separate turn-lanes on 51st Place, but not on 52nd Street. • • SPIZINCIAD IJMI SIeSS I tmXEU USE SITE: 'IRArf IC IMPACT Si IDY IfiVIEVI • Attachment A: Queuing Analysis Results The SimTraffic queuing results provided in the TIS were compared to the SimTraffic queuing results calculated by CI12M HILL.Table 2 shows the results of these analyses.'1'1w following summarizes the changes that were made to the applicant's files to complete the analysis. 0 2011 13uiid (No Direct Access to Main Street) — The right-turn speeds were increased to 15 mph to match ODO'I'analysis specification. — The 52nd Street approach was analyzed as two turn lanes(right-turn and left- turn)per 00( 1 request.(The T1S analyzed the approach to 52^,I Street as a shared left/right lane.) o 2011 Build (Right-1n, Right-Out Driveway on Main Street) The right-turn speeds were increased to 15 mph to match ODOT analysis specifications. 2016 Build (No Direct Access to Main Street) The right-turn speeds were increased to 15 mph to match 0001 analysis specm lea lions, The 521"1 Street approach was analyzed as two turn lanes(right-turn and left- turn) per ODOT request. (The T'1S analyzed the approach to 52nd Street as a shared left/right lane.) • • . • z ■n5 j K n� I.a "^>: "+✓.!..yy-�S'r'i I z:-.-. 5k n o o a o ,n L n o Ec 4 1 Q '61 )1. 1 M1 ',12 N .n U nl 1' N N T Z L Z w in Fe-.. , Fe ''y- t [- -"a As Y " N o 1 In O m .o to 1 d rn 1 S \'+`l1f +a rt r ofix, . 'le t o N c ° n N i� ° , r m _ � v Z 2 x 1) xr)Y l qer, y y N al' - Sy o ,5 0 L$ 4 , :?k n o ¢ O n to v, ¢ o v SS n v, v m a S- N o y n I. N 1- L 0. Z z (`I 1. c. , a Pc t. a aJ o U N pat M` $ I;'� ..•:!'`•h 4) D, .fj.,i .1 0 In ) to rL 4 in \> Q !C n 8 'm ,. ft. N a 7 N. O OI I--' Z Z h Z f v N 11•,r�hi -*J4 W 9 N L a w —— — y ob\6474relik t.• I <D ti C . O O N g U O o N N 11111'5 k i d m 1 o o v K'- rN of II !}.ro m Z� d n0 v o" Z Z I I W 'a n 4 LJN � � O U O fr 2 Si"A. lA 2 N � >n. a o k roc'.°2 N n n O '' 3 J U N {S' yh. :.,' N n U v,y �f , :�w ai ' qa. mn a a < ry / � '.W s .. f t` " F c> y Y .' u .- of .O -Y tO to • °t o • • Department of Transportation for!-: , q - -•' :_1-: a District 5■ Hs- .�" .0 644'A' Street m- y N Springfield,OR 97477 �Y (541)744-8080 a°° John A.Kitzhaber,M.D.,Governor Fax: (541) 726-2509 Aaron.J.KETCH@odastate.or.us May 06, 2011 File Code: PMT 4-49 Damien Gilbert Branch Engineering, Inc 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Deemed Complete Notification Highway Number 015, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 5.72 Application Number 10859 Dear Damien Gilbert: This letter acknowledges that ODOT has deemed your Application for State Highway Approach complete, and our office will now decide whether to approve or deny your application. You will be notified of ODOT's decision on this application within sixty calendar days of the date of this letter. We will notify you to request a time extension if we are unable to reach a decision in sixty days. If your Application is approved, mitigation may be required and you may need to provide construction plans stamped by a professional engineer. If your Application is denied, we will notify you of our findings. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (541)744-8080. Sincerel a Aaron Ketch, Permit Specialist ODOT District 5, Maintenance Office