HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 10/24/2013 PRE13-00031 - Dev opment Issues Meeting for Proposeeubdivision Replat 545 Mountaingate Drive, Lots 29-53 (Map 18-02-03-21, TL 4400-6800) Q.1 What is the review process and steps to obtain approval for the proposed residential subdivision on this property? A: The applicant will need to obtain approval of a Site Plan Modification — Major and Subdivision Replat for the new lotting pattern to be implemented. The Site Plan Modification and Replat are Type II land use decisions that require public notification and they can be processed concurrently. Staff advises that the applicant also will need to obtain a Tree Felling Permit for the remainder of the development area because the 2009 approval has lapsed. Q.2 What is the timeframe for land use approval including site plan review and permitting for roads? A: Both the Site Plan Modification and Replat require pre-submittal meetings that are scheduled 5-7 business days after receipt of the application. Once the tentative plans are submitted, the typical timeline is approximately 40-50 days for a decision to be issued. Building and construction permits would be issued following submittal of a Final Site Plan and execution of a Development Agreement for the project. Issuance of a Tree Felling Permit also would be required prior to clearing, grubbing and grading of the remainder of the site. • Q.3 Is it possible to obtain construction permits by June 2014? What are deadlines for application submittals to keep this schedule? A: It would be possible to obtain construction permits by June 2014. The applicant is encouraged to prepare all necessary plans and have the submittals to the City by late 2013 or early 2014 in order for all final plans, permits and agreements to be completed by Spring, 2014. Q.4 May the applicant submit Construction Documents prior to final Land Use approval? Can they be reviewed concurrent[ly] with the Land Use applications? A: The applicant can submit construction documents and building permits, etc. prior to approval of the Replat or Final Site Plan. However, issuance of most permits will be dependent upon approval of the Final Site Plan, execution of a Development Agreement, and recording of the new plat. Q.5 Does the proposed residential development that includes increasing the lot size for a portion of the overall Mountaingate community require an amendment to an approved Master Plan OR can the project be developed pursuant to the underlying zoning district standards? A: The Mountaingate Master Plan has expired. Instead, the applicant can look to complying with provisions of the Low Density Residential District; the Cluster Development standards; and neighborhood Caveats, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) recorded against the property. Q.6 Are public services available and operating at adequate capacity to serve the proposed development? A: All public services are available to serve the subject development site. Engineering to comment. Q.7 How does the Hillside Overlay District apply to this site? Are there any other overlay districts that affect this site? A: The Mountaingate neighborhood is subject to Hillside Development Overlay District provisions, including the North Cluster. A maximum impervious area calculation was determined for the North Cluster and allocated to each individual lot. With redevelopment and replatting of the site, the maximum impervious coverage calculations still apply to the property. (7,--+:; Received: 2Y/t 1'1-_ F1, iner: AL • Q.8 Does the City have any concerns relating to the proposed develo ment? Y Y 9 P P P • A: The developer is proposing to address concerns about lot sizes on existing Lots 29-53, but has not identified any revised plans for existing Lots 9-21. Grading and hillside issues have delayed completion of the upper hillside lots and, if changes are contemplated for these lots, they should be modified and replatted along with the balance of the development area. .Staff advises that the houses on proposed Lots 8-15 will need to have street "frontage" on Mountaingate Drive. The approved design for existing Lots 29-36 calls for rear access driveways and garages with provision for shared pedestrian walkways and stairs connected to the public sidewalk system. Similar elements will be needed for the reconfigured Lots 8-15. Proposed Lot 8 has an awkward configuration due to the road stub along the north edge. Because it is a.private road, the stub could be incorporated into Lot 8. Heads Up Issues: • The replatting of Lots 29 and 45 should include the entire lot area, which extends to the centerline of the private road. • Full development of the Tract A common open space area will be required concurrently with construction of the remainder of the North Cluster. • A PIP plan will be required for improvements on the undeveloped remainder of the site, including • extension of public and private utilities, private streets and stormwater facilities. • • •, .� �:a eive : IP ty nner:dec AL