HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 10/3/2013 •
PRE13-00026 -D evelopment Issues Meeting for Proposed Annexation
3491 & 3521 Game Farm Road (Map 17-03-22-00, TL 400, 500 & 600)
Q.1 Springfield Zoning Maps show the property with a MDR medium density residential zoning
classification. The Metro Plan shows the property with a LDR low density classification. Please
confirm what the zoning classification will be once the property is annexed.
A: The properties are zoned and designated Medium Density Residential (MDR) in accordance with
the Springfield Zoning Map and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan. Because the parcels are
not within the City limits they currently have an Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) that will
be removed upon annexation. After annexation, the subject properties will retain the MDR zoning.
Q.2 Will the development site be able to discharge stormwater runoff into the public drainage
easement abutting the south boundary of the subject property?
A: The property to the south is owned by PeaceHealth and it contains a private stormwater basin. The
stormwater detention basin is intended to be a temporary feature and it cannot be used for
treatment of stormwater from the subject site unless PeaceHealth agrees to a joint drainage
Engineering to comment.
Q.3 The applicant is proposing to construct a residential care facility on MDR zoned property which
will be subject to the siting standards of SDC 4.7-155. Please confirm if the proposed
development will also be subject to the multi-unit development standards outlined in SDC 3.2-
A: The proposed facility is considered a multi-unit residential development and therefore will be subject
• to the multi-unit design provisions of Section 3.2-240 in addition to the special siting standards of
SDC 4.7-155.
Q.4 Please confirm the process for obtaining building permit approval for the proposed
development. Are we required to submit for, and receive, Site Review approval before we can
prepare construction documents? If required, can the Site Review approval process run
concurrently with the Annexation application? If not required, can the Building Permit review
run concurrently with the Annexation application with the caveat that a building permit will not
be issued until the annexation process is completed?
A: The applicant will need to go through the annexation process prior to submitting for Site Plan
Review, followed by building permit submittal. Building permits can be submitted concurrently with
or subsequent to submittal of the Site Plan Review application. Because the properties are within
the OF-10 District, a Pre-Submittal for Site Plan Review is the only action that can be taken to
advance the project until the annexation is completed.
Q.5 Are all public utilities adjacent to the subject property available for use by the subject property
and are there any access restrictions onto Game Farm Road given the proximity of the property
to the intersection of Game Farm Road and Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.?
A: SUB Water & Electric and Engineering to comment.
Transportation to comment.
bate Received:_ 22/3/A9 3
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Supplemental Questions Submitted 9/13/2013
Q.6 The applicant is contemplating acquiring additional land from the northern adjoiner through a
property line adjustment procedure. The subject property is zoned MDR. The northern adjoiner
is zoned LDR. What effect would this split zone have on the project's development plans?
Does the property line adjustment have to be completed prior to annexation?
A: Staff strongly recommends annexing the entire project site area with the initial comprehensive
application. The annexation can incorporate some or all of the adjoining property, and a property
line adjustment or replat can be done later to incorporate this area into the development site. Staff
observes that the applicant will need to dissolve the internal parcel lines or implement a deed
restriction mechanism to accommodate buildings and improvements across multiple property lines.
In the LDR zoning district, residential care facilities for more than 15 people are allowable subject to
a Discretionary Use procedure. Assuming the property has been annexed, the Type III
Discretionary Use request would be taken to the City's Planning Commission for a decision.
Alternatively, the applicant could submit for a Type IV plan amendment and Type III zoning map
amendment to change the zoning and designation from LDR to MDR. This alternative route would
be more costly and time consuming and require multiple public hearings.
Q.7 The applicant is contemplating purchasing the remainder of the northern adjoiner at a later date
for a future phase of his proposed development. Besides annexation, what would be the
process to change the zoning on the northern adjoiner from LDR to HD? It appears that the
applicant will have to do an amendment to both the Gateway Refinement Plan and the Metro
Plan. If the applicant engaged in the zone change process, is there any way to gauge the likely
A: Staff wishes to clarify whether the applicant intends to change the zoning from LDR to HDR or
MDR, since the highest density zoning might not be feasible on the site. Either way, the procedure
would be the same for the plan amendment and zone change process. Staff advises that a request
to redesignate and rezone the property from LDR to MDR probably would be more viable than
initiating a change from LDR to HDR. Staff would likely support a plan amendment and rezoning
from LDR to MDR to facilitate development on the site, but a successful outcome is not guaranteed.
Prior to initiating any refinement plan or zoning map amendments, staff recommends that the
developer hosts a neighborhood open house meeting at a nearby location to present the vision for
the project, solicit feedback, and gauge the receptivity of nearby residents to the proposed
Heads Up Issues:
• There is limited access available along the property frontage due to setbacks from the intersection of
• Game Farm Road and MLK Parkway.
• Future development on the site will need to provide for installation of underground utilities.
• Clearing the properties to accommodate future development may require a tree felling permit.
• There is a vehicle trip cap on the Riverbend area of Springfield due to capacity issues at the Gateway
Street/Beltline intersection and also for the Beltline/I-5 interchange. The applicant will need to provide a
narrative on the potential impact of the proposed development on the calculated trip cap.
Date Received: /0/3/,�0d___
PIanpc,r: AI