HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2013-16 10/21/2013CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FY 2012 -2013 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -16 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General , Street, Jail Operations, Special Revenue, Transient Room Tax, Community Development, Building Code, Fire Local Option Levy, Police Local Option Levy, Bancroft Redemption , Bond Sinking , Sanitary Sewer Capital , Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project, Development Assessment Capital, Development Projects, Storm Drainage Capital , Police Building Bond Capital Project, Regional Wastewater Capital, Street Capital , Storm Drainage Improvement SDC, Storm Drainage Reimbursement SDC, Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC, Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC, SDC Regional Wastewater Reimbursement, SDC Regional Wastewater Improvement, SDC Transportation Reimbursement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Sanitary Sewer Operations, Regional Wastewater, Ambulance, Storm Drainage Operations, Booth - Kelly, Regional Fiber Consortium, Insurance, Vehicle & Equipment, and SDC Administration Funds. WHEREAS, the 2013 -2014 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 2013 -10 dated June 17, 2013; and, WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 1. Resolution 2013 -10 is hereby adjusted as follows: Attachment 2 Page 1 of 12 General - Fund 100 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 124,233 Operating Expenses: Planning Fees 16,000 City Manager's Office $ (27,327) Development & Public Works (29,775) Finance (21,174) Fire & Life Safety (235,598) Human Resources (8,709) Informtion Technology (33,454) Library (28,509) Municipal Court (16,526) Police (170,486) Total Operating Expense $ (571,558) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 711,791 Total Resources Adjustments $ 140,233 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 140,233 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. DPW reguest funds forDevelopment Review staffing needed due to increase in application activity. Re- appropirates Asset Management project funds to FY14 for Oracle Licensing and Autodesk & Infor contracts. Carries forward revenue and expenditures for the remaining Arts Commission Grant and re- appropriates Library's book budget that was not fully expensed in FY13. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cast where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Street - Fund 201 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 58,426 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works 5 (57,970) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 116,396 Total Resources Adjustments $ 58,426 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 58,426 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Re- appropirates Asset Management project funds to FY14 for Oracle Licensing and Autodesk & Infor contracts. Attachment 2 Page 2 of 12 Jail Operations - Fund 202 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 2,947 Operating Expenses: Police $ (50,906) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 53,853 Total Resources Adjustments $ 2,947 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 2,947 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Special Revenue - Fund 204 Resources Requirements - Beginning Cash $ 145,841 Operating Expenses: Grants 57,160 Development & Public Works $ 15,499 Canine Donations 3,964 Library (555) Reportbeam Project 108,409 Municipal Court 5,000 Police 206,488 Total Operating Expense $ 226,432 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 88,942 Total Resources Adjustments $ 315,374 Total Requirements Adjustments , $ 315,374 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Carry forward revenue and expenditures for the remaining Grant Funds that were not fully expensed in FY13: SHOP Grant, 2010 Local JAG Grant, 2011 JAG Grant, OACP Traffic Safety Grant, OACP Seat Belt Grant 2013 JAG Grant, K9 Donations, and Comcost Grant. Allocates new grant funding from the state with forfeiture reserves to implement on electronic citation software module as part of the new suite of public safety products. Allocates new grant funds from state award to enforce DUII laws with on emphasis on large community events. Attachment 2 Page 3 of 12 Transient Room Tax - Fun 208 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 51,349 Operating Expenses: City Manager's Office $ (2,388) Development & Public Works (2,806) Library 1,710 Total Operating Expense $ (3,484) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 54,833 Total Resources Adjustments $ 51,349 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 51,349 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Requests carries forward revenue and expenditures for the remaining Arts Commission Grant and re- appropriates Library's book budget that was not fully expensed in FY13. Community Development - Fund 210 Resources Requirements - Beginning Cash $ (168,966) Operating Expenses: Grants - 724,195 Development & Public Works $ 721,758 Finance (630) Total Operating Expense $ 721,128 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (165,899) Total Resources Adjustments $ 555,229 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 555,229 Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Carries forward HOME and CDBG program income from FY13. For FY14, we anticipate receiving $383,654 in new CDBG revenue, $237,924 in new HOME revenue, and $102,617 in HOME program income. Building Code - Fund 224 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 66,625 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (16,491) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 83,116 Total Resources Adjustments $ 66,625 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 66,625 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS /OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Attachment 2 Page 4 of 12 Fire Local Option Levy - Fund 235 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 15,499 Operating Expenses: Fire & Life Safety $ (39,654) Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves 55,153 Total Resources Adjustments $ 15,499 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 15,499 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Police Local Option Levy - Fund 236 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ (63,765) Operating Expenses: Municipal Court $ (3,660) Police (56,157) Total Operating Expense $ (59,817) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (3,948) Total Resources Adjustments $ (63,765) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (63,765) Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Bancroft Redemption - Fund 305 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 46,831 Operating Expenses: Finance $ (330) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 47,161 Total Resources Adjustments $ 46,831 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 46,831 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Bond Sinking - Fund 306 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 28,012 Non - Departmental Expenses: Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 28,012 Total Resources Adjustments $ 28,012 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 28,012 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into unappropriated fund balance. Attachment 2 Page 5 of 12 Sanitary Sewer Capital - Fund 409 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash - $ (1,199,902) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (773,521) Capital Projects (426,381) Total Resources Adjustments $ (1,199,902) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (11199,902) Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. Request re- appropriates capital projects funds not used in FY13 into current year for Franklin Blvd Sewer Extensions ($21,389). Request reallocates funds from projects planned for payment in FY14 however FY13 expenditures were more than estimated. Realloction moves budget from Captiol Projects to Reserves for: 10th & N Street ($350,000), 58th Street Flow Control Facility ($97,770), Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project - Fund 412 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 361,025 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 361,025 Total Resources Adjustments $ 361,025 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 361,025 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Development Assessment Capital - Fund 419 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 19,186 Operating Expenses: Finance $ (1,671) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 20,857 Total Resources Adjustments $ 19,186 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 19,186 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Development Projects - Fund 420 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 496,422 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 301,733 Capital Projects 194,689 Total Resources Adjustments $ 496,422 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 496,422 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. DPW Operations Division is requesting a carryover from FY13 to FY14 to complete projects originally scheduled last year. Attachment 2 Page 6 of 12 Storm Drainage Capital - Fund 425 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 161,453 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 202,712 Capital Projects (41,259) Total Resources Adjustments $ 161,453 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 161,453 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not used in FY13 into current year far Channel 6, Mill Race FIRM update, Channel 6 FIRM Update, and 42nd Street Dike Study, and Firing Range Decommissioning. Request reallocates funds from projects planned for payment in FY14 however FY13 expenditures were more than estimated.. Realloction moves budget from Captial Projects to Reserves for Island Park and Mill Race Stormwater Facility. Police Building Bond Capital Project - Fund 428 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ (24,156) Capital Projects $ (24,156) Total Resources Adjustments $ (24,156) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (24,156) Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. Regional Wastewater Capital - Fund 433 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 904,469 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 904,469 Total Resources Adjustments $ 904,469 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 904,469 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Street Capital - Fund 434 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 128,034 Non - Departmental Expenses: ODOT IGA 120,000 Reserves $ (77,966) LTD IGA 20,000 Capital Projects 346,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 268,034 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 268,034 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and ba lance is being placed into reserves. Recoginizes new revenue from lane Transit District for City staff time being reimbursed on the Main -McVay Transit Feasibility Study and ODOT IGA for the Main Street Pedistrian Crossing. Re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not used in FY13 into current yearfor Gateway Street Overlay, Gleenwood Bridget Repair and Glenwwod Riverfront Path NEPA. Attachment 2 Page 7 of 12 SDC Local Storm Improvement - Fund 440 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 28,806 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 3,195 Capital Projects 25,611 Total Resources Adjustments $ 28,806 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 28,806 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not used in FY13 into current yeorfor S 59th & Aster St Drainage, Channel and Island Park. SDC Local Storm Reimbursement - Fund 441 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ (8,493) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (8,493) Total Resources Adjustments $ (8,493) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (8,493) Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC - Fund 442 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 94,773 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 94,773 Total Resources Adjustments $ 94,773 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 94,773 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC - Fund 443 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ (21,331) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (21,331) Total Resources Adjustments $ (21,331) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (21,331) Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. SDC Regional Wastewater Reimbursement - Fund 444 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 84;377 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 84,377 Total Resources Adjustments $ 84,377 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 84,377 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Attachment 2 Page 8 of 12 SDC Regional Wastewater Improvement - Fund 445 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 966,500 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 966,500 Total Resources Adjustments $ 966,500 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 966,500 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. SDC Transportation Reimbursement - Fund 446 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 264,842 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 264,842 Total Resources Adjustments $ 264,842 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 264,842 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. SDC Transportation Improvement - Fund 447 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 205,770 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 170,770 Capital Projects 35,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 205,770 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 205,770 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not used in FY13 into current yearfor Transportation System Plan. Local Wastewater Operations - Fund 611 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 404,129 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (31,164) Finance (293) Total Operating Expense $ (31,457) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 435,586 Total Resources Adjustments $ 404,129 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 404,129 Comments: Beginning cash, adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Request re- appropirates FY13 Asset Management budget to FY14 to fund Oracle Licensing and Autodesk & Info. Attachment 2 Page 9 of 12 Regional Wastewater- Fund 612 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 1,344,767 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (36,405) Finance (2,633) Total Operating Expense $ (39,038) Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves 1,383,805 Total Resources Adjustments $ 1,344,767 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 1,344,767 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Requested carryover is to fund consulting fees for MWMC - Galardi contract approved by the Commission on Septebmer 13th. Consulting services is to support intended improvements to the regional rate model related to long -term forecasting of sewer billing units. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Ambulance - Fund 615 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 62,012 Operating Expenses: Fire & Life Safety $ (104,800) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 166,812 Total Resources Adjustments $ 62,012 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 62,012 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Storm Drainage Operations - Fund 617 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 650,128 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (53,246) Finance (293) Total Operating Expense $ (53,539) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 703,667 Total Resources Adjustments $ 650,128 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 650,128 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Request re- appropirotes FY13 Asset Management budget to FY14 to fund Oracle Licensing and Autodesk & Info. Corryfowards contract with Measurement Specialties which funds the purchase of flow measurement devices /probes originally contracted in FY13 and anticipated for delivery in FY14. Attachment 2 Page 10 of 12 Booth -Kelly - Fund 618 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 88,834 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ (3,745) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 92,579 Total Resources Adjustments $ 88,834 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 88,834 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Regional Fiber Consortium - Fund 629 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ (43,588) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (43,588) Total Resources Adjustments $ (43,588) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (43,588) Comments: Beginning cash change is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and reserves is being adjusted. Insurance - Fund 707 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 1,977,332 Operating Expenses: Human Resources $ (9,532) Nan- Departmental Expenses: Reserves 1,986,864 Total Resources Adjustments $ 1,977,332 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 1,977,332 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Attachment 2 Page 11 of 12 Vehicle & Equipment - Fund 713 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 814,661 Operating Expenses: Fire & Life Safety $ 390,000 Municipal Court 5,500 Police 307,511 Total Operating Expense $ 703,011 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 111,650 Total Resources Adjustments $ 814,661 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 814,661 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Approves funds for Munciple Court's scanner that is on schedule for replacement. Re- appropriates are being requested for the purchase of two new ambulances, new Police mobile data terminals in patrol vehicles and Police Patrol /ISB Vehicles that were not delivered in FY13. SDC Administration -Fund 719 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 107,631 Operating Expenses: Development & Public Works $ 7,535 Finance (462) Total Operating Expense $ 7,073 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 100,558 Total Resources Adjustments $ 107,631 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 107,631 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. After the adoption of FY14 Budget PERS/OPSRP cost where determined to be lower then expected, request lowers expenditures and places savings into reserves. Reallocation for FY14 Adopted budget erratum for the SDC Transportation Methodology. The meothodology will analyze the recommended projects in the updated and revised Transportation System Plan to determin the SDC cost basis for growth during the 20 -year planning horizon. Request re- appropirates FY13 Asset Management budget to FY14 to fund Oracle Licensing and Autodesk & Info. Total Resources Adjustments $ 9,224,441 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 9,224,441 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21st day of October, 2013, by a vote of for and O against. ve � Attest: ' / -�/i /, Mayor Christine L Lundb r Ci Recorder Amy Sowa Attachment 2 REVIEWED & APP VED AS TO E DA OFFICE 0 C T A TORNEY Page 12 of 12