HomeMy WebLinkAboutItetm 07 Liquor License Endorsement for More of Everything '6' \ .~ Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL October 1, 2007 Regular Session Development_S~ ~ Dave Puen~ 726-3668. .~ Consent Calendar ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR MORE OF EVERYTHING. ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE ST A TEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License application for More of Everything, located at 3000 Gateway #800, Springfield, Oregon. The owners of More of Everything have requested the City Council to endorse their OLCC Liquor License Application. Attachment 1. OLCC Liquor License Application .DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMP ACT: The license endorsement for More of Everything is for a new outlet with limited On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. l .t .. Ib 2 00705 / 7 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Application is being made for: LICENSE TYPES o Full On-Premises Sales ($402.60/yr) o Commercial Establishment o Caterer o Passenger Carrier o Other Public Location o Private Club ~ Limited On-Premises Sales ($202.60/yr) o Off-Premises Sales ($100/yr) o with Fuel Pumps o Brewery Public House ($252.60) o Winery ($250/yr) o Other: 8.' . . , ACTIONS ~ ~New Outlet o Greater Privilege o Additional Privilege o Other FOR CITY AND COUNTY USE ONLY The city council or county commission: (name of city or county) recommends that this license be: Granted 0 Denied 0 By: (signature) Name: (date) Title: Applying as: o Individuals o Limited A Corporation . Partnership o Limited Liability Company OLCC ~p~Y .PI' Application ec'd by:AfV"t^-.. Date: 9: ,/7 .7 7 gO-day authority: 0 Yes No 1. Applicant(s): [See SECTION 1 of the Guide] CD lV1.o.&: IN L . CID @ @ 2. Trade Name (dba): i.fV\ 0 (Lt 0 ~ fv6<U-i'11-\1. JJ q 3. Business Location:30l5\) ~ft'1 ~9lm Sf I4it0GPt8i> J LANe:.) 0 rZ Crt '1 f 7 (number, street, rural route) (city) (county) (state) (ZIP code) 4. Business Mailing Address:-z.,':::;"Vl7 ~S])l fLAc.e.. Sf'(2{Jm~ (J (L Drll..{ 71 (PO box, number, street, rural route) (city) (state) (ZIP code) 5. Business Numbers: S'y,l - -'~lo-f.(3Uo (phone) 6. Is the business at this location currently licensed by OLCC? OYes fPNo (fax) 7. If yes to whom: Type of License: 8. Former Business Name: 9. Will you have a manager? f;i(Yes _,No Name: ~1Z.11~' rJ t3 f\ (' 1-1 (manager must fill out an individual history form) 10. What is the local governing body where your business is located? ~f'til,J 6-Vi ~ ) 01<- . . (name of city or county) 11. Contact person for this application: Qo fU-{ c.~ ~Ct-h, LL SLtl- q 13.-& & I 3 . 'L dl '3./"'''fV\ n. - . (name) (phone number(s) 2..2..::.\ ') y lYLu...... SfPvYJ I D{L q ~"/11 C(~,J\i.tV<:...h z-81 C!. G\c.d .. ecw'\... (address) (fax number) (e-mail address) I understand that if my answers are not true and complete, the OlCC may deny my license application. App..I~ant ).'. natu ) and Date: l' t "fLeS ,~t F@e Ct/QjVc(i7CID @ D~e @ Date Date 1-800-452-0LCC (6522) www.olcc.state.or.us ATTACHMENT 1