HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-9-13 .. RE'S)D~NTiAL~"'. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd3 Oregon 97477 BuiZdinq Division 726-3753 .j.. J'&~~j- ?< ~7 2- (JAJ /)~ 0 M.~ #r1 02- :32- ~:/~ Job Location: Asaessors Map Suhdi;;-:-sion: 0.=" (Y.vb, R ~fn J . Address/f~7 "2 ~_.o fLO,~^, C',>, ~rr ~ ".- I~e'~ I I AdCi ticn L.. I Remodel I I l'.!obi Ie Hor.ta Date of A?pZicaticn Con::ractors General PLumbing , ElectricaL I I Nechar.ic:::. L I Constl"'~ction L<:nder /no1f I ,,' T= Lot # Phone: 7Lf' ~ ?Z$S S Zip: 77<{ 77 Describe rfork: (.)~,J) %~ ~ :fA ~o -~~~ 1/C~Jf~ 9,(3 ''6~ Value # ~'D. Cu ~-' Add.~ess '021)/ ., l./ ff .~cce-::)t.~ } J"-a \c:) '-' \~ twcc~~~~ [?~ IS,oZ) '11u .fa; ----- /$.&0 Siqr:ed: Date: lu 9- ),5-,<t.3 Lisc.# Eroires Phon<: It is :he responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that aZZ inspections are made at the proper tim~~ that e~ah =ddress is re~~~2 from the street, and that the permi t card is L.xated at the front of the property. .3ui~i~4 Divi=io~ approved F,~ sr~LL remain on the BuiLding Sit$ at aLL times. P;:WCEDUF!E FOR INSPECTION .l?E'QUEST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City desigr.ated joe nur.:ber, job adi:!'ess, type of in;1pec::icn requested a~-d when you wiLL be ready for inspection, Contractcrs or ~~e~s name cndphone nu~cr. Requests received eefer~ 7:00 ~ :.'ilZ be Trade th€ same dC'd, .requests mc.de afta 7: 00 am urilZ be made the n:;;:::t j)()rking day. g520 VG Reaui~~d TnsDPcticns SITE INSPECTION: To be made excavation, but prier to set jorms. after up of o o UNDERSLAB ?!..L'MBING, ELECTPIC,lLj ,'1ECHA;/ICAL: To be made before any work is ;:ovcred. o FOOTING 3 FOUNDATION: To be made after "rencnes are excavated arA JCTmS are erected, but prior to pourir~ concrete. [] UND7!RG.~OU.~.TD ?LUl.f3ING. SE~C:Rt ;.,.'JTER1 DRAINAGE:: To be made ;;>rior to fiZ- U/"4 trenches. o UIIDERFWCR !,!,;)I.~r..'G ~ !1ECHANICAL: To be made prier to in;1"a~~tion of j100r -:-nsu!cticn o~ decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made vri"r to instal~"ien oj lioor ins~~tion or deckinq. o o ROUGH ?!.Jj~.!BINC. ~rZ~TP!CAr.. j NEC!l- ANICA!..: No ~ork is robe covered until these inspections r~ve ceer. made ar~ -zpprQved. FPEPLACE: P'r"~or to p!c::-:.r.g facing ma"el"'~az.a arA before fra:r.r'~ng inspec- tion. D D FP.A!~I~"1IG: Mu.st be reC'.A.e::;ted aft.ar approvaz' of rough pZWri;ing~ alectn- caL & mechanicaL. A'll :,oofing bracing & chimncys, etc. ,~~sc be comoletad. :'/0 work is to be con- ,cea'led until this insvecticn r.as "been made and approved. Your City, Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BA.'?RER INSP:;CTIOfl: To be made after aZZ insul..::twn iZ".a rcquired vapor eCC!'!'iers are in place but before o:r.y lath, gypswn board or waLL covering is applied, and eefore any insulation ~s conceaLed. DE!fODITION OR ;'.~tOVE] 3UILDI1.~iGS =:J Sanitl1I"d Sf!'..}er =crpped ::t p~oP<:!'t-d Li,...e ~ Septi~ tank p~ed arA f-:-LZed with ;ra~aZ ~ FinaL -, ~~en abcve ite~s ar, e c~~tet<:d ~ ~d when iencl~tio~ is co~Zete or st~~~-. ture moved ~~ pr~ses cleaned U? . Mobi le H.cmes :=J 3LockiY'4 ~ PLwnbing ~ ELectT':caL Connection - BLockir.g, set-u? ~ and pLumbing connections ni~st =e cppr~v2c bejor<: requesting eZectT'~caL inspection and Set-up connections -- sewer ~~ water ~ Accessol"'d BuiZd.ing ~, FiY'~L - Aftcr ;~rc~es, skirting, decY$, ~ etc. are ccmpZated. D At! proJect cor.ditions, sue,!.: as che i,ns"aZZation of str>eet trees, ~o."?Zeti.;m of t:W required Zandsccpir~, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDIVG ?I~AL ~an be rzquestzd. o FINAL PWXBI!lG [J FI:IAL ..,rE~HA:/ICAL [J FINAL E:LEC7RICAL o o PINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiLding Ins~ection ~st be reaueaced ::~ter the FiY'~l ?tumbing 2LeccricaL, and Nechanic:::.Z InspectionaiJave been 'made and'ap?ro;;ad. D DFI'!'./ALL ItlS?ECTIIJN: Tc be made after aZZ Cr;/waZZ is in place, but prior to any tapir4. 'ALL; NANHOD2S AND CLEANOUTS ,'!UST 3E: ACCESSIBLE:, .1DJilS?.'!:::.'/'!: TO 3E: :,[1[:E fIT :~'O C'JST TO CIT'! ?::~e of' 2 o l1ASOflRY: SteeL Location, bond beams, ~~tiY'~ or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. instaLlation is. D CU.I?B & APPROACH AP,r:;ON: After forms are erected out ;:>rior to pouring concrete. o SIDEWALK & DRF/F:'t1.4:: For at! con- crete paving WA~thin street right- ol~way, to be made after a'll exca- vating complete oj ;'0= work & sub- base material in place. D '?ENeE: When compLete -- 'Provide gates or movabZe sections through P,U.E. o r ~ i JOB No.<63?o't'G fZ~e: i1 ILot Sq. F<;g. !: jf !~e C~grac: I.. '~...' .. :!1 01 ::....Ol"'_es ! :OotaL :!.r:ch: i . W Topogra;;;r:f ..:..-::,~...! 5'.F':'C ! ,~fain I~aca : ::zr:-Cr'': I,: ..ic~css,,!"~, I I I I Is.D.c. I :"QT.~~ VALr.;E , :""C;'UC) 1.5 = Bui ldi-r.g Pam t Stata SI.4!'~h.xrge Total cr.a..~ge3 SOL A R 't ;, C E S S R E Q,- ()~',,!,:'.:-:r'Y!C'"J tJ:'~:J: :"CT ':YF~ r . .r::er'l.cr Corne:' ?=;..cndZe Cul-de-saa x ~"a lue CP_4RCE I1TZ,'.[ I :i.... -:ures I Residentia l (Z bath) I Sanitarj Seo..Jer ! ;;e.t ez' Pl:unbir.g Perri t State Sl.4!'a;".apge Tetal crL:raes I iTE.'-1 I Fies. Sa. fta. I N~/E-.-tend Cil'C',l.its I Tempcrary Se~~ice ,'iO. I E!e~tr-:aal Pemt State SI.4!'~;..a:rce Total cr.c:rces NO. FEE ~t":' I ~ C.":)._='CE" I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ CHAI?SE I IE,\f I F'urr..:=ce 2T'l' S I E::hau.st flood I Vent F=n I . I ;!::Joc.stc:Je I I :/C. I I I I I I Per:r.it 1s=a .l,fe~;'.ani-c::.l Perm-: t State SI.4!'~hc::!ooe Tot.';.l cr.araes ZI'lCRCAC.1l'.fE.',rT -- I J S ec-..a"; tu D2=C3i t Stor=.qe Mc:inten.....,...,....::~ P:J~t Total e'r.cr'1fJs i . , I C:.ir::JC',I.:; IS'" " I -z.ae:.kH;( I~ 'I :er~e , j ::Zectrica l i:..:.be Z ! ,I{obi le 1.=e Z'QTA.G .~'.!OU:1T CU~.'" )~,OO I I I I ,CoOl I / 5, LxJI · I ! , 1'5,<:)0 .~ If; - ~O P::.ae 2 ~j.. L-COG~ I Lot Faces - I I P.L. I iVor1:h Type/Cor.st: 3eCrool7'.s: I Enerau Sources ' ',' I Heat "" I I ~/ateY' f! ea-; aT' . ~. I I Range I Fireolaae I Wood;;tolle I Tuoe . ':",'- East Sou.tn IYest ';etbacks I House I CaI'age I I I I I Acaess. I I Fees Building Value & Permit I J I j I r ~ ! J I I ~ 'This permit is granted on the express condition that the saic._construation shaZL, in aZl 1'espeats, conJcrm to the Ordinanae ::.dopted by the City of ,SoF':ng~'ield, incZudi-no ':;ne Zoni-no C1'dinanae, reaulatina the ccr:st2":/cticn ~d us~ of buiZdings~~and m~y beY3us~ended or r~vokec;t cr.y time upc~ vic- lation of any ?r~Vi3ions of said Ordinances. I PZan Check. Fee: Date Pai-d: IReceipt #: I Signed: , Plumbing Permit No pereon shall aons~~at, install, alter or change any r~w 01' e=istir4 plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in paI't, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's License, except tr.ct a person may do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, leased OP operated by the appli- cant. ,. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires t;".at the electl"'~cal work. be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid untiL the Zabel has been signed by the Electr>:aal Contractor, Mechanical PermH "> P~an E;:c:miner var;a I flA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINeD the aorrrp Zeted app l iaation for permi t, and do hereby aertify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f,l.rther aertify that any ar.d aZL u;ol'k perfomred shaZL be done in aa~ol'- dance~th the Ordinances of the City of SpF':ngfield, and tnz L~~s of t~e ~ State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and tr~t NO OCCU- Pf.OCY ~Zl oa made of anu structura without o2rmis3ion of the 3uiZdina Di- vision. I fUrther certifJ th~t o~Zy ~ontra~tors x~ e~lvyees ~h~ ar~ i~ aompliance wich CRS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oj2at r-;5-8'~ tate' "