HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 8/12/2013 City of Springfield 1st Review of Joshua K Smith Final PLA COS Journal # TYP113-00005 Client: Gleaves Swearingen LLP Surveyor: Larry Olson Contact: Larry Olson Reviewed by: Jon Driscoll • 1. Please add the Planning File Number (TYPI 13-00005) to the map. 2. On the distance call between the SW'ly L&T at the CL/CL intersection, change the 29" to 28" in the R1 bearing call. 3. Legend: a. Change "Found PK Nail" to "Found Concrete Nail" per your survey RI. b. Please add mark—perhaps with double parentheses—to make a clear distinction for the original square footage of the originally shaped parcels and record bearings and distances. c. Add LCODR. d. Add the symbol for set monuments or reference monuments at the corners of the two new parcels. e. On the 2"d and 3rd monument symbols, please give a "detailed description" of the monuments—e.g. 5/8" iron rod, or 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap marked "P.L.S 655". f. Please change the word `lot" to "property" on the "original...", "adjusted...", and "adjacent..." "...lot line", as this is not a replat and does not change or create actual lot lines. 4. Please correct the street width of S. 38th Street. The east half is correct with 25 feet adjacent to the adjusted Parcel 1 and 30 feet with the adjusted Parcel 2. However, I'm confident the west half should be 30 feet instead of 25 feet—which would change the full width numbers to 50 and 55 feet. (I've attached a word document and some .pdfs which show why I believe this. Feel free to call if you have questions.) 5. Declaration of PLA/B&S Deed: a. Page 1 & 2 look good. b. Page 3: i. Each exhibit needs the LPPN 2004-P1762 changed to P1792 (2"d paragraph, Line 2). ii. Exhibits C & D: Please change the last word on the first line from • Eugene to Springfield. iii. Exhibit D. 2"d Paragraph, Line 4: Change 35.00 feet to 43.87 feet. Date Received: I 0 . Planner: LM 8/12/2013 Page I of I C:\Users\mi118343\AppData\Locai\Microsofl\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LE3K I M I LVoshua Smith PLA Review-I.doc