HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 8/8/2013 •
Development Issues Meeting
Mainstream Housing
August 8, 2013
Planning Response:
Land Use Process (Responses match the numbering on the applicant's submittal)
1. The original site plan was not processed as a phased or master planned development. The
extent of the proposed development will require Site Plan Review.
2. The church.is a continuing use on the site. The parcel number may change, but the location of
the church is within the same development envelope. No new Discretionary Use permit will be required.
3. If the project is deemed consistent with goals of the Urban Renewal District,the District may
pay for the City SDCs. The Director of Development and Public Works has the authority to approve the
fee payment. Note,the payment does not include SDCs assessed by Willamalane and the Metropolitan
Wastewater Management Commission.
Land Use Issues
4 a-c. SDC Section 3.2-620 allows some flexibility in the administering standards that govern the
percentage of non-residential use (SDC 3.2-625 and 630). One approach is to count in the square
footage of the Alfiya structure when computing the percentages. The continuing non-conforming use
approach may strain the intent of the code section.
3.2-620 Mixed Use District Development Standards—Conflicts and Exemptions
A. Conflicts. •
1. In cases where the development standards of this Section conflict with
standards found in other Sections of this Code,the standards of this Section shall
EXCEPTION: Standards in this Code pertaining to environmental protection, water
quality protection and or public health and safety matters shall prevail over the
standards in this Section.
2. Development standards found in adopted refinement plans, specific area plans.
and specific development plans shall prevail over those in this Section.
3. The intent of this Section is not to create non-conforming uses due to necessary
zoning map amendments to Mixed Use. However, if a non-conforming situation is
created; existing buildings, structures, and uses may continue, expand, or be modified
as permitted in Sections 5.8-120 and 5.8-125 until they are abandoned and are
transferable to a future purchaser. �i d
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B. Exemption Process.
, 1. Sections 3.2-625 and 3.2-630 detail a series of design standards that seek to
achieve attractive, pedestrian oriented development where mixed-use is applied.
Developers may choose to-meet these standards as prescribed, or they may propose
other design ideas which are equal to or superior in meeting the objective of a particular
standard. When a developer requests an exemption from a required standard, it is their
• responsibility to propose an alternative that fulfills the intent of the standard to the
Director's satisfaction.The Director has the authority to authorize the exceptions and to
determine the acceptability of the alternative the developer proposes.
2. When developers propose alternatives to development standards in Sections
3.2-625 and 3.2630 that is not acceptable, the Director shall deny the exemption. The
Director shall issue findings which state the intent of the standard and describe how the
alternative fails to meet that intent.The developer may appeal the decision of the
Director to the Planning Commission as specified in Section 5.3-115.
5. SDC Section 4.6-125 defines minimum parking requirements. The parking for the residential
portion may be reduced if the development is classified as a Group Care Facility. Overall,the
Development Code allows the Director.to exercise some discretion without a variance where a parking
study shows that the actual number of parking spaces is less than the standard shown in Table 4.6-2.
4.6-125 Vehicle Parking—Parking Space Requirements
Table 4.6-2.
Group Care Facilities 0.25 for each bedroom or dwelling unit plus 1 per full time
employee on the busiest shift.
Dwellings-multiple family other 1.5 for each dwelling unit
than quads or quints
Recreational facilities and 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area in the primary
religious, social and public assembly area and 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor
institutions area for the remainder of the building.
G. Mixed Use Districts.
1. Nonresidential Requirements.
a. Surface parking shall meet the minimum parking requirement for the
various commercial and industrial uses in Table 4.6-2.The Director may reduce
the minimum number of parking spaces required, based on a parking generation
study, without the need for a Variance.The study shall demonstrate how a
proposal to reduce parking is justified by estimated peak use, easy pedestrian
access, availability of transit service, and adjacent on-street parking.This
reduction shall be limited to 20 percent of the established standard.
• - •
b. The maximum number of parking spaces allowed shall not exceed 120
percent of the minimum parking requirement for commercial and industrial
uses in Table 4.6-2.The Director may increase the allowed number of parking
spaces based on a parking generation study, using statistical analysis from the
Institute of Transportation Engineering (ITE) Parking Generation Report without
the need for a Variance.The study shall demonstrate how a proposal to increase
parking is justified by estimated peak use, and how parking demand
management techniques to reduce the needed number of spaces would be
ineffective for the development.
2. Residential Requirements. Minimum off-street parking standards for residential
uses shall comply with the standards specified in Table 4.6-2.
3. EXCEPTION:The Director may reduce the minimum residential parking standard
when it is demonstrated that proposed housing is along a frequent service transit line,
or is otherwise provided for by this Code.
Multi-family Standards
6. The intent of the MUR was to provide for mixed use development in a residential dominance.
SDC Section 3.2-240 clearly exempts such development from the open space standards found in SDC
3.2-240. The standards governing the construction of buildings in the MUR District are governed by the
standards found in SDC Sections 3.2-625 and 3.2-630. There is no specific requirement for private
outdoor space in Sections 3.2-625 or 3.2-630. Where conflicts with code standards arise, the standards
found in these sections prevail.
3.2-630 Mixed-Use Development Standards—Specific
C. MUR Development Standards.
4. All development in the MUR District complies with the standards specified in
Section 3.2-240.
EXCEPTION: Section 3.2-240D.5.a. exempts multi-unit developments in mixed-use
buildings from the minimum open space standards.
3.2-620 Mixed Use District Development Standards—Conflicts and Exemptions
A. Conflicts.
1. In cases where the development standards of this Section conflict with
standards found in other Sections of this Code, the standards of this Section shall
• •
EXCEPTION: Standards in this Code pertaining to environmental protection, water
quality protection and or public health and safety matters shall prevail over the
standards in this Section.
Site Issues
10. Consolidation of tax lots, in so much as it is a reduction of the number of lots in a subdivision
requires a replat. The Lane County Assessor's map shows the tax lots are part of the Paul Bratten
5.16-100 Property Line Adjustments
5.16-105 Purpose and Applicability
A. These regulations are intended for the review of Property Line Adjustments and are
separate from Lane County Deeds and Records lot/parcel consolidation policies. A Property Line
Adjustment is the relocation of a common boundary between 2 abutting properties. A Serial
Property Line Adjustment is the relocation of more than 1 common property line involving 2 or
more abutting properties. Serial Property Line Adjustments can be reviewed individually or
combined in a single application as specified in Section 5.16-115.
B. Property Line Adjustments may occur within a recorded Subdivision or Partition, as
specified in this Section,as long as the adjustment is not a reconfiguration of or an increase or
decrease of the number of lots in a Subdivision. In this case, the Replat review process specified
in Section 5.12-165 applies.