HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 9/19/2013 +Y r • pCb t • Cu ! i e ,l �. t?.. __. .- Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2006492549 Lane County Deeds and Records After Recording Return to: IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III $31.00 Barry Rubenstein 00571652200600925490020021 P.O.Box 10567 12/28/2005 10:10:25 AN Eugene,OR 97440 RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn--15 CASHIER 07 • Until a change is requested all tax statements $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 shall be sent to the following address: Cochran Family Investments Limited Partnership 3298 Lakemont Drive �° Eugene,OR 97408 " C ? J I 1 t 1 o WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM • Robert S. Cochran, Grantor convey a duo Cochran Family JnXestments Limited Partnership, Grantee,the following described real property,free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein. Legal Descriptions: See attached Exhibit A. • BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT,THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT,THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY • PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON . LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY,UNDER ORS 197.352. The true consideration for this conveyance is none. Dated this 7-7 day of December, 2006. rse,`C2-,--1. • 7 Robert S. Cochran STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of Lane ) ++ This instrument was acknowledged before me on 2006, by Robert S. Cochran. OFFICIAL SEAL - . KAREN S SAILED W Wed NOTARY tweuc-oREOop Notary Public for Oregon • •;:,, COMMISSION NO.991034 MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 23,2009 Warranty Deed- I Date Received:. 9(19/90/3 S:\C\000HRARS\BUSINESS\IDced.doc Planner: AL • •• � .._. Exhibit A Legal Description PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point on the Northerly margin of Oregon State Highway No. 126,said point being North 95.08 feet and East 392.26 feet from'the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along said margin South 82°20' 30"West 140.34 feet;thence North 7°39'30"West 5.00 feet;thence South 82°20' 30"West 103.43 feet; thence leaving said margin North 336.55 feet to • the left bank of the Willamette River, thence along said left bank North 67° 10' 00" East 58.45 feet; thence North 46° 58' 30" East 41.03 feet; thence North 73°36' 38"East 35.44 feet; thence North 80°42' 24"East 55.73 feet;thence North 77° 08' 30" East 18.47 feet; thence leaving said left bank South 7°39'30"East 386.26 feet to the point of beginning,in Lane County,Oregon; EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, recorded September 28, 1995, Reception No. 9554713,Lane County Official Records. PARCEL 2: A roadway easement over a strip of land 25 feet wide, adjacent to and along the Easterly boundary of the above described tract and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast.corner of the above mentioned tract, said point being 95.07 feet North and 392.26 feet East of the Northeast comer of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68 in Section 34, Township 17 South,Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian;run thence North 82°20 'I,' East 25.0 feet;thence North 7°39 %,' West along a line parallel with and 25 feet from the Easterly line of the above described tract, to the left bank of the Willamette River, thence Southwesterly 25 feet, more or less, along said left bank to the Easterly line of the above described tract; thence South 7°39 '/' East to the point of beginning,being a part of Outlot 37 in GLENWOOD PARK, in Lane County,Oregon. PARCEL 3: • Beginning at the Southwest corner of Outlot No. 37 of GLENWOOD PARK as platted and recorded in Book T, Page 481, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, running thence East 11.68 chains,thence North 20°40' West to the North line of said lot 37, thence West to the Northwest corner of said lot,thence South to the place of beginning in Township 17 South,Range 3 West of • Willamette Meridian in the Donation Land Claim of C.B. Sweet,in Lane County,Oregon; EXCEPT those certain tracts conveyed to State of Oregon by deed recorded December 19, 1932, in Book 176, Page 85, by deed'recorded June 7, 1945, in Book 289, Page 523 and by deed recorded June 7, 1945, in Book 289, Page 525, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County,Oregon; ALSO EXCEP I that portion lying Westerly on the Easterly line of that tract of land described as Parcel IV in deed the El-Jay, Inc., recorded August 28, 1975, Reel No. 757, Reception No. 7536659,Lane County Official Records,in Lane County,Oregon; ALSO EXCEPT that tract described in Judgment of Condemnation docketed in Case No. 16-94- 08382 entitled the City of Eugene vs. Louis Wein Johnson,et al,on December 29, 1994. Exhibit A- 1 Date Received: , /3 Planner: AL • Lr v'�t'_ 4;5`}?..75$ t .s:? �z`'.,�i"r✓.' �:A'i +y:.•••• -L{ ,., J'N„^.atrsiu' �:,?#:; ^ a '' . �t'e t L r Allen'Remrdmg Rettttn To . Until a change is requested all tax statements : �:• '-.,i,',./,`41.,5,;;11.-' : - V. shalt be sent to the following address r ' John C Fatkinson - -`+. r j Bo3erticorianiWa 4s + a�0b �' .I . 'JOl-E. Broadway Suite 300 • 1614 Victorian Way ' �: a , :'].O Eugene.'OR '.97401 - � a• • Eugene, OR 97401 +, ' • 71.*57-1' : . . WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM r ` 4 eq 7,,r Robert S Cochran and Michael B Klessler,operating as"Cochran•Kjessler Co.:l'an Oregon , >a �'S " general partnership, Grantors, convey and'warrant to Robert S.,Cochran Grante the t" ''r''+ ' w j"d�",' - following described real property free of encumbrances except as specs ica(3'set fo z .n r v+,tti herein: - {.s 1F.{ z, E's ofzl4 20'96%07REC 10'00 tF'2'frraft^r ' 's fiLegal description on attached Exhibit A vx '?J'JN 2O 9o007PFONO 40:00 ? A+f '+c w� .y .- :121g..10....20 PotO7AST JND ?0.-P1:••• kkrE,x.y, l" t,r w•�y7 Subject to Exceptions described on attached Exhibit A - '; y a?a 'F ç'l f,r. ,7„�trd � THIS INSTRUMENTWI.LNOTALLOw USE OFTHE PROPERTYDESCRIBEDIN: Fs i t�: � 1..ye 1 IBIS-INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION.OF APPLICABLE,AND USE LAWS AND, Wr r r , REGUI:AITONS BEFORE•SIGNING OA ACCEPTING TBIS INSTRUMENT THE' ` .X s ''�s ..a z x},55 ' r.? y,,� S APPROPRIATE RINGFER COUTOTHE PROPEG DmikttI ENT'a yERIF:' "� .,�-y y R;sS.ci. 1 APPROPRIATE SAN T DETERMINEAmtHa-DEPAR LAWS ITO VERIFY, ,,. ,a -13 �'fy$'v1' APPROVED USES AND 7'O DETERMINE ANY LIN 0 S IAWSUTfS AGAINST k e x �.p �"`�`"' g _ FARMING OR FORE4f PRACTICES AS•DEFINED IN oRS 30930. - Y �.,'� ?-i t; 1 The.true wnsideraton for this conveyance is other than money - ' ' —L� .k 5 RdFr9h'i.X T�{j 1 ` . The Lability and obligations of Grantors to Grantee and Grantee a hens and assigns .Ik` a }g4p d e ■under the warranties and covenants contained herem or provided bylaw shall be limited to j#"jr i'�e .�'f 1 > the.amount,nature and terms``of any•right•of indemnification available to Grantors;under } �,04�..-r r c.;,i` i , > t any;title insurance polity,and(Grantors shall have no Lability or obligation except�to the Sri 'R'M� f - "•pt n ¢p t „� extent that reimbursement forsuch hebility:or obligation is available to:Grantors under any ' T3„vy..4\. su 5 6 q, +, r such title insurance policy The limitations contained:herein expressly do not relieve ' f 3 � s+x ,. + , Grantors of any liability of obligations under this instrument,but merely define the scope, `y �Y,.mod[n, C stir 4.� s nature,and amount of such Lability or obligations r t �qi6#�; 1 °dL^r r ': '} ' t r - vu io-y��C fj r i^j s,°, ( Dated t '19th�day of June 1996 cil.: ., >}is`• sa*,,+k) / .� i iii � i ' �4 r44 Ro err S Cochran Michael B KJessier ; , ,x,4„`"^�"Y,,�+ ' " 6F z,+ F :: STATE OP OREGON,County of Lane)as. : - t i s;' `om { , This instrument was acknowledged before me on Tune 19,1996,by Robert S Cochran �` +-f" ..• e {s i and Michael B Klessler. � ' 2 z ,�i ink r,.h. // t .,,; ml S ®Odl -�. J.7. t t is + i >7.# 1?'1 of ry; i far Oregon'/ � A�fs' .�� S-fit^ ,+ nl My Co ,.,ission Expires.,"/.f-P2� � .y."�},c5"'' a", t 3,.'i H r 1s iMrs) rY ir^(c me • 11 iicAtii.ft 1 .Y l fny.'....� a rt.� nsu z: t rr >y 9 r� ' 4 r , h w.ns zi9:� Ci' ',(' �} ) `t�6 Y Y r r r Y ,h y r C J k r r > n /.h $ ,,,,,: Z i � s rs s // i b. ,i r r + v ' r ° � > !. \ r - r <' bit{ _ L i Y .t n ti 3 ai.;> ''^ \ ; < ':+ > "s..,.e tt w Y , ,cr�51 ♦ yy • to .r .t � - .� D ` ce® Fy,_r Y :.iris_ •CCan [�q . z�x• Date Received: 9//�,?Ot3 . • . Planner AL• • • :7 F,., '. TM c J..t_ I.. v' p,wzw�'." 'kt..4 p'w. s.Kk ' . r.I.:-W .S�,4 I ,Tk nd '""v- .0 r+ v�dx x" „3£tc < r,i.v.1a " .4e'Yz:c E t rt �' — ar. es� t .. tt .. r t t ,t EXHIBIT A. I -d ei,Da: ;''� : vk Property Descriptio .. lF, sy m �' . : Oej �, } x 9t S9 •Beginning;at the Southwest corner of Outlet No.37 of OLENWOOD;PARK a3;platted and `t�1' c" # t r.' pi recorded in Book T,Page 421,.Lane County Oregon Deed'Records,rennin thence Pact 11.68. • "`'t t' r'' chains thence North 20°40',West to the North line of said lot 37,thence West to the Northwest 1 {uh"i�}'tJ s 4>•. •corner of said Iot thence South to'the'ptacc'of beginning in Township 17 South Range 3 West of ,41 . Willamette Meridian in the Donation Land Claim of a Sweet,in Lane"County Oregon; <y 'rt eg x•q• EXCEPT.those•certain•tracts conveyed•to State'of.Oregon.by deed recorded 11-r'"t c'>'%rt y ? ;Br- December 19 1932;.in Book 176;Page 85,by deed recorded June 7,1945,-in Book. ti °u"4 f '+yc$,••TI 289 Page 523 and by.deed recorded June 7,./945,.in Book 289;Page 525.Lane [?' sz.rug k County'Oregoii.Deed Record;is Lane Coons Oregon ._ '- E&. t yy t• F4 ALSO EXCEPT that portion lying Westedy on the Easterly line of that tract of land: n4s.,t t" r s descnbed as,Parcel IV m deed the El Jay,Inn recorded August 28;1975 Reel No L cc � t-4 �i 757 Reception No 7536659 Lane County OftimalRecords,m-Iane County Oregon '? r .i.,s';if r ALSO EXCEPT that tract described in Judgment of Condemnation,docketed m Case: M^;456::03:=,71:14 � t• No 16.94.08382.entitled.the•City.of Eugene vs. Louis Wem Johnson et al,-on. ,,x�.,c ge„*ti,. ���I _ December 29 1994 ta.,ry +.^• -- 4�Uons. s 3 rxs• ,? ��� r ILghts of the public avd gavemmevtal hodies m and to av 1 ' - �• ��' r y p6at an t the aclud g -t " be m desehpedghts whi ow ay be clay ed bof the Willamette River now or of gh ate,mar tkng . . f 4 r•�,tirs� Wr 1 , S 'r e a dwershi n his whmh ma be claimed•by the State of Oregon below the-higtr water tuark r 4 j A F kj4t .i ,is r s ' ';: 2 Any udverre claim:based upon-'the assemon that ` •- q ie ++ ,rra' y -� + , Said.land er any part thereof is."now or at.any twig has been below the I>;, r tX , /7fm^4< tA,,, i . ordinary high watermarkof the Willamette River Some portion of said land? .°-S,y„Fe+z has been created'by artificial means or has accreted to such } Y'.}F s`a'fe t / bounda es y4 t y am t x cr.e4.5 Some poilti. of said lend has heed brought xnimn ilia bvundanes" I 4 Heim .r?.'4-. 1 i ;; ti thereof by an avulsive movement of the.Willamette River or has been formed sy i.'m� '`�zer*Se m' 4 - $ s by accretion to anysuch portion - ^ e }1Y w ' - s 4' 3 1 Slope easement including the terms and prowstovs tbereoQ•to the State of Ore o t b k1f �� '`< • r`sl v by and through ita State Etghway�Commission by,deeds recorded June 7 1945 m Book 289;.Pages n K.�y , "% `74., ,fw� z,< y r 523 through 526 Lane county Oregon Deed Records 4; L ! v `8,� e :enttri c {215,2-:::::.:,::::;:, ...-c .: 4 Roadway easement over the Westerl 25 Feet includm the terms and provisions V Pr C 5"t�c�4 h F-/ thereof,to Louis Wetn Johnson by deed recorded January.31,195%Reception No 74456,Lane 1 s44"r' 'r tI' 2�i } County Oregon Deed Records : '"'i3"'"2" 1 x a: Ahgal.4 xu4 )111.'"?; at including the tents and provisions thereof,granted the City of Eugene,by { '+`V y-ax,�e 3"4•�,and through iheEugene Water&Electnc Board,by instrument recorded October 6 1959 Reception s? xT �n�L �• {i :No:80130 Lane.County Oregon Deed Records..'. 1�y�;�r� �'' t1�s:e 6. fire en ct forth ln udgmeat q(condemnahon docketed in Case No.16-94-08382 I {fit,' 'f0- i '' yc�3l i',;::::::::::::'1.7 ": .":". entitled City o ugf•E—sane vs Lams Wem Johnson;et al on ecember 29 1994. y'°` Fr,?i1-.'rxF";!2 4t1 �i f r �Xy'a"hi 4 7 Existing Icases - 5ti,vd 'l. EXHIBIT A ,. • 2_l r to • 5 r T1 i • Page 1.of 1 Page .v,SAI 1r.} nett" e" e �[a RS,�ra�.g ti ga Ixa"'' , :.e.t ..4.121401.10e,/ S ' g 4 xyj'�.,.�Trp'r��i"{? i ti ��e� b f i F � h'�.,; n 3 1" w h i.• . _ F?r crci >i. ,FE• ■ • 1r tF YG "h. ?g�� • . H . `,:l . rl Date E�ecelved: �3 Planner: 4L td s4 li +tK.G t ,R t y tack;� ■ ` .n {?; M1 t::::: bs rLu . ,,,,!9 .inad ✓r;r v r: :1,i A3" Si ut . $Y .S '�7r1",Vic —:+1)...',: ve�t ;aa41 ) r' C✓s ' ` e2�Nra `1 : J.s'.k .hL b'3 x .1 Q J t ate y+ .` swki .1. t y L' - 11� 4'St tie✓'a. . �i 1/ z i�?n1.�ix'tii �Ps ate » tJt. c )tt Yc tclr `, Y t . ! ? J, { rY? t.., 1x i'i n 's t. ut r s t J yL I Xy„--a�i+t tYs W e.°r r-4 ter .,' 3 Y e s _ y .'` _t} ,�litictWi71.41,ftif: 7.3:::15jitiff�(�g4�j'✓a'b 4 Y S"i � r ..2 S S ¢ T ,. Y. r '".?$�T.�+N2��`�rFh4' ✓�iw�7�VSp , .a f 5 I ,d�Ji it t e e )` c � Ci s �w«s off "t- AI `)) s x ^ r F;\ ) f' r ;' xs f xTn {, yx .. 4.''xf,-{ 3 Y i k ; `. i t a 1�vn. 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"- r r r'z '- 1 vzl'.i'd' 2 Any'Said lO dlnim based upon the aLa now o that, Ft a C,3 tr.i�t i �� _':Said land'.or any y highhwater work o or a wLLt time hfLyer n 1 3 Come ortiordinaraid la water bark cf the Wliiametta River t of �r ,v '�_ -:'some portion OP eaid:land hna been :!sated by,artifioigii;meana th y Y' '4y ,f,,,, r r { -{or haa!acoreted to nuoh portion.eo oFeated e zS'r$:} `zt \9` some portion of said-land ban been brought within the boundaries F 1° rf i5r.' 1 'Yr - 'thereof #-14-1'an evuleive movement of the willeme to River 4• r "+ \ E2 A n 4 r ;or fret been formed by;aouretfon to any such.portion FF, > }t+ p •' -y ' 9 Slope easement, including'the terms and provisions thereof, to the state A ¢} r , e1u of Oregon by andsthrough its State Highway Oomraieaion tby deed�;reeorded'JUne \ b i Yti r; 4 Lt• 7 1945 fn Hook 269 pages 523 through 526 Lane County Oregon Deed Records r ° (.J�Eti,S. },� - 4 AonEway�eaeement over the-''Festerly 25J feet, fncludinq the terms and Y ,� r 'u dry r c provietone theroo£, to LOuia.Hein Johnson;,by deed recorded January 3, 1956' < <' s� ' >� - o-s r itecoptiun tto 74466 Lane County Oregon„Deed Records ! f'h i r S A° x v.r;F1 1 i e,: .X � p F 5 Eeaement including the te^mo and proviafans thoxnof granted the City of � n".�+ q� °4' s ,Eugene by and th°ough the Eugene Water & Electric Board, by inoprument '` ' +3Pe� n y recorded October lib: 1959 Reception tic •60130 Lane;County Oregon Deed i ! . rf r}:2 �'�X r AacordR __° i4T t -'7#ire6. �)(y�, r f Y _`if r,t*y zyo pr>7 r ' t 1 ,y q fS'r,•.sit ', !1 i t Static of Oregon i i " y� r• %++SS'r ' CountpofLvm s, _ rL ' P,ai• v imiceuntyaekt adtra m r •_� i county doheebyc¢dlfythetth t,j.j 'y 1`1'3A c+ yi t menL ve r«tvcdf r re Ord a+ s '” e i.Zj. t y. 4jf+✓j i _ -a r w F1 Syr Trt { r 1 M1Ip1 Y S p -T r Ygq ,ty y!}Y"4 24'aR9b .Lx to l .s.Y' U' >- f• ���� } .v Rul' s /`r t H.� 4. n2C ryCteth SRe rds :: r U'ai Y e # C4 !an County Clerk 5 s t i r a 1 q t n .. y l fir' All 1 c('��+ff� 1 y. 1 ;fir n4� con lv Clark �+� iyyt�a�'��}gl.9Ne i R � \ 4 t G ^SS YA'. ';wJ it , 4: i''i5a A^a ol7A i a > ✓ r g"r xDry./! r %' i:� I 4 a '' F u.f f s lr 7 Jty ''�+ �%; x S ,,�� � �1 �'Fd4''� lry, v Vt I ..y, +7 ryr yu_ 1 r ✓r. A�lgqlG��rL2 - t -� l Z iL"C n Yt rt ' rr J t4VL is r r r tr I. (L • • Date Received. _ �I yfr70i3 ,;' r Fr F • . r 2, e _- -- at;, s 80130 'tu 'r'. Know All Men By These Presents: . In eonaideratien of Tye 1`heu=:ul lien Ruvdred w+d no(100 - - -Dollars___. and.otkar - „ ! valuable eonvlderatiovo, receipt thereof is hereby aelvewledged, the underpinned hereby ! grants e. perpetual casement to tie City of cotta, Crep n, n munieapel torpo:ation,.Of - y yr -v. h; lane County. Oregon, by and through the Bogene rater a Electric Hoard,.together a.th any It Joint user vlth °hos it may contract, vita the right to pine°, cleotrict, ope.J eleotrlo. - _ poser tosintain, ts telephone and teletruot, repair, Loop oloar and.remove, °low, goys end app2lan°en negasbnrT or i Nis y-„,.- , ., povor, telephone and telegraph equipment, linos, p under the following k g`k". `!--12( 3+6-.413, .7; i q?-. convenient in erty shoo therovith, upon, acres°, over and/or n6y U: a: 1f;77*°liPSF described property situated in lane County, Oregon: (recorded in Book 317, at page S2, rr,,, - j ! lane County Oregon Deed Reocrde.) �'r""d .s•t .b. -• 1 jy,' The equipment shah be located within an easement of the width specified, the ,c mss' -, center line of which is donoribed as follows: A 22-foot wide easement described as raq'ttmm2aa Tclloee—gaglmSng at a point on the peat/erly boundary of do above dasorlDCd tract, ;- i;451 w• •47,':;,-,izici:Lr-,... ° F.! acid boundary also being the northerly margin of D. 3. Righta7 #126, said point being )t _•• at 11 foot more or lees. nesterly from the southeast corner of the above described tract, , v parallel to the easterly boundary of maid t Y-F•']�'✓"S^"F'°^"''' ! and running, thence m North 1e 15' Rant (grid) enA ; . a `E k tract, tN rtht, ° 04 or lose, to a point; thence ,along the center line of a Z2-feet 1a-r a .. Y°Y�,�'' .%Fy#� � L i plteSment North 38° 04' Noct 120 seer, more or lees, to the loft Lent- of the Willamette • n- es-r," 4'41 River. fi �°' 'fry •. • y i°� 'I Na buildings shall bo conotruoted within the above desoribed easement ctrie. a ,U6 BQtiy,:c2•. }'\Jr arc-1 A 'i.. [ ).cam- T� !'. nt+,n. "' a.v . r. gr ,r,-- -t .P „w rW/ S � • 4.i E' RI � R •.a,.e t y st'-"M i The grantee and its joint users he fu at all time, have the right°and privileges ry = .j therein neoebedry er sonwenieet for the full enjoyment and use thereof for the porpoise° 0qtrWi above described, including the right of ingress and agrees to the right from the real property i'.H i '.. of the grantors for the pvrporeo herein mentioned; and also the right to remove trees, .m.. e e • .G• limbs of tree°, undergrowth or other °Detractions on said property of the grantors,that . • overhang or the Grantee,endanger the property of the grantee. TO HAVE AND TO HOW the .'+1 game unto the Grantee, its eueoeesere end assigns forever: and the rights, condition and ,*yy. y..y.a provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the lupin. eteoutora, administrators, euocessors and /tertian° of the respective parties hereto. ,..y.tTne r • F6tiA • :-'. u,k.rc.5+e IN animas FII@REOF, the undersigned has saeouied this instrument thin rid ” 7^x'^4,, in Sohnaon p�$ �n - ku.•+-�7`°!%2w o-r:.- a to v�l, r °Fr 1 �b i_; tr .L4a..'�?`' .. I Elna Johnson 1ea STATE; OF o Onisr ) s0: - 7. ere- rte.. -,�.�'�:?-� COMITY OF >Ldi5 ) 4 • Johnsen. On ate day personally appeared before me Louis yehnvpn and FSm s k hueband and wife, , f4'rd' S� � 1^' to mo lateen to be the individuals dooeriDed in and who sweated the within and fore- _�° r,.. going Snatrument, and nebvovledged that they migned the name on their frog as a.r,'4`:: + voluntary act and deed for the neap and purpose° therein mentioned. /J --. '.5- i°v4 I eitgv r•,ey hand end official oval this ,1day of .Y , 1W , 4/4; 2r sus a^7 n.,r.2 1 a-1, 74 < qr,{ ✓. —.:f/ /"�- ;q.t.:. q.t.. `P '.t, �._ `a..ttY.�YakY,TM a Notary public Sn for the es°te °r. ore°nn t t a t,J )?fie t p G'- 4- •u 1 residing at Eugene, lane County. Omega -g N v : zF'Y4 E r?�Sn < U� �.oe l J my dernrelnlan Eagan Me927,KO q Y r, ',,rt "K,,,,:74-:,t4= Fb aerai.ey,� 'op h l3>P Cp',• 4 [[pprr q �/!y mkt -r+ • Mi .4. ... Q[p /� Y Y p `+. , .YI 9 !A' rr'y-. r4 +' C„;d i .t I.,e i..,?.. Q{/ u c L.. n a any ! :x -v-- -� 'yo -a �7v net--e'ae lcser ' — lints• -12U r:tit 7 <'. ,x• ... .S Y. o: Date Received: 74_,A v(3 Planner: AL • • (� n b ‘ u' A parcel of land lying in Lot 37,Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded in Book T, Page 481, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M.; Lane County, Oregon, said parcel being a portion of that certain tract of land described on Reel 1893,Instrument 93071300,as recorded in Lane County Oregon Deed Records,said parcel being more paraticularly described as follows: Beginning on a point on the Easterly line of the said tract; said point being opposite and 37.25 feet distant Northerly from(when measured at right angles to) the relocated center line of the Pacific Highway at Engineer's station 217+ 50.3; said point also being 144.6 feet North and 760.6 feet East from the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet D.L.C. #68, said point being the True,Point of Beginning; thence South 82°20' 30" West, a distance of 20.42 feet,thence North 19°05' 30" West,a distance of 150.88 feet, thence South 70° 54' 30" West,a distance of 65.00 fed,thence North 19°05'30" West, a distance of 95.00 feet,thence North 70°54'30" East,a distance of 85.00 feet,thence South 19°05'30 East, a distance of 250.00 feet to the Point of Beginning,coatnining a 11,133 square feet more or less. t X cry 4`A t d ■�\ e ,,� is Ft) in P -,) ck-rt 0 il 5 se ,,,,,) e i , f.-' C (- i 1 '4" EXHIBIT PAGE I et 3 Date Received:4 / / '3 Planner: AL • • A parcel of land lying in Lot 37, Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded in Book T, Page 481, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon, said parcel being a portion of that certain tract of land described on Reel 1893, Instrument 93071300, as recorded in Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said parcel being more paraticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of the said tract; said point being opposite and 37.25 feet distant Northerly from (when measured at right angles to) the relocated center line of the Pacific Highway at Engineer's station 217 + 50.3; said point also being 144.6 feet North and 760.6 feet Fast from the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet D.L.C. #68, thence North 19 05' 30" West, 250.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning;thence South 70° 54' 30" West, a distance 32.82 feet, thence North 33° 04'. 41" West, a distance of 74.26 feet, thence North 8° 05' 12" West a distance of 88.6 feet ± to the Northern property line, thence East along said line and along the high water line on the South bank of the Willamette River to the Easterly property line, thence, South 19° 05' 30" East, 152.0 ± to the Point of Beginning. Containing 6,573 square feet more or less. • Se f e Ol R,01/4, (),t, _ Bl7/ —SATE ~ Date Received: 9719r).03 EXHIBIT C Planner: AL PAGF OF • A parcel of land lying in Lot 37, Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded in Book T, Page 481, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M.,. Lane County, Oregon, said parcel being a portion of that certain tract of land described on Reel 1893,Instrument 93071300,as recorded in Lane County Oregon Deed Records,said parcel being more paraticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of the said property; said point being opposite and 37.25 feet distant Northerly from (when measured at right angles to) the relocated center line of the Pacific Highway at Engineer's station 217+ 50.3; said point also being• 144.6 feet North and 760.6 feet Fast from the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet D.L.C. #68, thence South 82° 20' 30" West, a distance of 20.42 feet to the True Point of. Beginning;thence North 19°05' 30" West,a distance of 150.88 feet,thence South 70°54' 30" West, a distance of 10.00 feet, thence South 19° 05' 30" Fast, a distance of 148.82 feet, thence North 82° 20' 30" East, a distance of 10.12 feet to the Point of Beginning.- Containing 1498 square feet, more or less. • /, ( 6sQ ' • E Date Received: 9,1 q/14 i3 PAGE 3 OF 5 Planner: AL • 0 0. 3//4/90- .. WE'M . . . /. .. . . • sCq ,--- . "so- 85.00 N7o°5¢'joaE'.:•- . og . �a . 65.00 57o°s�30`�!/ , • N. � o • h % tip : o a h • GoG4(/?4A/. . : •- t`' -• PE.'ite,4y6iti7.Z4'V8 i4C4t'is/Tioy . . • • /?U/17) L5°T�q-T/.o/V fO.B . . ' . Date Received: 9/19/?O'J - EXHIBIT A • • Planner: AL . s8:00.. „ _ 3 nc 3