HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-15 ~r.:;._.-.:...~. ...prl!".f1'\'JI"':""""'l>,..ft....:.,...~...... "."\'~""~~':I'1'~ .. R E SlD ~ '"I A l . . APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .,_.~''\"".;'''=;;.. '~.~ J~'-""t)'."~~~ ., .~ ' . If! () ~~{)'24 T~ wt -;n44r7 00 l,ocatio'!" SGDs:;orz. Map If ~l<h(h u':: sian: ~er: \... , - ~~~~(\'l fwe ~~?J ~~'WJ0one:fJ41- \Lo~q, \ \ )0Jlo~ (J{\ Zip' en L\: I B :ddY'es:;: ~1: ty: _..'_Uj ~'~1 - -l I !l,~l,' .1rlrii t7:r;n Rcmo.::r.l. :.~ob~ Ie HOT:'lQ \l()r ~~q(J Date of ~pplieaticn D""~\LoniDT\ Mid ress val":;,~ ) ~ClQd~ ~"'rd onl"ractlyl'9'~'{fr? . :eneral l , ! QC-J >1 t " rt \ f\. ~um1lnb \_1 . ,[c~h""i~" I \C\ \ r.._l ,],t::LtlL_dl ~ 'I , \: ..',.:.I..,.X'.: #-/~ 5f2-S Signed: Date: ~ ,/ //) -/c-- '5 V) I Reg. )' .. ~xp~.c.es PllQl1p ill pe17"'~tt;;r.1~~lec t r:i c in I. Tt is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the propep time, that each ~ddres8 is peadabZe (rom the street, an.i that the permit card is located at the fl'ont of the property. '!?zI1:?dirig D;"lJi:;1:0r: ap?roL'ed plan sh~U remain on tl16 Build'ing 8'itc at an times. OIWCEDU.'?E FOR INSPECTjON REQUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (l'ecorder) state your City designated job numbep, job .addres8, type of inspec;iclI " 'equcsted .a~d w,l:on !j01l :JiZZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owner's name and phone numbep. Requests receiv'ed befcpe 7: 00 i::':I ,'1:Zl be made the scune dc:y, requests made after 7:00 am wiZZ be made the next :JOrking daY90 ( 1\. r'\? YOllr City Desigmted Job Number Is: dL-A ') i!1.!JHired TnsT.'r'"Ur;r!fl -I """" IN''}''''I'.''T()''' 'I' J. .J .._.1 .1 I., ,,1 ..~.... ~ ~ !'o. 0 uC rnr.U.Le exca-v...Tti:;n, ,)u t [J'P'ior to set --- forms. after lip of ~] UNDF:/lST.AD PLUN!JING, F.'LECT/lTC~L ,r, ;"fX'II!l:IIr;~[,: To be made befO!.e any ll)O"['k. 'i..fJ ~ovcr'ed_ ---] ;J mOTING ~ FOU.vD.1 T ION: To be made aJ'tor cJ'e,w!zcs aJ'e e:r:cauated and [0l'.'1I:; al'e erected, but prior to p(1ln"l~r;g c9ncret.s. _J u!m2Rcr::OU!.'D P"UM,'!INC, 8Ef{F:R, f-l.1TE.'I, U!i';jlH4CE: '['0 IJe male pJ'ioJ' to r-i l- I..::.'~U I;,'enehet:. ..J UNnE.'?F'l,OOfl PT,lj,'.!.'3INC S MEC.'I~NICAL: !'o be made Pl"icr' to in:;LaZlation of {wO!' ~nS1d~t'ion O!' deck1:ng. !'0.'7'1' MID /JEAN: To be made prior to 7~::;t,d./.,-!l;i.c'l oJ floor' .1:,wl,latiol1 01' l/t.'ck1:rl~")' . ---j _"I fi(>!'(;!! !'W!'RJ!!C. r,U:CTRTCM, ,r, MECfI- :1':'/fC/!L: iVO ~lorJ~ -i'n to he coueJicd ~;;:7.~!':7.~t:l:I::s.e inspectio1":a haue beer. ,.?~.::l,:"(~w. C:.DDPOVC:!. tL:'j-.,!'.'l,:1 CE: .. ?f'1:~r to p lc:eir.g fc.c1:11g '11,: 1.,,'/'::0 /.[; end before fra'T/il1g in spec- t. / (1,1:. -" "1 \A ....!I..!!."/!i(:: ,',hu;t be requeGted after ~ (0.'!~;~;;I;~'~!. 0]' I'OliU!z pl,wlObing, electri- c.:,:1 ,'! In....e h:m,:ca l. /1 l? )'00 ring Ill'ne/nu ,I; eJn:rrmc!Js, etc. 1"1T:-ISt be ;:()If!pZt:.:fed. ,~lo IJ:::n"lk 'l:D to he con- ",:,':! e,f WIt,n. this il1.'Jpcctioll IJG,~ ll,'l.,/:,':,/,i,:' (uu! (ll'prloucd. fV7I INS!JLM'ION!V;1l'OH /!.4RRJim INS.PECTI.ON: ~ To be made afteY' aU insulc.ti:m aro.d . requil'ed vapor bm.rie'Y'8' are in 'pwce but before anu lath, gUPs!lmboaY'd or wall eove)'ing is applied, and befol'e any insulation is concealed. 'fC71' D~Yf-lAU, INSPECTION: ~c be made IN afteI' aU dr'uwaU '!-s '!-n place, 'but prior to any taping. . D location, bond or verticals in U.B.C, Section DENOLITION OR ;',IOVED BUIWIiIGS . :=J S~i tary se'Jep :!i:zpped at p~op~pt;; Zi~e ~ Septic tank p~~ed a~ filled with gY'a,el ---,Final - "~en above items are completed ~ and when demolitior. is complete OP stY'U~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Nobile Homes ~ Blocking and Set-up .~ Plumbing connections s~ep and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing conr.ections ~~st ceapproved befol'e requesting elec~rical inspec~io~ ~ AccessoY'~; BuiZding ~ Final - After porch.,es, skipting, decks, ~ etc. aPe comple~ed. D I,' {lifl', .I'! 11,'.".'1 r,,',1(; ~u proJect condit1:ons, uuch as the ,'.nstaUation of stpeet trees, co.-:rpletion of tile. l'eqldr'ed landGcr.p-ir.g, cLe., must be sqtisfied befope the BUILDINC FINAL can be request3d. _01 ~J =:J ---l o M~SONRY: Steel bei:mw, groll ting accordance with 2415. WOODSTOVE: ~fter instalZation is ccmpleted. !,'.!r;"i! ;,!",'I'/!.'L'lIC.:1!J' ~ PINAl, BUnnING: Tile Final Building Inspection must be requested a.ftep tlw Pinal PZumbi1l{J' Elcctr.ical, and Meehar.1:cr.l Il1spectionil have been made. and approv<!d. F! //,;j J, .:,'f"I.'C'!I,!:' re/iI, D CURB ,~ ArPRO~C'Ff AP.'!ON: After' forms are {JY'lwted but pl"ior to pouring eonepete. . \; , ...___,___.___,~~.~~:~ :tM!/IOU:,': AND CU~~~~~,~,I~/~'~'.!.r:CF:.';Dmu" Ao.rf!''i7:;'If.N'(:"~~!lE tt.WF ~T NO COST' TO cr'!'Y ,lpCI{7(! !~ ~/2 ~. . ~ o SIDF:fVA&K S DRIVEf-lAY: For aU con- cY'ete pav'ing with-in stY'eet right- of-way, to be ma~le after aU exca- vating' comple~e ,~. fOm! work & sub- base matel"ial in pZaee. o !'ENCE: h'her. complc:te -- Provide gates OY' movable sections through P.U.E. o I JOB N9...Q()/eD3 SOLAR AI:: r: E S S H EQ,'- I Zone: (t) ~ OCCUlJanCl/ Gro. $,;:' lITEM I ReS~q. I New/Extend ~ I Temporary Seroice ~ I I ~ ~ ~l ~ Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of lot Coverage; # of Stories Total Height Topography TTEM I Main I Garaae SQ.FTG X Carport AccessorII I t;/J1IC1f.5IW I I.e-:-;:;.... 1.vX .~O ~ TOTAL VALUE lVCLue?u.nO Building Permit State SUI'charge Total Charges lITEM I Fixt~es IResidential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer NO. FE:E Water Plumbing Permi t State SUI'cJ:arge Total Charr!es I NO. FEE Electrical Permit State SUI'charqe Total Charges LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cu.l-de-sac Value C,~~I (0'2-. ~i:> .'3.13 ~5,63 CHARGE CHARGE ITEM' I NO. FEE CHARGE Furnace ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State SurcharGe Total Charqes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rity Deposit I Storage I.Maintenance I Permit' TotaZ Char-aoe Cu1'baut I Sidewa lk I Pence I Electrical Label I Mobi le Home I PLA# #tr/~ T~ I 'B/AJ1}?l' ;<J~a/i? I . , TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * 40.63 ~Z~O 10~#?jt.. * L - l,<) <" 1<&5# I Lot Faces I Setbacks I P. L. 1I0use I Caraqe. INorth East South ~r"est ./'1 I I En21'i71I' 80;wces I I Heat ] I I I I I I T,n', .... Bedl'OOI::!; : Type/Cor:st: I Access. r"atel' flea tel' Range Fil'eolace Iv'cod:; tOlJe Fse.s Building Value & Permit This pe1'1llit is granted 0/1 the expre:;s condition that the u'lici. co)!/::!,,'u_'; i,'1I shaH, in alZ respects, conf.Ol'lnto the Ol'dinw;ce adopted /J'y tho, t'i.':i ,'J' Spl'ingfield, incZuding the. Zonillg Cl,dillance, l'eglllc.tiIlY the Ce!I,;.' 1'11.'; .:' >1 and use.of bu'ildings, and in:.y be GUGpended 01' I'evokec! at OIY t.illl,' "i" "" lation of any provisions of said .Ol'dinances. Iplon Check I Date Paid: Iuec;:;ipt II: I Signed: 4Q.~3 F'ee: Plumbing Perrrdt No perCOH :;/zall COHatpuct" inatalZ" aLter.or' chaJl!]c (;Ji!l 1!CiJ el' c~"'.:i:;L'i:}j.:! plwnb-ing 01' dl'ai'nage syste:n in whole. 01' in part, w:le';:3 sl,eh pCl'uon .;:::; U", legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except U;c.t c. pC:'GOIl N;(1:'.' ,iL, plumbing work to propel'ty which is owned, leased 01' opcl'ated by the cPi-'U" cant. * Electrical Permit lofhere State Law requires that the eLectY'ical 1.J01'A: be done by WI Electl'icol.' Contractor, the electrical portion of thislermit shan r.ot be valid ILHtU th'~~'~';t~~ Mechanical Permit 1* Han~97/~ I()/'/,.;-AD udte/' I i HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for perm-it, and de hereby certify that an infor'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work perfol':1led shaH be do~e -in aCCOl'- dance with the Ordinances of ihe city of Spl,inaficLd, and the L~.,;s of the * State of Oregon peY'taining to the work cescY'ibad herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY win be made of any structul'e without permis;;ion of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that 0:1ly contractors a;;d e:nployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wiU be used on this pl'oject Sif)lltld D.ltC