HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-9-22 j (~(J PlINSPECTION LI"E 726-3769 " Job Address tjO C; 7 ((-; /'yi ~ clr~_ Lega 1 De~cri pt ion 17 -i'1 .2 -' 3/, t./V O~mer ::S,'7f11e~ Address 46';7 Construction Lender Address DESIGN TEN1 Pri ma ry I Structural , l Electrica'l I ! 11echanica1 I CONTRAUORS , I G',nera 1 i I Plumbinq j Electrical I 1 Lllerhanica1__ __ __ ,_ ----I -J='~-.-'--c~L:1~;rlG ___1_. i.....-.- j NO. I ! ! Each single fixture CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT ErlERGY SOURCES: Heat Hater Heater INFORI1ATION UN!: I 726-3753 Sq. Ftg. r.1ain ~q. F'tg. Access. SJ":L Sq. Ftg. Other New Add Alter Rep. --Fence Demo Change/Use --Other -- -- <<l 8 \)0 ...j C) 1:..L. 7oCo Ranfje ValUE ofl';O{b <::I::?./ I 06 c::J./n( )~ . Bui1~inq Permit Info: Describe Work(i_e., Family P-esidence With Attached Garaqe) S ;-10 f Build Single ..j~.pS e (j ~k;.f/(~ 7'1(,,-''157 Phone ~ -~ ('Dr; e /'/ 0 r\J'C.. (name) Phone (address) (ohone no.) (1 ics. no.) (exnires) ~ t I; f~ 1 (Dhone no. ) -j -) ~/(:; 'l~:r.5 q'ij . . .. ~ ~ s f ,~,~-,=~~,=~-,- - 1""- -u. , ~~.~~, - ," . ~~= --=--~',- ---- ----- ..- ~-"_.~-='=-';=:'~.-:-~'-" ----'':--t · . . ,X~, }~ECT~~ICAL_.h_ ._.___.... ~~:~~~~.ICA~, j . _ _ .._~ 1...fEE I'CHARGC,j~cL:-=-=u~--,.---==~ ".FE.E~.J:iWiiJNO-'=--- .. - .---.-..~-~.[5T_~lcf-IAAc~.~! Residence of ' ~. furnace/buriler to 1 SQ. FT. BTlI' s (name) MrCi U (!.. do (address) (lics. no.) '3 7/ 73 UJ t~ ,€c!4;y- J.f r1 J j l..n () (exoires) f,-< 1'1 if, ciru <;; T ---L/I C IV C NJ(. V fM.;-f Lp Vl [; Lpcf ; -~ .i ~ Ii ~ Relocated building (new fix. additional) S.F. Residence (1 bath) IDuP1ex (1 bath) IAdditiona1 bath IHater service . I Sewer Istorm Sewer 1 I I I I I New circuits a1ts. o or extens ions C7\. Floor furnace and vent 1'$ (.4) , , J I I j I i ,1 j ISERVICES each , I Temporary Construction I IChange in existing I residence ' Imultifamily, -comm. or Industrial IOf ICOMM./IND. FEEDERS I Install/alter/relocate distrib. feeder~ IOf I ;1 :1 I Recessed \va 11 SDace heater and I I App 1 i ance vent seoa ra te I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan with sina1e duct Vent system apart heating or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct I Hood stovejhea ter I 1 I vpnt ;1 ,I I I I I I I I I I I :, amps. from; I I , I , , amps. i I I ISSUANCE OF PFRf1IT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES /~ GO, TOTAL CHARGES ~JHERE STATE LAl-J REQUIRES that the Electrical Vlork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of. this permit shall not be valiJ until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Divisio~- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXN1INED the completed apfJl ication for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further, certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPAr~CY will be made .of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration ~Iith the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that, only subcontractors and employees who are in camoliance with ORS 701.055 will be used -on ~his project. j NAf'1E(please print) --:J3j//: DC)'-j;) p/J l?S'"cle..t-iIGiJ.l\TURE /~:er ,&~ A~&t:foATE 9'-'-//?ftJ FOr OFFICE USE ONLY Zone P-II TYDe/Const. ~-~''''''{ J Units I Fire Zone -- Bedrooms - Occy Lbad Flood Plain /..//7 Stories I Occy Group /v\- BUILDING PERf'1!T Charges and Surcharges PLUt1BING PER1~IT Cha rges and Surcharges ELECTRICAL PER~IT Cha rges and Surcharges MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges So. Ftc). r1ain x Value Sq. FtC'. Access S /::1. x Value ,,;( 3';j"-sI. ~' Sq. Ftg. Other x Value TOTAL VALUATION .-1. f(t t.{.. ~ . , ,-- ~ I Plan Ck. __.:-___...;;t?.f'Q 65%/Blda c; - Plan Ck. J I (;;> , 30%/Bl dq II '1" , Fence -..-Lf'.--------- Ii) 1'1 I Dt:mo /.5.:::..701 Sidewalk ------- ~~;I A/C Paving ,,'! I Curb Cut iVlfL ----~---, Comm/lnd Per Fee Res Per Fee :1.~o /Systems. Deve.10pment I Charqe (1.5~) , _ I I I Comb. pocm+ Z::~7~ I ITotal I I TOTAL .t,-'<j '--".'.: ,It i ~ y,-\ ::i ~ -. , i ol."!. n -;~1 ~l " ~i " q. ." H ~ I " I i! ~ ~. .j ; ~ (. ~ j4' ~ ..... 1 ! 1 . t i ~ l ~ :1. '=.j " COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) LApp ii cant to furni sh A. Job Address . B. Legal oescrip~ion 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd_Addition to Springfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. example- heat/electrical cel1inq/or forced air qas 2. example- waterheater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1. examDle- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, checkriew - if addition, check ~dd. etc. ' F. -Building permit iilformation: l 1. example - constrbct sinqle'family house ~ith an ai:i;achcd gan'_g(' ' 2. examDle -. remodel exisUng 9aragr. -in1,0 fC~~l~ room 3: _ ~~~ - conV2,-'t si';lglc film"ily reS'IGC/'el? 111CO restaurant (change of use) _G. Value of work as-defined in Section 3(1J (il) air tllf! Structural Specialty Code 1 H OF-SIGN "lEAl'" AND CoNTRACTORSi To- avoid design or const.y'uctiuil delays, Eiuihi[ing D.ivisiol1 Staff must be able- to' contact <:ppr'op.riaV persons, regarcJ-ing des-ign irri'oi'maCion Gi" job s;ite -correct1ons, etc. " )), AhbreviatedPlumbing, ~lechanici\l, & Electrical SdledL!les A. Except where blank spaces occur in'the descript.ion portion of the ~lechanical and Eleci-.rical SchceDules, the applicant need -F-ill..in ollly the ~!o; Buxd~ adjdcf;;;t to the -appr0~riate item(s~ to be installed , B. Full PlLlmbing., ~lechani(;al, aild-Electy-ical Sch,.edulrs are availi\ble at the Bui-Iding Divi_sion '; ,1. To conserVe space on the' permit form thc_~ch2rlules have been il_bbreviaU,rl " 2. I f the item (5) _ to he ins ta n_ed (! i-C! not co{'ered 011 .the ilbbreviated scl1todule:; YOIJ should c()i"10i!lt l:/le full schedules , C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFFWIl.L FILL OUT ALL m::s AND CHARGES ON-THE SCHEDULES , - D~ As noted on the CAP; the 'label 'must be deliv~~ed to the -electri~al contractor for signature by his eT~ctr1(al supervisor. --The general contr.actor'is not authori,>:ed to sign the electrical label. -, III: Applicant to sign and date ~Jhenever possible,-the i,nitial appl ication will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type'written copy and return it to:the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges_ Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, 4nd _no plans will be processed until:these fees are pa i dO. An, other fees and cha rges are due and payable when the permit is issued.- ,! .: ~ V.' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ;. ':'": ("~: . ~ j ~ ; . PE-i'tl'1~7 ~N cz-S - . ~ I . 1 i ~ ~ j i ! I 1 ~ ~l o:i rf! ~] r. ~j n 'I 10 ~~ r.i ~ ~1 ~:'"~. ;l 'j 1 I l ,I 1 '1 ~ -I :~ , ;~ " ~! r; ~ ' (; ~ i: ~; , , i! r: L' ~: ~, ~ . ~:! f:' (, ~ ~' R! ~! ,'j ~. l.-~ ~ ~: [t ~ ~ 1!\1 I I ! ,,'h,.;rnrl t Cl ci"k ~ :'., J ~ M ", ii j ~ l '1 ;: "I li ;1 ;; '. .~ ; ,j ';4 '-'; ;~ :~ :! .~ ;! " ~ ~ ~ ~ -, 1 ~ I ~ ~ ~ -.1 .,~ .~ 'i ; t' .'j! , ._,~~ ~-----.-, .- --- ."- ....,- , ~~ .'. _._ _~....; .'. ~~~':T----_.-'--~~~ . ~ ~~":P.:.~ ~. ~~~.~ l ~~. ,PROJECT CONDITIONS TO_BE SATrSFIE~ BEFORE OCCUPANCY: U'(' ,.___ ~~ Permit applicant exempt from registration _with the Builderls,~oard becallse: Additional: Project Information: -t j PLANS REVIEWED BY: . ...... .!~,..,...' ':;';";";;l'.il, '~'_ ~~.":''';14.~\''. :"fJ..\-.J1', 74.J1'~"....'.::l..'~ .:.J!:~'~.1jl';.--' .'&I_f. l. .i.: .'~.........:.L;.,.,~l"'" ~~l .:. iulllli. ..~.a.~",......~"",li-. 1ll . .. ,..,il...:.i.IW........ JIlL.lr.. ,., " I .-....-1-"'~J...:;I.-;.-.-,;;:..~~..,.r:...7&J~1L~1I.; ~..~'."...;,~ /J/.. ;/ j /-,' / signature/I\ /-C~A .fZLA:.r"':-# ~ - -... name ...........-..... ,-_. . """"":' ~ - ,. ::...;", p- da te 9 -c1}{ -2fO I ,,-"-......._......~~ , ~~- -'-" ._~