HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-10-3 =:;""'-f" . "~~"':"\1---.f'I;"-""1!">/# 'f." ..,.,..~........ ""II.i..........._.. .di"Ja'Il'~III''',.....>u''''''';lli..~'''''' !G_,-""m1!':.r~:\.lt:... ,~.,"lIl ,.... ..'10' I II .. RES 1 D E ~.o "1 A l . . APPLICATION/ PERMIT 225 NOY'th 5th Stl'leet SpY'ingfieZd~ OY'egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ,~~._~:'~~.~~.:;~;.,.. /!,~G'\f':f~6~' .".'-~~"\(~-2-~ Q ~ \LT~!Lo."t~)Na/V') liJscllGor.:" ,Map 1) c:A~' Jd .....J......) ~ 11 i jU{":::L.-L./ ,uhd1:v1:sion: DeDeF'~be iI'or/(: ."Rcaei.pt .II 161-'::J-O n,LJiJ" \~ ! , ! . " . Siw.e~'~ IlXLJ Date: , I(). ,4,'Cf(') -~ Value \\ 'uJ . Li.se. ,f .. BldrsBoarcl R~g. Address }' ., t.,Xp!.'C.PR PI1QI1P PLumbing t.lechan:Lca.L EJ,tcc I.: L .l.,!:,-l I S II J1 e l;"::t1.~~r:~.s_I\J eeL J" .i ct;! n I', Jt in ~!Je reBponsibiLity of the permit /lOLder to see that an inspections are made at the proper timE:, that .ecch .::ddress is 1'ea:::ab:e j'rom the street, an.1 that the peY'mit card is located at the f1'ont of the prope1'ty. '!!zI1:?d1:~(f D{vi::1:0~: rrppY'Oved plan shc.U remain on th'i Buildhz(f :c;'it::: at aU times. l',~?OCEDUi;E FOR. INSPECTION REQUE.')T;CALL 726-3769 (l'ecorderJ state your City designated Job number, job address, type of in3pec~icw r'cqu:,?s tcd ar.ci when you wi II be !'eady for inspection,. Contractors or OlJneY's ncme and phone number. RequE:s,ts received bef01'e 7: 00 c:-:1 :..'i l7. be made the "GIne dey, requests mcde aft~r 7: ao cell wi U b::: made the next :JOrking daY'/I, ^ I n (D' . Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: L1 ( ) ex. :r?eqz17:Y1{!rl Tn.'~Dt)(~t7:cn.q I ,S'f1'E' INSPE'C':'JON: To be made after _..I e:I:cavatioll, :mt pric!' tc set up of - forms. I UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L g _..I :'!I':C~IJI:JICAL: 'l'o be made bef01'e any I,)m'" cn ,~Ol)Cr'C(/. -J FOOTING ,P, FO!JND.1TION: To be made aftcI' h'e,whes ar'e excavated and forms ape erected, but pY'ior to pOUl'hlg cencrete. ,__J UN[)::;RerWUHD !'LUMBING, S;;:r/F:R. f/,1TE.'I, f)!lAINAGE: To be made Pl'1:01' to fil- 1'1:1:9 t;,'cllche[;. LJ IJN!)/-:f,'FLOOR J'T,W!rJING ,r, 1,!F:C!lilNTGAJ.: 1~:)-bC-;IlQ(Te !wioy' to iw;tnUatioyz' of rrool'~m;HIc:tion or decking. POST AND I3EI!,!.!: To be made prior to 1:;;,;t_",LL"lt;'~CIl oj floor 1:ml1datiol1 01' (!e(~.l.:'l~ng. [=J ['-j !/O!'(;!! !'W/'R we, ELECTRTCA [, r, MECl!- ;lHr(~'/lJJ:. {vo :Jor/~ .i.'i to he covered ;;';:-i~~'~L- t:.hcne i.nr3pectior:s 11<'!1'e bee.,: {!/r:de (nul approve::'. FI:?!':1'!J1CE: !'['1:or to p7.r..cir.(J facing ~~~~: t:tc~~' 1:~,1 Z..-:: rInd before frculling -inGpec- [] !;/:07:. [J !,'!!"L'!1!II;: MZI"/: be requeDted after (~~'!)J'(~I':1!. oj' pOllgh plumbing, <JLech'i- cui <~ /!:Cch1I!ical. AE )'oo[ing /'1'0':.( I!O .~ eln:mncy.9, etc. m:1D!; .fJe (~Ollfple(..~(}, No work 'I:S /:0 he con- cor: led /liZ t./.!. this 'inDpection han '. hi:i.'!l /noel.:: (!I!(! orproved. r=J ."I!!;I.',! 'UH!!.lI!IG I-:'J l___ VI Illd. M.{~'~:/!...lN/C/l I, r--'] r'!!I.,\L :'!,!'.'l'T!.,'lC.:~J, 1__'_ o D INSIJLA'l'ION/V.Al'OR H4I1R~ER nlS~F:CTION,: To be made after aU .cnsubhon a~.d . . required vapor.-bar'riers are in place but before any Lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before any inaulation is concealed. . o DRYfIALL INSPECT. TON: To be made afte1' aU dr'ywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamD, grouting OY' verticals in aacoY'dance LJith V.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is ceil/pleted. DEMOLITION OR ,',IOVED BUnDIiJGS :=J Sanitary Se'.Jer capp~da,t'p~op;;rty Zine ~ Septio tank p~~ed and filled with 9ra~el I Final - r.'hen above -i.tems are completed ~ and when demolition is compLete 01' stY'U~- tu1'e moved and premises oleaned up. Mobile lIemes I ~ ~lock!ng and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections siwer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ---1 and plumbing connections rrroAst be approved I before 1'equest{ng elec~rical inspec~io~ ~ Accessory Build~ng ~Final - Afte1' porches, skirting, decks, .-J etc. are completed. . f D AU proJec.t conditions, such as the -!.nstaUation of street tY'ees, eO""Pletion of ,tne required landscap-ir:g, .etc., must be satisfied befo1'e the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: Tire Final Building Inspection must be requested afte1' the Final Plumbing Electr'ical, and Mechar:Jcal Inspection[l have been made and approved. 11"1(7(' o[ :? D o D CURB ,~ APPROACH APRON: After' forms ar>e crected but pl'ior' to pouring' concrete. SIDlIfIAJ,K ,~DRIVEr.;!'.Y: Fo1' aU con- cY'ete paving LJith'in' stY'eet right- of-1JCY, to. be made after an exca- vating complete & fo= work & sub- base mateY'ial in place. '..!.'.! ,'.!,L'.'!!CU.'.': /lNiJ CU:..1,VC'Il'r,': II!!.',"/' /II.: M'('P.'::;T/lLF:, /lD,TlIS7'n;:::IT '/'(I .r1F.' f.iMW ,~T NO (].')T TO CT:"Y o D !'ENCI':: ~1)ze'n compl<:te. -- Provide . gates or movable sections through, y~f~M ~ NO. CfO/f)(O SOLAR AC~ESS REQ,- \ JOB I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of lot Coverag~ iI of Stories Total Height Topography Occupancll Grc, LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac [TEM -I Main I SQ. FTC Va lue x Garaae Cal'Port , I Accessol'lI I I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (vaLUe) 1.5.x Building Permit State SUI'cha:rge Total Charges I ITEM NO. I Fixt~es \Residential (1 bath) FE'E CHARGE Sanitary Sewer I I I I I Water Plumbing Relw,i t state SUI'charge Total Charaes I ITEM I Res. So. ftq. Naw/Extend Circuits I NO. CHARGE FEE Temporary Service I Ele~trical Permit State Sur~harqe Total! Charges I I I / I iZrrLLn .uk~ /SJX)! Permit /rssuanca (0 DC) I 05,001 r I. t!'') 1 I c9lo'-d5\ * ITEM I NO. FEE Cl/ARGE Furnace ETU' S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Mechanica i permi t State Surcharae Total CharoeD -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rit1.{-Dap03it Storage I Maintenan~e I Permit Total Charaoe Curbcut I Sidewalk I Fen~e I Electrical Labe l Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * I I ~/ fl.!l,~ ~: L - CO C" \ Ty-oe/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - I I Setbacks I P.L. I l/ouse GaY'age. I Access. North Bed)~o01.'I:; : East South !r"est F{?es Enerq1/ So;,rces !leat Water !leater Range FiY'erlace Ifoodc to?:e Tlf;)t~' Building Value & , Pe r m it This permit io granted. on the expl'eos condition that the ;:,n:d CUH;:!:J'I/(,t.Z:'i/I shaU, in all respects, conf.oI:m to the Ol'dinance adopted !J!J /;!le cil:!I or Springfield, including the. Zoning Ordinance, l'eeulc:ting the CCIl;;I,l':I(.'t.I:.~'" and uce of uuildings, and I-n:1Y be sucpended or revoked at (~I;U t~II/,; IIj,'Ol: ",.:,:-. ration of any provisions of said Ordinancec. * \, I Plan Check I Date Paid: I Recdpt II: I, Sig~ed,: Fee: Plumbing Permit No perDon alwU conotruct, instaU, atter or clwnue G-ny Hew C1' e::::~Gti:IlJ pZ.wnb'ina 01' draiilOge system in whole or irl part, w;ZeGs Guch pe1'GOIl iG the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:'ooll ma,! de> ' plumbing wOY'k to property which is owned, leased 02' opc1'ated by the aPl-'li- cant. . I I 1* Electrical Permit Where State Daw requires that the elect1'ic,al wOl'k be done bU a>l ::':lect1'ic,d Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit o!zaU not be valid WltU the label has been signed by the Electrical Contl'acto1'. * Mechanical Permit Plan Examiner Uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pemit, and de hereby certify that aZZ ir.fo:omation hereon is true and correct, and I further .certify that any ar.d aU work perfol':Tled shaU be dO:1c in accol'- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and tlr::: L~,,;s of the * State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY win be made of any structure witho;;.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contraators and e~pl.;Jyees wl:o a:re in compliance with ORS 701.055 wiU be used on this pl'oject * Date ; 10- 3- '90 v