HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Occupancy 1991-9-1 '. (t . ..... -.'~'~","""~'" ..., . . "'" ;, V ~ ~ ~. LDR .~ i i ! oW Q) Q) ~. ~ 4 1 'j , ~.. I', I . ..:-' f i ;r.....I' ~; . ,~ i~ I . 1llI...,.....,. .....1 ~--=-.....~,-..:... 1 .. _, .... -' ~:.-." Camellia S.treet , j 1 ''1 , i - i..0 . . ~ , Daisy Street l~..;.I.,~--....... .1 'I I" I " . , '"oll.. I . III LDR MDR HDR - Low Density Residential Zone - Medium Density Residential Zone - Hig~::~c~;:::/:'~~lC::L_O . 'hI INFO~~TION REGARDING T~~;;iICATION . APPLICANT: Bart D'. Pratt LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4448 Camellia street, Springfield, Oregon JOURNAL NUMBER: 91 - 08 - 123 PROPOSAL: Repair of firearms, customizing firearms and shells, and ordering of new firearms. Customer access for customizing services is limited to appointment only. No sal'es' of merchandise may occur at the resi<1ence. Merchandise will be ordered and deliver~d by the applicant to the customer. A copy of the application is available at the Development Services Department. If you have questions about this home, occupation permit, call Kent Kullby, Planner Aide, #726-3660, (9 am ~ 1 pm) ... \. U)~'" ':W"'I:'... i"".I~. _, ..'lft. "\n..1~... SPR/t\IC~FIELO. OF; 87:::77 (503) 726, '3 7:.~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DATE: August 27, 1991 TO: Applicant and property owners/residents~ithin 300 ft. FROM: Kent Kullby, Planner Aide, Development Services Dept. SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPJ.>.TION APPLICATION The City 'of sprin~field, Development Services Department has ~pproved an application for a Home Occupation Permit. state law requires that when an application is approved all properties located within JOO feet of the subject property be notified. Any owner/resident may appeal this decision. As part of the application review process applicati6n based on adopted standards Development Code relative to the request. The condition~ which may be necessary to achieve 'intent of the Springfield City Council. . the City reviews the in the Springfield City can also impose compliance with the If the applicant and/or nearby property owner (affected 'party) feels aggrieved by, this decision and feel the Director erred in reviewing this request based on adopted standards, an appeal may be filed. The appeal -must be filed in accordance with Article 15 of the Springfield Development Code which. is available at the Development Services Department. An appeal must be filed within 10 calendar days of notification,. by 5 p.m. september 6, 1991. The Decision or the Director shall becorr.e final ele",'en days after the date of this decision if no appeal is filed. If you wish to discuss this matter 'please contact Kent Kullby, Development SE=~ic~~ Depa=tment, city or springfield, at 726-3660[ (9al'Ll - 1 pn) . sir:cerel....l, ~KJ::~ Kent Kullby C Planner Aide Planning Division (see map and description on reverse side) "" DECISION OF THE DIRECTOR A' q 1/ tJ f' 1;-3 The application has been approved based on conformance with section 16.100(6) of the Springfield Development Code as follo~s: A.' The primary use of the building is a dwelling. B.. The occupation is a secondary use that does not significantly affect the character of the dwelling or neighborhood. C. COMPLIANCE 'WITH THE FOLLOWING SHALL OCCUR AT ALL TIMES: 1.. One sign shall be permitted: a non-illuminated, wall sign not lar:ger than one & a half square feet. 2. There shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that f~e building is being u~ed for any purpose othe~ than a residential dwelling, excluding the one sign permitted in 1., above. 3. There shall be no outside storage of materials visible from public property or adjacent private property. 4. Mechanical equipment, except that which is compatible with residential purposes, shall be prohibited. 5. There shall be no offensive noise,' vibration, . smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the home occupation. 6. The home occupation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions or utilize on-street parking of nearby properties. 7. If the proposed home occupation requires any modification. to the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature that is not typioally found in a residential district, the proposed home occupation shal~' be 60nsidered inappropriate ahd prohibited. 8. l'-io :merch.an.dise, ether tl~,a:rf. what is produced on-s.i t~-, :' hall be sold to the public from the premises. (No merchaD~ise sha.llbe sold from the r-~si~:1ezice. All rn€:r~chandise will be ordered and delivered to the customer bv the aDDlicantl 9. The use or storage of heavy equipment or heavy vehicles 'shall not be permitted. Heavy equipment and, heavy vehicles shall include, but not be limited to the use of: semi-trucks, trucks and tractors, back hoes, bob cats, refrigerator trucks, livestock trucks, commercial buses, . farm tractors, garbage trucks and log trucks. ... 1\:- 10. Any home occupation which requires more than one vehicle for its operation shall be prohibited. The one vehicle permitted shall be limited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-up trucks. 11. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatch center where employees or subcontractors'reportto.the residence to be dispatched elsewhere. 12~ The applicant shall sign this agreement with the City . acknowledging these conditions as well as addi tioIial conditions deemed necess~ry to achieve compliance. ,13. Customer access to home occupations shall be limited to the hours of 7 a.m~ to 6 p.m. (Customer access is limited to appointments only.) D. THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE PROHIBITED AS A HOME OCCUPATION: 1. Automobile repair, including but not .limi ted to tune-ups i alignments, body-fender work, painting, detailing and upholstering 2. Health salons, ,gyms, dance studios, aerobic exercise studios, karate and judo instruction 3. Medical and dental offices 4.. Mortician, hearse services 5. Tow truck services 6. veterinary uses (including care, grooming and boarding) 7. Wholesale distrubution taking up more than the equivalent of 40 percent of the primary residence E. Any home occupation which has been approved by staff shall be subject to revocation by staff if the home occupation is found t~ be in violation of-the conditions under which the home occupation was approved. The. revocation, decision may be appealed to the Planning ,Commission in accordance wi tli the 'provisions cf1>zticle ,15 of this code. Any home occupation Which has been approved by the Planning commission shall be subject to revocat:ion by. the Planning Commission if t.h~ home occw.oati..on. is found to be in violation oftns c.clndi tiCi:CS under' w:t;.fc:h t:h~ 'home oocupation p~rmi t "vas approved. The revocation decision may be appealed to tile City Council in ~ccordance with the provisions of Article 15 of this code. The revocation shall be sent to the applicant in writing. The home'occupation shall ceas~ within 30 days of the re~eipt of the revocation notice. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APP~OVAL OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES.