HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-15 .. RESID~NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr?~~~fieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 J Job Lac=.tion: YL}1'1' ,. ('\4~~; 11 ~1D23~~ (L.) ~r) 0 Q ~ T= wt # () ~ ~\\\~ '4 lli1A.oln. -^ C. 'V_o J:9 Jl ill~ ) '4411(YCi~ltJSl: Phone: 1Lf'1- ISR1 ~~')_~~_f) ~,d., Zi;J: q'l41~ As:;esGor:: ;\fap il Subdivision: :;:.:ner: .4.d.cJ.r.ess: City: ,vc:'.J Additicn Remod.el ,1.100:.!e .=!ome Descr-:be f-lor/(: Wood,S6LJ~ Value 6D I7DCJ. Jl-15-g0 Addres3 Date of Application Conr::rac"Cors General PZumbinq ::lectPicaZ Nechar.ic::l (\.tu )Y'\ 1 )(" Const~~cti~ L~nder 1 I Rcce-:pt .1- r.;,o / () % L.. ~- ~. 41'0 J S c:o .0;0 I S.l1>O Sigr.ed: Date: ~~ I (~-I ~-8"'2 oJ Lisc.# Ex;;ires Phone It.is the responaibility of the permit hoUier to see that all inapections are made at the proper t~~e, that e~ch =ddress is re~b:e from the street, and that; the permit ca:rd is located at the front of the property. .3ui~i~~ D:vicio~ appY'oved p~ sr~ll remain on the Building Sit:: at all times. ?:?OCEDU.oE pon INSPECTIOfl ,=?EQUE'STtCALL 726- 376 9)recorder) state YOUI' City designated job nun:ber, request;cd a~-d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ow~ers r~e end phone number. ...>i ZZ be rr:ade the same dc.y, requests m~e afta' 7: 00 am wi ZZ be made the ni:Xt :.JOrkinq day. FCOTriG ~ ?OUNDATICN: To be ,mee after ~renches are e=c~Jated a~.d ferms ere erec:ad~ ~ut prior to pourir~ c~ncret~. O MASONRY: Steel U.'lD"E:RG,'?OU,~'D ?5U!f3I:'iG. S::;rc;." , W:1TER, '. <- oeCIma ~ grou ... irr..g D~AINAG2: .To be made pz-;or to fiZ- accordance with hr~ ~rencl!es. . 2415. UNDE.9FLOCR !'Lm.'!3E1G '1 XECHA:VICAL: ~'(]ODSTOVE:: AfteY' installation is To be ~e 'pr~cr t;o ina~~lZation of I . ccrrrpleted. floor :.nsu<-G:,,'z.on 01' deCK1.ng. . . .i'c~di~~d !ns~pcticn~ O SIT:: I.7SPEC':'JON: To be made excavction, but prier to set forms. aft2r up of D'I WlD2RSUB ?Li./.'EJING. 2D2CTRICAL 1 ,\,'EC2A;iIC:.Z,: To oe maae befoY'e any wori<. is covered. o o 0' o ?OST AND 3EAM: . To be rr:ade ;:;r-ior to instalktion of floor ir.8tokztion or decking . D ROUGH ?!J~1BI;'/C. ~[ECTP!C.4.[' .~ ;I,fEC.!.J- AHIC,J.!.: ;Vo :.;ork is t.:J be covered. uY:'ti l ;;...cse :.r..scectior:s ;zat.'€ b€er: made ~.d .=?pr?~~~. FI.~E?LAC2: FTior to plccir..g fc.c-(,ng mc"cPiaZs ar.d before framir~ inspec- tion. o [] P.9..41~I;'lG: ,'-!ust;;e reque:Jted after' appY'ov~l of rough pl~~i~~, alectr-;- cal & mechanical. All roof:r~ brccing 3 chi.r.n~ys, etc. ,r.~s" be . comvle~cd. No ~rk is to be con- ,ceaied until this insoec:ion r~s . been made and a?prol;ed. YOUI' City. Desigr~ted Job Numb€!' Ia: D INSULATION/VAPOFl BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insulatwn cr".d reouired vavor barriers are in olace but before 'Cmylath, gypsum bod:r>d or waU covering is applied, ar.d before any insulation is concealed. JOO adcress, type of in3pec~icn Requests received befcre 7:00 ~ ~adAg 1- . DCl.!OLITION OR ;,.,'OV-S'; BUILDIiiCS :==J SanitarJ S~Jer ~ap?ed ~t P~OP~~~d line ~ Septic tank p~~ed and f:Zled with grc>eZ ~ Pinal - ~~en above ite~s are cc~leted ~ and when de~cZitio~ is compZete or st~~~- ture moved ar~ Fr~,,'~3es cleaned up. Mooi le Hcmes =:J =:J Blocking ar.d Set-~p Plumbing connections s~er c:r.d. uJa-:er o DR'!WALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU Gr;jwaU is in place, but prior to any taping. ~ Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ ~ and pllunbing connections nr~st =~ appY'Dved before Y'equest:ng eZec~rical ins?ectio~ =.J .4c~esso.l. y 3ui z.:i~r.g . ~ Pinal - Aft~r ?~r~~es, ---J etc. are ccmple~ea. ski!'t:.ng~ decy..s, location, bond or verticals in U. B. C. Section D CURB Ii .4.E'PROACH APPON: After forms are eY'ected but pr-;or to pouz-~~~ conaY'ete. o AU pro.ject conditions, Guc.l: as the '~.nsr;allation of street ::rees, ~:J'77?Ze"ion of the requiped landsccpi~g~ ctc_J must oe satisfied before the aUILDING Fr~AL ~an be requ3st3c. 0, FIl!AL PW:'~BI:iG 0, FDA! NEO:HAJICAL 0- PINAL ELECTRIC:'L [] o PINAL BUILDING: The Find Buildi~~ Inspection ,""list be requested .::[::er the ?ir~l Plumbing Elect~ical, and Mecr4~icci Inspecticn$ have been made ar~ cpprcv8~. D SIDEWALK 3 DRI:'F:',v'AY: For all con- cY'ete paving within street right- of-UJC.Y, to be made afteY' aU exca- vatinq comvZete & fo~ ~rk d sub- base ~aterial in ?lace. "ALL MANHOLeS AND CLEANOUTS :'JUST BE AC~ESSI3[E, .4DJr...'ST:'!Z:IT TO 32 ;'.~/iDE /1' !IIO ::-ST TO CI?Y o '?ENC~: When.compl~te -- Provide gat;es or ~ovable sections thY'ough P.U.E. D ?-=.;a of 2 ! JOB ! I i Zona: NO. ~adBq~ SOLAR.CESS REQ,~=qe 2 -L-COG~ GC~..J.:;anc:.; Grou"':): Lot Sq. Ft:;. I ~ "f lot C"veraqc ; # of StOI"';es 1 Total Heicht i " Topogro;;hy LOTT":!?E Il".terior Corner Panha1".dle Cul-de-sac ITE,,'.f I SQ.PTG X Value I,..fain I 'k::!'-::zce i ! Car>::crt i 1.4ccessorA TOTA& ;'AWE Is.D.c. I vc:~uc) 1.5 = .' I Building Pe~~t State Surcharge Total C"'.a.~ge3 I I'i'::M I NO. , r::.c. CHARGE PL--t:ures I' Residential U bath) I Sc=ni taY"j Sewer I I wc:t er I I Plumbing Pern:it State Surcr~qe Tcta l C"rr.c:Y'ces III'EN .va. I Has. SA. fto. Ncw/E:xtend Circui ts I Temporary Service .' .1 'I I I C.=y.....=fCE ;:;;'E;' Electrical Permit State Surcharce Total Ch~ces I ITSM I ?:.<mace 2TU; S . I E=;haust Hood I Vent Pan I . "rIoodsto:;e I ;;e. I I I I I J I I F2E C H MiCE: IS-~ 0 I I I /5.()() I .&01 15-' &0 I Pern:it Issuance Mecr~nic:::l Permit State Surolu::roe Tota l Ch.a1'ryea I 2NC.=?CACHME;'!T 1<" 't D .... l~e~~I"'_ ~ e::os~" Stor-:zqe 111a-:,n. t ertC:7"...::! e Permi t Total C'rtaraes I Curbcut ! Sidewalk I :e~e I cl.zctrical i ., l l Moc~ e H"me Label I TOT,t[, ,t'.fOUNT DUE:' ! S. (flO Tij~e/Cor.st; : iJ.zdY'Qoms: I Enerau SouY'ces I Heat I I I i : I I I, &ot Paces - Tur::e P. ~. Setback.s I House CaI'age I I I I Firevlace Wooci:;tove I A':1cess. ~/ater .=feater' Range 1N0r th lEast' South IWest F:zes Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the eX?Y'ess condition that the sdid.oonstruotion shaZl, in aZl respects, aonfc~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City "f Sprinaf~eZdJ incZuding the Zon~na Crd:nance, reauZ~tina the ccnst~lct~cn and ~;~ of buildings, end m~y. ceu 3uspe~~ed or r~vokec ;t.er.y tiNe upon uic- laticn.cf'xr.y provisions of said Ordir~nces. ,: : ; . . .. I PZan Check Fee: Date Paid: IR~czipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person ahall cons~~ct, instalZ, aZter or qhange any newer existing plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part, unless such peY'son is the legal possessor of a valid pZumoeY"s license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to pY'opeY'~~ which is ow~ed, Zeased or operated by the appli- cant. I I · I I I I I I I I · Electrical Permit Where State &aw requiY'es tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~trioal Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the ElectricaZ Contractor. Meche nical PermB I I I I · PZan Z:=C717,..ner ~'ar;e I HAVE CAREFUL&Y E~~INED the compZeted appZication for permit, a1"~ do hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is true ar.d correot, ar.d I fu.rther certify that any c:r.d aU work ;;erfo!':'ned shall be do:-ze in ac~oY'- dance ?Uith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thz L~..;s of thC3 State of Oregon per~ininq to the work described herein, ar~ that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ b2 ma;ie of any 3tY"~cture without p8rmission of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further'certify t~~t only contractors and ~lcyees who are in c~pZiance with OHS 701.05E wilZ be used en this prQjzct ~dLJ;J-diAX)Prx J :J1..gnza -t1~.. /s-i~