HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-4-1 c.ny C8/y CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Revisions to . . .? . Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS 4556-4558 Aster Street CITY JOB#: COM2004-00983 OWNER: RW Homes PHONE: 513-2228 CONTRACTOR: Owner PHONE: Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. All references are to the 2003 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (2000 International Residential Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise). A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 97408-5986 Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLA nON OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED .BY: ~ fY/#>fUL Review completed on PHONE: 72IP . ! h2-J 4,/; /IJS" The following Plan review comments are intended to complement or amend the previous plan review comments that accompanied the bUIlding permit for the above prqject. Where a contradiction exists between any of these items and any items on the original plan revIew comments- the comment(s) resulting from this successive plan review shall prevail. .8ILcommeots are on tbuubmi!te(Lre'lision documeots. J $cl< m/.v~ 76t:>-'f01! r -.--==== ~ KEATING ENGINEERING LLC 188 WEST B STREET SUITE 'p' SPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 97477 PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541. -726.9996 I emall: keatinQenQ@msn.com PROJECT II RW HOMES ADDRESS ASTER STREET - SPRINGFIELD SCOPE REVISION TO FLOOR FRAMING I 050001 . """""'" DES'GNER i I KEATING DATE I PROJECT NO REVISED 3/2912005 O~. 0.. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS I PROJECT DESCRIPTION REVISION TO FLOOR FRAMING SYSTEM RESULTING FROM AL TERA TION OF FLOOR PLAN CONTRACTOR HAS ELIMINATED REAR PORCH AND FLOOR FRAMINGlFOUNDATlON SUPPOR SYSTEM REQUIRES REVISION ~'": . IDESIGN LOADS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE ....\~~t.~B~... aUILDlNG OCCUpANCy CLASS(ES) , .. :....,.'\, "':'. GRAVITY LOADS . ..'.... ":"~":'...fLOOR LIVE LOAD (PSF) . ..' ":,:~: FLOOR DEAD LOAD (PSF) : "'0' :" ".ROoF LIVE LOAD (PSF) _'. .....,- _" n.. . ROOF.OEAD LOAD (PSF) . WALL DEAD LOAD'(PSFl .:.PARTmON DEAD LOAD lPSFl 1 NOTES SEE REVISED ROOR PLAN DRAWINGS INFORMATION NOT NOTED ON REVISED DRAWINGS INCLUDED IN CALC SET IS TO BE SAME AS ON ORIGINAL PLANS INTENT OF. THIS SET IS TO PROVIDE NEW FRAMING FOR THE FLOOR SYSTEM TO ACCOUNT FOR BEAM SPAN THAT BECAME . TOO LONG FOR AVAILABLE BEARING AND TOO DEEP FOR CEILING SYSTEM. . LATERAl FORCE ANALYSIS NOT REVISED AS THIS DESIGN ACTS TO INCREAS THE LENGTHS OF SHEAR WALLS AND UNIT FOF WOULD BE LOWER THAN ORIGINALLY DESIGNED BY KEATING ENGINEERING IVN IR-3 I SEISMIC ZONE WIND VELOCITYIEXPOSURE CLASS 13 180MPH/B' -.. LATERAl LOADS IDENTIFIED IN CALC SET 140 110 125 115 I: SOIL ACTIVIE PRESSURE (PSF) SOIL PASSIVE PRESSURE (PSF) ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING (PSF) IN/A IN/A INIA .;.,. :~. . .,. I TABLE OF CONTENTS ICAlCS FOR JOISTS AND BEAMS I FLOOR PLAN REVISION I FOUNDAITON PLAN REVISION I FRAMING PLAN REVISION I PAGE 2T04 5 6 7 SEAL Il/IW/Jlff!!!llf/PJ IffOjll/ fCfOj/P}1f fCfOJMIPIlJ/JJNfClf . ~~l~,"",,~ TJ.B~6.16 Serial NUlTIber':'7()().4122833 u~ 2 3I29J2OOS 10:2":581>M Pagel EngineVen;ioo: 1.16.5 REVISED FLOOR JOISTS FOR ALTERED ALIGNMENT 05000id 117/8" TJI@210 @ 12" olc THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED ~\"'fI,q...i I 1'1"1" t.lj".fJ / J~ . V'W~ I 11 ~g] .=00 PI utlllct Di,l!.U .1111 is Conct"ptll.1J. LOADS: Analysis itfor a Joist Member. .. : Primary LDOd Group - Residential- Living Areas (psI): 40.0 Live at 100 % duration, 12.0 Dead, 5.0 Partition SUPPORTS: .. Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibe) Detail 'Width Length Live/DeadlUplifllTotal 1 Stud wall 3':50" '2.25" 400 /170 / 0 / 570 A3: Rim Board 2 Stud wall, .3,.50" 2.25" 400/170/0/570 A3: Rim Board -SeE. T J SPECIFIER'S i BUILDERS GUIDE fDr detail(s): A3; Rim Board OESIGN.CONTROLS: .' ' Other 1 Ply 11/4"x 117/8" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ 1 Ply 1 1/4" x 11 7/8" 0.8E T J-Strand Rim BDard@ Shear (Ibs):'. Vertical Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft-lbs) Uve Load Defl (in) TDtal Load Defl (in) TJPro Maximum '558 558 2732 Design" -553 558 2732 0,425 0.605 34 ConlrDI 1655 1110 3620 0,490 0.979 30 Control Passed (33%) Passed (50%) Passed (75%) Passed (U554) Passed (U388) Passed location Rl end Span 1 under Floor loading Bearing 2 under Floor IDading MID Span 1 under FIDDr IDading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor IDading Span 1 -Deflection Criteria: STANDARO(LL:U480,TL:LI240), -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 19/32" Panels (20" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu); All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 3' 8" oIc unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value prDvides additiDnal floor perfonnance infonnatiDn and is based Dn a GLUED & NAILED 19/32" Panels (20" Span Rating) decking, The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include: Ceiling - None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been perfonned by the program. ComparisDn Value: 1.69 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output frDm software develDped by Trus Joist (T J). T J warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T J product design criteria and code accepted design values, The specific product applicatiDn, input design IDads, and stated dimensions have been provtded by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a T J Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or T J technical repreSentative fDr product availabHity. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the T J OistributiDn product listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: ASTER STREET - RW HOMES CITY BP COM 2004-00983 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Stephen Keating Keating Engineering 186 West B Street. Building P Springfield,O'"9.on 97477 PhDne; (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 keatingeng@msn ~CoPyri9ht Q 2004-by Trus Joist. a weyerhaeu'~r Busin~,s lJJQp and TJ-Beal!41 are reqi,tered tradmoarks of TrUll Joist. e-J Joi,t.., Pro" and TJ-pro" are trademark' of Trus Joist. , 050'00.:> Kealing Engineering LLC 188 West B Street - Building P - Springfield - OR - 97477 - (543) 726-9995 RW HOMES - ASTER STREET HEADER AT SIDE HEADER AT 6 FT SGD Prepared by: JF , ' Dpte: 3/29/05 BeamChek 2,2 Choice I (3) 2x 8 DF-L #2 . BASE Fb = 875 ADJ Fb = 1050 Conditions '91 NDS Min Bearing Area R1= 3.4 in' R2= 3.4 in' DL Defl 0.03 in Data Beam Span 6.5 It Reaction 1 2106# Reaction 1 LL 1463# Beam Wt per ft 7.93 # Reaction 2 2106# Reaction 2 LL 1463# Beam Wei9ht 52 # Maximum V 2106# Max Moment 3422 '# Max V (Reduced) 1714# TL Max Defl L/240 TL Actual Defl L/686 -00'., LL Max Defl L/360 LL Actual Defl L/ 988 Attributes Section (in') Shear (in'> TL Defl (in) LL Defl . Actual 39.42 32.63 0.11 0,08 Critical 39.11 27,07 0.32 0.22 Status OK OK OK OK Ratio 99% 83% 35% 36% Fb (psi) Fv(psQ E (psi x mil) Fcl. (psi) Values Base Values 875 95 1.6 625 Base Adjusted 1050 95 1,6 625 '- . Adiustments CF Size Factor 1,200 Cd Duration 1.00 1.00 Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self-weight into the calculations. Loads Uniform TL: 550 =A Uniform LL: 400 Par Unif LL Par Unit TL Start End 50 ' H= 90 0 6.5 H Uniform LDad A I I I .6- R2 = 2106 I .6- R1 = 2106 SPAN.= 6.5 FT Uniform and partial uniform loads are Ibs per lineal ft. RW HOMES - ASTER STREET CITY BP COM 2004 00983 Foundation wall: IINTERIOR GRADE BEAM Location: CENTER OF BUILDING Input parameters: proposed point load: . react. from above: soil bearing: depth of footing embedment: . FDN GRADE 8M WALUFOOTING Concrete Qrade beam desiQn for base restraint bay spacing I bay width I Olft Oft 6800-LB o LBS 1500 LBS 7 IN 12 IN applied DL from root - applied DL from walls: applied DL from floors: applied LL from root applied LL from floors: Foundation:'.. footing width: 15 -IN , . footing depth: 7 I,N wall width: 6 IN wall depth: 24 IN depth of steel from bottom of grade bm: , depth of steel from top of Qrade bm: I ~~...~<t~, .' Output: . footing reselVe cap: I grCjde beam length: I' required moment: I allowable moment: I ' ' allowable shear concrete Ft: I uplift resistance: uplift resistance: Maximum uplift: 271.875 PLF 25.01 UN FT required for point load distribution 42519 LB FT 424141LB FT 4462.51Ibs STIRRUPS REQUIRED 41651PSI CRACKED SECTION 74911LBS ASSUMING UNCRACKED SECTION 74821LBS ASSUMING CRACKED SECTION (CONT LENGTH) o LBS based on baY width of 0 FT and f,s,=1.5 ..:.. ....~;.:!::~;.;.:.. -. 050004 . Date: I 3/29/2005 Proi no:1 O'LBS 100 LBS 250 LBS o LBS 900 LBS concrete strength: reinforcing. grade: reinforcing bar size: I number of bars' 2500 PSI 60 KSI il area of steel: 0.3925 SQ IN rho: 0.00436 31tN 3 IN Notes: steel is balanced top and bottom of grade beam concrete strength is Iim~ed to 2500.PSI for purposes of design refnforcing grade 60 KSI soil bearinQ capacity is Iimted to code-specified minimum Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon - 97477 - (541) 726-9995 - ~ KEATING ENGINEERING LLC PROJECT RW HOMES II U~OOU;) 188 WEST B STREET SUITE 'P' ADDRESS ASTER STREET - SPRINGFIELD - ~ SPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 97477 SCOPE REVISION TO FLOOR FRAMING DATE 312912005 - - PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541.726-9996 PROJECT NO 03-1'\ ---: 'email: k.eatinQenQ@msn.com DESIGNER KEATING I REVISED I ~~~i~f~y;*~,-,:t~'t?~J;~'~t{..~~~~t~~} ,,~~~%;;X~~~)I:k-~il::D:,;:' :~,;(,,~. '~~,' .~~.:,.,-;;:;:::t-'C;:';';;i ~". ,. 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'i1~ ~ ~ n I'" , : .'......1.;,1/ . ..~E: ..::':..j{((F).'.... ..'.(,F:l - KEATING ENGINEERING LLC I PROJECT I RW HOMES -- 188 WEST B STREET - SUITE 'P' ADDRESS lASTER STREET - SPRINGFIELD , SPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 974771 SCOPE REVISION TO FLOOR FRAMING - - - PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 I -. eman: keatinaeno@msn.com DESIGNER KEATING II ~;'f',,'-'--,_u ,. . _~----A I . - -" I KEATING ENGINEERING LLC T PROJECT II RW-HOMES. .. ,._-, .,.. _ 1188 WEST B STREET -', SUITE 'P' I ADDRESS ASTER STREET - SPRINGFIELD :.. . ISPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 97477 I SCOPE REVISION TO FLOOR FRAMING _IPHONE 541.726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 - ematl: keatinQe msn.co ES1GNER I' DATE I PROJECT NO _ REVISED ~''''..,..rl "nri~ ~ - 3/2912005 0)- ,~ ,': r~: ';~~" .~'~.' . '-~i:_; . .....v _ ",,',,"." " I,. ~ -..".' ,. {, .... j CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: 4556-4558 Aster Street CITY JOB#: C0M2004-00983 OWNER: RW Homes PHONE: 513-2228 CONTRACTOR: Owner PHONE: Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items' listed below where applicable. All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: ~_ ~1\( PHONE: 72-&-36Z'3 Review completed on 3/2-3' /tJ.4- (~6 /i-.s' c..r-I3D7/7) 1. Provide vertical fire blocking (studs) at front wall on each side of the intersecting party wall to maintain the required fire resistive rating for the full length of the party wall to the outside wall sheathing. 2. Sheathing on the upper front building wall (SW3) shall continue uninterrupted down to the supporting beam below to maintain the required shear values for this wall unless otherwise approved by the engineer of record. " " '- . .' ! ',- ;i 3. Install approved fire stop material in the remaining voids in the wall at the intermediate floor level. 4. Handrails having minimum height of 30" and maximum height of 38" above stair nosing shall be provided on at least one side of stairways of three (3) or more risers, shall maintain 1-1/2" clearance to walls and the ends shall be returned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. Handrails shall be continuous, provide a handgrip of less than 2-5/8" cross-sectional dimension or an equivalent gripping surface, and no sharp corners. All intermediate openings shall be less than 6" in dimension except that openings between vertical rails shall not exceed 4" in dimension. (R-315.1 J. , ,./ - -;. 6/ ~~~ /' /'I'~~~_/~/(O'., r(). / .:", . /2.,y f. I p.!i/I- t 1/1 I' .~ 7 = 20 "" I / ) I .. -'\ . , , ," /. o' ., -.. Vl' QJ C .... ...l >, ..., ... V)QJ E-<Q. 00 ,-l ... 0.. '" 08 ..... 0 '" ... w.... E-< Z OJ ........ 11l VI V) ..., :><: C '-'QJ ..; 8 "" OJ E-<'" W:l V) VI 11l :E: QJ :=>8 :E: H.-i Z.-i H"; :.: ^ f~ ;~ /~- f I !I /" / / / / / ...,'0;1;'01;'0 E /j OJ Q) ro rn QJ4-l J-I l-.l .... 11l11l O~t.!)c." ......-l J.-.ll-l < 'I QJ~OO ~ '/ VJroQJQJ ~ ;::)l-lf/}[I) tI) / o ro ;:J :.1 ~~~~ ~ , 11l11l...... >< '[ ~~roro < >>>> ::0: ..., ..., c: c: QJ l-4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;:;~ d ' s+ !;? ...., \,>ill+d L){Ol'f'\~ +0 " 1../ U $W!l k,.. ..., ..., QJ QJ QJ QJ..... ..... o tI).-i .?~ru.E . , '6ii? ( ~ , I I ' It'~'_l I I) 1 1/ I I '1/ ~ ' I' CITY OF 5~~!!:~ OREGON I APPROVED BY ff"~/ ~ _OATE;A~ ..._( t' &. , / vr- I"', I I '-~-h< ) I /1,/ ~ / DATE RECF.lVEOLho/CJL( JOB NO(.Ol'\~W'-\-oo"l~ ~ ZONE OCCUPANCY GROUP ~~~ ~ UN1T(S) OCCUPANCY LOAD STORlE.S:l TYPE CONSTRUCTIOr-.:~ LEGAL DESCRIPT'ON \ 1 O~"'"S ~ 'te,.ll ADDRESS ~~~Ul I\~ "" - OWNER R....tJ ,""DM~...s THE CONTENTS HER'::, Q!,! j-Lo.Wr:: BEEN REVIEWED. WiTH ALTSRATlON5 INr;tc..\.,-:::o 0:': .':;OLORSD PE!o,JCIL. CHANGES OR Al:i'SRATiON:::~ MAnE TO TEE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR PROJ~CT AFTE:r~ THE DATE i3E!..OW SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BU1LDING OFFIC!..~.L. , >':j>lJ.e 1/1 I 1..- / .~ ,,:'\1 -., I '"" i ..." NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THISPERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. . ATTENTION:Uregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001. 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules b~ calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). 1 Q ~) "j/ 00 # ..........--1 \1\.1. J ;.i,.. >._"~w_."" ~"IO. ....N' _._.__......._____._~ . . '" .. -." , Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIF TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 "'~~ .."..,';;>>....:J:",.l";/~.I...!;I..".". This sheet is attached for your convenience. Included are many often missed requirements of the Oregon building codes. Springfield inspection staff will check for these items as well as all other requirements of the codes, There may be additional items marked in red on the approved plans that must be completed before calling for the corresponding inspection. When structural engineering accompanies plans, the owner/builder must complete any additional requirements. Complete requirements of the code can be found in the 1998 State of Oregon Edition of the International One and Two-Family Dwelling Code. [The number in square brackets is the code reference,) Inspection Request Line: 726-3769 Springfield Building Divisions: 726-3753 BUILDING PLANNING I, Provide ventilation in every habitable room by means of operable exterior openings equal to at least 5% of the floor area of the room. Exception; Provide a mechanical ventilation system capable of producing 0.35 air changes per hour in the room. [303.1] 2, Bathrooms shall have exterior glazed openings of not less than 3 sq ft., halfofwhich must be able to open, or a venting system capable of five air changes per hour. Vent to outside. [303.3]. 3. Habitable rooms shaU have a ceiling height of not less than 7' for at least 50% of their required floor area. [305.1] 4. Provide a 21" deep clear space in front of aU water closets. [307.2] , 5, Provide laminated, tempered, or heat-strengthened glass for aU glazing located in door assemblies, railings, tub and shower enclosures, or within a 24" arc of a door. Exception: Glazing in tub and shower enclosures and near doors need not be tempered if located at least 60" above the adjacent floor or drain inlet. [308.4] 6, Openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with either solid wood doors not less than I 3/8" in thickness or 20- minute tire-rated doors. [309.t] , 7. The garage shaU be completely separated from the residence and its attic area by means of W' gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side. [309.2] 8. Garage and carport floors shall be sloped to drain liquid toward a drain or the main vehicle entry door. [309.3] 9. Provide operable egress windows in each bedroom with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft. (Min. 5 sq, ft. when sill is located within 44" of adjacent exterior grade,) Minimum net open height: 22"; Minimum net open width: 20"; Maximum sill height: 44". [310.1.1] 10, Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls and soffits protected on the enclosed side with \1," gypsum board or equivalent. [314,8] 11. Minimum haUway width 36" tin ish wall to tinish wall. [314.1] 12, A minimum 3' x 3' landing is required on each side of an egress door, maximum 1-112" below the top of the threshold, [312] Exceptions: 1. At the top of a flight of stairs, provided the door does not swing over the stairs, 2, At required exit door, shall not be more than 8" below the top of threshold when the door swings in.[312] 13, Min. stairway headroom 6'- 8"; Min. Riser 4"; Max, Riser: 8"; Min. Tread: 9"; Min, clear width above handrail: 36". (314] 14. Provide means to illuminate both interior and exterior stairways and landings, [303.4] 15, Provide a continuous handrail on at least one side of stairways of more than three risers, I 1/4"- 2-518" cross-sectional dimension with a gripping surface and no sharp comers, 30" to 38" above the nosing of the tread, with a minimum 1-112" clearance to the wall. [315.1 & 315,2] 16. Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30" above the floor or grade below shaU have guardrails not less than 34" in height measured verticaUy from the nosing of the treads, Intennediate rails shall be spaced so that they do not aUow passage of an object 5" or more in diameter. [315.3, 315.4] 17. Porches, balconies, or raised floor surfaces located more than 30" above the !loor or grade below shaU have guardrails, minimum 36" in height, with intennediate rails which do not aUow passage ofan object 4" or more in diameter. [315.3, 315.4] 18. Required exit door shall be a side-hinged door and not less than 3' in width and 6'8" in height.[3 I 1.3] , 19, Provide 5/8" Type 'X' gypsum board, or equivalent one hour assembly, each side of duplex party wall, and extend to roof sheathing.(320. t] 20. All habitable rooms and area shall be provided with a penn anent approved heat source capable of maintaining a temp. of 68 degrees F, at a point 3' above the !l00r.[303,6] FOUNDA nON/GRADING 21. Gravel or other structural tiU deeper than 4" which is placed to support foundations must be inspected during placement and the compaction by an approved special inspector. Provide copies of special inspection reports to the City inspector. 22, Concrete shall be 5-7% air entrained with a minimum compressive strength of: a) 2500 psi for basement waUs and foundations not exposed to weather and for basement slabs and interior slabs on grade (except garage slabs); b}3000 psi for basement, foundation and exterior waUs and other vertical work exposed to weather; c} 3000 psi for carport and garage floor slabs and for porches and steps exposed to weather. [402.2 and Table 402,2] 23. Minimum footing sizes shall be as follows: [Table 403.1.1] Supporting I !loor and a roof: 12" wide", 6" thick, 6" thick stem wall 2 floors and a roof: 15" wide", 7" thick, 8" thick stem wall 3 !loors and a roof: 18" wide", 8" thick, 10" thick stem waU .When load bearing capacity ofsoills IOOOpsf,18" wide footing is required for 1 story, 23" for 2 story, 27" for 3 story 24, Footings shall be minimum 12" below grade. [403.t] Stem walls shall extend at least 6" above tlnlshed grade. [403.1.3] 25. Ground under building shaU be sloped to a low point, and an under!loor drain installed to provide positive drainage from under the building. The grade in the underfloor space shall be as high as the outside tinished grade, unless an approved drainage system is provided,[409.4] Groundwater collected or drained from under or around the buildings shall be piped to an approved disposal site. Subsoil drains which cannot remove groundwater by gravity shall have an approved ejector.[3806.2] 26, The sill plate or !loor system shaU be anchored to the foundation with minimum W' diameter bolts, embedded at least 7" into concrete or masonry, spaced at 6'-0" on center maximum with at least two bolts per plate and one bolt within 12" of ends or corners. [403,1.5] 27. Foundation drainage shall be provided around foundations enclosing habitable or usable space below grade. [405.1] 28. Columns and posts shall be anchored to prevent lateral displacement. Exception: Columns less than 4' in height, bearing on a pier or footing within a crawl space that Is enclosed by a continuous foundation wall need not be restrained at the bottom end. [408.3] 29. Provide 12" clearance to grade from underside of girders and beams and 18" clearance to grade from underside of joists or provide pressure treated wood. [322.1] 30. Provide 3" min. bearing for girders entering masonry or concrete, with y," air space on tops, sides and ends. [502.4, 322.1] 31, Provide access to all underfloor areas: 18" x 24" minimum, [409.2] , 32. Provide underfloor ventilation equal to I square foot for every 1 SO feet. One vent is required within 3' of each comer. Vents shall hovo corrollon-rut.tant wlro mOlh or oqulnlonl with tho loolt dlmenllon bolns t/s". Undorf1oQr vonmotlon may bo roduced to , 111500 of the crawl space area where 6 mil. black polyethylene sheeling or other approyed ground coyer is installea.. [409.1] 33. Provide 6 mil. black polyethylene ground cover, lapped 12" at joints and extending 12" up foundation walls, in all crawl spaces where underf100r insulation is installed, [C40t,9.2] 34. Provide 55# rolled roormg or 6 mil. black polyethylene over 4" clean sand, gravel, or crushed rock beneath all concrete floor slabs: [505.2.3,C401.9.2] , 35. The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of 6" within the first 10'. Exception: Drains or other approved means shall be provided to ansu~c;.positive drainage. [40t,3] 36. Slopes for pennanen! cutS or fills shall not be steeper than 2 units horizontal to I unit vertical. Exception: Steeper slopes may be pennitted when a soils investigation report containing data to justify such slopes is approved by the City. [401.6] 37, Sealing required between wall and floor~ between !loor and foundation to prevent air leakage into building envelope.[C40t,8.2] , WALLS & ROOFS 1 ;,'. 38. Gypsum board used as shower and bathtub ceramic tile backing shall be water-resistant. All cut or exposlid edges, including those at walllnter.e.tlon., .hall b. ..aled 115 recommended by the manufacturer. [702,4,2] ,.... 39. Masonry veneer anchors may support 22/3 square feet of veneer, maximum, and shall attach to continuous #9 wlre.[703.7] 40. Flash all exterior doors, windows and horizontal wood trim. [703.8] 41, Provld. braolng at all gable end walls exceeding t4 feet In length. [See standard City of Springfield detaBs for approved bracing methods.] 42. Nails and staples must not be consistently over driven beyond flush with the sheathing surface.[Table602.3(I)and (2)] 43. Shear wall nailing or stapling must remain exposed for inspection approval.[113,1-113.4] 44. Trull Enginaerlng mu.t be onJob .Ite at fraining In.pection, for all type lrUlla. u.ed, [502.10; 802,11] 45. Trusses shall not bear on partition walls unless so designed. [301,1] 46. Enclosed attics and rafter spaces shall be provided with cross ventilation, Net ventilating area shall be not less than 1/150 of the attic area, Exception: Net ventilating area may be reduced to 11300 when at least 50% and not more than 80% of the ventilators are located at least 3' above the eaye or cornice vents or when an approved vapor barrier is installed on the wann side of the insulation, Provide a I" minimum air space above insulation and baffle at eave or soffit vents, [806, E40 1.2.1] 47. Areadily accessible attic access framed oRening not less than 22" x 30" shall be provided to any attic area having a clear height of over 30". [807,1] 48, Roof coverings shall comply with the general requirements of Chapter 8 and the specific requirements of each section based upon type of material: a) asphalt shingles [903]; b) slate shingles [904]; c) metal [905]; d) tile, clay or concrete shingles [906]; e) built-up roofing [907]; t) wood shingles [908]; g) wood shakes [909], 49. Roof stonn drains shall be provided to collect and discharge stonn drainage to an approved drainage system.[801.3] One 3" pipe graded 1/4" per foot can accommodate up to 2,320 square feet of surface area,[Table 3811.2] 50. End walls to be step flashed or to manufac~rers specs.[903,3] MECHANICAL & PLUMBING '. 51. Heating and cooling appliances located in a garage or other area where they may be subject to damage shall be suitably guarded against such damage. (Protection is typically provided by concrete filled pipe bollards,) [1307.3, 3310.3] 52. Appliances which generate a glow, spark or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors and are located in the garage shall be installed with the burners, burner ignition devices or heating elements and switches minimum 18" above the floor level. [1307,3, 3310.1] 53. Fuel burning wann air furnaces and water heaters shall not be installed in a room designed to be used as a storage closet. Furnaces or water heaters located in a bedroom or bathroom shall be installed in a sealed enclosure such that combustion air will not be taken from the living space. Direct vent units are not required to be installed within an enclosure. [1402.1, 3309] 54. Combustion air must be provided for all fu'el burning appliances except direct vent units, [2001.1 to 2001.5] 55. Provide access to attic furnace (22" x 30") or underfloor furnace (30" x 30"). Provide a penn anent electric outlet located near the furnace and lighting fixture controlled by ii switch at the passageway opening. [1401.6.1401.7] 56, The maximum amount of water used by new plumbing fixtures: a) toilets: 1.6 gal. per flush; b) shower heads: 2.5 GPM; c) interior faucets: 2.5 GPM [3202] , 57. Showers and tub-shower combinations shall be equipped with control valves of the pressure balance, the thennostatic mixing, or the coml?ination pressure balance/thennostatic'mixing valve type with maximum mixed water setting of 120 degrees F. [3215] 58, Minimum shower compartment: 1,024 sq. inches; shall also be capable of encompassing 30" circle,[3210,3] Threshold shall be of sufficient width to accommodate a minimum 22" door,[32 10.2] 59, Equipment used for heating water shall be 'protected by combination pressure and temperature relief valves. [3408.3] 60, Water heaters shall be anchored to resist horizontal movement. (I.e. earthquake strapping) [3310.5] 61. Stonn water drains located within 5' of a building may be Schedule 40 ABS or Schedule 40 PVC, CPE, installed per installation standard IA. [3501.1.2] 62, Clothes dryer ducts shall tenninate outside the building. Max length is 25', reduce 2.5' for each 45deg. elbow.[1801.3] 63, Trenches dug parallel to the building foundation and deeper than the footing must be at least 45 degrees from bottom outside edge of footing to the bottom inside edge oftre~ch.[3113.3, illustration pg.294] ELECTRICal.. . 64, RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL PLANS ARE NOT REVIEWED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. All electrical work shall comply with current codes and will be field-inspected for compliance. Building penn its may be issued without electrical penn its, Electrical contractor must confinn an electrical pennit has been obtained before starting work. 65, Provide grounding electrode at electrical service, consisting of (or connected to) a minimum 20' length of lI,"diameter steel reinforcement in footings. [4108,1.2] , ' 66. GFCI protection required for receptacles in outdoor locations, garages, unfinished basements, bathrooms, where serving counter- top surfaces in kitchens, and when within 6' of wet-bar sinks. [4402] 67. Provide an approved smoke detector in each sleeping room, outside of each separate sleeping area, and on each additional story of the dwelling. All detectors shall be interconnected and shall provide an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. Smoke detectors shall be located minimum 3' upstream of air ducts. [316,1] 68. All smoke detectors shall receive their primary source of power from the pennanent built-in wiring, with battery back-up in case power is interrupted. Exception for remodels: hardwiring and interconnection is required only if other remodeling considerations require removal of the appropriate wall and ceiling coverings to facilitate wiring. [316,1,1, 3 t6.2] 69. Required smoke alarms shall not be located within kitchens or garages, or in other spaces where temperatures can fall below 40 degrees F. Ionization smoke alanns shall not be located closer than 3 feet horizontally from: a door to a kitchen or full bath; or supply registers of a forced air heating or cooling system, Smoke alanns within 20' of a cooking appliance shall be a photoelectric- type smoke alann or the alarm shall have an approved silencing means,[316,l] 70. Recessed light fixtures installed in cavities intended to be insulated shall be labeled as suitable for being installed in direct contact with insulation (IC rated). [4503.5] 71. Electrical outlets and approved wall fixtures in the fire separation wall shall not be located back to back. Use metal boxes no larger than 16 sq, inches placed in separate stud spaces for the 2 dwelling units.[320,2] , ENERGY CONSERVATION 72, Provide approved vapor barrier installed on the wann side (in winter) of insulation at all unventilated exterior walls, floors, and ceilings enclosing conditioned space, [C401.9,1] 73, PATH I insulation requirements; (Section C401 for alternative insulation paths,) Exterior Walls: R-21, Basement Walls: R-15, Underlloor: R-25, Slab Floor Edges: R-15, Flat Ceilings: R-38, Vaulted Ceilings: R- 30 (max, 50% of 1I00r area), Main Entry Door (max, 24sf): U=0.54, Other Exterior Doors: U=0.20, Windows: U=0.40, Skylights (max. 2% of 1I00r area): U=O,50, Forced Air Ducts: R-8. [Table C401.1 (I)] . 74. Alterations within an existing building envelope may use the minimum component insulation requirements: Exterior Walls: R-15, Basement Walls: R-15, Underlloor: R-21, Slab Floor Edges: R-IO, Flat Ceilings: R-38, Vaulted Ceilings; R- 21. Exterior Doors:.J)=O,54. Windows & Skvli.hts: U=0.65. Forced Air Ducts: R-8. rClOI.2.3. Table C401.lh Footnote Cl :~:,;,t}_~T~.~;;'~'~l:',::-"~"';'~'~,;,~","'r,~,[;,'ii~';~Ei'::~!:'~"":""':!..~;:;':II;}::;:~,;;'~~:~: ':~;-:',.'i~i,':;: ':~~'"~,,:!:~;'~~:_~l?;E~~.:f,?~.,~,t'~~L_~~~;;:'~';'~f~'::;:"~';~~~'~f":(r,'r':- . -~~:~:' ' 1:'1'Tl1e.ap~roved:bllildiligpert)1itBI~iis:musttel))~in.:atthe co~struction~site''l!ldbe!livaihible.t()' . ,.,,' :~~:;, [:'!:::_~~}):9)p:~:;~m~,~:!i;~~~ji:~,9,'~'B~.~!~~'}n;~?.~pl~~~.ce:.~!i~::.ih~,' a~pr9~~,d':p'_I~r:~,::;~~!:"~:p~~~';:::::rrp~9.~~~::'~ft::';'::"" ':';f:;,i:!:";'!';""~"; ,;,:,!:dy'~~::'b9,-.~he City. 3: ."IP.ll'p~ln)[ls'eXPiiei:'11,80'&~Y~Ji~eriSSuanceifnci' inspections have been,'ca!l,ed fo!or' ~9'Jl~~gr~~~m~:lg:~~,!,,:,,':Oi\' the project. :':~!,~i!'~I~,~;l:!:,i'~~~'~:~'~~:r,~~:i::~~~,!,~,~,~qyi~~d.,?!Ji'~~'~"~'~~~::~M~:3:~i!i~~1::':i!~'!~~~lli:~:1~~'~i~~~!~l~:i~I~~:~~i!~',~~:,~~d~i prior'to .i.: "1''', :-, ....'.. ",' , .-:. I KEATING ENGINEERING LLC 'I PROJ!'CTljM LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX _ /188 WEST B STREET ' SUITE 'p'l ADDRESS I SEE COVER SHEET ---.: I SPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 97477 II SCOPE II LATERAL AND GRAVITY LOADS FOR -= PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 I DUPLEX STRUCTURE -: I email: keatin.QenQ~msn.comIDESIGNER I j Steve Keating " =-=- CALCULATIONS 1I I I'DATE 'I 112712003 I I PROJECT NO I I II REVISED u: <,ril ~ ,~ I PROJECT DESCRIPTION DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE UPDATE TO PREVIOUS CALC SET PREPARED BY KEATING WHILE EMPLOYED AT BRANCH ENGINEERING - VALUES MODIFIED SLIGHTLY AND PLANS CORRECTED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE BUILDING OCCUPANCY CLASS(ES) IVN IR-3 GRAVITY LOADS FLOOR LIVE LOAD (PSF) FLOOR DEAD LOAD (PSF) ROOF LIVE LOAD (PSF) ROOF DEAD LOAD (PSF) WALL DEAD LOAD (PSF) I NOTES BEAM AT SIDE OF GARAGE (ENTRY] IS SIZED FOR TRUSS BEARING, BUT THIS IS NOT REECOMMENDED, IF TRUSSES ARE DESIGNED TO BEAR ON BEAM, USE SIMPSON HS24 AT GARGE SIDE WALL IDESIGN LOADS SEISMIC ZONE WIND VELOCITYIEXPOSURE CLASS LATERAl LOADS IDENTIFIED IN CALC SET 140 110 /25 115 110 SOIL ACTIVE PRESSURE (PSF) SOIL PASSIVE PRESSURE (PSF) ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING (PSF) ~'>/I(~e<> ~-zt-~~ ~l )!.(: - Sf?~) I CONTENTS LATERAl FORCES SEISMIC LOADS SHEAR WALLS BEAM CALCS GRADE BEAM PIERS SEAL I~ 130 1300 1000 . ". ',,'.. _ ..: I KEATING ENGINEERING LLC II PROJfCTI 1M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX - -= /'8S WEST B STREET, . -., SUITE 'P' ADORESS SEE COVER SHEET ." , , : :::. ISPRINGFIELD - OREGON . 9747711 sro..lLATERAL AND GRAVITY LOADS FOR =-- = I PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 I DUPLEX STRUCTURE . =- --: 1 email: keatinQen!:Ha?msn.com II DESIGNER I Steve KeatinQ :,..~.- . ,/ ,..-__ ''II r \ 'P..,.!- \ ''--:l~4~.. e I~O'J.l I~ .1' )~ q D>o~~'> ! 1'j (/I ur... . . , f I / II! '!. ,:. ~ " .--.-. "I 1-'__._____ '._ '.___.........._..__ . . { StSf" b W4. Sht. /~ 4rl0 Fnt.. A c~ ~1t-/el/#4'. i Lf 1'1 \ I , ~ /-. II J I, . I: 1 q " i: ~~ '\ '/ DL I ~ (\'Hl(,n DATE . "I '12712003 I PROJECT ND I IIREVlsEO I n 7'\'1I~vJ" b,,:';T0 z.~ (IL~S'" '1ttll"/) I I '" U--'" .n _____.._n 4ll~ J L __..___._____..... (' tl .' , to' fr-"--i ji .iJ r! I r I ). ff ,- -' ..... , ~'; ~I C t)'/ (\.'I'.J'I\11") '" . ~ ') I ' I-.J'" \ \ \"'0 Ii C \J V, 6 (z. I 0 PtJ f'.LO.v ) -- 'tf-t 4ff .:..- 4 y'iI ,. 1 (\0) I-l -\0 01- JIVe. ,..J11'\\.) ;'{f y'1S\ l- II ~L\)..J . I .., i I ,--..... . L._ 'I. T ; / : 'I' , . .J Uf -- " . .. ..- i ' .1 " . KEATING ENGINEERING LLC - -- 188 WEST 8 STREEr'" '..;.. ". SUITE 'P' F . . ISPRINGFIEUj,_ OREGON _, 97477 - -c,-; !PHONE 541-736-99?5 FAX 541-726-9996 I - """"'": lemail:" keatingeng@~sn.com . PROJECT - AD<lI<fSS .. SCOPE M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX I. . SEE COVER SHEET-..---'.._.___.. .'",__ . 0 3 0 (} II 2 LATERAL AND GRAVITY LOADS FOR "'/ L<>.ATE I' 1127120031 DUPLEX STRUCTURE r,;DJECT NO j . Sieve Keating._ I REVISED I "'__0"",.,,___._ DESIGNER ....._~-... -. '" , ~- ft?tii" =-...:;~~.:::~.:::.:::::~::::::::::...: . -- ... - '-'-. "---'"'" _.~-----_.__..._-_. ... -....-----....----..,-...----.;-----;--.--.--:- , ~'~-:.";,~~~~:0:, ~E~;-r:~--_~~~~::.'--' I ""..-- '..=.J'::':::: .::...::: ,::::: Z,/::~.::.:::.::::::::,::.-::::::::::::..:::.... ____:',::,::::'.;:. 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' , ' ~-~~~t~~1~t-~~J-~~5:~~~----. . - ~":-"',_k>>~::.~"'- , --- ~_~>T (~~/~-;O:;>~-Y= n:::,- u_________no___. -'--'___ h.~ .. __ ..,~._. ________. -:---:----;---:---..----:--.-- - ---- --- ._--,..~.__._+ ..-.---- --- .--_._--~--...._.__.- .-- ~_.._-_._._--- ....". .---------.-..--... ....-...... '-. ".. .---..-.-.....---. ~'---- - --.. ."'--- -~._--.,-~--._.-.- ,. -- . -..---.. -. -.. ..".... .-........- --.. -...-.---- ,- . - -.--...- - "~'-- "-'-... . . ..---.-.--.... '--"". "..- .-..------.....--.- _...... h._... ..___ ___.._____._._. -.----- ..._-.'_.__",:__.._-~. _._-'.....:.._~:- ----- --------.-... '--"-. .,_..... --........... ........ .,..:: :'::::~~:;~?;~~~:-::~~:~:=~~:=:.-- ---~~~;;.~:=f:~:~~=:-~~=~n- --" ..,-'..., " -. .. - n. "-'-. .... "" '--'--"--....-. ..-._-'-~----,-._-. h__...__._____.~._________, _.. ...'1......\. ."', . I Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX, LANE COUNTY OREGON DUPLEX HALF SEISMIC LATERAL FORCES ZONE 3 APPLICATIONS FOR BASE SHEAR AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORT PER OSSC 16 IV BASE SHEARIV=CvIW/Kl where 1= l;t\n,)"oano l; U.U:l maximum V=2.5C.IW/R Cv= 0.54 minimum 0.11 C.lw R= 5.50 1= 1.25 C.= SHEAR LOADING' roof area overhang area top floor perimeter wall top floor interior wall top floor area included live load I special I :ower floor perimeter wall lower floor interior wall lower floor area included live load special loads I base Ivl fir perimeter wall I base level flr interior wall I base floor area I included Jive load I special loads I 990 sq ft 180 sq ft 108 If 82 If 680 sq ft o Ibs U Ibs 140 If 38'lf 530 sq ft o Ibs o Ibs Ollf Ollf o sq ft o Ibs o Ibs 0\ SIMPLIFIED Fx=3.0C.Wi/r for ea story! 0.196364IW BASE SHEAR LATERAL 'pdes=apC.lp1Rp(1 +3hxlhr)= I FORCE ON FpMAX = 4,OC.lpwp.1 COMPONENTS FpMIN= 0.7 C.lpWp = I AND Fpused x Importance faetor EQUIPMENT 0.2000 Wp 1,8000 Wp 0.3150 Wp ,0,39375 Wp Vdesign= I Vmax= I VmJm= I Vused= I T=I U.b4~~ W 0.2045 W 0.0495 W U.~U4~ IW ,0. To~ I I sec roof diaphragm weight I overhang weight I exterior wall weight interior wall weight floor diaphragm weight special load weights included live load lop floor height lower floor height base floor height I shear to 1st floor roof ,hear to lower f1oor.diaphragm shear to base level diaphragm ~ shear to roof diaphragm I shear to top floor diaphragm shear to lower floor diaphragm shear to base'level diaphraQm where ap=' 1.00 I hx= 11 hr= 91 Rp=f 3.001 ". , , Page: Date: Proi no: r001,neI9nt~;!0 ft I top floor height 8 ft ' lower floor height 8 ft base floor height 0 ft ,10lpsf 8lpsf 8 psf 8 psf 10 o psf psf 8ft 8 ft o ft~ 2475 6937 Ibs 8167 Ibs 8167 Ibs ; 432711bS 5657 Ibs 68371'bs 6837 Ibs 030003 1/27/2003 .-.....-.. , Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX LANE COUNTY OREGON DUPLEX HALF SHEAR WALL DESIGN (UPPER) Plywood sheathed panels with hold-<lown restraint FRAMED TO ADJACENT FLOOR OR WALL page:J Date: I Proi no: I 030004 1127120031 J Shear wall no: IN/A Shear wall location: UPPER PARTY WALLS Input parameters: design wall length: 1'- 34 FT design wall height: 8 FT react. from above: 0 LBS shear from above: LBS in-plane sbear. j 3600 LBS , applied DL from roof: r - 40 LBS applied DL from walls: 80 LBS applied DL from floors: 0 LBS applied LL from roof: 0 LBS applied LL from walls: I 0 LBS applied LL from floors: I 0 LBS Shear panel data: / unit shear. I comer forces: I 1051PLF -683 LBS see design evaluation below UPLIFT DESIGN: NUMBER OF FACES (ONE SIDE OR roo SIDE): INSTALL SHTG ON MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL FIELD NAILING: 8d COM, NAILS AT MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING: 8d COM, NAILS AT STUD DIMENSIONS AND SPACING (#2 D FIR): 12X4 CHORD LUMBER (#2 D. FIR) I 12X4 BOTTOM PLATE MEMBER (#2 D FIR): 12X4 I NAILING OF BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR: 16d COM. NAIL AT I DRAG STRUT/COLLECTOR AT TOP OF WALL: lCONT PLATE I I HOLD-DOWN HARDWARE: NOT REQUlRED N/A ATTACHMENT: N/A TYPICAL SHEAR PANEL SHEATHING: Yo" CDX PL YWD OR 7/16" OSB SHTG. 1ISIDE(Sl 6\IN O,C, 61INO.C. 16~IN O.C, I I I 16flN O.C, I IiN O,C. '-. Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon _ 97477 _ (541) 726-9995 Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX LANE COUNTY OREGON . DUPLEX HALF SHEAR WALL DESIGN Plywood sheathed panels with hold-down restraint Concrete Qrade beam desien for base restraint Shear wall no: ISW1 awo SEGMENTS) Shear wall location: REAR WALL OF GARAGE Input parameters: ' Foundations: Shear panel data: I Grade beam length: I Grade beam design: DESIGN: SW1 design wall length: I design wall height: react. from above: j shear from above: in-plane shear: soil bearine: 4.5'FT 8 FT o LBS 933 LBS 1667 LBS 1000 PSF applied DL from roof: ,. applied DL from walls: I applied DL from fioors: I applied LL from roof: applied LL from walls:' aoplied LL from fioors: I footing width: I -1511N footing depth: 7 IN wall width: 8 IN wall depth: 24 IN depth of steel from bottom of grade bm: I deoth of steel from too of erade bm: / 030005 Page: I I Date: I 1/27/2003J Proi no: I 1 170'ILBS 80lLBS 30lLBS 250 LBS olLBS 200 LBS depth ,of footing embedment: r. 12'IN reinforcing grade: 60 KSI reinforcing bar size: I 4 number of bars I 1 area of steel: I 0.19625 SQ IN rho: I 0.00102 J 91feet in olane of shear wall measured about center of corner force application 31lN 2 IN see design evaluation below uplift and bearine 2971PLF 280lPLF 100 PLF 451 PLF -5 FT moment capacity: I required moment: I allowable bearing: I actual uDlift leneth: I unit shear. I comer forces: 577IPLF 4150lLBS 122871 LB FT 46681 LB FT 13331LBS 91FT TYPICAL SHEAR PANEL SHEATHING: 17/16" OSB SHTG I NUMBER OF FACES (ONE SIDE OR TWO SIDE): INSTALL SHTG ON -1 SIDElS) MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL FIELD NAILING Sd NAILS SI.IN O.C. MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING Sd, 2\'N a.c. MINIMUM STUD DIMENSIONS AND SPACING 2X6 MIN STUDS' 24 'INO.C. CHORD LUMBER AT HOLD-DOWN LOCATIONS 4X6 #2 D FIR I WALL PLATES AT TOP 2X6 DOUBLE/PER CODE WALL PLATES AT BOTTOM MATCH STUDS SINGLE IPER CODE NAILING OF BOTTOM PLATE TO SILL 16d NAILS AT SIIN O.C. BOLTING OF MUD SILL TO FOUNDATION I Yo" X 10" A.B. ATI 2611N O.C. NAILING OF TOP PLATE TO TRUSSl INA I HOLD-DOWN aRACKET: I SIMPSON iHD6A j BOLTING OF HOLD-DOWN TO FOUNDATION: I SIMPSON I SSTB2S1 USE 7/S" NUT COUPLER AND 7/S" ALL-THREAD TO EXTEND HOLD-DOWN TO ANCHOR self weight of foundation: . weight of imposed DL: design line LL on foundation: allowable uplift resistance: actual brne leneth (Cd 1.33): I Project: , I I M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX PERFORATED SHEAR WALL . . n ':) q#~ ij I LANE COUNTY OREGON Plywood sheathed panels with openings included I Da'le'1 1/ 0 3 DUPLf;,X HALF DesiQned per American Plywood Association #157 (199 Proi no: I I Shear wall no: I SW2 REAR WALL Shear wall location: PERIMETER WALLS AT LOWER FLOOR 1 wind stagnation pres. I CoCoQ. at h<20' =1 14.4lpSF Input parameters: lesign wall length: lesign wall height: 'eact, from above: I shear from above: in-plane shear: applied UL from roof: applied DL from walls: applied DL from floors: applied LL from roof: applied LL from walls: aDo/ied LL from floors: 170 LBS 160 LBS 130 LBS 425 LBS o LBS 520 LBS Factors for AP A . equations opening lengths r ~ ,?' 1 0 total length of door and window openings (feet) opening areas . ,." 40 ibtal area of openings (sq ft) wall area I 188 (sq ft) a I 0.21 area of openingslarea of wall (sq ft) -B 0,57 summation of full height sectionslwalllength rl 0.73 area factor 1/ (1+a/B) !:.L.Qj737lreduction coefficient for wall r/(3-2rl Shear panel data: I unit shear: I 348\ PLF corner forces: I -15871 LBS see design evaluation below uolift and bearino DESIGN / SW2 TYPICAL SHEAR PANEL SHEATHING: 'I,,' CDX PL YWD OR7/16" OSB SHTG. NUMBER OF FACES (ONE SIDE OR TWO SIDE): INSTALL SHTG ON I 1 SIDE(S) MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL FIELD NAILING: 8d COM. NAILS AT I 8 IN O.C, MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING: 8d COM. NAILS ATI 4 IN O.C. STUD DIMENSIONS AND SPACING (#2 D FIR): 2X6 STUD I '2411N O.C. CHORD LUMBER (#2 D. FIR) DOUBLE I 2X61 BOTTOM PLATE MEMBER (#2 D FIR): I 2X61 DRAG STRUT/COLLECTOR AT TOP OF WALL: CONNECT BLOCKING AT TOP TO DIAPHRAGM HOLD-DOWN HARDWARE: USE TOP PLATE I NOT REQUIRED I MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GA X 2" STAPLES AT 3" O.C. FOR PANEL EDGE NAILING MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GA X 2" STAPLES AT 6" O.C. FOR FIELD EDGE NAILING ", Keating- Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon - 97477 _ (541) 726-9995 Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX PERFORATED SHEAR WALL I n::l n Q 0 7 ] LANE COUNTY OREGON Plywood sheathed panels with openings included J Date: I 1/27120031 DUPLEX HALF . Desioned Der American Plvwood Association #157 (19 Pro; no: I I Shear wall nO:ISW2 SIDE WALL Shear wall location: PERIMETER WALLS AT LOWER FLOOR wind stagnation pres. 'CoCoQ, at h<20' =1 Input parameters: lesign wall length: lesign wall height: 'eaet. from above: shear from above: in-plane shear: Factors for AP A equations opening lengths I opening areas . wall area I a\ ~l FI Shear panel data: I unit shear: I corner forces: i .' I 14.4IPSF I J 28 FT 8FT o LBS 1800 LBS 1200 LBS appliea UL trom roof: applied DL from walls: applied DL from floors: applied LL from roof: applied LL from walls: aDo/ied LL from floors: . 20 LBS 160 LBS 20 LBS 50lLBS o LBS aOllBS 10 total length of door and window openings (feet) 40 total area of openings (sq ft) 224 (sq ft) 0,18 area of openings/area of wall (sq ft) 0.64 summation of full height seetionslwalllength 0.78 area faetor 11 (1 +a/B) , 0.5455 reduction coefficient for wall rl(3-2r) 1961PLF -1032 J LBS. see design evaluation below uolift and bear/no DESIGN I SW2 TYPICAL SHEAR PANEL SHEATHING: Yo" CDX PLYWD OR 7/16" OSB SHTG. , NUMBER OF FACES (ONE SIDE OR TWO SIDE): INSTALL SHTG ONI 1ISIDE(S) MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL FIELD NAILING: 8d COM. NAILS AT I 811N O.C. MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING: 8d COM. NAILS ATI 4 IN O.C; STUD DIMENSIONS AND SPACING (#2 D FIR): 2X6 STUDI 2411N 0.<::. CHORD LUMBER (#2 D. FIR) DOUBLE I 2X61 BOTTOM PLATE MEMBER (#20 FIR): I 2X6 DRAG STRUT/COLLECTOR AT TOP OF WALL: CONNECT BLOCKING ATTOP TO DIAPHRAGM, HOLD-DOWN HARDWARE: USE TOP PLATE NOT REQUIRED I MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GA X 2" STAPLES AT 3" O,C. FOR PANEL EDGE NAILING MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GA X 2" STAPLES AT 6'" O.C. FOR FIELD EDGE NAILING ", Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon _ 97477 _ (541) 726-9995 " Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX LANE COUNTY OREGON D~)PLEX HALF PERF0RATED SHEAR WALL Plywood sheathed panels with openings included Desi ned er American PI ood Association #157 Shear wall no: SW3 UPPER FRONT Shear wall location: PERIMETER WALLS AT UPPER FLOOR wind stagnation pres,l CpCQO~ ?t ~<~Q:3 Input parameters: 'lesign wall length: I tesign wall height: 'eact, from above: I 5hear from above: I in-plane shear: .J Factors for APA equations opening lengths I opening areas wall area a BI rl EJ Shear panel data: I unit shear: I corner forces: ! DESIGN I SW3 14.4lpSF 401FT 8 FT o LBS LBS 1866 LBS I applied DL from roof: I applied DL from walls: I applied DL from floors: j applied LL fromrool: I applied LL from walls: applied LL from floors: I 170 LBS 80 LBS 50 LBS 425 LBS o LBS 520 LBS J TYPICAL SHEAR PANEL SHEATHING: IY;' CDX PL YWD OR 7/16" OSB SHTG. 16 I iota/length of door and window openings (feel) 50 total area of openings (sq ft) 320 (sq ft) 0.16 area of openingslarea of wall (sq ft) 0.60 summation of full height sectionslwalllength 0,79 area factor 1 1(1 +a/B) 0.5614 [eduction coefficient for wall rl(3-2rl 82lpLF -3376 LBS see design evaluation below uplift and bearinQ NUMBER OF FACES (ONE SIDE OR lWO SIDE): MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL FIELD NAILING: MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING: STUD DIMENSIONS AND SPACING (#2 0 FIR): CHORD LUMBER (#2 D. FIR) BOTTOM PLATE MEMBER (#2 D FIR): INSTALL SHTG ON! 8d COM. NAILS AT I 8d COM. NAILS AT! 2X6 STUDI DOUBLE! , DRAG STRUT/COLLECTOR AT TOP OF WALL: CONNECT BLOCKING AT TOP TO DIAPHRAGM: HOLD-DOWN HARDWARE: USE TOP PLATE/ USE H2.5 EA TRUSS I NOT REQUIREDj . MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GAX2" STAPLESAT4 O,C. FOR PANEL EDGE NAILING MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GAX2" STAPLESAH" O.C. FOR FIELD I ' 1 !SIDE(S) 811N O.C. ~'INO.C. 2411N O.C. 2X6/ 2X61 I'NO.C. I Keating.Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon _ 97477 _ (541) 726-9995 'Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX 'PERFORATED SHEAR WALL I '03 nr} n Q I LANE COUNTY OREGON Plywood sheathed panels with openings included I Date: I 1127120031 DVPLEX HALF Desipned per American Plywood Association #157 (199 Pro; no: I / Shear wall nO:ISW4 UPPER REAR . Shear wall location: PERIMETER WALLS AT UPPER FLOOR wind stagnation pres. I CpCpQ. at h<20' =1 14.4IPSF Input parameters: Jesign wall length: lesign wall height: "eact. from above: ;hear from above: in-plane shear: I I 40 FT 8FT o LBS LBS 1866 LBS applied UL from roof: I applied DL from walls: applied DL from floors: I applied LL from roof: applied LL from walls: applied LL from floors: F actors for AP A equations opening lengths ,. opening areas ' wall area I ~I ;1 18 total length of door and window openings (feet) 52 total area of openings (sq ft) 320 (sq ft) 0.16 area of openings/area of wall (sq ft) 0.55 summation of full height sections/walllength 0,77 area factor 1 I (1+a/B) 0.5301 reduction coefficient for wall rl(3-2r) Shear panel data: I unit shear: I comer forces: I 871 PLF -3376 LBS see design evaluation below uol ift and bearina . I J 170 LBS 80 LBS 50 LBS 425 LBS o LBS 520 LBS DESIGN 1 SW4 , TYPICAL SHEAR PANEL SHEATHING: IY," CDX PL YWD OR 7/16" OSB SHTG. NUMBER OF FACES (ONE SIDE OR TWO SIDE): INSTALL SHTG ON I 1/SIDE(S) MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL FIELD NAILING: 8d COM. NAILS AT I 811N O.C. MINIMUM SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING: 8d COM. NAILS AT I 6 IN O.C. STUD DIMENSIONS AND SPACING (#2 D FIR): 2X6 STUDI 24 IN O.C. CHORD LUMBER (#2 D. FIR) DOUBLE I 2X6 BOTTOM PLATE MEMBER (#2 D FIR): I 2X6 DRAG STRUT/COLLECTOR AT TOP OF WALL: CONNECT BLOCKING AT TOP TO DIAPHRAGM: HOLD-DOWN HARDWARE: USE TOP PLATE/ USE H2.5 EA TRUSS I NOT-REQUIRED I MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GA X 2" STAPLES.AT 4" O.C. FOR PANEL EDGE NAILING MAY SUBSTITUTE 16 GAX2" STAPLES AT 6" O.C. FOR FIELD NAILING ". IINO.C. I Keating 'Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon _ 97477 _ (541) 726-9995 Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX LANE COUNTY OREGON DUPLEX HALF PORTAL FRAME DESIGN plywood or OSB panels with hold-down restraint , Concrete qrade beam desiqn for base restraint Portal frame no: /PF1 01 Location: FACE OF GARAGE Input parameters: design length: I left side segment I right side segment I design panel height: I dist DL from above I dist LL from above I applied lateral force: I Foundations: Shear panel data: Grade beam design: . Portal be~m design 910 I I~ I ... Member requuirements (glue-lam beams) fooling width: I footing depth: ! wall width: I wall depth: I Lateral force aoplied: I 13,2 Ft end-te-end 2 FT (PANEL A) 2 FT (PANEL B) 7 FT 60 PLF 50 PLF 1300 LBS 1211N 611N' 611N 12liN ~rade bm: I depth of steel from top of qrade bm: I unit shear: I corner forces: I I 910lLBS soil bearing: I applied D L from roof: applied DL from wall: I applied DL from floors: I applied LL from roof: I applied LL from floors: I uplift qenerated bv wind I n .i (j (, 1 J Page: I ~ Date: I 1/27/2003 Proino:1 I i 1000lpSF 40lPLF 40 PLF o PLF 100 PLF OjPLF 90 PLF depth of footing embedment: I 1211N reinforcing grade: I 640 I KSI reinforcing bar size: I number of bars I 2 area of steel: I 0.3925 sa IN rho: I 0.00595 311N 31 IN 3251PLF , 1790 LBS maximum uplift (dead load restraint only) 17461LBS maximum bearinq (includinq all qravitv loads) self weight of foundation: I weight of imposed DL: I design line LL on foundation: I al,lowable uplift resistance: I actual brnq lenqth (Cd 1.33): I 150lPLF 80 PLF 100 PLF 220 PLF 2 FT moment capacity: I required moment: I allowable bearing: I actual uolift lenqth: moment induced by lateral forces I bending moment with 1/2 wind and full snow loads I bendinq moment with full wind and 1/2 snow loads I uniformly distributed 10ad DOItIlI beam . IP 9.2 ft span PtF 345ILB FT 1336 LB FT 1244ILB FT 104661LB FT 1821/LB FT 1000lLBS 8FT I maximum connection forces 1746.27 bearing (increased by LL and DL) 1790 tension (reduced by DL) 7 ft panel height - 0,30667 in, maximum beam deflection IP PANa B ". DESIGN fb DESIGN Iv C'd 875 PSI 95 PSI 1,15 .... I s=1 15.93 in3 a=1 16,61 in2 1= 61.30 in' USE 4X12 #2 D FIR (MIN) USE "SIMPSON" PA51 AT BASE AND (2) LSTA24 AT TOP CONNECTIONS IUSE 'j," CDX PLYWOOD OR 7/16" OSB OR 3/B" (NET) T-1-11 NAILED Bd AT 3" a.c. ALL EDGES AND B" O.C. IN FIELD, WITH 4X6 CHORDS AND BLOCKING Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon - 97477 - (541) 726-9995 IP - PA.I'IIElA -". .,. 5 5 5 x X X 4.37 min 3.32 min 5.19 min Keating Engineering LLC - 1 BB West B Street - Springfield - OR - 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726.9996 email: KEATINGENGINEERING.COM LUKE DUPLEX Bl0l Prepared by: SK ~ Conditions QE1E.. Attributes Actual Critical Status Ratio ~ Adiustments ~ I I I 6 _Rl = 5760 03U011 Date: 1/27/03 BASE Fb = 2400 BeamChek 2.2 I 5-1/Bx 12 GLB 24F-V4 OF/OF Min BearingArea Beam Span Beam Wt per It Beam Weight Max Moment TL Max Den LL Max Den Section (in') 123,00 75.13 OK 61% AOJ Fb = 2760 Rl= 8,9 in> R2= 8,9 in' OL Den 0.11 in Suggested Camber 0.16 in , 12,0 It Reaction 1 5760 # Reaction 1 LL 3960 # 14.94 # Reaction 2 ,5760 # Reaction 2 LL 3960 # 179 # Maximum V 5760 # 17279'# Max V (Reduced) 4800 # LI 240 TL Actual Deft L /428 LI 360 LL Actual Deft LI 622 Shear (in') TL Deft (in) LL Den 61,50 0.34 0.23 32.95 0,60 0.40 . OK OK OK 54% 56% 58% Fb (psi) Fv (psO E (psi x mil) Fc.L (psO 2400 190 1,8 650 2760 219 1,8 650 1.000 1.15 1,15 Base Values Base Adjusted Cv Volume Cd Duration Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress em Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self-weight into the Calculations. Uniform TL: 200 = A Uniform LL: Par Unif LL 500 160 Par Unif TL H = 745 Start o End 12.0 H Uniform Load A I J I .6- R2 = 5760 Uniform and partial uniform loads ale Ibs per lineal fl. ". SPAN = 12 FT 030012 Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Springfield. OR _ 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATINGENGINEER1NG,COM LUKE DUPLEX Bl02 Prepared by: SK ' Date: 1/27/03 BeamChek 2.2 Choice I 4x 8 DF-L #2 BASE Fb = 875 ADJ Fb '= 1138 ] Conditions '91 NDS Min Bearing Area R1= 2,5 in-' R2= 2,5 in' DL Defl <0.01 in, Data Beam Span 4.5 It Reaction 1 1589 # Reaction 1 LL 1260 # Beam Wt per It 6.17# Reaction 2 1589# Reaction2LL 1260# Beam Weight 28 # Maximum V 1589 # Max Moment 1787 '# Max'V (Reduced) 1162 # TL Max Defl. Ll240 TL Actual Defl LI >1000 LL Max Den Ll360 LL Actual Defl LI >1000 Attributes Section (in') Shear (in') TL Den (in) LL Den Actual 30.66 25.38 0,04 0,03 Critical 18.86 18,35 0.22 0.15 Status OK ' OK OK OK Ratio 62% 72% 16% 19% Values Base Values Base Adjusted Adjustments CF Size Factor Cd Duration Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self'weighl into the calculations. Fb (pSi) 875 1138 1.300 1.00 Fv (psQ 95 95 E (psi x mil) 1,6 1,6 Fc.l (psi) 625 625 1.00 Loads Uniform TL: 700 = A Uniform LL: 560 ! I 6 R1 = 1589 Uniform Load A J J .6. R2 = 1589 SPAN = 4.5 FT Uniform and partial uniform loads ~re Ibs per lineal ft. '-, 03U013 Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Springfield - OR _ 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATINGENGINEERlNG.COM LUKE DUPLEX Bl03 Prepared by: SK ~ CDnditions Data Attributes Ac1ual Critical Status Ratio LDads Date: 1/27/03 BASE Fb = 2400 BeamChek 2.2 I 5-1/8x 12 GLB 24F-V4 DFIDF Min Bearing Area Beam Span Beam Wt per ft Beam Weight Max Moment' TL Max Defl LL Max Defl Section (in') 123.00 59.85 OK 49% ADJ Fb = 2400 Values ' Base Values Base Adjusted Adjustments Cv Volume Cd Duration Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self-weight into the calculations. .' R1= 6.1 in' R2= 6.1 in' DL Defl 0,05 in Suggested Camber 0.08 in 1 12.0 ft Reac1ion 1 3990 # Reac1ion 1LL 3120 # 14.94 # Reaction 2 3990 # Reaction 2 LL 3120 # 179 # Maximum V 3990 # 11969 '# Max V (Reduced) 3325 # Ll240 TL Actual Defl Ll618 L I 360 LL Ac1ual Defl L I 790 Shear (in') TL Defl (in) LL Defl 61.50 0,23 0,18 26.25 0,60 0.40 OK OK OK 43% 39% 46% Fb (psi) 2400 2400 1.000 1.00 Fv (psi) 190 190 E (psi x mil) 1.8 1.8. F cl. (psi) 650 650 1.00 Unifonn TL: 650 = A Unifonn LL: 520 4-r Jl<;'iH'-( ~~ 91D1 l..1'lc .~~ ~ t:~ SPAN = 12 FT , Unifonn and 'partial uniform loads a.;e Ibs per lineal ft. Unifonn Load A A1 uY1f1o...J .....oM;.. ~um T1I ' (;.V7l1-v,~ , ", Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - Springfield - OR - 97477 . Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726,9996 email: KEATINGENGINEERING.COM LUKE DUPLEX B104 Prepared by: SK ~ J Conditions Data Attributes Actual Critical Status Ratio Values Adjustments Loads I Base Values Base Adjusted CF Size Factor Cd Duration Cr Repelitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self-weight into the calculations. I (2) 2x 12 DF-L #2 '91 NDS Min Bearing Area Beam Span Beam Wt per ft Beam Weight Max Moment TL Max Den LL Max Den Section (in') 63.28 62,16 OK 98% 030014 Date: 1/27103 BeamChek 2.2 BASE Fb = 875 1 ADJ Fb = 875 R1= 4.5 in' R2= 4.5 in' DL Den" 0.01 in 6,5 ft Reaction 1 2789 # Reaction 1 LL 8.2 # Reaction 2 2789 # Reaction 2 LL 53 # Maximum V 2789 # 4532 '# Max V (Reduced) 1985 # LI 240 TL Actual Den LI > 1 000 L 1360 LL Actual Den L I >1000 Shear (in') TL Den (in) LL Den 33,75 0.06 0.05 31,34 0.32 0.22 OK OK OK . 93% 19% 22% Fb (psO Fv (psi) E (psi x mil) 875 95 1.6 875 95 1.6 1.000 1,00 2210# 2210# Fcl (psi) 625 625 1.00 Uniform TL: 850 = A r,.,,; c.~ /1: ~ , Uniform LL: 680 Uniform Load A I R2~ 7D kll'-' "->:m.--.! Uniform and partial uniform loads are Ibs per lineal fl. SPAN = 6.5 FT ", Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street- Springfield - OR, 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATING ENGINEERING. COM LUKE OUPLEX B105 Prepared by: SK ~ Conditions Data Attributes Actual Critical Status Ratio 030015 Oate: 1/27/03 SeamChek 2.2 I 3-1/8x 12 GLB 24F-V4 OF/OF BASE Fb = 2400 AOJ Fb = 2400 Min Bearing Area R1= 8.4 in-' R2= 8.4 in' OL Oefl .' 0.05 in Suggested Camber 0.07 in Seam Span 8.0 It Reaction 1 5436 # Reaction 1 LL 3800 # Seam Wt per It 9.11 # Reaction 2 5436 # Reaction 2 LL 3800 # Beam Weight 73 # Maximum V 5436 # Max Moment 10873 '# Max V (Reduced) 4077 # TL Max Defl LI 240 TL Actual Oefl LI 622 LL Max Defl LI 360 LL Actual Defl LI 890 Section (in') Shear (in') TL Defl (in) LL Oefl 75.00 37.50 0.15 0,11 54,36 32.19 0.40 0.27 OK OK OK OK 72% .86% 39% 40% Fb (psi) Fv (psi) E (psi x mil) Fcl (psi) ~ Base Values 2400 190 1.8 650 Base Adjusted 2400 190 1,8 650 Adiustments Cv Volume 1,000 Cd Duration 1.00 1,00 Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self-weight into the calculations. Loads / / / Uniform TL: 1140 = A Uniform LL: 950 Par Unif TL H= 210 End 8.0 Start o I l I .6 R1 = 5436 I fl~ 10,,? I CVvv"'"-' 10'5 ~6 H Uniform Load A SPAN = 8 FT, ", Uniform and partial uniform loads are Ibs per lineal ft. . .-. Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Springfield - OR. 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATINGENGINEERlNG,COM LUKE DUPLEX ENTRY PORCH IF SUPPORTING TRUS Prepared by: SK Date: 1/27/03 03U016 BeamChek 2.2 Choice I 3-1/8x 10-112 GLB 24F-V4 DFIDF BASE Fb = 2400 ADJ Fb = 2760 Conditions Min Bearing Area R1= 5.6 in' R2= 5.6 in' DL Deft .' 0.20 in Suggested Camber 0.30 in Da/a Beam Span 12.0 It Reaction 1 3648 # Reaction 1 LL 2250 # Beam Wt per It 7.97 # Reaction 2 3648 # Reaction 2 LL 2250 # .Beam Weight 96 # Maximum V 3648 # Max Moment 10944 '# Max V (Reduced) N/A TL Max Den L /240 TL Actual Deft L/276 LL Max Deft LI 360 LL Actual Deft LI 447 Attributes Section (in') Shear (in') TL Deft (in) LLDeft Actual 57.42 32.81 0.52 '0,32 Critical 47.58 25,04 0.60 0.40 Status OK OK OK OK Ratio 83% . 76% 87% 80% Fb (psi) Fv (psi) E (psi x min Fc..!. (psi) Values Base Values 2400 190 1.8 650 Base Adjusted 2760 219 1.8 650 Adiustments Cv Volume 1.000 Cd Duration 1,15 1.15 Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam se~-weight into the calculations. Loads Uniform TL: 600 = A Uniform LL: 375 i Uniform Load A ' I 1 6 R2 = 364B I I 6 , R1 = 3648 SPAN = 12 FT Uniform and partial uniform load5 are Ibs per lineal fl . ..~ 03UCJ17 Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - Springfield - OR - 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATINGENGINEERING.COM LUKE DUPLEX H102 Prepared by: SK Date: '1127/03 BeamChek 2.2 Values Base Values Base Adjusted Adius/ments CF Size Factor Cd Duration Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress em Wet Use BeamChek has automatically added the beam self-weight into the calculations. Choice Condmons Data Affributes Actual Critical Slat us Ratio Loads I 4x 8 DF-L #2 '91 NOS, Min Bearing Area I Beam Span Beam WI per ft Beam Weight Max Momen1 TL Max Defl LL Max Defl Section (in-') 30.66 13.83 OK 45% BASE Fb = 875 ADJ Fb = 1138 R1= 2.4 in' R2= 2.4 in' DL Defl <0,01 in. 3,5 ft Reaction 1 1498 # Reaction 1 LL 6,17 # Reaction 2 1498 # Reaction 2 LL 22 # Maximum V 1498 # 1311 '# Max V (Reduced) 981 # L/240 TL Actual Defl L/ >1000 LI 360 LL Actual Defl LI > 1 000 Shear On-') TL Defl On) LL Defl 25.38 0.02 0.01 15.49 0,17 0.12 OK OK OK 61% 9% 11% 1190# 1190# Fb (psi) 875 1138 1.300 1.00 Fv (psi) 95 95 E (psi x mil) 1,6 1.6 Fc..L(psi) 625 625 1.00 Uniform TL: 850 = A I I 6 R1 = 1498 Uniform LL: 680 Uniform Load A I ] 6 R2 = 1498 SPAN = 3.5 FT Uniform and partial uniform loads are Ibs per lineal ft. ", Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Springfield - OR - 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATlNGENGINEERING.COM LUKE DUPLEX H201 Prepared by: SK Values Base Values Base Adjusted Ad/ustments CF Size Factor Cd Duration Cr Repetitive Ch Shear Stress Cm Wet Use BeamChek has a~tomatically added the beam self-weight into the calculations. .". .-......'-..- Choice Conditions ~ Attributes Actual Critical Status Ratio Loads 03UCJ18 Date: 1/27/03 BeamChek 2.2 ! 4x 8 DF-L #2 'BASE Fb = 875 ADJ Fb = 1308 1 '91 NOS Min Bearing Area R1= 3.4 in' R2= 3.4 in' DL Deft 0.03 in Beam Span 5.5 It Reaction 1 2107# Reaction 1 LL 1306# Beam WI per It 6.17 # Reaction 2 2107# Reaction 2 LL 1306# Beam Weight 34 # Maximum V 2107# Max Moment 2897 '# Max V (Reduced) 1644# ^ Tl Max Deft L/240 TL Actual Deft Ll745 LL Max Deft LI 360 LL Actual Deft LI >1000 " Section (in') Shear (in') TL Deft (in) LL Deft 30.66 25,38 0.09 0,05 26.58 '22.57 0.28 0,18 OK OK OK OK 87% 89% 32% 30% Fb (psi) 875 1308 1.300 1.15 Fv (psi) 95 109 E (psi x mil) 1.6 1.6 Fcl. (psi) . 625 625 1,15 Uniform TL: 760 = A Uniform LL: 475 I I 6- R1 = 2107 Uniform Load A J 6 R2 = 2107 SPAN = 5.5 FT Uniform and partial uniform loads am Ibs per lineal ft. . . 03UCJ19 Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Springfield - OR - 97477 Tel: (541) 726-9995 Fax: (541) 726-9996 email: KEATINGENGINEERING.COM LUKE DUPLEX TYPICAL 4X4 COLUMN Choice 4x 4 DF-L 112 Prepared by; SK Wood Column Dale: 1/27/03 BeamChek 2.2 Conditions Using values for 2x and 4x solid sawn, Dimension Lumber. NOOO In Grade Values Oata Reaction 6500 # Column Area 12.25 in' Kf 1.00 Actual Height 8.0ft Ie d 1 Effective Ht 96 in c 0,80 Unbraced d1 8.0 ft Ie d2 Effective HI 96 in KcE 0.30 Unbraced d2 8.0ft Ke Buckling Mode 1.0 FcE 63B Actual Crilical Status Ratio le/d 27 50 OK 54% psi 531 568 OK 93% Area (in') 12,25 11.44 OK 93% Base Values Base Adjusted CF Size Factor Cd Duration Cm Wet Use Cp Stability Fc /I (psi) 1300 568 1.15 1,00 1,00 0.38 E (psi x mil) ,1,6 I 1.6 Attributes and Vatues Controlling d is. 3.5 inches 1,00 Note: A wood plate under this column must have an Fe value, perpendicular to the grain, greater than 531 psi. . . . Project: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX LANE COUNTY OREGON DUPLEX HALF .;:: cc.vp.AlUt!!)KS rT.>-/7N-f FOUNDATION GRADE BEAM Plywood sheathed panels with hold-down restraint Concrete prade beam desiQn for base restraint n '1 (1 (I .2 i_I Page: Date: 1/27/2003 Proi no:1 Foundation wall: ITYPICAL FOUNDATION GRADE BEAM . spacing I" Location: B101/103/104, bay width Olft Olft Input parameters: I proposed point load: I react. from above: I soil bearing: I depth of footing I embedment: I 8000 LBS o LBS 1200 LBS 12 IN 12 IN applied DL from roof: I applied DL from walls: , applied DL from floors: , applied LL from roof: I applied LL from floors: 40' LBS 160 LBS 40 LBS 100 LBS 160.LBS Foundation: footing width: I 15 'IN footing depth: j 7 IN wall width: I 8 IN wall depth: I 24 IN depth of steel from bottom of grade bm: I depth of steel from top of prade bm: concrete strength: 2500 PSI reinforcing grade: 60 KSI reinforcing bar size: I 41' number of bars 3 311N area of steel: 0,58875 SQ, IN 2 IN rho: 0.00307 Output: footing reserve cap: 1617.70831PLF grade beam length: I 12.95 L1N FT required for point load distribution required moment: I 259021 LB FT ' allowable moment: I 357781 LB FT allowable shear I 8160libs DOES NOT CONTROL concrete Ft: 4041 PSI ' CRACKED SECTION uplift resistance: I 5485 LBS ASSUMING UNCRACKED SECTION uplift resistance: I 64461 LBS ASSUMING CRACKED SECTION (CONT LENGTH) Maximum uolift: I 01 LBS based on bav width of 0 FT and f.s.=1.5 Notes: steel is imbalanced at bottom of grade beam concrete strength is limited to 2500 PSI for purposes of design reinforcing grade 16 KSI soil bearinQ caoacitv is Iimted to code-soecified minimum BEAM REDISTRIBUTES ROOF LOADS TO FOUNDATION, WHICH WOULD BE OF SUFFICIENT DIMENSIONS FOR DISTRIBUTED LOAD. GRADE BEAM DESIGN EVALUATES FOOTING'S ABILITY TO ACCEPT MOMENTS WHILE REDISTRIBUTING LOAD TO SOIL WITHOUT DISTRESS , ", Keating Engineering LLC -188 West B Street- Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon - 97477 _ (541) 726-9995 '~roject: M LUKE DESIGNS DUPLEX LANE COUNTY OREGON DUPLEX HALF Key Number. I PIER B Location: PORCH CORNER Input parameters: applied load I depth of exc. to native footing thickness j column dimensions I depth to steel I F'cI Fvl System Design depth to steel I actual d/2 allowable Vc reinforcing bar size # development length available development , Ker Pier design Notes: two-way shearl5167.S6/LBS = one-way shear I 9664 LBS = bending moment I 3624 LB FT bar spacing I 12 IN oc reinforcing bar size # 4 rho 10.003271 rho bail 0.0508657Irhomax moment caoacitv 111229.61 LB FT 1 Ker INDIVIDUAL SQUARE FOOTINGS I Cast-in-place reinforced concrete I '03ufJ22 I Date: I 1/27/20031 Proi no: I I WIDTH/ 321 REINFORCING #1 41 BARS LENGTH 32 SPACING I 12 OCEW 5436 LBS soil allowable bearing I 1000!PSF 1 FT footing unit weight I 100lpSF 8 IN ..' net soil allOwablej 900lpSF 6 IN surcharge load 960 I PSF 3 IN above base minimum footing area: I 6.04 sa FT 2500 PSI footing dimensions (inches) I 321 EA SIDE 60 KSI actual bearino oressure I 864.438 PSF 5liN reinforcement locetionfactor 1.00 5.5 IN reinforcement coating factor 1.00 200 PSI reinforcement size factor 0.80 4 lightweight concrete factor 1.00 14.40 IN transverse reinforcmenl index 0,00 ACI min 11.25 IN 'CHECK EFFECTIVE REINFORC :1v1"" I t<ATIO 1.28 to account for reduced develoDment lenoths 8,54 PSI allowable I 60.4 PSI allowable I required de5ign moment I 200 PSI 100 PSI 6160,8LB FT I 0.038151 Place reinforcing steel on supports 3" above base of footing unless noted provide 2" clearance from formed sides to ends of bars at sides If earth-formed sides, allow one additional inch of reinforcing bar clearance (increase pier size 2" in length and width) use 2500 psi concrete for design, 3000 psi concrete for durability use orade 60 deformed metal reinforcinq bars .., Kealing Engineering LLC -188 West B Street - Bldg P - Springfield - Oregon - 97477 - (541) 726-9995 c. OUM 28D~- II?PJ " " ~ j: APAZ ARCHITECT, AlA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86950 CEDAR FLAT ROAD SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97478 · (541) 744-2046 · Fax (541) 744-1017 -------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 7,2004 Page 10f2 Tom Marx City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Plan Review Comments,Wullschleger Project 6280 & 6282 Aster Street Dear Tom, In response to your Plan Review Comments of September 20, on he Wullschleger Townhouse Project, the following information is provided according to your item list: 1. Building address numbers provided as shown on the building elevations. 2. A 22' x 30" attic access will be provided in each unit to their attic space. 3. All penetrations of fire rated walls will be sealed in an a.pproved method, as shown on drawings 4. ring structural lateral load caiculations. oundatitm plan for girder truss load footing, tD[ (p 10+. ~. mc: Calculations, ,. ..) ..... f proj. #2902 / WULLSCHLEGER TOWNHOUSES SHEARWALLS ecale: 3/32" = 1'-0" approx. proJ'c", I'IULLSCHLEGER TOWNHOUSES location: SPRINGFIELD, OR dat<: 10/6/04 pro]. #2902 ~HAL PFEIFER PE, P.C, eontlultlng Ef19inecr BUlldf"!J Detllgn (541) 61>3-4257 40 W. 17th Suite A Eugene: OR 97401 Z1 Z2 & W1: 1/2" CDX or 7/16 OSB, 8d@6" edge" I 12" Interior" nailing, Blocking NOT required. Nailing in"pectlon NOT required. W2: 5/8" gyp. bd. ea. "Ide. 6d cooler" x 1-7/8" (or equai) @7". Blocking NOT required. Nailing in"pectlon NOT required. SDS1/4x3" "crew" @ 12" olc "taggered @ bottom plate to floor. deck. W3: 1/2" CDX or 7/16 OSB, 8d@6" edge" I 12" interior" nailing, Blocking NOT required, Nailing In!5pectlon NOT required. 1/2"x10" AB',,@4' olc. W4: 5/8" gyP, bd. ea, "Ide, 6d cooler" x 1-7/8" (or equal) @7". Blocking IS required. Nailing in"pectio:1 IS required. SDS1/4x3" "crew" @ 12" olc "taggered @ bottom plate to floor deck, W4A: 1/2" CDX or 7/16 OSB, 8d@4" edge" 112" Interior" nailing, Blocking IS required, Nailing iMpection IS required, SDS1/4x3" ,;crew" @ 12" olc "taggered @ bottom plate to floor deck. 1/2"xlO" AB',,@4' olc, H = HPAHD22-2P STRAP NOTE: "pllce all double top piate" a minimum 6'-0" w/10d @ 3" olc "taggered for 3' ea. "ide of ea. Joint ,,~3" R/W = REINFORCED WINDOW (in"lde or out"ide) .---~ "- I ::- U"e CS20 "trap @ "III and header (2 per window) !/ Center CS20 on window ---.. -I r 16" Block behind CS20 wi ?.x flat a" req'd. II Fa"te" "trap w/full nailing @ end 24" & 25~. @ middie. ____.. ..... II Teco hanger nail" may be u"ed in lieu of catalog nail", Strap @ header only when "pecifled @ doorway". W.O. #2902 I WULLSCHLEGER TOWNHOUSES .., " HAL PFEIFER PE. P.C. 40 W, 17th EUGENE. OR (541) 683c4257 unit wt. area wt, " nla nla 0.00 floor 8.10 1.512.00 12,247,20 walls 6,60 2.099,00 13,853,40 .. ... Ca= 0,36 (zone 3) Intlwalls 5,50 1.772.00 9.746,00 SEISMIC DESIGN 1= 1.00 camp, roof 13,13 2.150.00 28,229,50 R= 5,50 (plywood walls) total 64.076,10 V = (3,0 Ca I R ) W 3.0 Ca I R = 0,196 wallldenttflcatlon # W Z3 Z4 . len'lth of ehear wall L 33,00 25,10 tributary werght of loading Wt 31,397,29 32,678,81 total ohcar on wall V=Wt X f 6.165,29 6,416,93 unit ehear per ft. of wall v=V/L 186,83 255,65 vertfcal d6Sd load along wall I ft.. DLV 348.48 351.11 CDXorl)SB CDXorl)SB 8d@6" 8d@6" 1/2xl0AB',,@2' 1/2x10AB'e@2' Z3 Z4 .hear wall height H 8,10 8,10 dletanoe l:fetween anohor., L' 30.00 22.10 wall ratio H/L' 0,27 0,37 reaction at .nchor R=V(H/L) 1.664.63 2,351.91 dead load at reaGtlon DLO 2.787.84 2,808.85 fa_rod d.ad load DLO X 1.0 2,787,54 2,808.85 n..r.actlon.tend R net (1,123,21) (456.94) IlMchorage 1/2x10A61;,@2' Bd@611 note: N-17(16ga.) eta pie" may l>e ueed In lieu of 8d nail" @ 751. of req'd. "pacing SHEATHING: 1/2"CDX or ratea 7/16" OSB "htg, or 1/2" OSB eldlng wI 16" olc etude note: recommended minimum 41 ole anchor bolt spacing wall material (v) nalllne (v) anehorbolte rSil'd (ntrt v) OCT 06 2004 EXPlk~.. ":e./~"/U4 " proj. #2902 / WULLSCHLEGER TOWNHOUSES (for 3-plex without garage repeat W1 & W3 walls) 21 21 " 21 21 J .........., ,- W1 W2 22 22 21 I 2ND FLOOR .1.,. W2 J J ~ 22 Z2 22 23. 23 RNJ23 23RNJ l '1 RNJ 23 I W3 W4 24 RNJ 24 1ST FLOOR W4 I r 24 RNJ 24 .' . 21 21(similar) .;1 I W1(sim) RNJ J W1(sim) 22(sim.) 22(sim.) W1 .-'" 22 23 23(sim.) I ........., .. W4A 24 RNJ 24 W3(sim.) W4A J W3(sim.) 'HH HH : See portal shear wall detail W4A ....i2..l .' , OCT 0 6 209~ EXPIRt::> 'l~f~1/04 ~HAL PFEIFER PE. P.C. Con&Utttng EM4Jlneef" 6ulldir1g Deeign ...... - (541) 003-4257 40 w. 17tn SuIte ^ Eueene OR 97401 SHEARWALLS ecate: 3/32' = 1'-0' approx. proJ_ WUlL5CHLEGER TOM/HOUSES location, SPRINGFiElD. DR date, 10/6/04 proj. #2902 NOTE: If multiple member header 19 U&&;I, only 'the outer mem!?er Ie required to !?e eontinuOU9. continue header t;Y\It:rwall _____ ' ,:...,.""",."".""""""""..;", fset.t:n plywood to !?eam . _______ : : : :-:.:,>:-:<<<<<<<<<.;: : wl8d 03" ole horlz &vm. ":, .:::::::;::;::::::::::::::;:::;':: :-:<<<<<':-:<<.:<::;:: : : .::;:;:;:;:>:: ;:::;::;:::: ., 1I2CDX or 711605B from bot.tom of 5i1\______ '; ; . ;:::;:;:::;:;: ;:::;::::::.;,: : t.otopofdoorbt:sm "., ,',',',',','" -:<',','';" -............ :: .;,~;:::;;:::::: :::;:::;:::::: "- '.: ::;-;.;-:<;:: : :<<::;<, ' : : (4)Simpeon Sf22 et.rspe ; : :;' :~':-:':': : ::-;':' :'::: : : or C522 etrap5 x 22' . ---- ".. ......1.... .'...' (2'inaid.& 2,outold.) ;i;~~~-~rBI .~"='~": "..,,'..,".:;:.;:~.,' <:> ,::>)):)>::~':: ~ HPAHD22-2P5TRAP5 : :: ;::::::;:::: : :::/:::: : :: " """,',""","""'"., (Ovt:rt:Xcav~foot.lnljf~ ,., -:-::-:.;<': :-:-:<:::-'" W.pl.ngth'froq'd) ~): ::{::): :::::::::::::: 1/2X10" anehorbolte ~ ~ ~: :;::::.;<<: -:-:<::;<: ; . ~: ~: UUU: :nnm: :: : .~: >,:-:<:::-:: :-::-,:-;-;'::' / #4barDlt.op :'1""";"""":"""":',;'/ -~,r" : .~: /#4v.rr-.wI6..I.g...,.nd \ J / /'" 6" mln, fnd. w.1I "--- 'tI'~!. (( faBUn wi 8d IJ) 3" ole at. edlje6 &. 6" ole IJ) field , foot.inlj rebar ------- - FOOTING CONTlNUOU5 Faeun HPAHD to foot.lnlj rebar wi #3 rebar tie SCALE: 112" = "-0" APPROX, PORTAL SHEAR WALL USE THESE SPECIFICATIONS OR EQUAL ~, . \. OCT 0 6 200~ EXPIRt;:> U/;S'I/O.+ 40 W. 17th 5uIU A Eug.n. OR I (541) 683-4257 project: WULLSCHLEGER GARAGE location: SPRINGFIELD.,OR date: 10/6/04 5WGRSTRC.TCW