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Miscellaneous APPLICANT 11/13/2012
• OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTita " ' '' ,! 17 03 22. 2300 OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR, LANE COUNTY. OREGON TAX LOT DEED RECORD ACRES YEAR No. SECTION TOWN+3'3 4.94 S. RANGE E._ OR W. W.M. VOL. PAGE REMAINING BEARING I DISTANCE BEARING REFERENCE OR LEGAL SUBDIVISION • r. pc--2 EXCEPTS AS.61 ac consol with parcel 2200 'pe'r 'pa•�ee. 2 :of R1506/3812552 for 1989 L'E� 29 • cont m/1 j 15.70 • 1989 'PARCEL /�• 11993' Beginning at a point on the North line of that certain tract of �15'06/3I3122552 (land described in amendment to contract between Anna Boyd Davis: 1840/9322454** !Reed, seller and Staff Jennings,. Inc., buyer, said amendment 'being recoided July 20, 1971, Reel 541, Reception No 55588, ; Official Records of Lane County, Oregon; said point being on the ;West line of the ,W. . M. Stevens . Donation Land Claim No. 46,; • : Section 22, :Township! 17 'South, Range 03 West of the Willamette _ . Meridian, Lane County, Oregon 125.69 feet North 00° 04' West from the Southwest cocner',of ,said Stevens Donation Land'Claim; running i : thence South 68° 40' West 564.27 feet; thence West 619.49 feet to. • a point on the East line of Interstate Five; thence North 00° 40'; -I 04" East along the East line of Interstate Five a distance of, .� 600.0 feet; • thence East 450.0 feet; thence North .68° 40' East I . • 889.63 feet to the West line of Gateway Street; thence Southerly. 1 along the Westerly line of Gateway Street to a point marking the; Northeast corner of the above mentioned Staff Jennings, Inc.,; tract, thence South 68°' 40' west 267.08 feet to the Place of • A Beginning. C ICONT m/1 19.45 • ACREAGE •CORRECTIon for 1989 cont m/1 19.46 Itatir• EXCEPT: • 0.14 ac into GAteway St • per R1620/9011194 for 1990 • cont m/1 i 19.32 EXCEPT: 8.82 ac to 2307 per R1620/ 11882 for 1990 . © cont m/1 1 10.50 • EXCEPT: 0. 0`9 ac to Gateway St per 2008-056324 for 20'09 **Partnership name change • • cont m/1 • 1 10 . 49 • . Date Received: ii I J Li < Planner: 1 I . i 4 rt . . :h ".. : . ri. ;C,4 91,11rfThila .in g,tcefr. tpx, U LB 1 T A I; 11.6. • N ati SOUTH EUTRAMCE LS' e , ,A6 Beginning at the southwest corner of the 'William Stevens Donation Land Claim R No. 46 in Secti'on. 22,. Township 17 south, Range 3 west of the 'Willamette g. Meridian and run thence east,.221.1-3 feet-, north 460.08 feet to the, true ( -, point of beginning on the West right of-way line._of Gateway Street 40.0 feet 1t westerly, when measured at right .angles, ,f Engineer's centerline station 61:54.43' P.O,C. ; thence along, the Nest right-of-way Tine of Gateway Street on (dy, the arc of 2904-.92 foot-radius curve right (the chord of which hears north ��., 01'22 01" west' 400.77 feet) a distance Of A01 .09 feet thence leaving Said fit, ■ 1 West. right-of-way line and run along ,the,arc of 53.00 foot radius curve right sa ', 61 (the chord, of which bears sbuth:.1) 12'47' 'west 1954 feet) a distance of 19'.66 4. r� feet; thence along the 'arc of.a, 127 00 foot radius ;curvei left (the chord,of tg '.,�f .which bears-south 12'32-'36 west .49 75 feet) a distance of 50.07 feet; 'thence ,.along the arc of a 2917.92 foot,•radius curve left (the chord of which bears . n south 00'24'53" east 169.44 feet) a distance of 169.46 feet;; thence .South rlrii ., 87'55'18" west 4.00! feet; thence';south:02':10 36" east 10:01....feet, thence,,south test...°�� ', 1.6',24'12 west 24.98 ,feet thence., south 03 �42'28'7east 93'".25 feet.;, thence', %`e:r,li. f .. south 37'45'33 east '46,13 feet to.,the true point ofbeginning in e Springfield, LaneiCou'nty, Oregon` andtcontaining 6,1,32, square feet. '4 0, NORTH-ENTRANCE � Beginning at the Southwe, t } net of',the 'Wi1li. `�tevens Donation Land Claim za ' (% No 46 in Section 22, Townshi ` 7 south, 'Ran : 'west of the Willamette f ;% "'', Meridian and. run thence east 3 '". 6 feet;.',. nce north 2243.81 feet to the L.J 1, true point of beginning on •the`W.y rig s.f-way line of Gateway Street 40.00 gr A feet, westerly, when measured at ri0.„,",,C.les, of Engineer's centerline station air 1 '4 24+39.51 P.O.T.; thence along the W r ,,right'-of-way line of Gateway Street 449, .- , south 06'58'40" west 369.90 feet; .A en leaving said West right-of-way line and run north 25 38'56" west .46 Z feet; `s:ence !north 06'58'40' east 91.29 ' 'ae` - feet; thence, north..25'39'24." "' st 24.98 ft;. thence north 06'S8'40" east ibi- I yC� 10.00 feet; thence south 83 >' '40' last 4,.00 'h.,..-t; thence .north 06'58'40" east ?H`�> 138.74 feet; thence;'alon e arc of.,a 127 00 y,, radius curve right (the `it ,4J, chord of .which bears. nor' 17'55'56"„east 48.27 i'.,' a distance of 481.56 �,;,. •4 feet; thence along t ? .rc of a 53:00 foot radius c �- left; (the chord of y.r, . which bears north 1 .' 5'56' cast 20.14 feet) a,-distanc •,f 20.27 feet to the ,r,- ` r true point of be ing in Springfield, Lane County, Ore•.n and containing k u 5,705 square f- . - �``} v 111/ E � j t1 /`. ^ a Mi IJ' �4 •ED/562 c t sec o 4iy, t da t° a 0 5= ; 5t �.1 i i P ? ar .2 5 r v h f ,". ,Fi$ ' , (-.�.N zY� ''. �; ,'i t. i ' V I .: Date Received:. -III- 1 - es)19'Ve - Planner. • EXHIBIT A saigaitogas PART II TARGET TRACT E tee Pr • • CJ . - O ' w ., . Beginning at • point being North 559.08 feet and Neat .883.78 feet from the Southwest corner of the N. M. Stovons Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Section 22. Township 17 South, Range 3 Hest of the Willamette. Meridian: thence South 85' 20' 00' -East 192.50 feet; thence South 4' 40' 00' Hest 146.92 feet: thence South 85• 20'. 00' Cast 178.76 feet: thence North 4' .. 40' 00' Cast 4.85 feet: thence South 85' 20. 00° Cast 35.78 feet: thence North 34. 39' 03° Cast 84.36 feet: thence South 8S' 20' 00' East 429.71 feet: thence South 4. 21' 29' East 65.26 feet: thence along the arc of a 228.00 toot radius curve to the right (the chord of which curve bears South 32' 09' 15' Hest 271.32 Get) a distance oL 290.59 feet: thence .. South 68. 40' 00' West 166.75 feet: thence South 21. 20' 00' Cast 54.00 feet: thence South 68' 40' 00' Hest 60.00 feet; thence North 21' 20' 00' West 54.00 feet: thence South 68' 40' 00' West 217.49 feet: thence Hest 365.85 feet; thence North 4. 40' 00' Cast 598.65 feet to the Point oC Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. 4s 'l• ' 2v E m ( sc1 �. .. (.J, #t' o> N'. .7 di a ;'y"` o ` � g T— u .! N i t 2 7 Date Received: I 1 L Planner • • etccer X13 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land lying in the Southwest one-quarter (SW %) of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion that tract of land conveyed to GATEWAY MALL PARTNERS, a South Dakota general partnership, by that certain CERTIFICATE OF NAME CHANGE deed recorded April 15, 1993, on Reel 1840R, Recorder's Reception Number 9322454, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, included in a strip of land variable feet in width lying on the westerly side of the centerline of Gateway Street as based on City of Springfield survey records; the centerline and widths in feet being described as follows: Beginning at Engineers' Centerline Station L 2+72.80 PC, said station being 87.11 feet North and 323.60 feet East of the Southwest Corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim Number 46 in Township 17 South, Range EXHIBIT A 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; run thence along a 2° curve right (the long chord of which bears North 2° 59' 29" West, 991.65 feet) a distance of 996.67 feet; thence North 6° 58' 31" East, 230.53 feet to Engineers' Centerline Station L 15+00.00 POT and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. The widths in feet of the strip of land herein described are as follows: STATION TO STATION WIDTH ON WEST'LY SIDE OF C/LINE L 9+94.42 POC L 10+87.32 POC 52.49 ft tapering on a straight • line to 51.38 ft L 10+87.32 POC L 11+30.43 POC 51.38 ft tapering on a straight line to 52.16 ft L 11+30.43 POC L 12+02.36 POC 52.16 ft tapering on a straight line to 51.23 ft L 12+02.36 POC L 13+14.60 POT 51.23 ft tapering on a straight line to 51.75 ft • L 13+14.60 POT L 13+34.19 POT 51.75 ft tapering on a 40.00 foot radius curve • right to 46.88 ft L 13+34,19 POT L 13+46.83 POT 46.88 ft tapering on a straight line to 40.00 ft The westerly line of the above described strip of land crosses GRANTOR'S easterly property line opposite approximate Engineers'Centerline Stations L 9+94 POC and L 13+47 POT, respectively. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 3,617 square feet, more or less. The bearings used herein are based on the Oregon Coordinate System (NAD 83/91) South Zone. Date Rrnalverl: )1 l 3 Planner: RETURN TO:CITY OF SPRINGFIELD-PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.225 FIFTH STREET-SPRINGFIELD,OREGON 97477 RNV 1427 37138A •