HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-5-2 ... j 1-- J '..,1',"". D.', -'? 1J' "."". , 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRlrGFIELD, OREGv.~ 97477 INSPE9TIONREQ~~T: 726-3769 OFFICE: '726~3759 d,';:"f;.//"" '-~e~',~> ".t-. ;.;;>'~:,;{ .. -; \:.~'j~:> r 'TRICf::LP,EIWJT APPLICATION City Joh NumbCI':,;,;;~l#4E~03'+,(g611 ~' ....... )~,l~ , ", ,>.,-' ..~..: ";' "'<\;:< .~'.:~'.:'.~i.,. S-::,<;:OMPLETE FEE SCHEDyLEI3ELO,W ~~/rt.~}:,~::",:,' . ",,'. "_'~:"" ".1" :" . "".;:>. ., , L/3~6~TW: ()3~7lCLgngN. ---. ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1'70 Z'39)>Lf () 5701 ....':. Items Cost Sum", JO}PDE~CRIPTION /." '._ 1000 sq.ft. or less ,f( E,f}{l9-eE [)A-I1JA-GG D SG IJ... b '/(!B Eaclb<<~(pnal 500 fl9-ll/d., dna.s~,a!oC\isportion , , b{t\\t a ,;;:;\afl'd Pernuts are non-transferable and expIre 'c' as s\.I '{a spaCl\\fhereof if work is not started 'within 180 ~~ing p{~: not {aC\\.I\ Each Home or of issuance or if work is sUSp~~~M@\d dO ar to al 180 days, a?\)fO\l' 'ng lonl $106.00 ~ '. ': .:~ $ 19.00 $ 50,00 . :>.::~:;~:J:;rf:~.:;' :. . '. .~ '. :.::": ,':~-<':;~:: .:>~;~':'. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION~ B, " ,', oa\e. Signat\.l{a Electrical' 60~i~acto~)'{L . R . Ip.16\!i\lb\fl~m , In c . , ccs or Feedcrs.:',',:';';; .,.,,' \~;\6i,},; ~~~~~';:;~~' Altmti~~!.tf:j~,i,.,l,.,f,f,f.,!.:,',i,~,i'.$~".lj2,.i,~):'~O'~O... . ~~~ ." - ". .>D'~'::.':.'; , :y\:,';~i:':"'~l~$ 1.63':06":, ',\({;i!': i~~'~~1.fJ~;~i',"+~i'; ;'>"::;.. . '>..~. Address:';~.:~n;we~:~k II Q II CitySpr~~~,~i ~~;'~i::~JlOne ::.;.::,;'"d',:,\',\d.,." '\';i:,:c:t!:;'.:!" S upervis()I;~iceiisel'h111~.ber ;;~~~jWSi~~J~~~i Date 'q'..' 'il'-1" ., ":"Y7l/b" ."; h ""..,,', 7.7",rf ,"'",;".,' ,IJ/ /J . . " ' "Phone",'" (p ,J One Ci;6ui'{, "':',,,;,,: t::;/:i\ ;~;": ~;;:" ',. :./~.., ;,,'..,....;;.;.. . O\,"~iER INSTALLATION' :.,.... .~-: ,';,,' The installation is being 'nlade on "., property I o'i.\'ll whichis not intended for sale, lease or reriC'" Each Additional Circuit or 'rvith Service,',;:; '," or Feeder Permit ' ":' .t$ 3.00 NOT\CE: ' ' . ~:. EXP\RE\F THE WUtil\:( , 1Hfs \'l1dRM!:rn~~ r:f\s,geprnMn itSlblti1lI) UTHORlHi:blNi flbtlM,.,. 'ED FOR A N.CIE1)~IDRrH:g,t~lij~NOON $50.00 COMME ~~t!RiOOghting , ,', $50.00 ANY 1802111llted EnergylRes $25,00 Limited Energy/Comm $45,00 , Owners Signatul"e: l\'Iinimllm Elcctric Permit Inspcction Fee is 545.00 + Surcharges ~3J)O ~(i t/ J ~(30 13,''7/ 4, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% Statc SUI'charge /()~% Administratiyc Fec TOTAL City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00115 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 10/30/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 1308 33RD ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1702303405701 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Repair TYPE OF USE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace damaged service panel ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: LR BRABHAM 68 WEST Q STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 CCB # 8699 \0 Expiration Date: 12/18/2004 :<...0'::; l~~\",\ I Amount Paid ,~\paW;\ v \ \O~\ Receiot Number \~'1\1'~ ()~e-J'" S0 0'" + 10% Administrative Fee 6,30 09P(\ \~@m30t2:gr03 S7:'a '0" 1200200000000001102 + 7% State Surcharge 4.41 ~.0\ :\00 '0'1 E:.~3%~~ 9 '(\}\'dS 1200200000000001102 Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less 63.00. ~ \ \0 ,?>00'Q ,,\~oS B~~l2'~~e '1(\.0(\0 1200200000000001102 -<1:~ Jo.s .%"'~. - .\r\'{ -r 0 u"~ ~:r(\ \"" ,. ~\~. :\V' ~\'<r \~\-; .C;t!J.... To Request an inspection call the 24 hour reo~~K~ ~"{e9~ 4.\~~\g:!,~~r~g~~ed before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7~~'@..~,o-w~1M €~e ~~Qb'&)I~~)\~~ay, . f ()~~,(('\\) ~ . /"e(\\~ .00.0(\ fJ:n..?;'t- \ ' 9\)'. W"" X\0v' ~~\J'- ReQuired Insnections: ~~ c~\\(\~~\o~~ e~\S '\. 1 Electric Service: Approval required prior t~\~'?ty dO&~~ny energizing service, OWNER/APPLICANT: DONALD REGAN 560 S 4TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 541- 7 46-0646 541-747-6638 Descriotion By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be use~s project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each addreS\~~ ~~m the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, will remain on the site at all times durin~~~~\\ ~ t'l ('.1 u~\.\.:'(.I" ~S ~~ \) {\){' n'\\~~. ~\\ S\\ n~" '\~ >>\)\j~~ Owner or Contractors Signature \;~\S '\>~~\tt.\) B~ \S ~t ' ~\J'\~ x..~Ct.\) ~t.,,\\j . C\j~~ ~ \)~ ~~'o{ \~ Page 1 of 1 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield ' Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt Receipt #: 1200200000000001102 Date: 04/30/2003 Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00 115 ELE2003-00115 ELE2003-00115 Description Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Item Total: Amount Paid 63,00 6.30 4.41 $73.71 Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By LR BRABHAM INC Received By djb Check Number Confirm No How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid 73.71 $73.71 4/30/2003 11:51:58AM Page I of I cReceipt.rpt