HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 4/30/2013 City of Springfield
• Development Services Department • SPRINGFIELD
225 Fifth Street 4
Springfield, OR 97477
Project Name: Candlewood Suites Site Plan Review
Project Proposal: Construct a 5-story hotel, parking lot and landscaping on a vacant site
Case Number: PRE13-00012
Project Address: 3005 & 3007 Franklin Boulevard
Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): Map 17-03-33-44, TL 100 & 17-03-34-30, TL 700
Zoning: Office Mixed-Use (Glenwood)
Overlay District(s): Nodal Development (/NDO) Willamette Greenway (WG)
Applicable Refinement Plan: Glenwood
Refinement Plan Designation: Office Mixed-Use (Glenwood)
Metro Plan Designation: Mixed-Use Overlay
Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: April 30, 2013
Application Submittal Deadline: October 27, 2013
Associated Applications: PRE12-00017; PRE12-00020; ANX13-00003
Project Planner Land Use Planning Andy Limbird 726-3784
Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 736-1034
Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities, Sanitary & Storm Sewer. Clayton McEachern 736-1036
Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293
Building Official Building David Bowlsby 736-1029
Applicant Applicant's Representative
Alpesh Patel Rick Satre
ALKO Investments Schirmer Satre Group
1857 Franklin Boulevard 375 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 201
Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97401
Date Received: .00/x/3
Planner: AL
Revised 10/25/07
o Application fee - discuss the applicable fees
o Copy of the Site Plan reduced to 81/2"x 11"
Complete Incomplete See Planning
8 1/2" x 11" Copy of Site Plan
o Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report issued within the past 30 days
documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property
owner, written permission from the property owner is required.
Complete Incomplete See Planning
Q 1, 2 Deed and Preliminary Title Report
o Brief narrative explaining the purpose of the development, the existing use of the
property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the
action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees
and future expansion plans, if known.
Complete Incomplete See Planning
0 Brief Narrative
o Site Plan
Complete Incomplete See Planning
3 Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Architect,
Landscape Architect, or Engineer
Comment Proposed buildings: location, dimensions,
size (gross floor area applicable to the
parking requirement for the proposed
use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and
distance between buildings
Comment Location and height of existing or proposed
fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage,
trash receptacles, and signs
4 Location, dimensions, and number of typical,
compact, and disabled parking spaces;
including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional
signs, and striping
® Dimensions of the development area, as well
as area and percentage of the site proposed
for buildings, structures, parking and
Revised 10/25/07 Date Received:__$t/' C'�
Planner: AL
• •
• vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other
impervious surfaces
Q N/A Observance of solar access requirements as
specified in the applicable zoning district
Comment On-site loading areas and vehicular and
pedestrian circulation
Q 5 Location, type, and number of bicycle
parking spaces
Comment Area and dimensions of all property to be
conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for
common open spaces, recreational areas,
and other similar public and semi-public uses
0 ® 6 Location of existing and proposed transit
o Phased Development Plan Where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a
phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries
and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street
connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other
required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater
management, water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply to
the Site Plan application being submitted.
Complete Incomplete See Planning
El Comment Phased Development Plan
o Landscape Plan
Complete Incomplete See Planning
El E 7 Drawn by a Landscape Architect
0 Comment Location and dimensions of landscaping and
open space areas to include calculation of
landscape coverage
Q 8 Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110
Written description, including specifications, of
the permanent irrigation system
® C Comment Location and type of street trees
9 List in chart form the proposed types of
landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground
cover). Include in the chart genus, species,
common name, quantity, size, spacing and
method of planting
Revised 10/25/07 /10/'4"3
Date, Pecelved:
Planner: AL
• •
o Architectural Plan
Complete Incomplete See Planning
Q Comment Exterior elevations of all buildings and
structures proposed for the development site,
including height
Conceptual floor plans
o On-Site Lighting Plan
Complete Incomplete See Planning
El Location, orientation, and maximum height of
exterior light fixtures, both free standing and
10 Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off
angles and type of illumination, wattage, and
luminous area
10 Photometric test report for each light source
Planning Notes:
1. Provide a current title report for both Tax Lots 100 and 700.
2. Provide evidence of ownership or property owner's concurrence for proposed
development on Tax Lot.100.
3. Site plan sheets must be stamped and signed by the Engineer and Architect of
record, as appropriate.
4. Show dimensions of parking spaces depicted on site plan, and provide wheel stops or
at least 2 feet of additional bumper overhang for all parking spaces abutting
landscaping or walking areas.
5. Show the location of all required bicycle parking. Based on the proposed number of
rooms at least 5 bicycle parking spaces are required including at least 4 covered,
long-term spaces. Additionally, there are specific development standards for
Glenwood long-term bicycle parking spaces.
6. Show or describe the location of the nearest transit stop on Franklin Boulevard.
7. Landscaping plan must be stamped and signed by the Landscape Architect of record.
8. Provide vegetative screening.for parking spaces fronting onto or visible from Franklin
9. List quantities of trees and shrubs on site landscaping plan. The site and parking lot
landscaping will need to meet the requirements of the Ll, L2 and L3 standards of
SDC 3.4-270.F, as applicable.
10. Provide manufacturer's cut sheets and photometric diagram for all freestanding and
building-mounted exterior light fixtures. The light fixtures will need to meet-the
requirements of SDC 3.4-270.C.
Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application:
• Proposed building design, placement and orientation does not appear to meet the
standards of SDC 3.4-200 and the adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan. Additionally,
the building footing shown on Sheet 2 encroaches within the 10-foot PUE.
• Provide building elevation details for the gazebo, storage building and trash
Revised 10/25/07
Oat_: rzac&ved. y 3o aOi3
Planner: AL
• •
• Provide pedestrian connectivity from the building to the sidewalk on Franklin
• Boulevard. Also provide clearly-defined pedestrian route from the parking lot to the
building entrance.
• The curbside sidewalk along Franklin Boulevard as shown on Sheet 1 appears to
encroach within the northwest corner of Tax Lot 700. It is the City's preference to
have a sliver of road right-of-way dedication in this area to accommodate the
sidewalk and planter strip as opposed to providing an easement.
• Please clarify whether the Phase II hotel addition and future 5,000 ft2 development
area are being sought for approval with this application, or whether these will be
separate (future) land use approvals. The future 5,000 ft2 development will need to
meet the Primary and Secondary Use provisions of the Office Mixed-Use District (ie.
standalone secondary uses are not permitted).
• There is no provision for parking in the front yard setback area, so the Phase II
expansion area will need to be landscaped as a future development area or
developed with Phase I but not as parking spaces.
• It is not clear how the existing overhead powerlines are being accommodated along
the site frontage. Some of the existing powerlines appear to run through the corner
of the building as depicted on Sheet Al-1.
• There is no provision for installing a SUB Water vault in the front yard setback along
Franklin Boulevard in accordance with an IGA between the City and SUB. Relocation
of the water valve vault should allow for street tree installation along the frontage.
• Some plan sheets appear to have key CAD layers either turned off or on, which
makes the information difficult to read or superimposes multiple extra layers of
information on the plan sheet.
• Clarify what type of ground surface treatment will be applied to the vacant "future
development area" portion of Tax Lot 100. The site plan (Sheet Al-1) identifies
56,298 ft2 of landscaping area, but only a small portion of this is depicted on the
actual site landscaping plan (Sheet L1-1).
• A tree felling permit will be required for the removal of more than five trees that are
5" diameter or larger during any 12-month period.
• Provide a "plan view" planting diagram for the stormwater swale.
• Extend the Franklin Boulevard curbline and driveway detail to include the entire
frontage of Tax Lot 100.
• Street trees and related improvements will be required along the frontage of Tax Lot
• Demonstrate that the proposed development complies with the Nodal Development
Overlay District (NDO) in the project narrative.
• The applicant will need to address the potential historical significance of the existing
dwellings in their site plan review application. Among other things, the developer
will need to address provisions of SDC 3.4-270.N.5.
. • A public access and utility easement will need to be recorded against the proposed
sanitary sewer line and future access road alignment. All existing and proposed
easements will need to be shown on the plan sheets.
• Tax Lots 100 and 700 will need to be combined under title and as a single
development entity (eg. with a lot consolidation and/or deed restriction) in order for
the proposed parking lot, trash enclosure, and accessory building to be constructed
on Tax Lot 100.
Date Received: V Ja/2&Revised 10/25/07 Planner: AL
• •
Engineer: Clayton McEachern Case#: PRE13-00011
o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions
Complete Incomplete See PW
Q Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect
or Engineer
0 Vicinity Map
fl The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site
features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and
impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is
remaining and what is being removed. For existing
structures to remain, also indicate present use, size,
setbacks from property lines, and distance between
The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and
top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian
setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited
Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services
Q The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on
the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood
Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map
Amendment or Letter of Map Revision
n/a The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200
and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map
on file in the Development Services Department
Q Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5"
in diameter or greater when measured 4 1/2 feet above
the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs,
riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings
1 Soil types and water table information as mapped and
specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A
Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be
submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates
the proposed development area has unstable soils
and/or a high water table
Revised 10/25/07 Date Received: 42/3o/a0/3
Planner: AL
• •
o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan must be in compliance with the regulations of
SDC Sections 5.17-100, 4.1-100, 4.2-100, and 4.3-100 and must include the following
Complete Incomplete See PW
Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer
Q 2 Location and width of all existing and proposed
Q * Location of existing and required power poles,
transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar
public facilities
- 0 * Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on
and adjacent to the site, including sanitary sewer
mains, stormwater management systems, water
mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV.
Indicate the proposed connection points
o Grading and Paving Plan
Complete Incomplete See PW
El Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer
Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed
Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as
part of the stormwater management system
Z Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations
3 Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns
The size and location of stormwater management
systems components, including but not limited to:
drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention
- ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural
drainageways to be retained
n Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours
lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope
over. 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot
® 4 Amount of proposed cut and fill
o Stormwater Management System Study - provide four (4) copies of the study with
the completed Storm water Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, calculations, and
documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and
Procedures Manual.
Complete Incomplete See PW
Scoping Sheet and attached Stormwater Management
System Study
Revised 10/25/07
Date Received:y 12 fr l
Planner: AL.
• •
PW Notes:
1. No soil types are listed. No Geotechnical report is provided showing soil types,
structural properties, paving recommendations or infiltration potential.
2. No easement is shown for the proposed sanitary sewer or access to adjacent lots.
3. No drainage direction is shown for the side parking lot or future accomodations
made for future rooftop runoff from this area.
4. No cut/fill totals listed. It appears that a substantial amount of fill will be required
for this development as proposed.
Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application:
• Runoff calculations are acceptable but incomplete, however the 2.0 in/hr infiltration
rate does require testing to be accepted. Per the Glenwood RFP the first 1" of
rainfall must be infiltrated on site. If the 2 in/hr rate is correct this requirement is
• The small area on the northwest portion of the parking lot that drains to a
catchbasin could possibly be treated/infiltrated in the landscape buffer of the parking
lot and avoid the underground stormdrain installation and maintenance cost.
• The portion of Franklin between the driveway entrace and the edge of the traveled
way will need to be improved to full urban standards to allow access to this
development. These improvements will need to be shown on the site plan submittal.
• A PIP will be required for construction of frontage improvements along Franklin,
work in the ROW for the entrance and construction of the sewer line.
• Pavement cross sections will need to be provided that conform to requirements of
the geotechnical report and are capable of supporting an 80,000 lb. load for Fire
Department access (especially important for the ladder truck access areas due to the
height of the building).
• The parking lot will need to have more landscaping areas and screening provided
and these landscaped areas can be utilized for stormwater treatment/infiltration.
This dual use can drastically reduce the size and expense of the large stormwater
swale and the related infrastructure and maintenance needs that it will have.
• All utilities will need to be located underground or inside of the building, including
power supply lines and transformers.
• The stormwater swale as shown will short circuit when full. The inlet and outlet
needs to have horizontal as well as vertical separation.
Daved: y�O aoi�
Revised 10/25/07
Plate rreRecei�: AL
• •
Transportation Engineer/Planner: Michael Lie61���asejPRE13-00012
Applicant: Candlewood Suites Hotel - Patel
o Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has
frontage on a Lane County or an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility.
Complete Incomplete See Transportation
Copy of ROW Approach Permit Application
o Traffic Impact Study - four (4) copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in
accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze
and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's
transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given
development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations,
access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also
address, if needed, City, Metro Plan and state land use and transportation policies and
Complete . Incomplete See Transportation
NA Traffic Impact Study
o Site Plan
Complete Incomplete See Transportation
Access to streets, alleys, and properties to
be served, including the location and
dimensions of existing and proposed curb
cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed
o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan
Complete Incomplete See Transportation
Note(s) -
. (1) Location and type of existing and
proposed street lighting
■ Location, width, and construction material
of all existing and proposed sidewalks,
sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways,
and trails
® (2) Location, widths (of paving and right-of-
way) and names of all existing and
proposed streets, alleys, dedications,
Revised 10/25/07 Date Received:Y/10/JDh3
Planner: AL
• •
access easements or other right-of-ways
within or adjacent to the proposed
development, including ownership and
maintenance status, if applicable
(3) Location of existing and required traffic
control devices
Transportation Notes:
1. Existing street lighting is not shown on submitted plans. In addition, existing street
lighting is not to an acceptable urban standard or compliant with the Glenwood
Refinement Plan Transportation Policies requiring decorative public street lighting and
pedestrian level lighting. Also, submitted lighting plans for the site do not show the
appropriate conditions and calculations to ensure proper coverage on the site.
2. Submitted plans do not show the existing slope and utility easement along the
properties Franklin frontage. Adjustment of this easement in consideration of
building up the site and removing the slope, thus eliminating the lateral support
requirements of the easement, shall be coordinated with the Oregon Department of
Transportation (ODOT) prior to final site plan approval.
3. Coordination with ODOT for the final operation of the western access onto Franklin
BLVD will be necessary to determine the final needs for traffic control devices at this
Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application:
• Existing property frontage is not to the level of a modern urban arterial standard as
laid out in the Glenwood Refinement Plan design policies or Engineering Design
Standards and Procedures Manual for street and pedestrian facilities lighting, street
trees, curbside planter strips, and locations for proposed parking.
• Proposed site plan does not provide adequate pedestrian amenities and facilities as
called out in the Glenwood Refinement Plan standards and policies. Facilities which
• meet the requirements set forth in the Springfield Development Code section 3.4-275
shall be provided including a direct pedestrian connection from the building to public
facilities, proper building orientation, and extension of pedestrian facilities along
fronting rights of way to future developed parcels to west.
• Access to proposed future Phase II 12 unit hotel location for interim parking is within
the required 60 foot throat depth requirement for curb return driveways and or
driveway setback requirements from a public street intersection. Access at this
location shall be eliminated.
Date Received: y/30 �!
Planner: AL
Revised 10/25/07
Deputy Fire Marshal: Gilbert Gordon Case #: PRE13-00012
o Site Plan
Complete Incomplete See Fire
Note(s) •
El On-site vehicular circulation
o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan
Complete Incomplete See Fire
Q 1. Location of existing and required fire hydrants and
similar public facilities
Fire Notes:
1. Plans show a proposed access to a fire hydrant on the southeast side of the parcel.
Unfortunately, that is a private fire hydrant owned by the State of Oregon for its
motor pool and is not a public fire hydrant. Contact SUB Water on possible
Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application:
Date Received:iirn 3
Planner: AL
Revised 9/24/07
• - •
PRE13-00012— Patel / Candlewood Suites
Development Phasing:
The Site Plan indicates future development to the west on Tax Lot 100, as well as a Phase II proposed
hotel on Tax Lot 700.
• Springfield Development Code section 3.4-240 describes requirements for submitting either a
phased development plan or master plan depending on the timeframe of project phasing.
• Also, please note that Springfield Development Code section 3.4-245 describes permitted
uses and configuration of uses given this development is in Subarea C—Office Mixed-Use.
Springfield Development Code Section 3.4-270—Public& Private Development Standards
A. Public Streets,Alleys and Sidewalks
• The Glenwood Refinement Plan articulates the vision for Franklin Boulevard,
including policies and implementation strategies codified in Appendix 3. See
Glenwood Refinement Plan pp. 56-63. See also Springfield Development Code
Appendix 3, B.1.—Franklin Boulevard and, specifically, streetscape strategies
described in B.1.d.
o The section of Franklin Boulevard abutting the subject property is planned as
a 'modern urban arterial,' which is not how the right-of-way is developed
today. The frontage of the proposed development must be upgraded to
comply with Franklin Boulevard modern urban arterial design policies of
Appendix 3 and Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual
B. Street Trees and Curbside Planter Strips •
• This section articulates specific standards above and beyond those that apply
citywide for street trees and curbside planter strips.
C. Lighting
• This section identifies the need for decorative public street lighting and pedestrian
level lighting as described in the EDSPM.
• This section also includes specific requirements for private on-site lighting above and
• beyond those applicable citywide.
D. Bicycle Facilities
• See bicycle parking comments under(G) below.
F. Private Property Landscape Standards
• Note that there are both 'General Landscaping Standards' as referenced in
applicant's narrative, as well as specific standards articulated throughout this section.
FYI, Ll landscape standards apply to setbacks, and L2 & L3 will apply to proposed
surface parking and screening of utilities. Drawings accompany text in this part of
the Code.
• Note that City has IGA with SUB regarding the updated Glenwood Refinement Plan.
G. Vehicle/Bicycle Parking and Loading Standards
• Note that 3.4-270 G.S. states that surface parking facilities are permitted in interior
courts. As currently proposed, the surface parking does not meet the intent of this
Code language. A phased development plan may document how the proposed
surface parking behind the building will ultimately become an interior court.
hate Received:_509nevi Page l of 3
r!anner: AL
• •
However, even with phased future development, parking may not be constructed on
the side of the building nor on Lot 100 without the L2 and L3 landscaping screening.
• Additional surface parking design standards are articulated in 3.4-270 G.9. I do not
see compliance with the lighting, landscaping, and parking lot design standards.
• See also Michael Lieblers comments re: design of driveway access.
• Bicycle Parking Location and Security standards of 3.4-275 G.14. must be met-
Specifically, location and design of long-term and short-term bicycle parking (G.14.a.,
b. and d.).
I. Stormwater Facilities and Services
• See Clayton McEachern's comments regarding private stormwater management.
N. Historic and Cultural Resources
• The Glenwood Refinement Plan identifies 3007 Franklin Boulevard as being
potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. All proposed
developments that contain a building like this must, at the time of Site Plan Review
application submittal, comply with the standards of 3.4-270 N.S.
Springfield Development Code Section 3.4-275—Building Design Standards
A. General
• Please read this general statement. It highlights the role Glenwood plays as a
gateway to the region. The subject property is the western gateway to Glenwood.
The sentiment of what is discussed in A. is of utmost importance. We are open to an
iterative back and forth discussion with your design team regarding how your
development can meet the objectives of 3.4-275.
B. Design Team
• Please read the language related to a desire for sites and buildings in Glenwood to
utilize sustainable guidelines.
C. Building Facades
• I do not see full application of ground floor requirements on all elevations
(particularly facing street). Similarly, I do not see full application of upper story
details. Please enhance and/or articulate more clearly in the narrative how what is
proposed meets the intent of the Code.
D. Height
• The 'L' configuration alone does not meet the intent of the step-backs—articulated in
the introduction to this sub-section.
• Floor to floor requirements are applicable for the ground floor of this development.
The intent of the Code language was to clarify that non-residential ground floor
requirements are applicable to all non-residential ground floor uses.
E. Massing/Building Articulation
• I do not see full application of these standards. Please refer to the example
illustrations included in 3.4-275 for more guidance on the intent of these regulations.
F. Windows and Doors
• The ground floor window requirements do apply to this development. The intent of
the Code language is to clarify the differences in ground floor window applications
for residential, manufacturing, and all other uses. This development is in the Office
Mixed-Use Subarea and thus buildings shall comply with the standards for
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Date Received:y0040
Planner: AL
• •
G. Orientation/Entrances
• Given this development is adjacent to Franklin Boulevard,the intent is for the
building to be oriented to the public street realm of Franklin Boulevard. This intent is
supported by the standards articulated in Subsection 4 regarding secondary
entrances facing the side or rear of all new buildings. See the Planned Parenthood
entryway to the east for an example of how that development met both the needs of
its driving customers and the City's desire for engagement with the street.
H. Building Setbacks
• Please note the Exception language of this Subsection. Ground floor entrances to
buildings on Franklin Boulevard may be set back a maximum of 4 feet and windows
and walls 1.5 feet.
I. Pedestrian Amenities
• This Subsection states that when the developer chooses to set the building back from
the property line, two additional pedestrian amenities are required above and
beyond the ones required per 3.4-275.l.2.a. Please note that pedestrian-scale wall-
mounted lights are required in a., so they may not count towards the requirements
in b. It is likely that with the needed changes to the entrance and short-term bicycle
parking may satisfy b. The requirements of a. must be included.
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Planner: AL
• •
Applicable Not
Q Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional
materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240
0 Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150
feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses
(WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct
tributaries of WQLW
® A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted
. concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table
Q Where the development area is within an overlay district, address
the additional standards of the overlay district
If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling
Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100
Q A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State
Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on
the property
Q Any required federal or state permit must be submitted
concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted
for review
® Q Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the
development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be
submitted prior to development
Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in
SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100
An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a
. development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the
City's urban service area and can be serviced by sanitary sewer
Date Received: OSWO
Revised 10/25/07 Planner: AL
• •
City Plo r ate
This is not a decision on your application. Springfield Development Code Section 5.4-
105 and Oregon Revised Statutes 227.178 require the City take final action on a limited land •
use decision within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. The 120-day
processing period for this application begins when all the missing information is submitted or
when you request that the City proceed without the information. You must indicate by either
signing this form or by submitting a written response to the City within seven days of the
date of this form asserting your intentions regarding the provision of the missing information.
If you indicate herein or in your written response that the missing information will be
submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre-
Submittal Review to provide the City with the missing information. If you refuse to submit
the missing information, then upon receipt of the full application packet and processing fee,
the City will deem the application complete for purposes of starting the 120-day clock and
begin processing the application. No new information may be submitted after the start of
the 120-day period unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120-day
processing time. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120-day
period for a reasonable period of time. The City may also require additional fees if the new
information is submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out
and a second notification is required or if the new information substantially affects the .
application proposal and additional review is required.
I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the
City within the 180-day timeline.
Ow e • slicant s Signature Date
D3t:r :-:;;ceived:_049%Pii
Planner: AL
Revised 10/25/07