HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/26/2013 • ••.' -r ' °- •1 7 4334 33 007001299436 File 6342-001 4r.: a!t�i s;:� ?cyst ' ' 17 03 34 33 00700 201;1507381 5553Q25 109-8-6•'-d``11.•`'; v: wpT 120915 : _ WARRANTY DEED a T i.i%.7- c` i ' _ • to ty. ELAINE Hr ARMES. Grantor; for the true and actual consideration of S6 000.00' ° ' : ' ;-?5.... '�k } does convey unto the STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, I"d`'`y' ; {. gam-{"4 - _ y4 *m j Grantee, fee title to the following described property: �., � � x PARCEL 1 Fee ± 2ZSEP.21'95N07PFLW0 10.00 . a#r„1 r '{ A parcel.of land lying in the Zara Sweet D.L.C. No 68, Township 17_ •L t` V ,- South, Range 3 West, W.H., Lane County. Oregon and being a portion of that :np .-ig ry L 1i property described in that deed to Cecil R. Armes and EJ,aine H. Armes, r -�4,, � recorded on Reel 617R, Instrument No. 33745 of Lane County Official Records; *4.ea'.3" y a the said parcel being that portion of said property included in a strip of . 3 , �K; kr` o g• land 44.50 feet in width, lying on the Southeasterly side of the center line .• +.- ' of the relocated McKenzie Highway which center line is described as follows: F . ;'•f�;s �� � • Beginning at Engineer's center line Station 98+20.42, said station.being P• ,. it .., 1321.53 feet North and 352.32 feet nest of the Southwest corner of Section 34, L.�• ' 41'ra- Township 17 South, Range 3 West, N.M.; thence North 78° 22' 26" East 253.58 '. a`d S`",T•'e'I.,° feet; thence on a 5729.58 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which ?,1M�i.,4 'Er y�'. bears North 77° 02' 37.5" East 266.01 feet) 266.03 feet;' thence North 75°."42' r;,, ! {.19rt� �r 49" East 594.18 feet; thence on a spiral curve right (the long chord of which r rot � �, �ys2,�+•''" bears North 76° 32' 44" East 249.98 feet) 250 feet; thence on a 2864.79 foot ,r � T''�� y c'r radius curve right (the long chord of which bears North 79° 52'56" East ; ` '� ih. rr��tt , 166.84 feet) 166.86 feet; thence on a spiral curve right (the long chord of ,..`',•'•u L e. r 04 L� _e ti, which bears North 83° 13' 03" East 249.98 feet) 250 feet; thence North 84° 03' , x ,, '»•� �•' 03" East 173.93 feet to Engineer's center line Station 117+75. , a ` ` -4 .�: $1ra•1" ,_ ?`' f� yea, EXCEPT therefrom that property described in that deed to the State of `° , • ss Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 13, 1942, �4 ,,' ,' s.' in Book 228, Page 675, Lane County Record of Deeds. '�? at if '16". ' .e Bearings are based upon the Oregon Coordinate System of 1983, south , ' _`ec, e` r, qt zone. eZj•' The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 770 square { l } 4t eat` ;�°`: 4• feet, more or less. Y� ▪ �� f�. Grantor also grants to Grantee, :its successors and assigns, a permanent easement to - ; ; 4- rny` construct and maintain slopes, and to relocate. construct and maintain water, -gas, - .�tsrj'� J electric and communication service lines, fixtures and facilities, and appurtenances !'A ALL '��` o'• therefor, upon, over, through, and across the hereinafter described Parcel.2, and:a : fie• {Sa rv.:tise s e permanent easement for the construction, installation and maintenance of a highway sign ., :eet��• •0,0,.4 , 4 upon the hereinafter described Parcel 3 said property described as follows: J �f� EO 1 fie • 7-14-95 h�' tz . {.�.: RETURN TO Account No.:' 20100299436 rT . . , t. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ^E: .� RIGHT OF WAY SECTION Property•Address: 3007 Franklin Blvd Xyd e.-ler.t-.e.s 417 TRANSPORTATION BLDG. • a fs SALEM. OREGON 97310 { w,��,�`,a' * r�. 1� ' i Alter Rtrording Rdurn To: fir ;='�� �.:, re-,`.1.•=.:•:•:' j. Western P oneer Tit!e Co w r' �' 'r r, i • P.O.Box 10146 Srt� r'• 0 1. • Eugene,OR 97440 F'; 4 wit el' 4 i 1. - - Y='�}� :• x.•n j --r t 1'r.c4 7 F F. �n f4 �` a 3�,• { ,. fir;,..: .......:m.Is 43 1 t ' `r tai t •4 { Date Received: Y6//J rt Planner: AL / '. • ., .., -,... ..:1)....z... ,- ,:17.F:; .: :4777-7!e:7•5 j.,71P-. :r'7!;'77:77, :--:-.....:.f.. ' - .• ... • ..... ,......, ..„,,, . ., . -...•,',..:' ••.•i.,a-;', :: :, ,-- ••••;..:..,.!...:; .: ::•'..f.,-;-: - :.:: :3: , .., -:... . 3 . ..Amik.• . : ,.. - ..-.:: ......s: .. ,.:,:, .44.,,..„ .. _- 0.--... , _• . . _ ... . . .. ---.- --— ' - •-- • -'• :":• IP-.-!. , .S.--:'•f:---.:;,....,, . ..•.:--.,- :-•:•!.,' .4".'''.'...,---;.:.• _ 'c:.7:';;,, -,:"''''_;1'.,. ::-;..:i.:.-..4..,;:.. ..•,-.,_.,.1,... .-:.::::..':tf•.:-:- :•:• -:,,i,..::-:-.; -•-,.. ..: . ,'••:' '...7 .' 1 .'i,., ;;;; 2-. ,::t:: -....":?-: i...:' .::!-f-..Vi.51 .7,.-i.'',. i..i.',. .--':=.4. ,=e •'L =.4:::.,.._.,!!;'..--; :: ::::...3--,:::....:,- ..,-. , . -.: r .c7 ' -.•:, -:.74.;--717-.--i-7-,;-----c :.f-1 .-1.......-! . 71:V,+i-...;:' t",:t 5.' 'N&Z-li T t1.75C.,-.."'7 n,r„...•:.7.4 7.:•7.4.5:-..?1!%- 57. -.:. !.- ....-.5 -..1.,-•••- 5. • .- ••••' •-' -'r- :''''. .•••:. :..1-":=-1•47.-.c,:f:•.CW j-7,j 44•11;AY. •-•,,1--:‘,1t.... . ...T 3.5'..?'ET*'7`7i2" ::a7*••2;'•.••''.:1,1.4'7'!‘:A•:". -;• C -•:.i.-•;•-. -T . •• 4. .'• • . .- '• :et;' • '.• .- -. •••••• ••• •--•••75:, ;... ". , ' f i-,...0 i•"1...atzet-J.: ‘14'.FTF•r :,."4"'- '''ter'''''''........'...F-.:.:;',.\-''''''`..-e ':''. ` I 'f' ..'. .' '. -: 6DOT .--:''--. •--- -• -' -' ''.. :' N:a*e"'Af.'". 4:....,:;!n-rje4ii:-.';;,,,.'.',',1,;41 Q.Li.''.. !.....-!:.,;-..,;f...;:±. • . %''''' Mi.:V- File 6342-001 •-•"- " .2,..1'.1-:- ..ii•-e.:.;!.A7:-. ..- ,...•• ! ell e■a-.■-%.......-...--, :-...:,.-.JP14:-PA. c ;-."....iiiiic;) :. • ,,= d-44.te,74.-• ;•.'.74. .: .,:,T..5 --' • •.:7, 11.: 5. ,r: . :..-PARCEL 2 - Permanent Easement For Slopes, Water, Gas, Electric and ' . - - • . • S'i.ri. ".71',..tkie.te'• r.1 ',`,.1... ,• ,.s.:',,- ,.; Communication service lAnes, Fixtures and Facilities : . . . • ••••'...:.,- ,b-1414p.t ' ,-.Y.-,.. '' • t,,,- .1 .. i,-.1:1''''. .11., ,:i A parcel- of land lying in the Zara Sweet D.L.C. No. 68 Township 17 4 fr .L'1.--2.•::-:F..:::: :. .South, Range 3 West, 14.M., Lane County, Oregon and being a portion of that . - . '',.kli.,;•`:.•;,.;•',',,„%.-:-A 1 4, •-;:-;'! property escribed in that deed to Cecil R. Armes and Elaine H. Ames, • ' ..:-;,.;1;2 0,,,F44,1:. recorded an Reel 617R,•Instrument No. 33745 of Lane County Official Records; =..;,'..-." r....i..,;,- the said parcel being that portion.of said property included in a strip of '-:.. 4.4:e.;-•,.::•..2,••.:-;,-* land variable in width, lying.on the'Southeasterly side of the center lineof ....°. .. the relocated McKenzie Nighway which canter line is described in Parcel 1. ..r . •:5.:47X,,:Ar"..,:g-- -:„-- , :•-•' .‘ - The widths in feet of the strip of land above referred to are as , -•.F.....;,:,..i.s..44 'vr:." "451--• ..--;'r r-`:. : :' -follows -... , ..,•?- '' .,...7.,„,';,. - • .e'.'=%,.;',,•&-V%ete•ef-p g.•&.7:11:71'",;`A...-'-.. : ':-.'' ''' • Station to; Station ' . Width on Southeasterly - .i :It4i.,'ett .-.q•lx.111-7.-zr:;.::. :'-?=.';';'- • - Side of Center Line :., ••:•,",;:: %.to: Itot:leop-.4.•:•:: • 101+00 103+00 : . 69,50 tz,,,l-v•k&S...,.-;!.. • 103+00 104+00 - ' 69.50 in a straight line to 49.50 - . • ' ••..A• -"--:•:.- ,71Y,i41-2,7,....,...e,a3:4 EXCEPT therefrom Parcel 1. • . • • n% • , . .,;',, , I ,---.4e-,, ,c41.---i:„..):1-,- .,,' ..,-..; , ■ ' . i,M..•Pri-'; '' ' '' ' . ALSO EXCEPT therefrom that property described in that deed to the State . - -'" ;T:',A. .4"4....... , ;;-.4- • of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 13, •-• ' ...;,',.,i;; ',..4;11".v 1942, in Book 228, Page 675,-Lane County Record of Deeds. . , , , • .-- t-.1/4.--c.g-4-7 i.... l - The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 4,200 ._ ,:i7.....i.,.:..iti4.4r: ..::1.:,.••,v,...,.,,,, .• square feet, more or less. ','.1,•_"1,`',,,..•f:,..:. il . _ . •"...7-;:k;::W•ii:';', i . • PARCEL 3 - Permanent Easement For Sign 0' . : • ss ..s.• ' 4.;;;;I•ti4...";'• i :'- A parcel of land lying in the Zara Sweet D.L.C. No. 68, Township 17 : . . -'• :,q,•}:,:g..,th , • South. Range 3 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon and being.a portion of that - •0 property described in that deed to Cecil R. Armes and Elaine H. Armes,- - ... . .. 47` ...•7..*?1,.‘"''''' recorded on Reel 617R, Instrument No. 33745 of Lane County Official Records; • • • • , ,..,...,,i,.-4,;:.„,,,,,i. • •.:„.,„ -v"...... 1 . -fi-.X... • the said parcel being that portion of said property lying Westerly of a line . - at right.angles to the center line of the relocated McKenzie Highway at Engineer s Station 101+85 and between lines parallel with and 44.50 feet • Southerly and 54.50 feet Southerly of said center line which center line is . 7,a--`,;;;T. :..- •• ': , described in Parcel 1. i The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 72 square L'1......‘ ....- ...,•:,,...,-5 .. . . , : . feet, more or less.- - ,'-i..,'.....1i-;IL1,-• i:.'ife.,A?::;* • .• c '-'ef0.1!"'' IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the easements herein granted do not convey any right, or . e.r -,•'.T2?FAO; '...,-....-... 1 € li interest in the above-described Parcels 2 and 3, except for the purposes stated herein, '. ;-47tc..,..2.45.•W• ',";'.2...'!:•:7`a•li •,..••;; ;,7,.• / nor prevent Grantor from the use of said property; provided, however, that such use shall '',•'''/';•-•,:;'4.,,,±4„,.; 1 ; . ••'...;11-g*.i...;_. not be permitted to interfere with the rights herein granted or endanger th lateral ' •-- A 5:g.■i•ik r e'N.ii, support of the highway, or to interfere in any way with the relocation, construction, and -.',. .tVitr-:•W ::::;•',47:•••:- : maintenance of said utilities, and their appurtenances, as granted hereinabove. - • ,•.1 e,,,,;..„1.1. .:_,.. . ,:-.. • ; e:, . :-.. ,.:• e, •.- •.: ....:• , previouAslls; •::,-•_.:::. ,•,' I I et.xhiestraidghiGns tohfatthpeorow:ioenr of the utilities urteilloictaiteesd huetiiulgitrieelsocsahtaeldl.be the Same as .. . „ ,I.,..Lx,r,:.p.,.„, :5'-:••••-r,,I.AV •"1".'"Pl-=',.r.-rrti,i • ....N.-ye...I....ed. ■ -:;. '•-:. li, 7-14-95 .'•i.:e;'':-':e•;1'•..•5,-e.''.•-.':..•5;4,:7-...,11..:sc._..,-.-,;.....•..0i■•11,'-•','-')1,"".;‘sG;;.1.0 1..=0-.._,,-..4,1.1::::%.:5K„..-i:•-.-v'!—:.;--.::1v.:i...ri .':';•1'i=,2:.„-..-..:'!•...•;.-1•7,.''•1 7l-•I:_•'.7'4 i'-'11,p 4 10,40'-'),;!.',:!1 E L'•1 1- ' ; .-.-•-—.•. -.•- . . . .. • , ' . -- -• -„. "... ..,7:-.-.:. ',:..•.'.y'.14.l1":1 A'1.-11,.e'6..4•17,I9!v:4n-4"I::'k-4,..•;•:..e„.:.:!..4:::"s:.,,rK•:"C;.;.;,,1;I,•:::.r,.-N•-..,_,t4:l.'±:.4=,.:."..,::.,.,--2,k..'i-..::..•".,"•- . — ---••-• • •..4 • • ; ' . % ,.f:1..-.,"•..i.r.,..".*.'i-'.j:•i-:1,:t‘:,,4-:4•'.,,.,.:N-,1:l.4:...o-.-,:14*.4?.:t:.",:.7-i."7-?l,.:'._-i''-...1-0.v1.,,_i.-.....0'::,4:.„Pa4.".-1..Y4.?.3j.-,<•.7:t.-,.o':*f.,.•k.-.•z*.4 cv.).*1'r,q•-, •1f• .::,•" 'eq..; ••,:i.-In ...•■it"..F.;,;,:.!- • .-.....-. : ....-:. • - . ..,.........,,,,, 1„,,.., • i IT r ..?ii-:,v?z,,,,,i:t, ,. Date f .„ ,nit•:".42'. , ..A..1'.. ..,.•;'.a.r,,,,ii;t z.',',...........:' ' . . • — - it/J Plannc: , •.• . .:-f.f• , . _ -.-_ I ,. . ...;:):....,.. .,,,,...,-.. .; ..... .. . , I__. • S 71 - _ - �.■ = F .•a 3 .r a , - . - .1'i 1 •• ` Sal `> + - . •g : p t • s z ,i.....,...1"-P,!.aL nf. ': '` - - File 6342-002 e, `-g.`Yc 7•ti IT IS ALSO UNDERSTOOD that this easement shall be subject to the same conditions, • J: r? ;� 4e J " � i_ terms and restrictions contained in the easements, licenses and/or permits granted to the ¢ q a ?1 r ,4 owner.of any facilities being relocated. Ts• * - IT I5 ALSO UNDERSTOOD that Grantor shall not place or erect any buildings or ' Fu. ?r ,r. ' l ' v� i }� -E,zs-�zei a structures upon the easement area without the written consent of Grantee. 's:1-,:-v�„ tit w+ N IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD that nothing herein contained is intended to create any c obligation on,the part of Grantee for the maintenance of said utilities. xc I q Grantor covenants to and with Grantee, its successors and assigns, that.she is the.' 3 x r owner of all the above-described property which is free from encumbrances, except for , ,t t r .`� { easements, conditions, and restrictions of record, and will warrant the property herein•• .' f r + conveyed and the easement rights herein granted from all lawful, claims.whatsoever, except _- ' 44 G s� as stated herein. "+ 4.rx, + y 1 Grantor agrees, the consideration recited herein is just compensation for the `'%'' raig property, including any and all damages to Grantor's remaining property; if any, which may -.,•- result from the acquisition or use of said property and the construction or improvement of . 4k 0 ,yw . the.highway. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT ';;� 4, 'f.,; IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTLNG t � Ir THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE ''- . APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ` ijiIL.. \��.• :- ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING.OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. ' 11 ...-4{' It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby.tendered and t,` T�M1r 1 that terms and obligations hereof shalt not become binding upon the State of Oregon - ?!•- pF Department of Transportation, unless and until accepted and a p approved by the recording of t s �"f° v.!' ;j1.j� this document. _ ""sk'?•1, r Dated this 7 day of Sir 19g5 L > .L'� : 1. a a ne }• R one S. `� 4 Qa r11 .rcl x 1:41:::"1;,....... , , 7L �+z' STATE OF OREGON, County of f� N f� r 4.::'.;-4.:Y'; �'. t'?4f e}? '2 sEP . 19?r • Personally appeared the above named Elaine H. Armes, , 4., �'' who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me; 'r W,,,-�, zt OFFICIAL SEAL �.y '�� !`~-• RONALD L SMITH 'Mary •u. c or zregon $4rx x z, •"^ I' NOTARY PU8LiC'OREGON My Commission expires $ `:J COMMISSION NO.036105 a 1 7-14-95 NVLOMMIUIONiXPUESDtC.6.1C91 � ", Page 3 - ND ....,. {ipi ,y• ae1l 5,..::,.;a °�a `�l`•t4iK b4 ' •i `I � r • Y �7v Jr 7a 1`7.,40.• - w J Y1 vrS y ?fir Y�a -•,°� I J "�6 l i y.ylJh 4 .. ti-�..\� 2 N7,l•t . LV A , CC rss',.iy Date Received: °`rgirr Planner: AL r •,,,,,,,i.p.:,-,...-:,,.i . '''''*,:c.,•`,';'•,,,,,:t.A."4.Z-4 ,•veC•4;k.::-1-,!..t;t :i'ViA.K.:••24,-.. ,-,...':..."...'1,".;!..gtiti,,_ ..r,,z; ,.;..: ...„-,...:-...y..,.:7.,..-....,..,..p.,:;,,...-..:',',...'i.i..-.C.4.1175.-X-5)44.,.:. ,.' .4 .,...7....,_. -,,F,.--1.2•:4--4.4,41.-..74,-6.7-4-4.4.-:.,!•5..rit - ii**,...; '.:. L''A':.*' '''.;-, :,!,1'.".'-. L -.. 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I . .Plan.ner: AL Fri' ;,..,,,,t ot.,-,..-,...J.,.; 1.• • ; . ,.: . ; . ,7-3,-..r.1 i"7 .5 • ;....;4::'•;:•••-;':-.•.■ .1.i .- . • . • , : . • . . . . . • . . •" tg:-.7:"...:,1:, • .:,: ''+'.;•lz•I .. . . . . • • • • . . . . .... . ... ., 4•?:' 1...-.',1-';.1.',....:gt•."),-.--....,:,,..:..!.......4.. ...c..•,....-.:::..o...L.,..• -4 -. � a ,WILALITI WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that MERRILL LYNCH BANK&TRUST CO.FSB Successor Trustee of the Elairroft Armes Trust Dtd 11/27/2001 Amendment 2/5/04 hereinafter called grantor,for the consideration hereinafter stated.to grantor paid by Alpesh Patel and Kornai it Patel,as tenants by the entirety hereinafter called grantee.does hereby grant,bargain,sell and convey unto the grantee and the grantee's heirs. successors and assigns,that certain real property,with the tenements.hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining,situated in_County,State of Oregon.described as follows,to-wit: 17 03 34 33 00700 acct tf 0299436 17 03 34 33 00700-901 acct k 1507381 See Attached Exhibit"A" To Have and to Hold the same unto grantee and grantee's heirs,successors and assigns forever. An grantor hereby covenants to and with grantee and grantee's heirs,successors and assigns,that the real property is free from encumbrances created or suffered thereon by grantor and that grantor will warrant and defend the same and every part and parcel thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by. through,or under the grantor. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer,stated in terms of dollars,is 5390.000.00 In construing this deed,where the context so requires,the singular includes the plural,and all grammatical Changes shall be made so that this deed shall apply equally to corporations and to individuals. In witness whereof,the grantor has executed this instrument on July 3 ,2007 ;if grantor is a corporation,it has caused its name to be signed and its seal,if any,affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by order of its board of directors. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OFTHE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGN LNG OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT,THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.390. MERRILL LYNCH BANK&TRUST CO.FSB Successor Trustee of the Elair> i.Armes Trust Dtd 11/27/2001 Amendment 2/5/04 By **--(f34.43. Brian Saglimben,V. eal Estate Officer STATE OF NE',JJE sE'f,Countyof 11 ctR' _1ss> This instrument was acknowledged before me on JtauY 3,0700 7 by Brian Saglimben V.P.Real Estate Officer for Merrill Lynch Bank&Trust Co.FSB Successor Trustee of the Elaine H.Armes Trust Dated 11/27/2001 Amendment 2/5/04/J 4 —U �D'Iitd o'er BARBARA A.CORRADO Notary Public for Oregwa � NOTARY PUBLIC Of NEW JERSEY :'U 17• ''. My commission expires hi/. /? ,2O/0 My Commission Wires A0117,2012 After Recording Return To: i •. o y Wemteenrl rbttdniscsu►n CdlmpsnY of Lane County Date Received: 497 OaAway Rd.Suite 340,Eugene OR 97401 ;e9 ';•' ?!anner. AL • Until a change is requested all tax statements Shall be sent to the following address: Alpesh Pater and Kornai*Patel — --- -- I:r� l �� Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 7001-046005 1 Q,.(11Ci,1 Lane County Deeds and Records 4jV IIIIIIII ilLIIII II 1iIiIilIIIIIIIII111 2e9226222 21070046005002D028 0710512001 01:09:20 Ph RPR—DEED Cnt=1 Stn=8 CASHIER 01 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 • • E3CHIBI4 "A" • • Beginning at a point in the North line of the Zara Sweet Donation land Claim No. 68, Notification No. 3284 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 14.45 chains South 73° 30' West from the Northeast corner thereof and running tnence South 5.44 mains to the center of the slough running Easterly and Westerly tnrougn said claim, thence up the center of said slough North 87° East 1.77 chains, theme North parallel with the East line of said claim 5.88 chains, to the North lite of said claim and tnence South 73° 30' West 1.85 chains to the place of oginning, oeing a part of said Donation Land Claim in Lane County, State of 0rs;on. ALSO: Beginning at a point on South line of Pacific Highway right of ray South 0° 03' East 57.8 feet from a point which is on North line of Zara Sleet Donation Land Claim and which point is South 74° 12' West 831.6 feet from the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence along Scutt line of Pacific Highway rignt of way North 74° 01' 30" East 57.0 feet. thence Soutn 1° 0' East 360.0 feet to center of slougn, tnence South 88° West 55.3 ket, tnence Nortn 0° 03' West 388.1 feet, more or less, to point of neginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: d Planner: AL