HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement APPLICANT 6/28/2013 • • • • • • • PERMIT AND AGREEMENT • THIS PERMIT AND AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 13 day of fY%e.4 , 2013, by and between the Eugene Water and Electric Board, hereinafter'referred to as EWEB and Br Wiechert Custom Homes Inc. "J• • WHEREAS, EWEB is the Seller and Bruce Wiechert Custom Homes Inc. is the Purchaser regarding the attached sale agreement dated April 18, 2013 WHEREAS, EWES agrees herewith to grant an INGRESS, EGRESS and UTILITY EASEMENT - to the City of Springfield at such time as the final plat for the subject property is ready and the city can accept the document. A draft of the document is attached hereto as INGRESS, EGRESS and UTILITY EASEMENT, EXHIBIT A and EXHIBIT B. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by the parties as follows: 1. All costs regarding document preparation, recording,city fees, required planning actions, engineering and permitting shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser. 2. EWEB shall execute such documents and/or agree to make changes in wording to the attached INGRESS, EGRESS and UTILITYEASEMENT, EXHIBIT A and EXHIBIT B,which may be required by the City of Springfield in order to give full effect to same. 3. EWEB shall not be required to transfer any rights beyond those rights as described in the draft documents attached herewith as INGRESS, EGRESS and UTILITY EASEMENT, EXHIBIT A and EXHIBIT B. • 4. In the event that this transaction fails to close this agreement shall be null and void. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the parties, their successors and assigns forever: and the provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this agreement. BRUCE ERT cus -OM HOMES, INC. By• C,{yJ/(,� cJ DERRICK WESTOVER, AUTHORIZED AGENT STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF LANE ) On this 13 day of to &kJ , 2013. before me personally appeared the within named DERRICK WESTOVER* .of Bruce Wiechert Custom Home known to me to be the identical individuals described herein and who executed the within instrument freely and voluntarily. *authorized agent set l „) COMMISSION N463793 Air• wc w swabu,a m ,t018 • Notary Public-Oregon • • Steve Newcomb p�f DateRec lved: 10.x.-....-,-....,.. STATE OF OREGON Planner: • CI ry Fart NO, APPROVIII)ANO AC'CEPIti)By ctn.'t)r sPkl Ntilan.D,(atnGON Deputy City Recorder Date • INGRESS. EGRESS and UTILITY EASEMENT • THIS INDENTURE WfINESSEFFI,'That the City of Eugene.acting by and through the EUGENE WATER Se ELECTRIC BOARD.Grantor,does hereby grant unto the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD.a municipal corporation in Lane County.Oregon.their successors and assigns,Grantee,a Non-Exclusive Ingress and Egress and Utility Easement under.across and upon a portion of the real property described in that deed recorded in Book 363,Page 320,in Lane County Oregon.Deeds and Records, The easement area is as Shown on the attached Exhibit'.A'and is as described in attached Exhibit'W. It is understood that the granting of this easement is not.exclusive. Grantor expressly reserved the right to maintain, improve and enlarge its litcilities. Consideration for this conveyance is$0. As at further consideration for this easement,Grantee agrees to indemnify and(told harmless EWER from any and all liability caused by its use or maintenance of the easement arca, Grantee and its contractors,subcontractors.agents and employers Shull have the right to go upon said aesemenl area fur the purpose of constructing and maintaining roadways and public utilities hereinafter refereed to as"Facilities'. Said Facilities shall be so constructed.SO as to do no damage to said real property of the Grantor and those facilities twooxt and maintained by Grantor: After any construction or mainbnarice of Grantee's Frieilities,Grantee shall return the casement area to the condition that existed prior to the work. Facilities of the Grantee shall be installed at Grantee's risk. Grantor shall nor be held accountable for damage to hies installed and authorized by the grunting of this casement. Grantee funher agrees to provide landscape maintenance of said cascnnen area ut no cost or expense to Grantor. Grantee shall not allow said easement area to become unsightly or a public nuisance. No building shall be placed within the easement area. By signing as pateided for below,the undersigned aflirra that they understand and are in ainrmcnI with all of the conditions contained within this easement and agreement. STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS On this day or 2t108,hektrc Inc.personal ly'appeared who being duly sworn.did say that he is the.General Manager of Eugene Water S Electric Board and that said instrument was • • signed on behalf of the Eugene Water&Electric Board and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the Eugene Water S Electric Board. IN TESTIMONY WIIEREOF,I have hereunto set try hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: • Eugene'Mate,&Electric Bowe PO tea Rona Eugene.OR 97440.1248 '4 • • EXHIBIT `A' A tract of land in the Northeast 114 of Section 26, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, of the Willamette Meridian, Springfield,Lane County, Oregon,and being a part of that certain tract described and recorded in Book 363, Page 320, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly extension of the 9°Street boundary of FOURTH ADDITION TO BEAU-MONT SUBDIVISION as platted and recorded in.Book 67,Page 8, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being North 1,542.25 feet and East 795.34 feet from the Southwest corner of the WM, C. Spencer DLC 4450 in Township 17 South,Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the westerly right-of-way of 9°`Street, said right-of-way being 30.00 feet from when measured'at right angles to, the centerline of said 92'Street; thence North 79°45'49" East'60.97 fret to a point on the easterly right-of-way of said 9°x Street, said point being 30.00 feet from,when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said 96 Street; thence South 0°01'16"East 60.97 feet;thence following along a line parallel with and 60.00 feet offset from the southerly boundary of said FOURTH ADDITION TO BEAU- MONT SUBDIVISION, South 79°45'49" West 60.97 feet thence North 0°01'16" West 60.97 feet to the point of beginning containing 3,658 square feet, more or less, all within said Section 26, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Together with a 7.00 foot wide Public Utility Easement adjacent to the east and west sides of the above described tract. it" ECIt7rCREO PROF E$SIONAL LAND, SURVEYOR O'ct%E G O N s IJUIYIA. son SCOft J. GOEBEI; cl i.l?230 FI ,a 10,I n:,: //oiZoJ i SI 'I I flf ,., ET • CI 3(NI i CC J 4T Ce:Zs...Q nw O 0W 4 --;+—• , ; z Wm N > z ,-O b O• CC Cn W In wrN • 4C (Na. 0 cc O 0 f- 4i p U IY Z -a o 2 J IL In w M N a cy s n 2 5. Q, GI GI_ J 4. to W J cz t p 4 H m r\ �. I Lit ... ,00'001 M,91,10.0N' ,L6-09 3„91,10.05 _ 0 4 p C w N c.S AS G I— rte/ �T W 4 y -MI. EMCb t I - �GLS11ie m a R� ''' ' a ! M 446” Z i � 00'001 3„9l,IOAS ,L6'0_9 M,91,10.0N . G) X/ o 8 .41 ti . J 0 R CX � O 'T.?, o n O I n n h W¢ 4- �t Q I a Q w - \ . t � �I 3� m � O h rn i ti z �+•''. UU J tiI � �, N tn Q � � 4�I 0 '0 ^'1 0�:. CC W U td I ti0U in 02441 q0.: co kil w le,SZ'ZfcI 11.180N ..cc