HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 6/25/2013 1 1 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY Weber Properties, LP BEI Project 13-020 For Weber Properties, LP 1 PO Box 23408 Eugene, OR 97402 1 1 1 1 olianch June 25, 2013 1 ENGINEERING.= Since 1977 civil • transportation PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D 310 5th Street structural • geotechnical SURVEYING JUN 2 6 2013 Springfield, OR 97477 p: 541.746.0637 www.BranchEngineering.com 1: 541.746.0389 1 II I sBanch E GINEERING= Since 1977 I June 25,2013 civil transpoftation structural Jnept..6cimiciii • • Weber Properties,LP PO Box 23408 I Eugene,Oregon 97402 ATTN: Dan Weber I RE: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY Weber Properties,Springfield,OREGON 97477 Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 13-020 IThis evaluation was prepared to summarize the drainage system proposed for the Weber Properties multi- family development, located at 1866 5th Street across from the Fred Meyer gas station in Springfield, Oregon. This storm drainage evaluation will document the design of the water quality treatment measures Ias required by the City of Springfield. The site is comprised of one tax lot,TM 17-03-26-24 TL 2700. I If there are any questions regarding this report or the proposed project,please feel free to contact our office with any inquiries. ISincerely, ' Branch Engineering Inc. _C I • Renee Clough PLS,PE,AICP SEE C1- IPrincipal Engineer I Enclosure ' Document ID: Storm Report I . PRE-SUBMITTAL RECD JUN 2 6 2013 EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD SALEM-KEIZER 111 310 5th Street,Springfield,OR 97477 I p: 541.746.0637 I f: 541.746.0389 I www.branchengineering.com 1 ' Contents Page No. 1.0 Introduction 1 ' 2.0 Site Characteristics and Existing Conditions 1 2.1 Topography 1 2.2 Soils 1 2.3 Existing Drainage 1 3.0 Proposed Site Conditions 1 3.1 Project Description 1 3.2 Water Quality Treatment System 1 ' 3.3 Proposed Stormwater Destination 3 1 1 1 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 ' Branch Engineering, Inc. Weber Properties (13-020) June 25, 2013 1 .0 Introduction The subject site is currently developed with one single family residence addressed as 1866 5th Street. The northern side of the site is currently developed as an access and utility corridor for the three tax lots (two under-developed and one undeveloped)west of the site. The remainder of the site is currently yard space. This proposal is to construct a multi-family residential development in conformance with the High Density Residential (HDR) zoning. The new units will be created in two new buildings. In addition to the buildings,site improvements will include utilities and pavement for driving and parking. 2.0 Site Characteristics and Existing Conditions 2.1 Topography The subject site is approximately o.66 acres with a nearly consistent elevation of 451. FEMA floodplain mapping for the area indicates the site is not in a special flood hazard area. The design grades coordinate ' with the existing site grades to eliminate the need for areas of cut or fill. 2.2 Soils ' According to the Soils Survey of Lane County, Oregon, by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the soil on the site is Salem Urban Land Complex(Soil Number 119). This soil is a relatively well draining soil class with moderately high to high capacity to transmit water(0.5-2 in/hr)and is in Hydrologic Group B. 1 2.3 Existing Drainage ' The pervious portions of the site are covered by grass and gravel. The only pervious portions of the site currently are the existing residence and garage; the roof drains currently splash block at the building foundation. The site does not have any piped connections and is flat enough that little, if any water t currently runs off. A 24"storm main is in 5th Street along the site frontage and a curb inlet is just north of the northeast site corner. The storm main is unusually shallow for a 24" pipe, but the curb inlet is extremely shallow. 3.0 Proposed Site Conditions t3.1 Project Description The planned site development will widen and pave the existing shared access and construct two new multi- family buildings with utility services and associated parking lot and pedestrian walkways. The proposed stormwater treatment for the site will be dual chambered catch basins for the parking lots and standard inlet style catch basins for the shared access. Due to the density of the development and the requirement to ' provide common open space,adequate space is not available for vegetative treatment options. 3.2 Water Quality Treatment System ' The site is essentially split into three drainage basins with several sub-basins. The parking lots will collect runoff in dual chambered catch basins. The shared access will collect runoff in standard inlet style catch PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D ' JUN 2 6 2013 1 IWeber Properties (13-020) June 25, 2013 Ibasins. The basin map in Appendix B depicts the designated basins and their treatment locations. The new building runoff will connect with the conveyance system. I All stormwater calculations were performed using HydroCAD 9.1 modeling software. This program utilizes the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph hydraulic modeling method.All results of the analysis are included in Appendix C. 24-Hour Rainfall depths are based on City of Springfield Design Standards section 4.03.3 I Hydrologic Calculations. Table 1 displays the basin areas and the treatment destination for each basin. Note that the basins 2 and 3A contain just over half the non-rooftop impervious area, and are routed to the dual chambered catch Ibasins,meeting the City of Springfield requirement for vegetated treatment. Table 1: Basin Areas I Basin Impervious Pervious Treatment ID Description Area Area Destination I 1A Westerly Building 2,253 - Conveyance System 1B Westerly End Shared Access 1,741 Standard Catch Basin I 1C Middle Shared Access 2,035 - Standard Catch Basin 1D Easterly End Shared Access 1,715 Standard Catch Basin 2 Main Parking 5,995 Dual Chambered Catch Basin I3A Secondary Parking 1,976 - Dual Chambered Catch Basin I 3B Northeasterly Building 1,747 - Conveyance System I Table 2 displays the results of the HydroCAD model for the Water Quality&to-Year Storm Events that can be found in Appendix C. Table 2: Discharge Results IPipe Data Peak Flow Pipe Water 10-Year I Reach Diameter Slope Quality Storm torm R1 8 0.004 0.41 0.07 IR2 8 0.004 0.33 0.05 R3 8 0.004 0.29 0.05 I R4 R5 8 0.004 0.09 0.05 0.02 4 0.017 0.01 R6 4 0.008 0.14 0.02 I R7 4 0.010 0.09 0.01 R8 4 0.010 0.05 0.01 I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D Branch Engineering, Inc. JUN 2 6 2013 2 I Weber Properties (13-020) June 25, 2013 ' 3.3 Proposed Stormwater Destination ' As stated previously,public stormwater facilities in the area are shallow. Connection to the 24"pipe in 5th Street is proposed to achieve as much pipe cover as possible. It is anticipated that future development on the three tax lots west of the site will connect to the 8"pipe in the shared access. t 1 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D ' JUN 2 6 2013 Branch Engineering, Inc. 3 I I I I APPENDIX A Lane County Soil Maps and Soil Data I I I I I I i I I I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 i 1 M I � co)r" OL6'L9tr Dl6':9v 00s=L94 0699L9tr 099=L9tr 01_9!JO D99.c9tr 096.L94 ..9.L iZL O O .9 L,ELI _ _ N� i . cci a g f3 I Q Q J .ri.-Ft�r 7c^o f ,• 1 i 'I i V I L F , . - ., v _ _ ..,, • I iiiiipi' . • I. ., 1 1 • j i Q Q r.! 0 U = i� o`° OS Q m .0 g m I. a II g o o i CIS CO i V w m 1 o 0 0 .. — g L I a in N m m PilL- • •i a fr 0 o Lel I - N el p O V1 m 8 I i o o do I ° ZQ Z -El.l.EZI At d.at OL69L94 0L69!94 D069L94 D699L94 0999L94 0 ''L9► 0119'LEW 099'LOD sill PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D 4 I JUN 2 6 2013 1 Soil Map-Lane County Area,Oregon Weber 1 t Map Unit Legend Map:Unit Symbol= ". . -;;Map Unit Name Acres in A01. ° ' ° Percent of AOI .1 ' 119 Salem-Urban land complex 1.2 100.0% ' Totals for Area of Interest 1.2 100.0% 1 1 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey PRE-SUBMITTAL RECD 5/6'/2013 I Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 JUN 2 6 2013 1 Map Unit Description:Salem-Urban land complex—Lane County Area,Oregon Weber 1 Lane County Area, Oregon 119—Salem-Urban land complex Map Unit Setting Elevation: 300 to 800 feet ' Mean annual precipitation:40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 165 to 210 days ' Map Unit Composition Urban land:45 percent Salem and similar soils:45 percent Description of Salem Setting Landform: Stream terraces Landform position (three-dimensional):Tread Down-slope shape: Linear ' Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material:Gravelly mixed alluvium Properties and qualities t Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class:Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water ' (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None t Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Low(about 4.8 inches) Interpretive groups Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance ' Land capability classification (irrigated):2s Land capability(nonirrigated):2s Hydrologic Soil Group: B Typical profile 0 to 7 inches: Gravelly silt loam 7 to 26 inches: Gravelly clay loam ' 26 to 60 inches:Very gravelly sand Description of Urban Land ' Interpretive groups Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance 1 ' Natural Resources Web Soil Survey PRE-SJBMITTA! REC'D 5/6'/2013 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey JUN 2 6 2013 Page 1 of 2 1 Map Unit Description:Salem-Urban land complex—Lane County Area,Oregon Weber Land capability(nonirrigated): 8 Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 9, Aug 20, 2012 • • 1 1 1 1 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Surve 5/8/2013 p y y PRE-SUBMITTAL RECD 5/d/2013 Conservation Service National Coo erative Soil Survey Page 2 of 2 JUN 2 6 2013 1 APPENDIX B Proposed Drainage Basin Map I I I I I I I I I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 1 0 W on OC Q N m lO 'C13i3DNIHdS e k QMI 5„:81 �� # 1932115 HIS 9981 • U W u •c E !ii: : r° o t E dl S3I1213dO21d 21393M f g z p '"� 2103 M31A321 NV-1d 311S € W V '• v i 8 W : a , $ ,_ y- 8 0 J 6 p W Y 2 N$ 2 ] F 1'. i W W 2 c, 2 m t Off . S� p2 E. W gO W 2 w 2 w 2 g O O g .i ] 8 3 V i. w .'18 S 0 ] 3 N °z F R V - H5 1 H Il 0b tg ors N OF h 4 � q Q016 W w 2 G w rc W i R < p F ¢ L▪a4E- � ° 1 �Zot z 11 + 1a © Sm 611[5© L,1 4 , i 31G8 Ft U I i l l l l l° -I isk. 1.1 ae9 _ 8F Cif CB�e • t I s . r .t — EAI 1.eq '133615 HiS i _ _ — _I0 9. I _ _ , d T 4.1413 —( L =__ M�-- — _ — L _ off— 3:_ .o- I- ._—-I g0 $--..o�- A•I , ---•-1=I Lsw hra..Do. r S ) 2Amet -m �— **""as; 1 F i s 9a91 I's _ �yJy {.(1 _ A• Cl1 s bo1� a y 1!_J N pi = ■■• sry r.eil . .1 I C 81 L1 .. ie. xx. xx..x , : m. a . I la Sl,.nocco]S. I 8 1 i ti g p L .555666{ E e .... m ,.nmw.._n......-,..s....o..,e.v ma a a a a a a a a am a a a a a a on 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX C Stormwater Runoff Calculations ' Water Quality Design Storm 10-Year Design Storm 1 1 t 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL RECD JUN 2 6 2013 I I I I I I • 4111 (1D) 1 0\7 1C\ I , V R3 t 0 R2 I> RI. 18 8" IPE "PIPE 8 PIPE 8' IPE • --------------s t t .• 1A R5` 0—4 :f 3B 4'rE '- I 2 4'PIPE 4'PIPE ,. . (3A- I3A 4'PIPE I I I I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 I ( St;la : r Mach ch --- : 'on., - -- ,„ = Link . -_ . Drainage Diagram for 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Prepared by{enter your company name here). Printed 6/18/2013 I - HydroCADS 9.10 sin 07090 02011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC I 1 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 2 ' Summary for Subcatchment 1k 1A ' Runoff = 0.05 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.018 af, Depth= 4.06" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs ' Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Area (sf) CN Description 2,253 98 ROOF ' 2,253 100.00% Impervious Area Summary for Subcatchment 1 B: 1 B 1 Runoff = 0.04 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.014 af, Depth= 4.06" ' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs,dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Area (sf) CN Description 1,741 98 PAVEMENT 1,741 100.00% Impervious Area ' Summary for Subcatchment 1C: 1C Runoff = 0.05 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.016 af, Depth= 4.06" ' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" ' Area (sf) CN Description 2,035 98 PAVEMENT 2,035 100.00% Impervious Area ' Summary for Subcatchment 1 D: 1D ' Runoff = 0.04 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.013 af, Depth= 4.06" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs,dt= 0.01 hrs ' Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Area (sf) CN Description 1,715 98 PAVEMENT ' 1,715 100.00% Impervious Area PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 1 I ' 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Prepared by{enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 ISummary for Subcatchment 2: 2 ' Runoff = 0.14 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.047 af, Depth= 4.06" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs IType IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Area (sf) CN Description 5,995 98 PAVEMENT ' 5,995 100.00% Impervious Area Summary for Subcatchment 3k 3A IRunoff = 0.05 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.015 af, Depth= 4.06" I Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Area (sf) CN Description I1,976 98 PAVEMENT 1,976 100.00% Impervious Area • ISummary for Subcatchment 3B: 3B Runoff = 0.04 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.014 af, Depth= 4.06" IRunoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" IArea (sf) ON Description 1,747 98 PAVEMENT 1,747 100.00% Impervious Area ISummary for Reach R1: 8" PIPE I Inflow Area= 0.401 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event Inflow 0.41 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.136 of Outflow = 0.41 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.136 af, Atten= 0%, Lag=0.2 min IRouting by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.72 fps, Min. Travel Time=0.3 min Avg. Velocity= 1.54 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.5 min IPeak Storage=7 cf @ 7.79 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.30' I Bank-Full Depth=0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.99 cfs PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D I JUN 2 6 2013 I 1 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pacie 4 8.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior ' Length= 45.0' Slope= 0.0040 'P Inlet Invert= 447.18', Outlet Invert=447.00' T• r 1 t,/ .1!r w Summary for Reach R2: 8" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.315 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event Inflow = 0.33 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.107 af ' Outflow = 0.33 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.107 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.1 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.55 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.2 min Avg. Velocity= 1.44 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.3 min Peak Storage=4 cf @ 7.79 hrs ' Average Depth at Peak Storage=0.26' Bank-Full Depth=0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full=0.99 cfs ' 8.0" Round Pipe n=0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 30.0' Slope= 0.0040'1 Inlet Invert= 447.30', Outlet Invert=447.18' 1 Summary for Reach R3: 8" PIPE t Inflow Area= 0.276 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event Inflow 0.29 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.093 of Outflow = 0.28 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.093 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.3 min ' Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.46 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.5 min Avg. Velocity=1.39 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.8 min ' Peak Storage=8 cf @ 7.79 hrs PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D Average Depth at Peak Storage=0.24' JUN 2 6 2013 Bank-Full Depth=0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.99 cfs 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 sin 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 8.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC, smooth interior Length= 70.0' Slope= 0.0040'1 Inlet Invert= 447.58', Outlet Invert=447.30' 1 Summary for Reach R4: 8" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.092 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event ' Inflow = 0.09 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.031 of Outflow 0.09 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.031 af, Atten= 0%, Lag=0.6 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.79 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.8 min Avg. Velocity= 1.00 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 1.4 min Peak Storage=4 cf @ 7.79 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.14' Bank-Full Depth=0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full=0.99 cfs 8.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 85.0' Slope= 0.0040 '/' Inlet Invert= 447.92', Outlet Invert=447.58' Summary for Reach R5: 4" PIPE ' Inflow Area = 0.052 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event Inflow = 0.05 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.018 of Outflow = 0.05 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.018 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.5 min Routing by Stor-Ind method,Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.75 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.7 min ' Avg. Velocity= 1.56 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 1.3 min PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Prepared by{enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 sin 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Peak Storage=2 cf @ 7.79 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.09' Bank-Full Depth= 0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.33 cfs 4.0" Round Pipe n=0.010 PVC,smooth interior t Length= 120.0' Slope= 0.0173 '/' Inlet Invert= 450.00', Outlet Invert=447.92' Summary for Reach R6: 4" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.138 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth= 4.06" for 10 yr event Inflow = 0.14 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.047 af Outflow 0.14 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.047 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.3 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span=0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.69 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.3 min Avg. Velocity= 1.58 fps, Avg. Travel Time=0.6 min ' Peak Storage=3 cf @ 7.78 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.19' Bank-Full Depth= 0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.22 cfs ' 4.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 55.0' Slope= 0.0080 '1 Inlet Invert= 448.02', Outlet Invert=447.58' z p Summary for Reach R7: 4" PIPE ' Inflow Area= 0.085 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event Inflow 0.09 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.029 af Outflow = 0.09 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.029 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.1 min PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 ' 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.30" Prepared by{enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 ' Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.60 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.1 min Avg. Velocity= 1.49 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.2 min Peak Storage= 1 cf @ 7.78 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.14' Bank-Full Depth=0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.25 cfs 4.0" Round Pipe ' n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 20.0' Slope= 0.0100 7' Inlet Invert= 447.38', Outlet Invert=447.18' p� Summary for Reach R8: 4" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.045 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.06" for 10 yr event ' Inflow = 0.05 cfs @ 7.78 hrs, Volume= 0.015 af Outflow 0.05 cfs @ 7.79 hrs, Volume= 0.015 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.5 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity=2.18 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.7 min Avg. Velocity= 1.23 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 1.3 min ' Peak Storage=2 cf @ 7.79 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.10' Bank-Full Depth=0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.25 cfs 4.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC, smooth interior Length= 95.0' Slope=0.0100'P Inlet Invert= 448.33', Outlet Invert=447.38' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 1 1 ' 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Prepared by (enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 sin 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pape 8 Summary for Subcatchment 1A: 1A ' Runoff = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.003 af, Depth= 0.63" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs ' Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Area (sf) CN Description 2,253 98 ROOF 2,253 100.00% Impervious Area Summary for Subcatchment 1 B: 1B 1 Runoff = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af, Depth= 0.63" ' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Area (sf) CN Description 1,741 98 PAVEMENT 1,741 100.00% Impervious Area ' Summary for Subcatchment 1C: 1C Runoff = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af, Depth= 0.63" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span=0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Area (sf) CN Description 2,035 98 PAVEMENT 2,035 100.00% Impervious Area tSummary for Subcatchment 1 D: 1D ' Runoff = 0,01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af, Depth= 0.63" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs ' Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Area (sf) CN Description 1,715 98 PAVEMENT 1,715 100.00% Impervious Area PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 I ' 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 9 ISummary for Subcatchment 2: 2 ' Runoff = 0.02 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.007 af, Depth= 0.63" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs IType IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Area (sf) CN Description * 5,995 98 PAVEMENT ' 5,995 100.00% Impervious Area Summary for Subcatchment 3A: 3A IRunoff = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af, Depth= 0.63" I Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Area (sf) CN Description ' 1,976 98 PAVEMENT 1,976 100.00% Impervious Area ' Summary for Subcatchment 3B: 3B Runoff = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af, Depth= 0.63" ' Runoff by SCSTR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" ' Area (sf) CN Description 1,747 98 PAVEMENT 1,747 100.00% Impervious Area ISummary for Reach R1: 8" PIPE I Inflow Area= 0.401 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth= 0.63" for WQ event Inflow 0.07 cfs @ 7.84 hrs, Volume= 0.021 of Outflow = 0.07 cfs @ 7.84 hrs, Volume= 0.021 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.3 min IRouting by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.61 fps, Min. Travel Time=0.5 min Avg. Velocity=0.90 fps, Avg. Travel Time=0.8 min IPeak Storage=2 cf @ 7.84 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.12' IBank-Full Depth=0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.99 cfs PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D I JUN 2 6 2013 I 1 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 t8.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC, smooth interior ' Length=45.0' Slope= 0.0040'1 Inlet Invert= 447.18', Outlet Invert=447.00' ' Summary for Reach R2: 8" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.315 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.63" for WQ event Inflow = 0.05 cfs @ 7.83 hrs, Volume= 0.016 af Outflow = 0.05 cfs @ 7.84 hrs, Volume= 0.016 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.2 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.50 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.3 min Avg. Velocity=0.84 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.6 min Peak Storage= 1 cf @ 7.84 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.10' Bank-Full Depth=0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full=0.99 cfs ' 8.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length=30.0' Slope= 0.0040 Invert= 447.30', Outlet Invert=447.18' t Summary for Reach R3: 8" PIPE Inflow Area= 0.276 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth 0.63" for WQ event Inflow 0.05 cfs @ 7.83 hrs, Volume= 0.014 of Outflow = 0.05 cfs @ 7.84 hrs, Volume= 0.014 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.6 min I Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.45 fps, Min. Travel Time=0.8 min Avg. Velocity=0.81 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 1.4 min ' Peak Storage=2 cf @ 7.84 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage=0.10' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D tBank-Full Depth= 0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.99 cfs JUN 2 6 2013 I ' 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 11 I 8.0" Round Pipe I n=0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 70.0' Slope= 0.0040 'P Inlet Invert= 447.58', Outlet Invert= 447.30' 1 I ill. ' Summary for Reach R4: 8" PIPE Inflow Area= 0.092 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.63" for WQ event I Inflow = 0.02 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.005 of Outflow 0.02 cfs @ 7.84 hrs, Volume= 0.005 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 1.0 min I Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.04 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.4 min Avg. Velocity=0.58 fps, Avg. Travel Time=2.4 min I Peak Storage= 1 cf @ 7.84 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage=0.06' Bank-Full Depth= 0.67', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.99 cfs ' 8.0" Round Pipe n=0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 85.0' Slope= 0.0040'/' ' Inlet Invert= 447.92', Outlet Invert= 447.58' 0 Summary for Reach R5: 4" PIPE IInflow Area = 0.052 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.63" for WQ event Inflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.003 of I Outflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.83 hrs, Volume= 0.003 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.9 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.60 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.2 min Avg. Velocity =0.90 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 2.2 min I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 1 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Prepared by {enter your company name here) Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC ._ Page 12 1 Peak Storage= 1 cf @ 7.83 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.04' ' Bank-Full Depth= 0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.33 cfs 4.0" Round Pipe n=0.010 PVC,smooth interior ' Length= 120.0' Slope= 0.0173 'P Inlet Invert= 450.00', Outlet Invert=447.92' 1 1 tSummary for Reach R6: 4" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.138 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth= 0.63" for WQ event Inflow = 0.02 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.007 of Outflow 0.02 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.007 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.4 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs t Max. Velocity= 1.63 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.6 min Avg. Velocity=0.92 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 1.0 min ' Peak Storage= 1 cf @ 7.82 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.07' Bank-Full Depth= 0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.22 cfs t 4.0" Round Pipe n=0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 55.0' Slope= 0.0080 '/' Inlet Invert= 448.02', Outlet Invert=447.58' Summary for Reach R7: 4" PIPE Inflow Area= 0.085 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.63" for WQ event Inflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.004 of Outflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.83 hrs, Volume= 0.004 af, Atten=0%, Lag= 0.2 min PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D ' JUN 2 6 2013 1 1 13-020 SITE REVIEW 061813 Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=0.83" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 6/18/2013 HydroCAD®9.10 sin 07090 ©2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 ' Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.54 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.2 min ' Avg. Velocity =0.87 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.4 min Peak Storage=0 cf @ 7.83 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.05' Bank-Full Depth=0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.25 cfs 4.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 20.0' Slope= 0.0100'1 Inlet Invert= 447.38', Outlet Invert= 447.18' 1 1 Summary for Reach R8: 4" PIPE Inflow Area = 0.045 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.63" for WQ event ' Inflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.82 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af Outflow 0.01 cfs @ 7.83 hrs, Volume= 0.002 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.9 min ' Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.27 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.2 min Avg. Velocity=0.72 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 2.2 min ' Peak Storage= 1 cf @ 7.83 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.04' Bank-Full Depth=0.33', Capacity at Bank-Full= 0.25 cfs 4.0" Round Pipe n= 0.010 PVC,smooth interior Length= 95.0' Slope=0.0100 '1 Inlet Invert= 448.33', Outlet Invert=447.38' 1 1 � ' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 6 2013 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1