HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-1-25 CONSTRl :TION/PLACEMENT PERM IT \1 \1\ COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK ANd PRINT. TOiVNSHIl/7 RANGE.3 I S~3,.3. t/ _ T~/e80UT Of' SUB I\7ISJ:N/PART~ ~ap~/--: ks LOT/PARCEL BLOCK ~~r:; ~DDRESS I (!r:;:E:~ f) St. ~cP, Cq1<-17'fP STRl'CTURES CURRENTLY ON P'ROPERTY- (J ~ V 'S5FD. ~ -<5 \l)) ~~MROP~? WORK 'fV(1[) / ~fLAJ /IV-- ./'/ ~ I $ VALUE , m ''''00(3' ,~'l# ; OF #';02 . W^7,$~ ~;;~:~~ . ~7 ;l^'ORC; '// f/.1b,v: 3~~ei )':;1-. L, 0, :i';[r;;~';g c~:,;f/JYJf:" ~ ' c( 'TP :J"J;:t.W;:;~ . -=:~})}t-.f'<Sc;tWiJ;~I-~f iJu,k,- B'u'dop ) i (l~ Uc/1 (!! -L ,~,~J:~~~t:F/!::i::.~,f!ft!;~/J!:~~,~"cy,: ~,~~"~~" ~,,~ ~-:::~",~r certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordillu:1CC.S of Lane County and thc; La.\'o's of the SUlt:e of Clr(~q:-)Il J.1)rLaiIJilq to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any struct1Jr~ without the PQrmi~,sion of the Building DLvision. I furt.h0r cTrt.i fy that. registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as requirGd by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemptioIl is notr.:d hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projGct. I HAVE READ AND ClIEC:r:'E'D THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. AtzD,qffJi p<infJL-Lfd()~ \d~~ o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone ~/4-- Partition # Parcel # Parcel Sizeo/ fi cbacyff ~ / C - ~ ::;:;:O:J&i/~/;kZ:"e~ _~~~~ /'~~//#{ \,,/ r;~ate:/-/?-%3 7D FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? 0 No 0 Yes. see attached sheet. o RURAL ADDRESSING: GRID COORDINATE N E o S]\J~~ITATION: S. 1. # B. P. # Installation Eecord Issued? 0 Yes 0 No ~ Installation Specifications: Lineal Feet of Drainfield Gallon Tank Comments: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPlicati~/1_ y 3 Permlt #g L/' 0 ' DTwo Copies of Plans D Two Copies of Plo,t Plans DMechanical Checklist D Plumbing Cl1ed:list [JPlan Check Info Sheet PPUPOSED us~ OF Pr.:.OPEHTY 1Ir o Residential Dlndustrial o Commercial Dpublic ~"eI -:4-., 1-)7 ~3 o Contract.cr:..' DATi:: [J Agent Date: ~ D D Date: Maximum Depth of Trenches Date, D rV PLANS EXAMINATION: Type_I5AJ Group ~ Use 0ll2O~ ~ - - l 'o~'eo"'~ /)J ~ t!/J~1d?.. /'J/I,7If~h.JL/1?f~ ~ =r - fJk;p/.LJt-&-~f1Aj~~~ -FUJA1 &N.,~ ~I&L, ~ Jbo# ' Date: /-21)"-'33 ~ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT ~~2; Eu ~v~y Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . / }d~ /&~ //~ '/- /_/ ,_/ (0 ..,.. c7(O, 6 c( TOTAL FEE $ FEESe~VCa'h Jate, / :I /-/l-f3 PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICI-'lL/DESIGNEE (;'er..-~7:~ /~k1:r:;~? Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost TOTAL VALUATION $ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & cor'lHUNITY DEVELOP~lENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH lNENUE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION :.~ . "'.", -.,." . . '~ . . . .... ~ i '<'. ,~:.;. ~ . . :~._....<~.~'~ ~::~~ ',.. ...~ . . + , , ., :f.~ SETBACKS AND,OTHER;,CQNDTTIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED> VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, - ' C ITATION U~D~R;,~~OVI;$IPNS:.. OF ~~NE, C,OUNTY' S INFRACTION, ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES AL~OHED ,Br ,.LAW. ' ' '. WHEN READY' FOR I'NSP'E:CTION 'CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE'FOR' INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE:' "..":,"'; GIVEN. Have the. f,oJ,lQl'!ing i!lfonnatiori'ready: Permit number; job address, typeof,ins'pectioil, :wh'en: i(wili be'r'eaay, ", ,,-:: your name and ,p,~,oti~.~Ufn~e::; and g,ny special di~ec,tion~'.t~,site. \\ . _, *> \. '. .. BUILDING DIVISIOK: , ;,REQUIRED IrISPECTIONS ,~,':,:: <. 'r'j;,\, '.' . ," . ~"'>' .., 1) FOUNDATION. INSPECTION:: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when 'all materials for the foundat'ion are delivE!r:ed onthe.job. Where ,concrete fro~a central,mixlngplant'(common'ly termed i'trarisit.mixed") is to be,us~a,c.'''.:', , materia1s-h,eed"not be on, the-job. " " t-. , ; ,. , , '.._, , 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR: UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab Qr,under-floor building.service,equiRm~rt, .! conduit, pipi,i1g :accessor,ies and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any .concr:ete'is'; poured ' or floor sheathing instaned, including' the subfloor, "-'~'r'" .- ,.' ,'.', . ,-', J':," . " ~ :.:.. ... _ ~ '. .. . 1'\;,.Ii '-.. . ~':~ ~ .' 3) FRAMING:...& INSULATION,'INSPECTIONS: To. be made, after the roof, al.l'framing, fire' blocking and bracing a're ;'h-pi~ce 'ana an piReS;"fireplaces and chimneis~ a'nd',vents',are' complete and'al;l,-rough electrical ,and'p'lu.!TI~'i~g ,?re ~pproved._",An . win insula{ion aiid va"porbarrier, a're in place:: " -.' . " ~ . ' . .., . ,;-.. \'J ~ . . . .. " . . .,. \. . . . , 4) :lATH ,AND!O'R GYP'SUM BOARD"lNSPECTION':' To 'be made 'after an .lathing and gyps!Jm board,- fnterior;a~d ex~eri6r,. fs in' pla'ce' bl!t befdre'any I?lastering' is applied or before ,gypsum board joints and fasteners are' taped ~nd finished. ' " , '",.. .,..,_,_I~,.. ..,.'.'~,',",.~ :.,'., ' -., " . '.\'" .....'., ""'" ....,',~....., ,,"~ 'l; .. . .. ... . . ~ ;'~.~~.'7 ....."..:;:~:~~.,.~'...:~.._ 5) FINAL INSPECT'ION:"To'be \llaqe'after the building is complete and beforeoteupancy.,:" .'" -';", ". , . ';"'.:~ ':'l~~- . _" , \ ,,:"".' t 't,.. ~ :-"_ ' " ~.~-.. ~ _' ..~;. C-""l ,.....' A,.PPROVAl'_REQUIR,ED'.,No.:work shal:l,be done_,on any par;t'~of'the',bu,Hdiiig"or' structure'beyond',the 'point indicated ,in~eaph' : ", successive i~specti,onwit~out first obtaining the approva,l,of tlie bu.ilding offic,ial. Such.approval shall be given orrly \ afte~,an. i ns.pe.ct~on . shal}, h~ve 'been~~de of each suc.ces~i ve HIi'!P ,in the cO)1st'ruc;ti o.n, as ,fndi Cii-teq by eac;h of the' i nspec:ti ons. ' -requlred.':'" ,"." -';' " " .. '" , "" \ -,' '.'..,,"" \". '" " j", NOTE: All buildin,g"'permi{s require inspections. for the wo'(k authoriz;d~. such as but not'limited to: :. ..~.~. . ~ ',' A; 'BLq~K WAL~: l'O'be made after reinfor:c)ng' is, in place, but 'before any grout is poured. This'inspection is,,' J'\equ~l':',e~ for.'each b,ond beam pour.' T,here will be no approval'untiJ thep)umbing and el~ctrical inspe'ctions have, been made a,nd armroved. ' " ", ' , , B. ~OOD ,STOVE: To be made after completion of masonrv(if applica~leJand,when'instana:tion is'c.omolete, Ins ta 11 ation sha;11 be ; n accordance wi tho an approved nat; onar11y recogni zed testl ng agency and the manu- .... ,fac~~t~r,'_s fn,?t'a'll ati on, instructi ons. _.,,' ',,:' ',. 4" _' ~ ~,', :,' ~.." , ',.' , :: . .., ,'.,", \'\ ,','0: c.'J40iHLE HO~E::' Ai1,insp~ction i,s required aft~rth~ mobilehQ[Tle is,~onnected ,to, an approv.ed sewer 'or ~ep1;ic .", system for:'; setback-requireme'nts, block,ing,' footin'g connection', tiedowns,:'skirting, ii-rid'plumbing , .. ' " 'connections.",.' .' "" "" ,\,;;','" ," ..........~....... .~.,~,.."....-. .' -''\'">(._. ". , '. (1 f Footings',and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes 'or as recommended ""...-::.Ey',theriianufacturer. ',', < " _,.,,', '.'.. , " '(~.l~obil e' hOl1)e, [Tli n5mym fi.)1i sn:fldor: el eva'tion sh'a 11 be, certiJi,ed whe.n ,J:eq,ui red by' a fl oodpla in ;.".',<~ma:na'geme:rit,"lefte"r'..~, ~~_'. ...... _ ""~"'<' . .,' ,,). .'<'.. ...... h . ',:. ,...' " ::>(3J.,J~obH!=!-home tiedowns, when'required, and skirting shall be. installed and ready for inspecti.o!l "- '-:',: ,wi,thin,at"least 30 days after occupancy.. Tiedowns'and sk.irtingshall be installed perenc]dsur.e...' ':,';' '.J . ..'-, ~1 : .~. +, ..:... '.. D. SWIMMING pooL: isil1st~JJe<j., .. _ APPROVED PLANS MUST~EQN' THE'J'OB SITE AT ALL TIMESDURING WORKING,'HOURS. 'THIS, PERMIT WI.LL E,XPIRE IF ~JORK DOES NO,TBEGIN' WITHIN 180 D)l.YSOR IF:'WORK r's SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. ,SUSPENS(ON OR REVOCATION MAY..OCCUR IF THIS PER~1IT WAS ISSUED Off THE ',BAS IS~ OF INCGr1PLETE OR' ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. . .. -" -- ...... . ..... .', ,.' .' " , Below grade ~hen steel is in plac~'and before ~oncrete,is poured. . .... ' ." ~bove grade when 'p~dl " \ d' ANYONEPRO(iEDiNG'PASrTHE~,POINT OF REQUIRED INSP'ECTIONSHILL DO SOAT.HIS OWN RISK :' "00, . SUBSURFACE' AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL' SYSTEMS " , ' , (1)' Permits"sha)r be,~'ffective for cine year from tn~ date of issuance," (2) Upon, compl eti~g th~ ,<;:on~t~uctiont.:Qr whi ch a permit, has been' ,i ssued,.t,he penfd t lioTder shall 'noti fy the ~, Department by sutimitfHlg the 'i [lst,all atiori recorc!fo'r,m. ,The 'Depadme~t-,.sha'" inspect'..the' construction to - /. , .~ d~termi ne:d ( ft cO!TIpii e:~' wi th,..tlie .rul es cont~in~p ,i n,J.h~_s A~ vi si on . ,If ,the ~onstruct~iQ.n do~scomply vii th ,,'\ " '"sLi'Oh'\rulegi; the.'Departmentshal1 lssuea certlflqate of,sat~sfactoryc,ompl~t!on" to'~.t.he"perlT\,lt,.hol,der. If the , 'construction'does not'complY wi:thsLich rufes;.,the Department~sha.l,l( notifFthe- permit"tlOlder a'n~ shall rE!quire' .. sat.i.s'faf:tcirY:',;c.:ornpl'~J.~OI);l>e'f(rr.e 'i s~~i,iig {he '~e-rt,.tfica,t'e.., '. fCi.i 1 ~f'ic,:t?,!I\~.et' the,,'requ] rern~.rrt;s , fat sa!i's,fac):?!:'-Y5 " ~"':;~:;"~ compl,e~iolJ. w:ith,in' a ,reasonable time constitute~,.a_.viola_tiqn of OR~ 454..605, to ,454,.~,45 a!1~ thJs_!,yle." ",,~ ," ~>:' .._. '. "I"-..:~",,;~: _..:... .. .. ~:,'''<... ~'.}._;.:....':,.,,~~,_~.\'\o:~:"/;':\'" ':~"...~:"~\~ ~' . ".:~~)...~.~.;:':'~;l.,~:~.....l,~,"..".l.t,~.":'\\":' "I "':~';> ..,;.. ',Setbacks - Subsurface, Sewaqe Disposal " , , " " ' .. " Septic Tank: <,Dr~infiel~ 10' ..,.10' 10' ,,"";: '10' 5' :;J 0" 50' 100' From: Interior property lines ,Eage of road right-of-way Buildingfoundahon.. , Wells, ;o:t.tJer water sources' " ":-~, . '-i'., ;,:. :-t'.. ',::: i' , . ~ ~ ~',<J ._ . ~. ..... ~ 4"_ ;.......~ ... . .' 'h;'~ ~ ~-,. '. i'" \' .,. .. ~ ", I. ! ,. ", ", " " .. ". "," " '. . ;...;~ ~': , <~C'~:...~ ,.....t . ".~. :,,'.~ ~~,:~'~.~~::~~~:,; " .; :~"'1.' ..,.... . . _. .. ~ :.!. .,....- ~ .-: '<.......' ... 41" . " '. \" .,"!. . \. ~ ......::.,i. ",r","',;.' :'.', " ~:,.~ ~ :t'~~;,~'~ :'~" . .. . , , . ~.:~ . ~ .. ......l .".. ,-'..J..' .' \ .' t'.'. . " ", "J. .', ,C: 'f " I ,1:" . ;., , l L ......~, .' ,,' ~ Ij t, I l '), ll, l ~ APPLICANT AL.LEN, TL~ 1703233402100 NEW BL.DG TYPE mJNEF;: NME I CODE APPL NO' ACTION DESCRIPTION ,0~:BP HP 3P ,BP BP LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT RANDOL.PH ADDR 357 CAMBRIDGE, SUBDIV USE R BDRMS 3 UNITS 001 STORIES A DIm SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION ~~ ~)E)K~ DATE ~)11-?fq L . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON LOT ElL.1< OBLDGS 001 PHONE 747 4008 FEE D(.l Y ~ '- PL NO. MECH' Slm PCI< MECH LC :=-CI< FIXTUF~ES : NO. CONNECTor.;:S : ' MECH~NICAL FEE STATE SURCHAJ=~GE PLAN CHECI< FEE 1 ~5. 00 E(:"1 C 1,,1 -., t I'.j 4% I.> ~:> ;~ ~)083 WS , -j 6 . 0~) 4.00 0.;64 I. I: ~ SUR CATG: APP SEQU: 0 r.AI<EN BY RLH' r~: (., FP , SDS SI PCI< 1 OTH ISS . ::.~ C" -> E:S"r A COMPL.ETION DATE . TOTAL. FEE**' , 20.64 CK I, I " ........; . ~lANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTl vITY INFORMATION SHEET" "klnecbunty . , ", , . COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! {6. LLGtiUlS' - , " " PERSON ,MAKING REQUEST 351 (AvvJy~[l~ ,Sf-, MAILING ADDRE.5S 5:;, I-it 6~! r7 '--[77 CfT)Q STATE ZIP CODE 5rA---vv~ K~cf;;ZY~{)f~ MArLrNGADDRESS \j " ,. ..".."......__....., .~".,..~.~.. ."...".....~~"".. .........."...M.." _""M'" ......;.._...."."... ,.., ~". "_..', '~'''. "." ...' ..'.".'. ~., .'" ,... , ' CITY: " STATE ZIP CODE, '74:7 - 'lfCl 0 8' BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 7t./7-G:73L HOME TELEPHONE # :BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2, PROPERTY ADDRESS 5<<f./V\~'" , (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAI1INGADDRES~) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORr~ATION) , (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) , " /7 :) c:23~.3{Y,' d I tJO TOWNSHiP RANGE SECTiON TAX lOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE 'SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # . ZONING' 'TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION . TAX LOT(5) OR PARCEL i ZONiNG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 14 SUBDIVISION (ifapplicable) '~~',~ lOT, 15 REQU~ST (stateexactlywhat you PIano-to do) , '.~ q,.lfV.-.~ ,,~ ,'~ ~~~,'3;W~', , 6 ,DIRECTIONS 'TO SITE: 6N--* 5"-t4-- ~ '0:~_~/d, !~, ~&.IV\ ,~~ ~12- ,iD ' l__~~~:~t~~::: ~-~:-~--~ Vl .' 'ACRES BLOCK .Jv4}~ft/0f, ' ZONE/LAND USE: BY:' DATE: DATE, .. -'"l t-: TIME IN: , OUT: ,~TvJ '/ 0 ~ IZ L -- 3- , ~~- 1~17~%T ~Ui:l ' ' . ~uJ~. C<JJJ. ~' . " , lo~ J-~ ~ - " L~~A .. ~k(iZ-~i~ 7~' ; . f1YJJ~ ~ t,,~ """--- ~ ..,.,~ ~ . c,.......... ~.. ~.~'- ,----- . ~ " " '