HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/21/2013 4 'City Of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department As — 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Application Type (Applicant: check one) Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: ❑ Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal: I! Partition Tentative Submittal: ❑ Subdivision Tentative Submittal: �J • Required Project Information • (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: BRace 1/J (EcHER:-r Phone: S-4l- 6786 - 9-Y¢ Company: R211tE 'JlEcHe2T (us-mm HoMFc Fax: Address: :2--.DT SKYVIEW LN. Etic-;ENE . nR GMAT Applicant's Rep.: TnNk/ Phone:S'i l - 6P 7-01 c3 Company: TNF ! 4VR Ft.& (mouo Fax: Address: 2?cO Mo2w:c 14 AVE. ai,L-,FMe OZ c144a93 Property Owner: P,Quce UvterNF¢-r Phone: ,Se - 9Y.cR Company: BRu.LE. WIECNGRZT CU<TON% HoM- c Fax: Address: ?-)(5�3 SKYVIEVJ Lnl. EUCrFNe, OR,. cf?-if05 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 13--e 3-24 12 TAX LOT NO(S): 1000 Property Address: r\l/ft Size of Property: -4 Z(c, Acres tRi. Square Feet ❑ • Proposed Name of Subdivision: F/4VbEtU Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: 72 Lrsr 2-F<A\MIA-L fN. TTh Vi. ON Existing Use: V A-CRlJT # of Lots/Parcels: ZZ (Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 03 1O sf Density: du/acre Si• natures: Please si•n and •rint our name and date in the a••ro.riate box on the next •a•e. Required 'Project Information. , (City intake'Staff: complete this section) Associated Applications: Pat. /3"-0(-70t3 Signs: (1 Pre-Sub Case No.: PPE 13 -0001-7 Date: bI Z('aoi3 Reviewed by: la Case No.: Date: • Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ 396'DO Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ 34b '®RREa$.U.BMIIUALREIJ$BOJECT NUMBER: T PST13-DOD 1 Revised 2/17/11 JUN 2 1 2013 1 of 10 • • S Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. • • An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, info matio reque and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: ✓v '///^l//� Date: 6 ' 20' i 3 Signature 3v- Cc. LP, 4-• H-eryeJ Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as • submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: / '/ CAA Date: 6— 10' l 3 Signature Enke. wi coke yf Cu sio.— 14Un.eS -1 Print • Pffati RMEITAI QFCID • JUN 2 1 2013 Revised 2/17/11 2 of 10 • • • HAYDEN BRIDGE ESTATES TENTATIVE MAP NARRATIVE June 18, 2013 Assessor's Map: 17-03-26-12 Tax Lot 4400 Applicants: Bruce Wiechert Custom Homes, Inc. 3073 Skyview Lane Eugene, OR 97405 (541)686-9458 Applicant's Representative: The Favreau Group 3750 Norwich Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 541-683-7048 Attn: Tony Favreau LAND USE REQUEST The applicant proposes to divide the subject 4.36 acre property to create 22 lots and to provide all necessary infrastructure to support the development. The proposed residential use and density (5.0 dwelling units/acre) are consistent with the existing Low Density Residential (LDR) zoning and the City's standards for development in the LDR zoning district, where a maximum of 10 dwelling units/acre is permitted. Duplex dwellings may be permitted only on corner lots in the LDR district, thus duplex dwellings would be permitted on only one of the proposed lots—the one lot located at the intersection of 9i°Street and 'U'Street. The proposal includes an extension of? Street to connect the existing northern and southern termini of the street. The construction of 9'" Street will eliminate two dead ends and will allow through traffic. 'U'Street will be constructed to provide access to the subdivision. SITE AND SURROUNDING CHARACTERISTICS The site is within an established Springfield residential neighborhood. The property is located immediately south of Eugene Water and Electric Board's (EWEB) utility corridor and the existing EWEB bike path which runs in a southeast-northwest direction. The northern property line of the proposed subdivision development area is approximately 45 feet south of the southern edge of the bike path, thus a 45 foot wide strip of land south of the path is being retained by EWEB. The property is currently vacant and is vegetated with trees and grass. The proposed extension of 91°Street in the western portion of the she is located within the 100-year floodplain. The site is relatively level and contains an existing drainage ditch in the western portion of the site. A 0.01 acre wetland has been delineated within the flow channel of the ditch. According to sheet 76 of the Soil Survey of Lane County, the mapped soil series are 76—Malabon Urban Land Complex and 119—Salem Urban Land Complex. 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria • The Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable criteria have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation of land to a public agency, the Director may waive any approval criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part of a future development application. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013 • • A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions. Response: The proposed lots meet the 4.500 sq. ft. minimum lot size and the 45 foot street frontage requirements for the east-west streets established by SDC. B. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map,and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The property is zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). The Metro Plan diagram and Q Street Refinement Plan designation for the subject property is LDR. C. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity;sanitary sewer and storm water management facilities,and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a • utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Response: a. Water: The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board(SUB). Currently, there is a 6"waterline on the north side of the property in 9'"Street, and an 8"line on the south side of the property in 9 Street. An 8" line will need to be constructed to connect the two waterlines along 9 Street. An 8" waterline will need to be extended up the new street to provide water Nservice and fire protection. b. Wastewater: There is currently an existing 18" wastewater line in 91h Street, which will service the entire subdivision. c. Storm Drain: There is currently an existing 28"storm drain line in 0 Street, which will provide service to the entire subdivision. d. Streets: The proposed `U'Street construction will consist of a 36 foot wide paved section with a 5-foot curbside sidewalk. An emergency vehicle turnaround has been placed on the east end of the proposed 'U'Street. The length of the street is 8_50 foot, which exceeds the maximum 400- foot length required by SDC. A variance is requested to allow 'U'Street to exceed the maximum 400 foot length. The street has been designed with reversing curves to provide traffic calming. Larger lots have been proposed to decrease the total traffic volume. The Springfield Fire Department has reviewed the proposed layout, and has endorsed the design. D. The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response:See Response to part C. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic • conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760,358.905-955 and 390.235-240,shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013 • • Response: The Metro Area General Plan, Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map, State Designated Wetlands Map, Hydric Soils Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Maps, and the list of Historic landmark sites have been consulted and with the exception noted below, there are no features needing to be protected or preserved on this site. If any artifacts are found during construction, there are state laws that could apply; ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction, it is a Class "C"felony to proceed under ORS 97.740 The site is relatively level and contains an existing drainage ditch in the western portion of the site. A 0.01 acre wetland has been delineated within the flow channel of the ditch. This approval has been conditioned to require a wetland fill permit. Criterion 6 is met. Physical features, including but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, and historic features have been evaluated and protected as required by this Code. F. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to:facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion;provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Response: The applicant proposes to construct a 36 foot paved public roadway to provide access to the proposed subdivision. Five-foot curbside sidewalks are proposed on either side of the proposed roadway, extending from 91d Street to the eastern edge of the site. G. Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this Code. Response: There is no other adjoining property under the same ownership that can be developed. H. Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development as specified in this Code. Response: The subdivision improvements will provide a street which terminates at a turnaround for Fire and Life Safety vehicles. Adjacent land is developed with Second and Fifth Additions to Beau-mont Subdivisions and the Third Addition to Mimosa Park. Approval of the proposed subdivision will not impede development of adjacent land. 1. Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City's urbanizable area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted,the standards specified below shall also apply. Response: This does not apply. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013 k9°9=aa C" �°D'a-ee gil; - 3 9497=90 • Nab a4,agp g'rgimiggla9a :'s a444f"F . g - a �a8 �"$ B e 9 ; h 4-FFR : 5g. as . I- , ,49 ° �a59 `6�Ff a2� PRP hi; Ikigy ' gg is 9 ���� El l a 01 3 a ti ail a.; a eag 4 F a _ 'a'E 9R aBEC LpF ,a ga;gaggA! g Fil ti. viii :m 5 0 @, EE a F .§ aka 2a -9a ; ,2$ g g g aie°r� 1 g. as 3 . ' - 9 C a,E ; e € g " Si I'bfe r� s I v 1 1 1 — t b IFign7 ' rip '' e DR 1 191 p , III��'ri�i 1 Cl 11 . 11 aigg al K. 1 , 5555 a I '�i _ - 5555 �— 111 ,I a c O I t1 II ` X11 '� A � R 1 ', 1t HUH f`, g4 plt ,I IF__. - F b F VII y .41' %'" ''I 4 11. I!ili 1fc4pY _ ;\1'= _ a :IP Pig Pa 9T1 _ I _ 111 � ale@ s iz �. cry t �' / . 0 �d€I ;9 C c ; - - \N. 44g4 VI 1 Q, ! �'-, i Sib e..- n _ I�ir —7. m I \ 'Ilj / ) ¢ .4 C7 / i i 4°4 0 '`a f1, ' 9a Y< CC pp® 1 :n1 1 11„ q Ag. c _ a• Fµ o I `I _. 11 i . ; i 11 y THE FAVREAU GROUP SITE ASSESSMENT PUN F CIVIL ENGINEERING HAYDEN BRIDGE ESTATES °'° ° •° CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REVISIONS '°f° pT a„, ww[WOKS EEMNESI • • Ww.anon. " ->,m 8NO1S1A38 Ol31.10NrddS JO Aga sr. pvum .. um nI 2, °0` s,.:awn aqt a b S31V1S3 3001219 30AVH ry '0NI1133N10N3 d DH. C Nvld NOISw090S 3N1V1N31 df1090 f1tl39AVA 3H1 1111 1 1 I 1 ......... 1 1 1 ° I, t_ :, 1, 1 r, = 1 0 I w 7i —T--' i hA o� II.Q Ln r; 1�1 °.w II W en :� 11'11, I e ^' I •— .--1 N Ir r 1111 1 e win '.'1 ,7 Il! N II? _ CV 1 '1, nn ,. c: H _. 11 I m� II l W co C.-.173-7_-:- tl ;s i GC 1,1 a —5 oir tit ii gT I § 1 111.E °�� ii g I .' 1111 I s $ II L D ;I " 1 I r , p l :N II 1 • ~ y 1 c.i 11'p 1 I I I € - I =i Of d § sl 1 1,f11 rL. "Li 9 9 ce ;� 1r. `1 " N _T 7 * _ 11, 11 a..:z a o E 111 nx r x' I I C t \- $k a®g i 1 11 1 „pot ro 11 .i €` °_ ¢ 1 1 1111 It m.i Ili. .1: g g 1 all c A o 3 L _ _ — i IIIJI1I a 1 of 1 / " II 1 111111, ° 'l I 1 o — 11 I c� Its Y - I cv 6 II 8 11 N 'H I-1 s : Ila 20_=q2 18 (l C" 1 =s ca gS &E �ma 'sI' 'I -`- 111`. \ e sc�x oII• � _'th A1 g?'"s%�==pp'�gg, a`='a`•-: \ 1 IS RIO. ,HJ.NON C II _1-ter _. A'Fiaa-yp&6:D`E3g tit I 1. - T 1 98eesggsa i'd'.aa '1 9_r` �.. .._._ .. t__ 1: e O T Hea8888B Bee88g8 pp —� 1 =- 1 a _ a i i t_ icoa saeceecccccc _ I.,` _LC: 1 — I 1`. V I`: 5 — ' I. K L; 1 HAYDEN BRIDGE ESTATES Storage Determination June 15, 2013 TIME C x A RAIN INT. INFLOW INFLOW BASIN OUTFLOW OUTFLOW REQUIRED minutes acres in./hr. 5 yr. c.f.s. c.f. DEPTH INCREMENTAL c.f.s. c.f. STORAGE 10 2.09 1.85 3.872 2323 2.00 2.02 1212 1111 15 2.09 1.50 3.139 2825 2.00 2.02 1818 1007 20 2.09 1.42 2.972 3566 2.00 2.02 2424 1142 25 2.09 1.21 2.532 3798 1.75 1.91 2997 801 30 2.09 1.10 2.302 4144 1.00 1.50 3447 697 35 2.09 1.00 2.093 4395 0.50 0.93 3726 669 40 2.09 0.91 1.904 4571 1.00 1.50 4176 395 60 2.09 0.73 1.528 5500 0.75 1.30 5736 -236 90 2.09 0.62 1.298 7007 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Rain Fall intensities are taken from the intensity-duration curves prepared by OTAK for Eugene Developed Area = 4.36 Acres Runoff Coefficient = 0.48 per ODOT Coefficients Table 2.1 Weighted Area (C x A) = 2.09 The site storage required is 1142 c.f. for the 5-year storm with 1234 c.f. provided Maximum Design Head = 2.0' Allowable Discharge =4.36 Acres x 0.25 (Coefficent) x 1.85 inches per hour(Tc = 10 min.) = 2.02 c.f.s. Orifice Diameter= 6" Orifice Coefficient= 0.6 DETENTION BASIN CHARACTERISTICS (24" PIPE X 400' (i1 a slope of 0.001) Area Volume Depth Outflow S.F. C.F. FT. C.F.S. 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.78 119 0.50 0.93 1.16 289 0.75 1.30 1.55 616 1.00 1.50 1.94 772 1.25 1.65 2.33 928 1.50 1.75 2.70 1074 1.75 1.91 3.10 1234 2.00 2.02 Orifice Detail Bolt a 1/8"thick stainless steel plate, with an 8" diameter opening to the inside of a 60" diameter manhole at the outlet pipe. The outlet pipe is to be a minimum of 12" in diameter. The bottom of the orifice opening is to match the invert of the 12" outlet pipe and is to be a minimum of 3.5 feet below the finish surface. The inlet pipe to the manhole is to be a 24" PVC pipe whose invert is a minimum of 0.1' above the outlet pipe. The minimum length of 24" pipe is 300 feet. . . 9PRope , ski, :0 • GINF , a1I � PRE-SUBMITTAL RECD 7 f. 7 ,u� JUN 2 1 2013 .1 4, C. 31, A t. HYJ. FPS EXPIRES DEC. 31010/3 *0280663* tascana PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT CASCADE ESCROW April 29, 2013 ATTN: SARAH VAIL Report No: 0280663 811 WILLAMETTE STREET Your No:. EU13-1236 EUGENE, OR 97401 Seller: CITY OF EUGENE Buyer: BRUCE WIECHERT CUSTOM HOMES, ,INC. PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Owner's Standard Policy $359,500.00 PREMIUMS: Owner's Standard Premium $1,070.00 Government Service Fee $35.00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA. title insurance policy(ies) of OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, in the usual form insuring the title to the land described as follows: ( A T T A C H E D ) Vestee: THE CITY OF EUGENE, a municipal corporation, Lane. County, Oregon, for the use of the Eugene Water Board DATED AS OF: APRIL 20, 2013 at 8:00 A.M. Schedule B of the policy(ies) to be issued will contain the following general and special, exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage Policy Exceptions) : 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records'; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE -* 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info @cascadetitle.com * FLORENCE. FAX: 997-8246 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013 • • Order No. 0280663 Page 2 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation,' variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental'or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted City of Eugene, by instrument recorded October 5, 1937, in Book 190, Page 566, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Sewer Easement, including the terms and provisions, thereof, granted City of Eugene, Oregon and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane. County Oregon, by instrument recorded October 26, 1961, Reel No.. 182, Reception No. 48373, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 8. Temporary Construction Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted City of Eugene, Oregon; and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, Oregon, by instrument recorded October 26, 1961, Reel No. 182, Reception No. 48373, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 9. Utility Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted The City of Eugene, a municipal corporation, by and through the Eugene Water & Electric Board, by instrument recorded December 27, 1994, Reel No. 2024, Reception No:: 9487502 Lane County Official. Records. 10. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted The City of Eugene, acting by and through Eugene Water & Electric Board, by instrument recorded May 30, 1997, Reel No. 2300, Reception No. 97364.19, Lane County Official Records. 11. Public Slope Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Eugene Water & Electric Board and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, by instrument recorded September 15, 2004, Reception No. 2004-072060, Lane County Official Records. 12. Public Storm Pipe Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Eugene Water &Electric Board and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, by instrument recorded September 15, 2004, Reception No. 2004-072061, Lane County Official Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account.. No. 0213924, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 26 1 2, #4400, Code 19-00, 2012-2013, EXEMPT. NOTE: A judgment search has been made on the above named Vestee(5)., and we find NONE except as set forth above. NOTE: As of the date hereof, there are no matters against BRUCE WIECHERT CUSTOM HOMES, INC, which would appear as exceptions in the policy to issue, except as shown herein. NOTE: According to the public record, the following deed(s) affecting, the property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the effective date of this report: NONE NOTE: The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than the amount, if any, set forth in the arbitration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013 • • Order No. 0280663 Page 3 NOTE: Recording charge for a RESPA transaction (all transfer and loan documents) : RESPA Residential Sale and Purchase $172.00. RESPA Residential Loan/Refinance $142.00. RECORDING CHARGES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. • This report is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall become null and void unless a policy is issued and the full premium paid. Cascade Title Co. al: Title Officer: DOUG PIERCE PRE-SUBMITTAL RECD JUN 2 1 2 013 ___ • • Order No. 0280663 Page 4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point 1204.0 feet and South and 808.2 feet East of a ipoint in the center of the County Road, said point being 2693-;68 feet North of the S.W. corner of the Wm. C. Spencer D. L. C., No. 50, Notification No. 3265, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the W. M.; said point of beginning being the East boundary of that tract of land conveyed to Anne V. Lornes, widow, as described and recorded in Book 341, Page 177, of the Deeds and Records of Lane County, Oregon; from said point of beginning South 142.8 feet to the South. boundary of the tract of land conveyed to L. G. Raish described and recorded in Book 261, Page 399 of the Deeds and Records of said Lane County; thence East 847.0 feet to a continuation South of the West boundary of the tract of land conveyed to Darrel F. Rossiter, et ux, described and recorded in Book 281, Page 699, of the Deed Records of said.Lane County; thence North 304.7 feet to a point 1042.1 feet South of the centerline of the County Road; thence South 80° 00' West 860.5 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013 • • gra CASCADE TITLE CO. " MAP NO. 17-03-26-12 4311 4313 ,.'44 4317 4416 • • '.qa' x1�jt {tra 2 n 4.4_ 4314 4315 4316 s's 4318, I iNgirt i p{i . � :4 b I ��11R ' �r��R1. 29 . A\ _ 1. i s 44/ 1' { 'fit Mt a}' 11 _ 4312 ��Nit �J f' 3* I 37"' $ / i7 e�iI f4t. al MI��// 34 , _ a r: ILL $ Z ` 33 � - zw Y 4 q f Z . i - - _ ._ C‘ (.....1 25 ,° 24 4320 -';ip if j¢ �ii�t i!`x 1 '49 y l�i 30 27 A" 26 4322 4321 s,. Wr } `'j ,* � ,.'�iiii1iH i. ,s 28 w 23 4324. 4323 a s A a 1 £ 1 i�•r'd" �'' � o I 30 4326 4325 a y q ? 2 �7 7 t i R'6-2 I 4327 s 'n " El,' ( =t A.. ? 11 5j 5 \C" 4f O._______-_________-_____--__ ___44,0_0u$-______-___--_________-_--____________________________il . 4400 5 54 AC 019-00 f s 1 t=n: ixi pi, „Aurigae� `Stat{ afgkily i� : r uaa� t R �Ow }` Y {7s JN < THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY. CASCADE TITLE CO.ASSUMES NO.LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 1 2013