HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 NEDCO Main Street Program Management Partnership Funding AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/24/2013 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Courtney Griesel Staff Phone No: 541-736-7132 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: NEDCO MAIN STREET PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP FUNDING ACTION REQUESTED: Review goals and expectations for the City’s partnership in the upcoming year with the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO). ISSUE STATEMENT: The City of Springfield will be providing funds to NEDCO for the management of the Downtown Main Street Program in the amount of $30,000. These funds will be used to support the coordination of the Main Street committees and the management of the Main Street Program generally. ATTACHMENTS: 1 – Retrospective Summary & Timeline of Activities 2 – Transforming and Performing Main Street Descriptions 3 – Springfield Main Street Committee Membership Roster DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In 2010, downtown Springfield was approved as a Transforming downtown community under the National Main Street Program. NEDCO was the lead organization in acquiring this status and has remained in the lead role of managing organization since. Beginning in FY13, the City of Springfield provided funding to NEDCO to assist in Main Street Program management. As part of the approved FY14 budget, the City will again be looking to provide funding to NEDCO in the amount $30,000. During the upcoming year, NEDCO and City staff have identified several broad program goals and work tasks. These goals and tasks will be discussed further during the Council Work Session. GOALS: • Begin moving downtown Springfield from the Main Street Program category of Transforming to Performing. This work is likely to occur over the next two years. • Work to diversify program funding sources. • Increase community involvement on committees. TASKS: • Create a website for downtown activities, events, building vacancies, and promotional opportunities. • Develop downtown welcome & information packages for new and existing businesses. • Develop a merchant alert system for timely notification of road work, new businesses, special events, etc. • Regularly generate property vacancy/availability reports; including special features and build outs. • Fully operational, well utilized and effectively managed Façade Improvement Program for merchants in need of storefront improvements and enhancements. • Support community involvement for city’s design standards project. • Work to ensure compatible aesthetics and principles across the Façade Improvement Program and the city’s design standards. • Volunteer management strategy and recruitment plan is created. Retrospective Summary & Timeline of Activities Attachment 1 Page | 1 of 2 Last revised June 2013 2010 The interest in downtown revitalization in Springfield spurred the launch of the Main Street Program in 2010. The efforts to create a vibrant downtown community group were spearheaded through relationship-building, volunteer participation, and partnerships with various local non-profit organizations and the City of Springfield. Some key highlights from the year were: • NEDCO was able to recruit interested stakeholders in Main Street through the efforts of an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer and staff support. • A partnership was forged with the Eugene Storefront Art Project to connect local artists with downtown business and property owners. • The Four Main Street Committees were formed and began to meet regularly, Economic Restructuring, Design, Promotions, and Organization. • “Discover Downtown Springfield” social media outlet was launched. • The Oregon Main Street Program accepted the Whitaker Neighborhood district in its “Exploring Downtown Program” • NEDCO applies for and receives a “Transforming Downtown” designation thought he Oregon Main Street Program • The first Second Friday Art Walk was held with increased success over the course of each month. • Frontdoor Back Retail consulting Services conducted an assessment and offered business assistance to six downtown businesses. 2011 In 2011 the Main Street Program continued to gain momentum and experience successes with the help of well-established committees and volunteers. Some of the highlights from the year were: • A Design Committee façade and streetscape charrette was facilitated by local design organizations • The Second Friday Art Walk continued to gain recognition and draw people to the downtown district for the event. • Ten new businesses opened downtown creating over 15 new positions. • Trainings were held for Main Street committees that focused on strategies for increasing program awareness and promotion. Retrospective Summary & Timeline of Activities Attachment 1 Page | 2 of 2 Last revised June 2013 • Economic Restructuring Committee conducted a Building Inventory of Main Street. 2012 In 2012 The Main Street Program formed innovative partnerships between the City of Springfield, TEAM Springfield, and the Chamber of Commerce which translated into more support, participation, and funding for program activities. Key highlights from this year included: • A full-time Main Street coordinator was hired in August to build on program success. • The Façade Improvement Program was developed with the City of Springfield and the Design Committee. • The Economic Restructuring committee conducted its first ever business survey to Main Street merchants and business owners. • Educational workshops focusing on business ownership and operations were held for downtown business owners. 2013 At the start of 2013 the Downtown Façade Improvement was underway. The Main Street Program experienced staffing changes and continued to increase capacity in program delivery. Key highlights to date have been: • Continued success and increased publicity of the Second Friday Art walk through increased capacity on the Promotions committee. • Two awardees of Façade Improvement funds to date. • Continued progress towards receiving a “Performing Downtown” designation through the Oregon Main Street Network. • Increased capacity through the hiring of a full-time program administrator. • Strengthening of existing partnerships with the City of Springfield, TEAM Springfield, and the Chamber of Commerce • Increased success and strategies to fill vacancies downtown with new viable businesses. Transforming and Performing Main Street Level Comparison Last revised June 2013 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 What Are the Main Street Operating Levels? The Oregon Main Street Network provides various assistance, tools and services to downtown business districts. Each level of support and programmatic access is defined through four levels of operation with various guidelines attached. The four levels include Affiliate, Exploring, Transforming, and Performing. NEDCO’s program is currently operating at the Transforming Level. This level is for communities who are committed to the Main Street Approach and downtown revitalization but are in need of technical assistance to get to the next level. NEDCO’s goal is for the Springfield Main Street Program to operate at the Performing Level and become an independent nonprofit organization which uses the Main Street Approach as the basis for downtown revitalization. There are 10 performance standards required to operate at the Performing Level. The following table shows the standards that the program has currently met in comparison to the standards for the Performing Level. Transforming Main Street Standards Performing Main Street Standards Standards Met A city population of 50,000 of under A city population of 50,000 of under Program Requirement The boundaries/primary focus are of the organization must be that of a traditional downtown or neighborhood commercial district 1. Has broad-based community support for the commercial district revitalization process, with strong support from both the public and private sectors. x Has active committee participation from focus area stakeholders 2. Have active committees. x Committees have adopted and developed work plans 3. Has a comprehensive Main Street work plan. x Staff attends ongoing training provided by Oregon Main Street 4. Conducts program of ongoing training for staff and volunteers. x Uses Data software to record key statistics 5. Reports key statistics x Has a paid, Local Program Representative 6. Has a paid, Executive Director x Adopts design guidelines with a historical preservation focus 7. Possesses historic preservation ethic x 8. Has an active board of directors Not met 9. Has an adequate operating budget Not met 10. Has developed a vision and mission statement relevant to community conditions Not met Springfield Main Street Committee Membership Historical Roster Attachment 3 Page | 1 of 4 Organizational Committee Membership: *The names in bold represent the committee Chair and/or Co-chair 2010-2011 Name Affiliation Dan Egan* Springfield Chamber Debbie Sutch Siuslaw Bank Glenn Myers Trash 'n' Treasures Jack Koehler Sweety's Karlene Clark Riverside Community Church Melinda Handy Focus 4 CPA Leslie Benz* Springfield Citizen/Holiday Inn Marilee Woodrow Springfield City Counselor/Christmas Parade 2012 Name Affiliation Jeff Heriot* Washburne Café Nick Nelson ReMax Marilee Woodrow Springfield City Counselor/Christmas Parade 2013 Name Affiliation Beth Hayes NEDCO Board Tom Draggoo* Siuslaw Bank Karen Hageman Haven Ted Corbin* NEDCO Board Promotions Committee Membership: *The names in bold represent the committee Chair and/or Co-chair 2010-2011 Name Affiliation AlethaLou Harmon The Mercantile Bethe Hayes Branch Manager, US Bank Denise Pohrman Bright Oak Meats Emily Hamil Wildish Theater (Willamalane) Eric Breitenstein The Duck Store Frank Clark Springfield Times Josh Clark Riverside Community Church/The Gathering Place Judy Clark Springfield Chamber Karen Hageman* Washburne Café (former owner) Springfield Main Street Committee Membership Historical Roster Attachment 3 Page | 2 of 4 Mikayle Anderson Seen Eugene Niel Laudati City of Springfield 2012 Name Affiliation Karen Hageman* Washburne Café (former owner) Mikayle Anderson (cochair) Springfield Chamber of Commerce Josh Clark Riverside Community Church/The Gathering Place Katie Griffin Kaleidoscope Clothing Niel Laudati City of Springfield 2013 Name Affiliation Karen Hageman Haven Michelle Bixler Willamalane Roka Walsh Arts Commission Paula Goodbar ESAP Niles Schartz Arts Commission Jim Cupples Springfield Museum Design Committee Membership: *The names in bold represent the committee Chair and/or Co-chair 2010-2011 Name Affiliation Alaina Payne MotherShip Salon Allison Van Wey Goodwill Industries, NEDCO Board Bill Grile Springfield Citizen, former city Development Director Brian Conlon Public Works Supervisor, City of Springfield David Bowlsby Permit Review Tech, City of Springfield Denise Bean Bean Counter Tax Service Denise Schoonhaven Freelancer, Springfield Citizen Jack Koehler Sweety's James Yarnall Springfield Citizen Jay Pezzotti UO Student John Lively* Cawood Karen Hageman Washburne Café Kip Amend Historic Commission, Nagao Pacific Architects Linda Pauly Planning Supervisor, City of Springfield Springfield Main Street Committee Membership Historical Roster Attachment 3 Page | 3 of 4 Peter Herley ESAP Ted Corbin Eric Hall Architects Trudy Logan Pump Café 2012 Name Affiliation Allison Van Wey Goodwill Industries, NEDCO Board Brian Conlon Public Works Supervisor, City of Springfield David Bowlsby Permit Review, City of Springfield Denise Bean Bean Counter Tax Service John Lively* Cawood Karen Hageman Washburne Café Kip Amend Historic Commission, Nagao Pacific Architects Linda Pauly Planning Supervisor, City of Springfield Peter Herley ESAP Ted Corbin Eric Hall Architects, NEDCO Board 2013 Name Affiliation Karen Hageman* Haven Kip Amend Historic Commission, Nagao Pacific Architects Linda Pauly Planning Supervisor, City of Springfield Ted Corbin* NEDCO Board Economic Restructuring Committee Membership: *The names in bold represent the committee Chair and/or Co-chair 2010-2011 Name Affiliation Courtney Griesel* City Manager's Office, City of Springfield James Yarnall Springfield Citizen Karen Hageman Former Owner - Washburne Café John Tamulonis City of Springfield Lisa Spraigue Springfield Jazzercise Maddie Phillips UO Planning Masters Student Nancy Bigley Springfield School District, Owner, Outback Steakhouse Rick Dunaven Wheelburro LLC Karen Hageman Washburne Café (former owner) Springfield Main Street Committee Membership Historical Roster Attachment 3 Page | 4 of 4 Tom Draggoo Siuslaw Bank 2012 Name Affiliation Tom Draggoo* Siuslaw Bank Courtney Griesel City Manager's Office, City of Springfield John Tamulonis City of Springfield Christopher Gergen Financial Advisor John Klinzmann WreckTech Computing Nancy Bigley Springfield School District, Owner, Outback Steakhouse Rick Dunaven Wheelburro LLC Chris Kline Citizens Bank 2013 Name Affliation Tom Draggoo* Siuslaw Bank Courtney Griesel* City Manager's Office, City of Springfield John Tamulonis City of Springfield Rick Dunaven Wheelburro LLC Chris Kline Citizens Bank