HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2013-5-7 +' Professional Service Industries,Inc.
Information 6032 N.Cutter Circle,Suite 480
CJ Portland,OR 90217
CCB No. 176269 70
To Build On Phone:(503)289-1778 J
Engineering • Consulting • Testing Fax.(503)289-1918
Daily Field Report Report No:DFR:0654137-26/1
Issue o:1
Client: WAL-MART STORES, INC. CC: BLAKE JOHNSON, Thesestes'resons am*,°, ymNespeofcbpamnsammaenalenptmammaytot
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2001 S E 10TH ST DAVID NICHOLS, areawntmnpewissloeoyProtessrooalse rvmeindusres.Inc liana-compliance
MAIL STOP 5570 ERIC EVENSON, appears on this report,to the extent that the reported mu-compliance impacts the project the
resolution is outside the PSI scope of engagement.
Project: WM 4178-00 SPRINGFIELD OR TO
SPRINGFIELD OR Approved Signatory:Deborah Priest(Special Project Manager)
Date of Issue:5/13/2013
Date: 5/7/2013 Technician: Dale Russell
On site at 6:30am at the contractors request to perform visual inspection of the (2) F5 spread footings for the front vestibule
between grids 2 to 3 just east of grid line G. Crestview Construction had excavated and compacted the native material to
finish grade prior to the inspection, performed probing with a 5/8" diameter geo probe and found the area to be sift in many
areas, Crestview Construction removed approximately 6" of native material and then re-compacted the entire area with a
jumping jack style plate compactor. The area was then probed again and found to be firm and unyielding with the probe not
penetrating more than ''/z", it was decided to place geo fabric over the entire area to aid in stabilizing the a/."-0 moisture
conditioned crushed aggregate with Crestview Construction placed in an 8" loose lift and then compacted with the use of a
Jumping jack style plate compactor. See PSI representative Glenn Meek's Special Inspection Report for specific test results
within these areas.
Crestview Construction is removing the saw cut areas of the old truck loading dock and the concrete for the new loading dock
this work in ongoing.
Dynasty Concrete Co. is on site setting forms and starting to layout the re-steel for the•stepped spread footing for the new
screen wall for the truck loading dock.
On site SD Deacons request to stay late for the trench backfill due to the concrete pour in the AM to perform field density
testing of 3/<"-0 crushed aggregate being placed by McLane Plumbing in 6"-8" loose lifts for the trench backfill of the 4" and 6"
waterlines along grid line F.8 from grid line 3.5to 6, approximately 80', per specification section 2300 3.15.H bullet point 4 and
every lift starting at 2' below finish grade. Performed (2) FDT's on the last lift at grid line E.6 to F.8 from grid line 5.7 to 6, the
material was compacted with a jumping jack style plate compactor and finished with a vibrating plate compactor. See Special
Inspection Report for specific test results, all FDT's performed today resulted in meeting or exceeding the minimum 95%
compaction requirements.