HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 5/31/2013 City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street IL& Springfield, OR 97477 TYPE IV ANNEXATION OREGON PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Annexation Project Name: Larry & Cindy Van Beenen Annexation Project Proposal: Annex a 0.36 acre parcel with an existing single family dwelling Case Number: PRE13-00015 Project Address: 4076 North Street Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): Map 18-02-06-11, Tax Lot 700 Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR) Overlay District(s): Urbanizable Fringe (UF-10) Applicable Refinement Plan: N/A Refinement Plan Designation: N/A Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential (LDR) Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: May 31, 2013 Application Submittal Deadline: November 27, 2013 _ Associated Applications: None POSITION REVIEW OF NAME Project Planner Land Use Planning Andy Limbird 726-3784 Transportation Planning Transportation Michael Liebler 736-1034 _ Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities, Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 736-103E Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Building Official Building David Bowlsby 736-1029 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT:REVIEW TEAM - Applicant Applicant's Representative Larry & Cindy Van Beenen 4076 North Street Springfield, OR 97478 • Date Received:, S6 ti;oi3 Revised 2/12/2009 Planner: AL ANNEXATION APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST PLANNING o Application fee - discuss the applicable fees o Petition / Petition signature sheet signed by the owners of at least one-half of the land area, land value, and land ownership. In the case of joint ownership, both owners must sign. For corporate, trust, or business ownership, an authorized signature is required along with evidence of such authorization. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) Petition / Petition Signature Sheet o Certification of ownership issued by the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation for all property owners within the annexation area. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) Q 1 Certification of Ownership o Owners worksheet describing the land ownership, land area, and assessed value of all property within the annexation area. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) Comment Owners Worksheet o Supplemental information form providing additional details about the property, including current use and potential development plans, special service districts that may provide services to the property, and other information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) 0 Comment Supplemental Information Form o Legal Description consisting of a metes and bounds description of the territory to be annexed. A lot, block and subdivision description may be acceptable if the annexation area is platted. The legal description shall be acceptable to the Oregon Department of Revenue. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) 2 Legal Description Revised 2/12/2009 Date Received: 5/370/3 2 . Planner: AL • • o Cadastral Map showing the entire annexation area to scale. Three copies of the most current cadastral map are required. An additional map showing the annexation area in relationship to the existing city limits also shall be provided. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) n IZ1 2 Cadastral Maps of the Annexation Area U Map showing relationship of annexation area to current city limits o ORS 222.173 Waiver Form signed by each owner within the annexation area. • Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ORS 222.173 Waiver Form o Public/Private Utility Plan describing how the annexation area can be served by key urban facilities and services. A copy of the signed annexation agreement, if applicable, shall be provided with the application. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) 9® N/A Public/Private Utility Plan N/A Annexation Agreement o Written Narrative addressing the annexation approval criteria, confirming that the property is inside the Urban Growth Boundary and is contiguous with the city limits, and providing an explanation and justification for the annexation request. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) 3 Written Narrative Planning Notes: 1. Ownership certification will need to be provided by the Lane County Assessor's Office in Eugene. 2. Staff will assist with preparation of a legal description and redline cadastral map of the annexation area. 3. Staff will assist with completion of a written narrative for the project. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • Staff will assist with completion of the application forms at the pre-submittal meeting. Date Received: 3/3O" Revised 2/12/2009 Planner: AL 3 ANNEXATION REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Engineer: Kyle Greene Case#: PRE13-00015 Applicant: Larry Van Beenen PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING o Map with Area of Proposed Annexation must be provided which clearly delineated along with the surrounding area with existing city limits shown. Complete Incomplete See PW Or N/A Note(s) ® ❑ Map of Proposed Annexation ® ❑ na Connection to existing City Limits shown ® ❑ na Title report showing Proof of Ownership ❑ na DWP zone shown o Known Infrastructure Issues shall be disclosed, including but not limited to the present condition and location of utility connection points needed for urban services such • as water supply, sewer, storm drain, electricity and physical access to the site. Complete Incomplete See Note(s) Or N/A ❑ 1 Location and distance of the nearest sewer and storm drain connection points ❑ na Location and distance to nearest non-city owned utilities if not connected. ❑ na Listing of and location of existing utility connections ® ❑ na Location of and distance to nearest public ROW and desired access point(s) to the facility Revised 5/30/13 Date Received: 5/3419,3 P!3nner: AL o Proposed Infrastructure Requirements — If Infrastructure is needed to support the annexation. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Or N/A Note(s) • ® ❑ na Additional ROW dedication needed shown 111 na Proposed Sanitary Sewer Extensions Shown ® na Proposed Stormwater Sewer Extension shown o Additional Submittals Required — list any additional submittals required for annexation and before a development application can be filed for this site. ® ❑ na Need for a PIP ® na Need for a Master Plan Public Works Notes: • 1. Sewer in lieu of assessment fees and System Development Charges will be due prior to plumbing permit issuance and hooking up to the public sanitary sewer system. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • An improvement agreement will be required prior to annexation approval. Date Received: a/31/419,, Revised 5/30/13 Planner: AL • • ANNEXATION REVIEW APPLICATION • PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST-T:7. Transportation Engineer/Planner: Michael Liebr"t6:Le"Ca'se#:PR€13-00015 Applicant: Van Beenent' TRANSPORTATION o Map with Area of Proposed Annexation must be provided which clearly delineated along with the surrounding area with existing city limits shown. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) • Map of Proposed Annexation o Known Transportation Issues shall be disclosed, including but not limited to the present condition of streets proposed to be annexed as well as the appropriateness of the access point(s) to the City of Springfield roadway system. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Or N/A Note(s) ® Listing of the names and widths of the right of way and streets within or adjacent to the proposed annexation, as well as changes and the timing of those changes that are proposed to bring them up to city standards as part of the annexation. El NA Discussion of how the annexed property will conform to the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. 0 (1) Discussion of appropriateness of existing and future access points o Jurisdictional Transfer — If jurisdictional transfer is proposed to occur along with the annexation, this intention shall be clearly stated. If no Jurisdictional transfer is to occur, application shall explicitly say this. • Complete Incomplete See Transportation Or N/A Note(s) ® NA Jurisdictional transfer intention Date, f received: Revised 4/20/09.j. Planner AL TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Deputy Fire Marshal: Gilbert Gordon Case #: PRE13-00015 FIRE o Site Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s) On-site vehicular circulation o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s) Location of existing and required fire hydrants and similar public facilities Fire Notes: 1. Access and Water Supply are pre-existing and in place. SUB fire hydrant H-1143 is located at the SW corner of this property. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: Date Received: 5/10P13 Revised 9/24/07 Planner: AL • THIS APPLICATION IS: ❑ COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING ® INCOMPLETE AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE City Planner �e This is not a decision on your application. The pre-submittal checklist is valid for 180 days and is intended to assist the applicant in preparing a complete annexation submittal. The annexation process begins when all the required information and fees are submitted in accordance with SDC 5.7-125 and this checklist. Annexation requests are not subject to the 120-day processing period for limited land use decisions. Therefore, missing or incomplete information will delay the annexation process and possibly require additional fees payable to the City if the new information is submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out and a second notification is required, or if the new information substantially affects the annexation proposal and additional review is required. I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all required items indicated herein to the City within the 180-day timeline. �ina _d el itifitt 7 3 D - Owner/Aliicant's Signature Date • Date Received:_5/3/ ?O'3 Planner: AL Revised 2/12/2009 4