HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Police Planning Task Force Application Review Meeting Date: September 24, 2007 Meeting Type: Work Session Department: Police Department Staff Contact: Mike Harman S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-3729 C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 05 minutes ITEM TITLE: POLICE PLANNING TASK FORCE APPLICA nON REVIEW ACTION Review applications to the Police Planning Task Force REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY The Willamalane representative on the Police Planning Task Force, (PPTF), has served a four-year term and has applied for a second term, which is allowed in the bylaws. The School District representative has retired, and one application has been received to fill that position. Attachment A: Police Planning Task Force Charge and Roster Attachment B: Candidate Applications ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: Quentin Hogan has done an excellent job representing the Willamalane Park District for the last four years. He is requesting to be reappointed to the Task Force for a second term, which is allowed in the bylaws. The School District Position on the Task Force became vacant when the previous incumbent, Mindy Stinson, retired. One application was received for that position from Assistant Principal Jame Crist of Thurston Middle School. Police Planning Task Force CHARGE It is the duty of the task force to provide citizen input regarding police policy matters and implementation of the Council adopted Long Range Strategic Plan for Police Services to the Chief of Police. The task force meets not less than quarterly and is required to provide the City Council with an annual report of its activities. Source of Existence: Bylaws: Code: Council Resolution #94-34/ Resolution #96-15 No Sunset Date: Council Membership Six neighborhood/citizen-at-large representatives, one School District 19 representative, one Willamalane Park and Recreation District representative, and two representatives of the local business community. Number: In City: Out of City: 10 8, unless Council approval given 2, representatives of School District 19 or Willamalane Park and Recreation District Terms (2 max): Ward: Qualifier: No Resolution #94-34/ Resolution #96-15 Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time: Quarterly - 7:00 p.m. Police Dept. Funding Source: CDBG Funds Staff Liaison: Mike Harman, Police Department 726-2347 Council Liaison: John Woodrow, 988-0955 Cmo/commonlbcc/charges. pptfchar Last Revised: 12/31/02 Attachment A-l POLICE PLANNING TASK FORCE ROSTER September 1,2007 Patricia Mahoney 1851 Scott Rd Springfield, OR 97477 Day - 521-7582 Night -744-3081 pmahs icol(Q),comcast.net At-Large Quentin Hogan 757 D Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 DayfWork - 736-4086 Night -747-1405 Quentinh(Q),willamalane.org Willamalane Rep Diana Garcia P.O. Box 948 Springfield, OR 97477 DayfWork - 465-6838 d:x208 Night (Cell) - 515-3449 At-Large MimarazuI30(Q),yahoo.com Fred Simmons 312 S 52ud Place Springfield, OR 97478 Day/Night - 747-4283 At-Large Ralph (Dave) Jacobson 4146 S E Street Springfield, OR 97478 **Mailing Address** P.O. Box 71681 Eugene, OR 97401 Day/Night -747-4974 At-Large RDJ829(Q),Earthlink.net Steve Singleton 252 North 65th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Day/Night - 741-2222 Cell Phone - 915-2797 s tev e.singleto n(Q),co m cast.n et At-Large **V ACANT** School District Mark Molina 146 E Street Springfield OR 97477 DayfWork - 747-7445 Night (Home) - 606-8998 Business Rep mark(Q),marshallsinc.com Bruce Webber 826 S Street Springfield, OR 97477 DayfWork - 342-4000 Night (Home) -746-4405 At-Large Bruce. web ber(Q),svba.com Donald Moloney 922 B St Springfield, OR 97477 Day/Night - 746-1745 Business Rep moloneys(Q),comcast.net John Woodrow 1009 S. 59th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Home - 988-0955 JW oodrow(Q),ci.springfieJd.or. us Council Liaison AttachmentA-2 08/14/2007 15:50 FAX 09/14/2007 12:12 FAX 541 726 3316 SPFJ..D SD CURCLM .. TMS 141 002/003 ~002 : ~. " Q . , ~.~iiii " APPLICATION" WiL - -, -- fora. , . . .. : -.. -' CnYofSp:";ngfield Cily Manager's Office _ ..' ' , '". . 225 F.ifth StTeet ' ' Citizen ',!jt!Visoly BQard I Commission I Com",I"ee , spnngfie1ti, OR 97477 ' " , <~1r?26.a700 II '" 'PlfJIUf!' ",.;,,,t 01 t,yp.: " , " Board / qommisSion./ Gommi~ applylng fOr: ' '. ~l,'~~ fL~~......\"':T T.-.~tt.. rO(',~' _ " ' , (A =-eparate appli~jon mu.st 'be completed tor each boant I commission I cortlmltlee) ~ . . ',I ',~~. ~_,\_,'...:. " :,.', 1'1 ::",~:".' .:',.' I I I I . I, " ~ .., ". "'.--.........--.' .- ~:rf~ . First , Horne' addr&:sS: "? J '1, $' ~iA..~' Street Name: I . \. . ......1 , , ~ - - - -- ~:~r ':',^ ''', , M~Ia,"'~1 L:lst '11 t!. S~., ,S~\~~' , ' '. ' .Clty . , " Evei.'llng phone: '01[ If' -...< 0, ~ b ~'. ~. I . :. - - q ') '-I, (.). 8 : ZIp Day.ph~ne: 7 LJ '1- "3' ~ I' . I Do ~pu live wIth!n the S~ringfi~'d city limits'? ~ Yes ~ N'y.", how Ion~? I 0 riM" S " , D. t:'Io ,~ .It nc. dO' you, live inside Spr'ngfiel~',s urban' growth bounclary.?' , : .- Dves ONo' . ' war.d n~mber (Qity re9id~l:it o,..ly): Ar9 YOu' a Springfield property o~er? " ::8l.Y8S 'ONo' . I. ",.' :;' I, ' I, 1'1 ~. you a Springfield business owner? o ye.s' .', . . '." .01.'" ~.~ " : '.....: .' " , . I ". " , " ", , ' ~1I8 'O'Na , ' Are YOl;\ a registered vcter'? "' I,P ',' .~ . O.ccupatlen: Sc.t...l Ad__'\~\.s-k.:..~' Place 0' emFJloyment 5f< h,...c;k.l 0( p,j, 1;- c.. ~.s Sueln8u, addF8ae: . Education: B.,~ ,; \J, U~f ll,,:.j~ "'or;)y,'. . '/ /');' ~'. : ,fA,.. ~ J~, . ".t.' CJ~ 'I,' ',' '. ': . .~ , (o-,.r, pIea'e~ Attachment B-1 08/14/2007 15:50 FAX 09(~4(2007. 12:1~ F-^:X 541 726 3318 SPFLD SD CURCL![ ~ THS ~ 003/003 ~003 I' . " , ", : .',' ',' . . . . '. , . , '" ~iij AP~UCA17ON (of ai;;ity of !$~Citiz.. Ad.~Buaid~~Is.ion>~~' ; , .. ' PaflfJ,'2 " , ", ' ' .' " . . ". .... ,'I . I I . I' " I",. " . "" . ." . Plea.s".prfnt tw ffp"r ," ., . . 1. '~:EIt experience I trall'l'il'l9 f qualifications do Y04 have !fur t",SI' particulAr. .boQll"d "commlsslo" I c:ommi~8? ' :P ~~ w'tkL.tYt t>..~ "'" . ~sr~~ "~t.iJ~~) ~ ~('. f~;"1- . ~~ 1J.t~t,. ,~i:' ~ J6-. ~V~u.. ~~ ::, '_ ~ . . , '. , ' 2. What specific contribution do you hope' to maker . ..I' . ~ ~ ' . ~ (X () \J I J.- ,~ l1 "" lL 'lH.. ~'A.'f' +-t-- 's.~ )~ ~ e.t . ~ ~~~ '~''''4- ~ ft) h.ti. .f'-~~~' .T...~~ ~U-. 3. ~rle~Y d~sortb..YOur ~n\lG)lvo~liInt in r~levant comm~rjnY g~OU~S ~nd actl~Wes_ '(Lack of P~"iOUG'inv~/Ye'm~nt wlJ~ not nec....rlly dlsQuallry ycu from consideration.) .,' , ' . ' , .' t)"(,,~ ,.~.(<.~ .,Oc..~-rJ~ -. ~.~. ~:~, OO--......j\-k.c., ~,..;1- '.. "'-Jrwk.,.Q,I ,~ ~..ke.o...~ ~~k .&it.h.Q~ c1\rf~~' s', .' " ' . ~ ' ' I ': . I I . '.d. ., . ", , , , , I" , . . , , 4, what' ~rnmun'lty topics concern you that -re!Gte-~ this bQ~rd I. ~o~mISSion I.cominlttee?' '\M1y (fO yc~ ,wilnt to ' , become 8 member?' 5 "Jdy"- 0\ 'rot I...... M """""~ ..... ' ..... ,i'\-'-, -( e }....k" :iI.; "sLu.<..~. ~'^' 'o~"( 'yo~~. _ , . , , s, M~st bo~r.d~ /'eommlsslons I G:omm'~eelli me~t mc~t~ly. ~ub~~m~itfe~S rnay.,:ne~ ~re 1req~e~uy.. M~e'tf!'lgs, gerier.ny last, one 'li\:Ind one-half hours. , It Is h'ghly. mcomm,,!,dod you 8";nd 8 "J8,t1ng' befof8: sl)"",lttlng thfJ -pplio,,';,on. Check the times.wh~n you eould'a~nd meetings. " . " . . ' , .. ' )Xl ~BrIy "';,.,;.,. (8";"."0 .",) . 0 N~on.,!!. (~o~n-1:30 pm; )( Lo" ';";"~On (~ P"') 'll( evOnli!ga 6. How dId you hear ~~U~.tt-iiS ~ac~ncy'? , O. ~~sP8per a~: 0' N'e,#&~~per article . 0 aOatd ri:Orlll1ii~Slon I committeEl, mfitmber , . o RadiotrV 0 Mall notice 0 Word or mouth \ . .!ii-Otner Bnu4- S~r!"f s K."" Apgllolnt" .lgn:ature 7-/~ -(1:.",;> , Olte ~ RetUrfil this appll~tlon to thCl, City Mariager's Oft1c~, ~6 .Fiftb Street;, Springfield:, OR 974n For more I"formstion ~leaH call the 'City Manage~s Oftlce at'726-~700. , - ""I"r~rJ'Qn recyd,,1l ~,., " Attachment B-2 SEP-19-2007 04:39 PM WILLAMALANE SWIM CENTER 95417364082 P.01 fI' . ~ . . '..~. ., I. ,t. .' , . .... I I', . .::ljPPL/CAT'"I1. . I '. ,. for",. ',. .. ',:.' '.. , ..' ".:qlty t)f.Springtlelci. ....., .. . "Ctl/~.~ A~~.D;Y B~.IY! I CD~~'~/oil /'C~mn,itt.. . '. . ,. . '.' ') I I, .' . . ., , . . ': "'j. . ,. :Pjfy Mans.gefs O,fflce . < . .!2~5 Flftn street ... . Springfield, Q~ 97477 . "(54H.726~3~OO ,.' " :'~~ ~",.,' ,':' .', .. ". . .....~/~~l'~~n,t'";yp.:. . : . ~ " ~ , ,,: .\, ':' . ': '.' , .' .',' ., .. , ,.; .8eard I Com~iBsion 16omm;'tte~ ~pplYlng fo~: ." . :'.:r~'l,~~.'.'~\~;';\~'~"'rf'~~~ ~.~'. .... . CA .epa.r8~ IppliC:lItlon mu:st be. ~ompleted for ell~hb!:lllrd I cammllllC!nl com"1~.) , ',' . . ,. , ,',' . .. ~ ..... '.Nam~: : I .' " \, ,', .,: 'I , ~I~V'- ~~ Frill.':.., . '-157..' " " street .... ... ''''.~'n~' .. .;\:\~~CO-- Q...+- ......%t~l~ .bJJ.. .~te" . . . . ". Cl. '... '~Ip Eve.r:llng phone:.. '13 ~ ., "40 s- '. I" """ " "', '.,' 'Homa'~ddress; . . , " " . . . ",Day phone: 7L<h -1#0$(,'. ' ',. . t' . ',:' .... . .00 yo~ ilve Wlth,ln.th."Spri~gfield citY limits?, ~~'.lfyel~ how,.long? ..:~~ ~~ . ,. ... ,.0 No' . ~ .1.' no, 'do YOl,lllve.'lnside .SPtingfteld's urban growt~ " '. . boundary? " '. ..':' ..,. ;, ..... . .. ..; 0 Yes . DNa . " " 'Wafd nurriber(cit}i. residents only): . . , . ..":.. .::': ' . '. ~ I ~..... . . . . . . es. '", ./. : " . .. . ~ ~r8 you a Springfield pF:Qperty' owner? . ., " .','." . . , . , l , .... I,,' ! . '. .! . ,..O~o. ',,', . .. . .......;, . ':Ar~ YOu' a,sp~lngfi'8Ic{b~8ine~~ o~n"i1 . , ~, . 1 ...' . .. '\, '. . . . . tJ Yes ~ .' ' I,. ,', -: .,',,', .... ,":0 No' .,~......",., . I . , " " , .. . yes' . .....'0 No . ,. '. , . . . I . " . I ", ..' Af!iI youare~ist~red\lote(? t,', , . .' .'' ," '. . ., ,. pr~oi.~PIOYnwint~\\I1,'" ~\,,~ rra-1.>. " . . .. . . ,," , . . .. ..: Occup~tloh: :; " "" ./. . . ~ ," .' " ' i3'':'lli~ess add~ss;' -' ~1--" ...~ ~,~:t.' " . . . "<Ed~~atlo": . '3~'~'~ .'t~.)j~i~" ~' I,' .. . 'f, . '," , . .' I. ..,.j,. ,'t . ,', . , . " , . . (O~.r. 'pl~...) '. " " " .,' .,' :-.'AttaChin~nt B~3 ... . ~ " SEP-19-2007 04:39 PM WILLAMALANE SWIM CENTER 95417364082 P.02 , ,', "', " ." I. " .'^.~. ." . 'j 0' : '1 , ," ' . .'~. . ". . .. ... . ~, " " , . . .... ....... ,. .~ .. ~LJC;'''/;QNk;r ~ CI~(jf Sprln~'Citi~~n Adli~l3<>a~ ~ c~m';'r.&i~< ~I,~.. .. ~ .". .' . ," ,", :. . I' . '~'" I , ' ' ~ '. .:. . : :", ' .PJ....",t,nt or type: . '.. ", ' ., . ' .. ". .... . . " . .:: ,...... "'. ,;.: ...,:' .. , ..' .:' .. , , .' .:' :":..'. : :' ' '. >. ",.. ' .: ':..'~ . . ... ., '" . " .. '.. . 1. wtja't:expene'nce I trairllng/quallrcati6ns do .y,o.uhave to~ this p~rtic'u'ar board/,commla,lJlon Ip()~ml~ee? .",.'~~: ~. .~~~ .,.~~..r-.4 ~~cr~ ,,~~:,. .... ~6J\.J...'\\~'. .~. .L~'~~~~. .. -,), ".". ',.., ',:" ,. I. I ,'. . ,N, . . : .' ..' " , :..' ", , ..;1.... . .. " '( f . ~ ~'. .~at'specltlC~~'n.tributi~n.d~ yo:u,hapet9m~ke?'. '.. "~O~,'J!l..+,. ~~'~~l~~~i .ft;.'(k. . . . , ' " , , . ., ,'. . .,;... " , . . ','" . , . . . ft'~~AI1'" . . . ., I , ' I . . ) . , . . i,' , .. - '/. " .. " , . "', , .. . '. I . . ,',' . '.. " .... '., 'j . '. :'3... BrieflY:descrl~'YOUr i.n~olvemtlnt'ln' relev~nt..coml11unltY group's a.nd al?tivltles: (Lack.o;.prevlC?u~ inv~lveme~t. . 'wlll'not neces.arily.disql:lalify .y()L1 tro~ eon~ideratlon'.) ,.' . '. . I, : ' " :: ". ~. ~ , . . ' .... , " . \' . ~ . \, : '. , " , . .. I '.~. "~ ':.: . .' . ,,' . , .. .. . . .. .'~ .'.;. I : " ,.' . , ','.. , .' , . . , " ." ,', . ~ . . ~. . ". , " ,: " ,.' I ' ,'.' 'I' ' . . I. ~ -: :'. '. .' " : .'. . " , .' .' I .. I , . 4. What communitY topics concern 'you that relate tq thiS board I eomminion', committee? Wr1ydo Yc;iU want to . . . · '. become a m'ember? . ...,.... . .... :.'..:,........ '. . ..... .. ...:.... ..' ....'... .'. . .~"'A.I) .. :.:r~'; I <'ld.:P:il .~J C;7~+,";~ ...... f<!lh(~ ~ '., . " . , . ,. . .," , . '. , . 5~.Most bQar~$1 commis~ionsi committees r;neei,monthly. ~ubcorrimlttee~ ma.y m~e,t mo'te:frequer'llIY. Meetlrgs. . generally I.ast one artd..one:'half h~u.rs. It.l_ .h~ghly ~comm"nd.d you ."."fiI_ m.,tlngbefoffl .ubm!ftlflg the apPu,clItJon:Cheek. the times when you 9C?ul~ attend ~e.tiI:'l9s...':. ;.' ..... .'. ,.' .'. '. . . 0 Early ~oj.ninl1 (6:30-8:30 'B~) . . O' N9P.nti~e (n~on-1 :30. pm) " 0 ;"te ~fternb~n (4-8 pm) :, '~ng8 . ." ". .' . .." ", . ',. ..... . ,.. '. I.... '. .. \, '". " \ I " . , '.". 6. How did you h~ar ab"u't this vaca!'loy? '. .," . . .,. I ',' , : . .' . .1 .'. , .' ~. " . " 0 N~wsp~"er ad' : 0 Newspaper'61rfi'cleD' Ra<rioiiv . ..,.' .' . ' .' " , .', , '. " .' .. . , . . '. ~. I' . ' , . . : 0 Boai'd j commission I cOrT1rl1ittee mei1:1IJer .. . . . . ," , . . ' . , '. ".' ", --~~.Lu~ ,. , , . '. " o Mall notice . DW~rd of mouth . '.. ,~ .... . '.' .,. ,.'."....... ~ther . tJ I'Jrr U. ... , '. . . , . . " ,,' " ." , . '.' .': I ~ ;" ~ :. " . ". ',' .,S~'l~ ,:}t:I~~;'". , ,I ", .'/ I. . .:. .' .~te,. '.'1 . . .... ., ' ',. . '" . I.' " . "." . . ". . ,I .,: ~ 'R~turfQthIS app.'ica.tiO,,'~~ the' GltY. ~a.na~er'a~ffloe,2~5F;fth. $treet.:$~r1;;gfieidf: OR 97~ 77 .. . . For m.oreinfo.rmatloo p""ase clIirtheClty Manage~aOfflc~at 72e~~700 .',' ..... . .... . \ ".., , :: ' " '.; I'ri",i.id o"r.c.~t1I1~ ;.P~'Q . . .. , ' . i I:' . Att'achIi1en~:: .B~4.' .1.', .... " . ,