HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 1/2/2013 • •
November 9, 2012
Revised December 26, 2012''
Giustina Resources Office Building
Final Master Plan (LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification
Map 17-03-15-40,Tax Lot 3600
In accordance with SDC 5.13-135, Final Master Plan Modifications, the applicant, Giustina Resources, is
requesting that the City of Springfield review this request and information provided herein and determine
that the proposed modification (change in phasing schedule) is not materially inconsistent with the original
decision and its conditions of approval and that the change in use will result in insignificant changes in the
physical appearance of the development, the use of the site, and the impact on the surrounding
properties. To aid Springfield staff in this endeavor, the following information is provided.
I. Concurrent Applications
This application is being submitted for concurrent processing with a Site Plan Review application
(TYP2012-0009). Please refer to those materials for additional information.
II. Request _
The applicant, Giustina Resources, - r -•
requests approval of its request to modify _
the approved Master Plan regarding the •
Master Plan's phasing schedule. �`..�, 1+
Per SDC 5.13-135(A), Final Master Plan — 4;
Modifications, requests which address a) a
change in the approved phasing schedule, t: !Wit
and b) where other modifications are less
than a 10 percent increase or decrease in . I '� •
the specified instances in SDC 5.13-
135(B) — including overall gross floor area, k Subject Site
approved or required parking, PM peak- I Subject Site International Way,Springfield
hour vehicle trips or the placement of Map 17-03-15-40,
Image from 5 40,Let Earth
P P Image fro Goggle Earth
interior streets — shall be processed as a
Type I procedure.
III, The Site and Existing Conditions
A. Subject Site
The subject site is comprised of one tax lot (Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 3600) and is unimproved.
It is Lot 5 of the Liberty Professional Center and is subject to the requirements of an
approved Final Master Plan (LRP2007-00020).
1.Revised December 26,2012 to reflect the Master Plan Modification request approval on December 14,2012.
Revision includes incorporation of the Decision's Condition of Approval regarding a new Master Plan
expiration date of July 27,2017.
Date Rec;ajvecf:_/ 2 {rr�
Planner: AL
375 West 4th,Suite 201.Eugene,OR 97401 S C N I R M E R
• •
Giustina Resources Office Building Page 2 of 7
Final Master Plan(LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification—Written Statement
November 9. 2012 - Revised December 26, 2012
B. Planning and Zoning
1. Planning.
The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) Diagram
designates the subject site as Campus Industrial (CI). Adjacent abutting properties also
have a Campus Industrial plan designation.
The applicable neighborhood refinement plan, the Gateway Refinement Plan, similarly
designates the site and surrounding properties Campus Industrial.
2. Zoning.
The Springfield Zoning Map shows that
the subject site has base zoning of •
Campus Industrial (CI). Adjacent
abutting properties to the north. east
and south are also zoned Campus Il r
Industrial. ..97.1.1
Applicable overlay zones include 't
Floodplain Overlay District and Drinking -
Water Overlay District. —
City of Springfield
Zoning Map Screenshot
C. Approved Land Use
The existing approved land use is that of a business park office building. Refer to the Liberty
Professional Center Master Plan (LRP2007-00020) for specific information.
D. Proposed Land Use
The proposed land use is that of an office building and associated site improvements. Refer
to an in-process Site Plan Review application (TYP2012-00009) for specific information. The
proposed office building is permitted within the existing approved Final Master Plan for the
Liberty Professional Center.
IV. Final Master Plan Modification –Criteria of Approval
As noted in SDC 5.13-135, given the above scope of requested modifications, this application may
be processed as a Type I procedure. Per SDC 5.1-125, Type I Applications, the Planning Director
shall approve the modification request if it complies with applicable criteria. There are two (2)
applicable criteria. Applicable criteria for Final Mater Plan Modification (per SDC 5.13-135(F)), and
the applicant's proposed findings of compliance, are as follows:
Criteria 1
SDC 5.13-135(F). For all Final Master Plan modification applications described in Subsections A
and B, above, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the following:
(1) Any applicable Preliminary Master Plan criteria of approval as specified in Section 5.13-125.
There are nine (9) criteria of approval in SDC 5.13-125. One of the criteria, Criteria H -
Phasing Plan, applies to this modification request. How this modification request complies is
as follows:
Date Received: f 2-
Planner: AL
Schirmer Satre Group•375 West 4°i Avenue,Suite 201,Eugene.OR 97401 •(541)686-4540•Fax(541)686-4577
• •
Giustina Resources Office Building Page 3 of 7
Final Master Plan(LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification—Written Statement
November 9, 2012-Revised December 26, 2012
H. Phasing Plan. The Phasing Plan shall: demonstrate that the construction of required
public facilities shall occur in a logical sequence, either in conjunction with, or prior to each
phase, or that there are appropriate financial guarantees as specified in Subsection 5.13-
120M, to ensure the phased public facilities construction will occur.
The Liberty Professional Center Master Plan (LRP2007-00020) was approved by the
Springfield Planning Commission on July 17, 2007. The Final Liberty Professional Center
Master Plan, addressing the decision's conditions of approval, was approved on September
15, 2007. Planning Commission Approval Included the following conclusion (See Attachment
On the basis of this record, the requested Master Plan application is consistent with the
criteria of Section 37.040 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is
supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusions in the attached staff report
(Exhibit A)and attached hereto.
The Staff Report, in its Findings regarding the applicable Criteria, included the following
material regarding phasing (See Attachment 6):
Criterion (3): Proposed on-site and off-site public and private improvements shall be
sufficient to accommodate the proposed phased development and any capacity
requirements of public facilities plans; and provisions shall be made to assure
construction of off-site improvements in conjunction with a schedule of the phasing;
Finding: The applicant has provided a public facilities plan showing existing and
proposed improvements, including public and private utilities.
Finding: It is not anticipated that off-site improvements will be required to accommodate
future development within the Master Plan area.
Criterion (4): The request shall provide adequate guidance for the design and
coordination of future phases;
Finding: The applicant has prepared a narrative describing the proposed phasing of
improvements associated with the Master Plan area.
Finding: The applicant has prepared a phasing plan illustrating the location and extent
of proposed improvements for each phase of development for the Master Plan area.
The applicant's Final Master Plan Narrative contained the following explanation regarding
phasing (See Attachment 7):
Development Phasing and Intensity
The Master Plan provides for phased development over a seven-year period. The
phasing schedule of building construction and site improvements to serve the
development is presented visually on the Phasing Plan (Sheet#7), and in table format
below. Built elements within each phase shall be provided with adequate infrastructure
to support them. Any additional on-site or off-site improvements that become necessary
as the business park develops will be constructed during Phase 2 or a subsequent
Date Received: f t?---
Planner: AL
Schirmer Satre Group•375 West 4th Avenue,Suite 201,Eugene,OR 97401 •(541)686-4540•Fax(541)686-4577
Giustina Resources Office Building Page 4 of 7•
Final Master Plan(LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification—Written Statement
November 9, 2012-Revised December 26,2012
Table 1: Phasing of Development of Individual Lots of Liberty Professional Center
Business Park
Lots Lot Size Building Area Timing of Development
1 1.7 acres 24,000 square feet(s.f.) up to 7 years
2 3.0 acres 24,000 s.f. first phase:2-3 years
6,300 s.f.second phase second phase:up to 7 years
3 5.0 acres 43,000 s.f first phase:1-3 years
40,000 s.f second phase second phase:up to 7 years
4 1.4 acres 18,900 s.f up to 7years
5 1.6 acres 18,900 s.f up to 7 years
A narrative description of the site improvement phasing schedule is provided here
under the headings Phase 1 site improvements, Phase 2 site improvements and
Phasing Alternatives.
Phase 1 site improvements
Within the five-lot business park created through the Master Plan, Lots 1, 2, 4 and 5
have street frontage and only Lot 3 does not. Phase 1 utility/infrastructure installation
will provide Lot 3 with utilities and provide the entire business park with vehicle
connectivity. In Phase 1:
• A shared access driveway, including sidewalk, will be constructed from
International Way north via an easement across the western edge of Lot 5 as far as
the southem lot line of Lot 3, providing vehicle and pedestrian connectivity to the
• A shared access driveway will be constructed from Corporate Way east via an
easement across Lot 1 as far as the western lot line of Lot 3.
• The first phase of site construction for Lot 3 will include construction of site
improvements for the entire lot and of the first phase of the corporate headquarters
building (43,000 square feet) as noted in Table 1. Construction is programmed to
occur in 2008 so the headquarters building can be operational January 1, 2009.
The site construction phase for Lot 3 will also include extending the shared access
driveways through Lot 3 from International Way and Corporate Way via an access
easement across Lot 3. This phase includes extending the sidewalk along the
shared access driveway from International Way into Lot 3.
• Utility easements will be constructed extending from International Way north across
the western edge of Lots 4 and 3 to the southern lot line of Lot 1. The easements
will provide connection to the city wastewater system for Lot 1 and to all required
utilities for Lot 3.
• The first phase of site construction for Lot 2 includes construction of site
improvements for the site and of the first phase (24,000 square feet) of the light-
industrial manufacturing building and is programmed to be completed by early
• Because of the proposed easements described hem, neither Lot 2 nor Lot 3 is
dependent on Lots 1, 4 or 5 site construction or utility extension. Both lots (Lots 2
and 3) will have adequate infrastructure to support construction and occupancy.
• Off-site improvements to serve the business park constructed during Phase 1.
Schirmer Satre Group•375 West 4m Avenue,Suite 201,Eugene,OR 97401 •(541)686-4540•Fax(541)686-4577
Date Received: //2A013
Planner: AL
Giustina Resources Office Building Page 5 of 7
Final Master Plan(LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification—Written Statement
November 9. 2012-Revised December 26,2012
• Built elements within Phase 1 will be provided with adequate infrastructure to
support them.
Phase 2 site improvements
Phase 2 site improvements take place from 1 to 7 years after Master Plan approval.
• Lot 2 will connect to the shared access driveway that extends east from Corporate
Way and hence increase internal vehicle connectivity for the business park.
• A driveway extended from International Way north into the east side of Lot 5.
• Infrastructure construction for Lots 1, 4 and 5, including sidewalks, connections to
existing shared access driveways and utility extension from the existing utility
infrastructure within the adjacent streets, will accompany site construction for that
specific lot and will be constructed in a timely manner to serve development of the
lots. As part of this, Lots 4 and 5 will connect to the shared access driveway that
extends north from International Way and Lot 4 will connect to the driveway that
extends north from International Way into Lot 2.
• Additions for Lot 2 (envisioned as a 6,300 square foot second phase) and Lot 3
(envisioned as a 40,000 square foot second phase) will be constructed.
• Built elements within Phase 2 will be provided with adequate infrastructure to
support them.
Phasing alternatives:
• Any additional on-site or off-site improvements that become necessary as the
business park develops will be constructed during Phase 2 or a subsequent phase.
• Site improvements to Lot 2, Lot 4 or Lot 5 may overlap with Phase 1 based on
market demand.
Finding 1
The approved phasing plan included two phases. Phase 1 was for years 1 through 3. Phase 2 was
for "up to 7 years." Each phase included an itemized list describing the scope of that particular
phase. The subject lot, Lot 5, was part of Phase 2. Given that 5 of the 7 years of the existing
approved phasing plan have occurred and that, in the current proposal, Lot 5 is to be part of Phase
1, the following Modified Phasing Plan is proposed.
Phase 1: Years 1 through 3, with Year 1 being 2013.
Phase 2: For a specified period of time, with Year 1 being 2013 and a new Final Master Plan
expiration date of July 27, 2017.
Table 1
Lots Lot Size Building Area Timing of Development
1 1.7 acres Up to 24,000 square feet(s.f.) Phase 2
2 3.0 acres Up to 30,000 s.f. Phase 2
3 5.0 acres Up to 83,000 s.f. Phase 2
4 1.4 acres Up to 18,900 s.f. Phase 2
5 1.6 acres Up to 18,900 s.f. Phase 1
Schirmer Satre Group•375 West 40 Avenue,Suite 201,Eugene,OR 97401 •(541)686-4540•Fax(541)686-4577
Date, Received: //2��"
Planner: AL
Giustina Resources Office Building Page 6 of 7
Final Master Plan(LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification—Written Statement
November 9, 2012-Revised December 26, 2012
Phase 1 Site Improvements
Within the five-lot business park created through the Master Plan, Lots 1, 2, 4 and 5 have street
frontage and only Lot 3 does not. Phase 1 utility/infrastructure installation will provide Lot 5 with
utilities and provide Lot 3 with access and utilities where they occur on or through Lot 1. In Phase 1:
• A shared access driveway, sidewalk and utilities will be constructed from International Way
north via easements across the western edge of Lot 5 as far as the southern lot line of Lot 3,
providing vehicle and pedestrian connectivity and utility service to Lot 3.
o Utility service constructed in Phase 1 which will serve Lot 3 includes a 6-inch wastewater
line as shown on the plans.
• Built elements within Phase 1 will be provided with adequate infrastructure to support them.
o The new driveway approach proposed for the southeast corner of Lot 5, taking access off
of International Way, will be a limited access driveway—right-in, right-out and left-in.
Phase 2 Site Improvements
Phase 2 site improvements will occur prior to the new expiration date for the Final Master Plan of
July 27,2017. In Phase 2:
• A shared access driveway will be constructed and utilities will be installed from Corporate Way
east via easements across Lot 1 as far as the western lot line of Lot 3.
• The same shared access drive and utilities will be extended through Lot 3 from Corporate Way
via easements across Lot 3. The access driveway and utilities provided in Phase 1 across Lot 5
will be extended through Lot 3, connecting to those extended from Corporate Way. This phase
includes extending the sidewalk along the shared access driveway from International Way into
Lot 3.
• Utilities will be constructed extending from International Way north across the western edge of
Lots 4 and 3 to the southern lot line of Lot 1. The easements will provide connection to the city
wastewater system for Lot 1 and to all required utilities for Lot 3.
These findings, supported by findings elsewhere in this written statement, along with accompanying
attachments, demonstrate that this criterion (SDC 5.13-135(F)(1)) is met.
Criteria 2
(2) Any other applicable standard of this Code that may be required to justify the proposed
Finding 2
The only other applicable standard regarding this Final Master Plan Modification request, due to the
limited scope of the request, is in regards to the second of the two qualifying modification
characteristics in order to be processed under a Type 1 procedure — that being 'b) where other
modifications are less than a 10 percent increase or decrease in the specified instances in SDC
5.13-135(B) — including overall gross floor area, approved or required parking, PM peak-hour
vehicle trips or the placement of interior streets.'
As for the 10 percent increase or decrease in the above instances, this Final Master Plan
Modification request does not include a change exceeding the 10 percent threshold. In the existing
Master Plan, building area is approved for up to 175,100 square feet. In this modification, the
building area is for up to the same square feet. Given no appreciable change in building area,
parking and vehicle trips will not be appreciably different. The placement of interior streets (drives)
is also not proposed to change.
These findings, supported by findings elsewhere in this written statement, along with accompanying
attachments, demonstrate that this criterion (SDC 5.13-135(F)(2)) is met.
Schirmer Satre Group•375 West 4"Avenue,Suite 201,Eugene,OR 97401 •(541)686-4540•Fax(541)686-4577
Date Received: -frod
Planner AL
• •
Giustina Resources Office Building Page 7 of 7
Final Master Plan (LRP2007-00020)
Request for Final Master Plan Modification—Written Statement
November 9:2012-Revised December 26, 2012
V. Attachments and Concurrent Application References
A. Attachments
The following attachments are provided to assist staff and the applicant in evaluating the
requested assistance herein:
• Attachment 1 —Deed.
• Attachment 2—Preliminary Title Report, October 16, 2012.
• Attachment 3—Legal Description.
• Attachment 4—Reduced Site Plan from in-process Site Review, October 23, 2012.
• Attachment 5— Planning Commission Notice of Decision, July 18, 2007.
• Attachment 6—Staff Report, July 17, 2007.
• Attachment 8— Final Master Plan Diagram, July 25, 2007.
B. Concurrent Application References
Please refer to the material and information contained in the in-process Site Plan Review
application (TYP2012-00009) for additional material cited on the Final Master Plan
Modification application form, including:
• Application Form.
• Narrative.
• Plan Set.
• Stormwater Management Plan and Drainage Study (and Scoping Sheet).
VI. Conclusion
Based on the information contained in this written statement, the applicant believes that the
Planning Director can find that the proposed modification can be approved.
If there are any questions regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact Rick
Satre, AICP, at Schirmer Satre Group, 541-686-4540 or rick@schirmersatre.com.
Date Received. Wan
Planner: AL /
Schirmer Satre Group•375 West 4th Avenue,Suite 201,Eugene,OR 97401 •(541)686-4540•Fax(541)686-4577