HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 5/7/2013 PRE13-00011 — Roth & Roth LLC— DIM 5/9/13
Molly Markarian, Senior Planner
Gary Karp, Senior Planner
1. Land Use Analysis
• p. 3
o Note that Springfield is in the process of preparing its Transportation System
Plan (TSP). The Springfield and Eugene TSPs will take the place of TransPlan
once adopted later in 2013 or 2014.
o Note that the documents reviewed should also include the Springfield
Wastewater Facilities Master Plan and the Glenwood Refinement Plan
Stormwater Quality Management section of the Open Space Chapter.
• p.4
o Note that the 2011 adopted Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land
Use and Housing Element calls for considering expansion of the Glenwood node
through the GRP update process, and the Phase I GRP implements that adopted
• p
o Note that the definition of Residential Mixed-Use Zoning District is stated in
Springfield Development Code Section 3.4-245 B.
• p.8
o See Council packet for 4/15/13 for detailed update on Franklin.
o Note that in the Franklin Boulevard Study and the Glenwood Refinement Plan, •
the majority of the widening on Franklin was to occur to the south of existing
right of way as a means of preserving the maximum amount of land between
Franklin and the Willamette River for redevelopment. At this point,the City's
environmental consultants are recommending against this approach due to the
potential challenge of disproportional impact under NEPA and because splitting
the widening equally actually has the potential to minimize overall impacts to
buildings. Ultimately this approach will require an amendment to the Glenwood
Refinement Plan.
• p.10
o • Note that the ultimate location of transit stations will be determined through
the Franklin NEPA process.
• p.13
o Note comments below under Glenwood Refinement Plan—Stormwater.
• p.14
o Note comments below under Glenwood Refinement Plan—Stormwater.
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Date Received: 5/7/7o/
Planner: AL
2. Annexation Criteria
a. Contiguity
• Defer to project planner, Andy Limbird, but we concur.
b. Consistency with Metro Plan Policies
• Defer to project planner, Andy Limbird. but we concur.
c. Minimum Level of Key Urban Services
• Defer to project planner, Andy Limbird, but we concur. Also see applicable notes in.•
response to Land Use Analysis. •
d. Annexation Agreement
• Defer to project planner, Andy Limbird, but yes an Annexation Agreement will be
required. The Annexation Team should provide direction regarding scope and
process. Likely topics will include streets, riparian restoration, multi-use path.
3. Glenwood Refinement Plan
a. Local Street Network
• The flexibility desired by the community and the Council for the exact location
of the local street network means that the network will start to be 'anchored' as
development occurs. Staff recommends coordination early and often with
other development entities planning development in the area (HACSA,Vik)to
ensure compatibility given that the City does not know which entity will
officially be the 'first one in the door'.
b. Franklin Boulevard
• Springfield conducted the Franklin Boulevard Study from 2007-2008. At that
time, the Council endorsed a hybrid multi-way boulevard conceptual design.
Since then,the concept was further refined and incorporated into the
Glenwood Refinement Plan. At this time, staff have secured funding for and
have started working with a consultant team to complete full NEPA
documentation and design refinement. Completion of this task is anticipated in
• Defer to Tom Boyatt for more details.
c. Greenway/Setback
• Any intensification of use will trigger the need to comply with both the
Willamette Greenway Setback and Riparian Setback, which are coterminous.
• Note that Implementation Strategy B.2d.10 of the Phase I Glenwood
Refinement Plan states: Allow for a shift in the Riverfront Street right-of-way
without obtaining Major Modification approval under the Glenwood Riverfront
Mixed-Use Plan District to permit a pre-existing nonconforming commercial
building to remain on the north side of this street, if the building can be brought
into compliance with the land use designation, zoning, and all applicable
Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District development standards. The shift
in the location of the right-of-way must be as close as possible to the building.
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Date. Received: 617/a0/3
Planner: AL
• •
d. Riverfront Linear Park& Park Blocks
• The Annexation Agreement process will outline when and how property owners
will be required to dedicate/provide an easement for the Riverfront Linear Park,
including the multi-use path (proportional to their development area). Design
and construction of the park and path will occur in coordination with
Willamalane when critical mass is reached to facilitate initiation of that phase of
public improvement development.
• Note that the riparian setback may be used for stormwater management
purposes compatible with riparian restoration.
e. Stormwater
• Policy E.4.a. of the Phase I Glenwood Refinement Plan states:To the extent
practicable, amend the Springfield Development Code and the Springfield
Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual to facilitate the use of LID
techniques to achieve stormwater quality and optimal capacity management.
• Policy C.6.a. includes 10 Implementation Strategies to: Ensure adequate
Stormwater Quality Management planning, emphasizing the natural hydrologic
processes that minimize negative impacts on water quality,flow volumes,
duration, and quantity resulting from development and redevelopment (see
GRP pp. 105-108)
• Ordinance 6279, adopted in September 2012, amended the Springfield
Development Code to codify the implementation strategies of Policy C.6.a and
to facilitate the use of LID techniques.
• Resolution 2012-23, adopted in December 2012, amended the Springfield
Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual to facilitate the use of LID
techniques. See Chapters 3 &4 for updated requirements.
• All private stormwater must be managed on-site. Provisions exist to
accommodate some private stormwater in the Park Blocks and Riparian
• At this time, staff does not anticipate amending the Citywide Stormwater
Facilities Master Plan nor the CIP to incorporate public stormwater
management projects north of Franklin Boulevard (in the Park Blocks and
Riverfront Linear Park). However, staff is working on getting such projects •
added to the appropriate project lists so that SDC Improvement and
Reimbursement Funds may be allocated to these projects.
• Defer to Clayton McEachern for more details.
f. Wastewater
• The type of development/redevelopment contemplated for Glenwood Phase I
will require connection to the trunk sewer main in Franklin Boulevard. Existing
private wastewater service may continue until such time as
redevelopment/development occur.
• Defer to Clayton McEachern re: status update on City acceptance of trunk line.
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Date Received: S N� �OOi3
Planner: AI
• •
4. Vertical Housing Development Zone and other Public/Private Partnerships
• Policy D.1.b. of the Phase I Glenwood Refinement Plan states: Provide financial
incentives for the development of new high-density affordable housing units through
local, state, and federally-funded housing and community development programs, as
annexation occurs and funding becomes available.
• Under the aforementioned Policy, Implementation Strategy D.1.b.4 states: Establish a
Vertical Housing Development Zone.
• Note also that Implementation Action 5.1 of the 2011 adopted Springfield 2030
Refinement Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element states: Establish a Vertical
Housing Development Zone in Glenwood.
• Prior to the reorganization of the Development Services and Public Works Departments,
City staff held a meeting with State of Oregon Housing and Community Services staff
(OHCS now runs VHZ program)to discuss the establishment of a VHZ in Subarea A of the
Phase I Glenwood Refinement Plan. Issues discussed but not resolved included the VHZ
boundary and the fact that the State rules require and limit ground floor commercial
uses while the Glenwood Refinement Plan Residential Mixed-Use designation and
zoning do not require ground floor commercial uses and allow upper story commercial
uses for buildings fronting Franklin Boulevard.
• The DPW Director and/or the Glenwood Refinement Plan Oversight Team need to
assign/direct staff to determine an appropriate boundary for the VHZ and prepare the
proposal to OHCS.
• Regarding Urban Renewal, City staff have had initial conversations with potential
developers regarding the resources and opportunities available from Urban Renewal.
Defer to John Tamulonis as to whether any more information is available at this time.
5. Additional Advice
• N/A
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Date Received: s/741913
Planner; AI