HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 12/17/2012 •
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From: GORDON Gilbert
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 2:53 PM
Cc: GERARD Alan; KENNEDY Melissa
Subject: Minimum Development Standards-Minor TYP1 12-00040 Sluggo's Hot Dogs/coffee cart
The proposal for a 24 X 20 foot free floating deck next to the hot dog/coffee stand does not appear to
affect access or water supply issues for fire service delivery.
Gilbert R. Gordon
Deputy Fire Marshal
Springfield Fire and Life Safety
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Office Phone: 541-726-2293
Please note my new e-mail address:
Date Received: 2"/ 7/4-
Planner: LM
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City of Springfield
To: Matt Stouder—Engineering, Chris Carpenter—Building, Michael Liebler—Transportation,
Gilbert Gordon—Fire and Life Safety •
From: Liz Miller-Planning
Date: 12/17/2012
Re:. Minimum Development Standards Review Minor—TYP112-00040
Attached is a Minimum Development Standards review for a 480 square foot deck addition to the
existing coffee cart in the Centennial Shopping Center. The deck is proposed to be free floating, 12 to
18 inches above grade and extend across the south drive-up lane and into the landscape planter
island. The applicant plans to retain the trees in the landscape island.
Please retum comments to me by Wednesday, January 2, 2013.
Thank you!
Date Received: 1 2 2--
Planner: LM
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From: michael mccreery [peabodyspubl @yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Liz, the I'm not sure what the code is,but my thoughts are that I'll use pier blocks 2x6 stringers and 2x6 planks
so the deck would be 12 to 18" high.Wanted to do steps but can add ramp w/no problem.Thanks Mike
From: MILLER Liz <Imiller(a�springfield-or.gov>
To: 'michael mccreery' <peabodvspub1(&vahoo.com>
Cc: CARPENTER Christopher<ccarpenterna springfield-or.gov>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Thanks Mike. I'll distribute the plans for comment today. Usually the divisions will have approximately 14 days to get
comments back to me. One item you'll want to look into with the Building Division is the accessibility for the deck. Are
you proposing a step or ramp? What do you propose the height of the deck from grade to be? I've copied Chris
Carpenter from the Building Division. His phone number is 541-744-4153.
Liz Miller
From: michael mccreery [mailto:peabodyspubl@vahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Ms Miller,cool pictures yes that seems right .I will be a floating deck,not attached to bldg.,and short of the
trees. Thanks Mike McCreery
From: MILLER Liz <Imiller(a�springfield-or.qov>
To: "Peabodyspubl @yahoo.com" <Peabodvspubl(a)vahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 3:46 PM
Subject: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Hi Michael,
I'm the planner assigned your application for adding a deck to the existing coffee cart. As part of the MDS
review I need to distribute the plan to Building, Fire and Transportation for any comment. So that you don't
have to come back in, can you look at the attached and tell me if this is the accurate depiction of the deck
location on site. The deck would cross the south drive-up.lane and extend into the planter area.
Would the deck stop a few feet before the trees?
Liz Miller
Urban Planning Division
City of Springfield
(541) 726-2301 ��
Imiller(c�springfield-or.gov Date Received: I 24 I
City website Planner: LM
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From: MILLER Liz
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 10:15 AM
To: 'michael mccreery'
Cc: CARPENTER Christopher
Subject: RE: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Thanks Mike. I'll distribute the plans for comment today. Usually the divisions will have approximately 14 days to get
comments back to me. One item you'll want to look into with the Building Division is the accessibility for the deck. Are
you proposing a step or ramp? What do you propose the height of the deck from grade to be? I've copied Chris
Carpenter from the Building Division. His phone number is 541-744-4153.
Liz Miller
From: michael mccreery [mailto:peabodyspubl@vahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Ms Miller,cool pictures yes that seems right .I will be a floating deck,not attached to bldg.,and short of the
trees. Thanks Mike McCreery
From: MILLER Liz <Imiller(a�springfeld-or.gov> •
To: "'Peabodyspubl @yahoo.comm <Peabodyspub1@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 3:46 PM
Subject: Sluggo's Hot Dog Deck
Hi Michael,
I'm the planner assigned your application for adding a deck to the existing coffee cart. As part of the MDS
review I need to distribute the plan to Building, Fire and Transportation for any comment. So that you don't
have to come back in, can you look at the attached and tell me if this is the accurate depiction of the deck
location on site. The deck would cross the south drive-up lane and extend into the planter area.
Would the deck stop a few feet before the trees?
Liz Miller
Urban Planning Division
City of Springfield
(541) 726-2301
Imiller a(�springfield-or.gov
City website
Laserfiche website
Date Received: Z �--
Planner: LM