HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-2-28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 ":c''';'(<-.;:-: : '," ',' .:_.-_:'.n":':'1j'~-:';.~:",':::,-'._ ''--:-.-' ,{~F'eb 't;l:Jrat~y~~'8;' ~',988i" , 'l? :J; Mr. Durward L. Boyles Sycan B . . ' 3405 Baldy Vie~ Lan~ . Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Follow up on Inquiries Dear Doc: My apologies for the vague subject line, but the number and diversity of your current interests with the City makes specific itemization rather awkward. The following responses, though brief in narrative, should provide you with the information necessary to proceed or conclUde these matters. 1. Sign Island ~ A single user occupying multiple lots is entitled to the aggregate square footage assigned to those lots in the original agreement. The total square footage of sign island shall not exceed the amount provided in the original agreement. The square footage of on-premise signs shall be reduced in proportion to sign island square footage. 2. Gateway Street Sign - The proposal to create a corridor from an interior lot to a lot fronting Gateway may be accommOdated through a transfer of fee title (lot line adjustment). It is recommended that this corridor be 5 to 10 feet wide with a 10 to 20 foot square "boot" along Gateway. The corridor could not be used for commercial access but could be used as required landscaped setbacks for all abutting lots. 3. Sycan Subdivision is in "1-5 Oriented Area B" therefore each business may have two free standing signs; one @ 65 feet tall and 500 square feet per face; one @ 35 feet tall and 150 square feet per face. Sign island is not considered one of these permitted signs. Total area for all wall signs is 300 square feet per street frontage. 4. Additional right-of~way for an increased raaius in the northwest intersection of Kruse ana Hutton is not a requirement of the City. The functional design of these streets can accommOdate any use permitted in the CC zone. If you wish to increase this radius the City will accept aedication and improvement subject to our normal procedures for such action. 5. The property just east of Sycan is proposed for: 1) expedited annexation review; 2) zone change to CC; and, 3) lot line adjustment. The City has no objection to expeditea annexation review. The outcome of all concurrent land use applications will be contingent upon execution of the final order by the Bounaary Commission. ':k The City's position on the zone change is that the commercial designation on the Pl an di agram shows a 1 arger area than is currently occupi ed by Sycan. We will rely heavily on the findings ana supporting materials you supply for this request., but of course the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on, not the staff, must approve this request. The lot line adjustment will involve Parcel 8, lots 1300 and 1900. Since there are 2 lots outside the subaivision that will deed land to Parcel 8, two separate.applications. are necessary. . . . 6.' Sign Enforcement:.....:The.Citywill initiate a citation program upon adoption of the revised Development COde. A single warning will be issued one week before implementation. All businesses utilizing portable signs will be cited. Existing signs which exceed our present standardS, and which were previously authorized, wi" be allowed to remain unless a new tenant proposes to install a sign. Recent court cases involving the extent to which Cities may use exactions as a condition of approval raises some serious questions about the standing of an amortization program that aoes not inclUde compensation. It might be useful to have your attorney contact Joe Leahy for further i nformati on. 7. Fill on tax lot 1100 ~ John Marshall of the Division of State LandS, will be sending me a letter verifying DSL has no juriSdiction over the fill that has occurred on this tax lot. Mr~ Marshall COuld find no evidence of wetland features on his recent inspection of this site. ". 8. Southern Paci fi c Ri ght-of..Way .. Cynthi a Pappas has wri tten to Mr. MacNei 1 of SP clarifying the City's position on the appropriate use and zoning of this property. I have attached a copy of thi s letter for your files. I hope I have discussed each of the items that are of primary concern to you. If I have left anything out, or if you would like more detail, please contact me at your convenience. cordial).m.',"~" .' '. ....... /' .f" '." . (.~l"ll "I . Gre96rY S-J Mott . Development COde Administrator