HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Change 1973-6-8 . 3~1I : ,; ,.r~ ''''. / '.1. LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT NO. 29Li.-76 .. CONSTRUCTION CHANGE Of OCCUPANCY ] MOBILE ,HOM~ [] PLAN REVIEW [] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner Durward l Boyles NAME Route 10 Box 269A ADDRESS CITY Eugene Ore~oi1 ZIP CODE 747 ~ ]!iJG ' PHONE , Same D Contractor NAME O.S. Reg. # NA Twn 17 Range 03 ADDRESS CITY \....-t I [", ( . <:::-.,. IZIP.;CODE-' 'I..-' ..--." PHONE ~ f c'-- {;. y r:ode 4-0l ~ Census Tract Section 23 Tax Lot 200 Subdivision NA Lot Block Acreagp Width Existing Structures on Property: Baldv View lane Radio Station Depth Access to Property (Road Name)' Directions to Property - Address: STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) SQ. FT. C~ANGE OF OCCUPANCY LANE COUNTY SPECIAL PERMIT AREA: RAfHn ."i.TATTON (I A~I Or.r.IIPAl\\CV 1f~, I\\OT Tl-n" list f.IIRRH1TI v\ CifAI.."gF TO ~ROIIP HOMF J:'At.Tl1fTV FON1 AI10i f~r.FllliC:; PFR.c:ONCi; Miucr!\:lIiM i1FFH~F TO Rl= TMf.IIlOJ:'I). SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ VALUATION OTHER [ PLUMBING INSTALLED' BY: OWNER [] OTHER [] NAMF BUILD ING ' .... ?n ('1-1 WATER SUPPLY: PR,OPOSED [ ] PLUMBING EXISTING [ ] \ 3% SURCHARGE [ ] PUBLIC MOBILE HOME= [ ] COMMUNITY - NAME: WASTE DISPOSAL [ ] PRIVATE WELL PLAN REVIEW [ ] OTHER - SPECIFY: TOTAL 20.00 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS MIN. D.RAINFIELD L1N. FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES -Sit:1p' . p,,-r ~~ ~ r, 4 rr (I~ /7-'''' f~~c ;~/C'Go T-/",-:-r '6 -.. t'! ov-~ -- '~'-I 23/~~,~ J"'Ar~ ~~(J /-.E..-rK~"'.f ' / ' ~_ ~ ,.. ~~ "'.~. STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZONF USE CLASSIF. CWU\H'::W: OF Or.:r.IIPA~U~V TrI1~PF'r.Tmm ~j::Pt'lRT ~I='p,:: j:"\lBI IIAITOM l;i-f!:'IiT. 'j) IliTfirJ.lr.:n i i:'TTi:'D ---~._._-. -_._..:;;~-,. -......-..-- -~..._.. SETBACKS - FT. FROM CTR. OF r/W: FRONT SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. REAR ZONF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ JO:ll1 S Sm20d by 3/41f/;6 ISSUANCE DATE: c11m BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State ,Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of' occupancy before being occupied. C55.13 (See Detai is on Reverse Side) "" "t.,--..,....... ' (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. ,AT SITE) "\:~::~\!\;LJ.~,.) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 :r~,. ...__~~.,.. /, '" . ~)'f@ ~ - ~'--- ~ ~'~,~~~ ~~ ~V=~ ~ dG~ J - -:s ,-7?- ..... (" '/ ";"', 'i'~" ", ,.'/ ., : Te ~~ ~ Date c::J - ..::,-- 7 G:. ,I, ~,. ... ."" " '1" '\' ,,~,' .,' '~:) ~.. Time ,//; () ~ ) j. ~ WHI LE YOU WERE OUT At) cyc- dP ~ (/ ~ :,.. ~ phone ext. .. of ... . ~ ~ CAME IN X PLEASE CALL WILL CALL BACK TELEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALL RUSH ~ :. Message f/&: Q~~~ ~~', .: ~" ~ : Ft~t". Jt1/l-RShA-L - cf);ee-C-Ol,) /J-J/JtI.AJ,. :~ tR u ~ ~ - clr, Y 3 7 :. (,1/)1( C. 'I.1-D ().s- +- 4:1'-,0 10 ~ fIJ-Jrr;., if :J-%-~ ~ V . ~ Ck)'- ~413. ~~E~~j;:::!;.' - ..y...... + + ....v'. ''h t t.... t,........v\. .\ It ,t. + ~.J (' ,,(;]. ,~" 'S~~~~? ~ ",~,."~.~.~ .,. .~~ "" 1:0 '_. _ . f Date# '"'"~ ;;;;2 L./- "7/,-. Time ;::2 .' S-O ) :a- - " r- ~> :a- WHILE YOU WERE OUT t Oct-e 15(]-C/J ~ : OLk' p ~ E fJ.Lcicl '~-'J : phone '1 V7 1 'i 6 fj' ext.. /J :~ , ~~ - - : TELEPH~. L~E CALL : CAMEr ~ j l~~ WILL ~LL BACK ~~ RETU~ED ...(pU~ CALL R RUS..y t l ~ .~ Messa(r7And<~C(.~ U~ if 'kLA/~ - , fH-.~ ~ ;?roup ,; (I ~LIII-;ff1 0 ~,~ :. I' ....; ",. ,"" ~ :~ -:-,=.- lAJ~ + .' +~ -, :...,.. ~ ~~ + - ) ~ (XltH10:V , - :- / 7 ~ ., V .... -. -;.,.....t..~...., ~. ""........ ....... +, 'I. I ....... .~A' ,~ 'I.. + ...~- . .' dne,CQUnty {.....4,.~- .Y'~ Ma rch2 ,1976 Durward L. Boyles Route 10, Box 269 A Eugene, Oregon ,97401 RE~ Change of Occupancy Application No. 294~76 Map: 17 - 03 -23 Tax Lot 200 This letter covers our investigation on February. 5, 1976 of the structure at the above location by representatives of the Lane County Construction Per~its and Inspection Division and Environmental Health Division. , . The structure is an exi?ting one-story wood frame building which has been used as ,a radio station (group F-2occupancy, type 5-N construction, Fire Zone 3) facility. . The applicant proposes to use the existing building for a group care facility '(group H-2 o~cupancy) for the lodging and supervision of 8-10 boys, whose place of residence therein is dictated by an authorized and duly responsible governmental . agency exercising legal restraint over theoccupants~' . . .~ Reference State of Oregon Building Code, Section 502; any change in the use or occupancy of a building or structure requires the building to comply with the requirements of. the code (1973 State Building Code) for the new occupancy. Requirements Our inspection of the aboye structure, for the proposed use, indicates the follow- ing items will be requirea: l~ Every room used, or intended to be used by a gu~stfor 51eeping purposes, sha 11 have at 1 east one window or exteri or door approved for emergency exit or rescue. ' 'Note: Wher~windows are p~ovid~d they shall have a net clear openable area of not less than 5 sq. ft. with no dim~nsion less than 22" and the sill height shall not be ov~r 48" above the finish floor. 2. The structure shall be provi ded wi th approved parti cl es of combustion detectors installed in each sleeping room and in the exit system and interconnected 'into the manual fire alarm system. ' I 3. All proposed sliding glass doors shall have approved safety glass; , . CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION rJlV / ENVIRO~.lMENTAL MANAGEMENT [lI'PT / 135 EAST 6TH / F:UGENE, OR 97401/ (503) 687-4065 . Durward L. Boyles March 2, 1976 Page 2 4. The floor and walls of toilet rooms shall be finished with hard non- absorbent surface of Portland cement, ceramic tile, or approved equal when approved by the building official. Asphalt tile, vinyl tile, and rubber base are not accepted for floors. The finish floor material shall extend upward onto the walls at least 5 inches. Walls for showers shall be finished to a height of not less than six (61) above the floor. Materials other than structural elements used in such walls shall be a type which is not adversly affected by moisture. 5. Provide approved ramps at the primary entrances for the physically handicapped as required by table No. 33-A and which shall comply with the requirements for Ramps, Section 3306 (a). 6. One toilet facility and shower shall comply with the physically handi- . capped requirements. (Sec. 1711 (b) ). 7. Provide under floor ventilation for the new floor area. All under floor construction shall be of pressure treated materials. 8. All rooms including the utility and toilet rooms shall have light and ventilation as required by section 1305 (a). 9. All exit doors shall have latching hardware of the type having no pro- visions for locking against egress, the method of operation being obvious. 10. Provide additional attic cross ventilation as required by Section 3204 (c). 11. 'r All domestic ranges or cooking equipment shall have an approved ventilating hood, vented to the outside of the building. 12. Electrical Service panels may not be located in closets. Cl a rifi cat ion All heating equipment shall be a type as tested and listed by a nationally recognized testing agency and must be installed in full compliance with the testinq aqency's listinQ specifications and/or requirements of the State Mechanical Code. All electrical work shall comply with the State electrical Code. This office recommends that YOU contact the Electrical Safety Section of the State Buildinq Codes division. Oreqon State Department of Commerce. reqardinq any anticipated works and the acceptability of the existinq facility for the proposed change of occupancy. " ..... . . Durward L.. Boyles March 2, 1976 .Page 3 All plumbing in the existing'building and all new plumbing propo~edshall .comply with 1973 State Pl~mbing Codes. The storage .and handling of gasol ine, fuel oil, and other flammable 1 iquids shall be inaccord~nce with U.B.C.Standard No. 104. ) Compliance with 1973 State Building Code requirements does not preclude compliance with the'State Fire Marshal's requirements. Remarks' See enclosed report from Lane County Environmental Health Division, regarding health and sanitation items which are requi red for the proposed change of occupancy. . Abuilding permit is required for any modification of the existing building; together with the necessary plans to show how the above items are to be completed. . All new works shalJ comply with the 1973 State B~ilding Code. The building is not to be used or occupied for the propo~ed use until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy. . A "Conditional Use .Permit" is' required for the proposed use in the AGT Zone.. Therefore a building permit for the proposed use could not be issued until a "Conditional Use Permit" is approved by the Lane County P1anning Commission. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact this office. Our new telephone number is 687-4391. ..f." JOHN E; BOSS, Director . Construction Permits & Inspection Division d~;;~ BY: JOHN S. .SMEED~SU. pervisor. . . PI ans Revi ew Section JSS/dlm . cc. CharI i e. Harbaugh /Bui Idi ng Inspector Don Ewen, Deputy Fi re Marsha 1 Jerry Davis, Sanitarian enc: - .- ~ Mar.ch 1, 1976 Durward L. Boyles Rt. 10, Box 269-A Eugene, Oregon 97401. RE:Change .of occupancy radio station to group care home sanitation , requirements.. 17-03-23-200. This letter is in regard to the investigation of the abov.e ref erenced property by this .office, for .the. purpose of. converting a radio station to a groupcarehbme. The fo llo~ing changes would be required' for group care. 1. A residential. type dishwasher with a minimumi700 heat sani- tizing cycle or' a three. compar.tment sink' shall be provided for dishwashing. 2. Kitchen floor and wall materiai shall be smooth, washable . surf ace. . 3.. Public water' shall be provided (Public' water is available, structure presently connected to well.) 4.' Temperature control valves shall be placed on all lavatory' and shower water lines .so water to' these outlets will not " 0 exceed HO'.F ~ 5. Sewage disposal. system shall be enlarged and meet D.E.Q. requirements. Please contact this office if you 'have any question. , ' .~ JOHN O. STONER R.S., DIRECTOR . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~c?cJ~/1.)' BY:. . Gerald A. Davi9 R.S. Registered Sanitarian GAD: ep cc. . Johri.Smeed cc. Planning Division dne county DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES / A. K. HOTTLE, 01 RECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL. HEALTH DIVISION /1.35 EAST 6tH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / pHONE (503) 687-4051 \ ~/~ -IJ- -1-. 7t." --.J. ~ . . T. I-i R &'3 s:;>3 TA>5:::~LOT. ,;J.--o-rJ /1-:-7& SUBI1IV1SION:.' , CJ-97 '. LOT. ."" BLOCK:; BUILDIN~ SITE EVALUATION .;1" BUlL-DING ~ERMIT APPLICATION NO. () SITE INSPECTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not Applicable Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone~ ( ) Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance -,:IVI .( ) Required Access . ( ) Building Site (Area, Width, Fr6ntage) . ( ) Other (see comments) ( ) &~~l ./~ PLANNING DIVISION COMMENTS: . ., . APPL I CANT DATE No Yes T)( ) () C) ( J ( ) . ( ) ( ) ( )( ) .--h ~ CK'D BY: u&. .;2.? U7b 6. Setbacks' from cll of road: Front Side Exterior Setbacks from interior lines: Side ~~~ +, PLANN I NG D I V I S ION ACTION PEND'I NG: YES C\;) 'NOl .f ApPLI CATI ON# , \)(< BUtLDING INSP~CtION blvlSlb~ Not APPli~aQle ~ 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 1 O. Other (se:.,c"ij"ents) COMMENTS: U~f 1- V V Dr ~ No Yes T) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) CK'D BQ~5 ?r:J'70 ~ DATE /"1' _. ~ ~Y~J ~n'/- N6t Applicable No Yes II.~ ~ 11. Heets O~p.rtment of Envl ronmenta 1 ( ) T) ( ) (jJ~ '07 /, -7' _ Quality Standards. ~r it? 12. Other (see comments)~. () () ( ) CK'D BY: ~ ~ DATE COMMENTS: ~ r if // /'. r-J e"~fI_. -_ v ~~~_~.O~l!t!-r- ____P-~"',./-/!Z "'/ --"'...-.~ ~. 1: . WATER POLUTION CONTROL TO APPLlCAN\ourBulldlng I Site Inspection: . /./J ,//--~ lJt1 ~ r..... .wCan be approved. Vr. (/"7 'f/ .....() Cannot be approved at this ti.me as indicated on Item NO. above. ~ /~ '*' Ques tI ons and f urthe r informat Ion on items I through 6 contact the lANE- P' COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION~. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. () Will be held in this' office until you can resolve the problems indicated. () Is be.ing returned.. .... .' '. ( ) YourbuildTng perm'it applic~.!J..9D_f~_~,l.~J?einsi ~eturn~d under separate cover. uEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENr 135 S i)<th Ave.nue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 . LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 CSS':'28 . . 0; dne county March 12, ;976 Durw,ard L. Boyles Route #10, Box 269A Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE:Change of occup~ncy Application No. 294-76 Map: )7-03-23'~ Tax Lot 200 This l~tter is in r~gard to our telephone conversation on Ma~ch 11, 1976 concerning the item on heatingequiplllent noted in our letter of Ma r.ch2, J 976. The'heatin~ equipment item is in reference to installation of new equipment and/or modifications to the existing equipment. I hope the above clatification answers. the questions you had con- cerning the heating equipment requirements. . If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact this office. Our new telephone number ;s687-4391. JOHN E. BOSS, Director ..~~cons:rnqit~::?n BY,: JOHN S'. S. MEED, Supervi sor Plans Review Section .JSS:ks Di visi on ' ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION I ENVIRONMENTAL MANAC;EME~JT DfPArnME~n I 13~i EAST 6TH AVE I EUGEr'oIE, OR 97'101 I (503) 687-4065