HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-2-28 "b - ", ,... ' \. <I " POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ~t ' , JO,,;3 A~bRESS: 443 BLACKSTONE ST., SPR I NGF I ELD TRS, TL: 17-03-23.3.49000 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-354-79 Subdivision: 1ST. ADD. ROYAL DELLE ESTATES LOT',18 BLOCK 3 'This permit for the referenced property is hereby, ApPROVED. " Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/Address: , Contractor's OS # 'JOHN L. THOMAS SAME CRAIG HILL 1334' ,443 BLACKSTONE ST., SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 343-1614 OR 343-7331* Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value: 3',744.00 Construction approved by'this permit: ADD I T ION TO EX I ST I NG HOUSE, EXTENS ION OF BEDROOM AND BATHROOM. " , 'lTRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY': DWELL I NG " SEE SUPpLEMENT #' 48IJ..F9R EXTRIll FEES,ON SQ.FT. AND 5 PLMBG. .FIXTURES. ' Water Supply: SPR I NGF I ELD # Bedrooms: f # Plumbing Fixtures: ~ 7 # Employees: NA Zoning: RA ' Partitioning # NA 'Parcel # , NA Parcel Size: 8oX120 Minimum required structural setbacks; from: centerline of road, front: 40' '; centerline of road; side exterior: NO. ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 5 ~ Special Instructions: NONE PLANNING DIVISIOI\I WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, Setbacks ' , ' - Septic Tank I nterior property lines ' 10' ~dge of road right-of-way 10' " &'-lilding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' Drainfield 10' , 10' 10' 100' For information call 687:"3962 between 8:00 - 9;00 a.m.~ GREGGRAY!R. BRYANT Group: R- 3 Use Classification: 'SFO! ADD. CONSTRUCTfoN' PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: N-5 Instructions: ' ' Fire Zone: 3 ' For plans information call 687-3167 b'etween 8:00 .a.m: and 9:00 a.m., J 1M LAMB For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: \ , bne county .~ ..4 ~1 Directions to Site: OUT HARLOW RD. TO HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY, LEFT TO 3RD. ST. , RIGHT ,ON BLACKSTONE. Date Issued: 2-28-79 C55-13 KARA ADAMS!JO -: ~ :. ,1' ~ "" , " '" ". . .' ;.:~;~,~,:~~;: :', -':ff-'--'~ ~.,' i i.-r j' t ..//\ I ,~' ...J,.-.. . .}SUPP~EMENT Nffit:!' '.'. ~' .t.~ i" OWNER ~)HW , , ,-, CONTRACTOR C~;>,(.,. I C,. , .....t PROPERTY ADDRESS (Building Valuation) '". ..,"*J" <~... _.'. " rujt~~' L. r1~~ (;1\..... A 'S l.,{ \ I...\.. ';":" ~~' ""/~;1f>f1r:tl~~~1:p~'.> ~~f~:J~'t~!;\I~J';.n~~~~-:' ...-;,:.. -~',. :-~ '",r:",.r :~...,';.,.t:r"""i::~~I-:,/,':~':';'..,_"1 -/f~- '_d<::'~ .':-'~. (,.: <' ._,~ , . '.w" ". ~;8tivJk~ ~~ BUILDING PERMIT:lt~f5-4 -7~j , ".: . ~~. , " ", . ..; ..".. ,', '.;" .,. ~ c' . , ,;,;,~:".:"'\,;~-' ':_'.'i:'~"" ::~",:", ." ',>.. ~,., '." , }: .., ~ /" SlJP'PLEMENT No.N ~~ OWNER .:';)1\\\.\'\ L \'\-\ama,.S CONTRACTOR L." "e\'O ~\ \\ \ ~~ ~~~CX\~ ')~ address W. ~'(a~-.ua\j address \ PROPERTY ADDRESS 4'4"7;, ~\d>C~t:::.\O\\~ ~'\ (Building Valuation) \'55 ~ ~ ~'). ?~ ~ ~C1 'i'j S' ~(IA.? r\'4X"u.Qi;C; Revised( []addition, [Je-6rrect ion ) Prior .:i:. 13U I LD 1 NG PERM IT ~5c;.- -"\~ ~4\- ~ - \<a \4 phone, phone [~. due []refund ?~.oo., 7<~ Bldg. Waste Plumb. Plan R. 4%sur. 'J.'j. ~ ~.C70 'l{f.;()1? 1.0'i , /~,~ , - "", !V x, c_ .0~ - 'b.C1O t ~<.(]U> " A-t L TOTAL ~.~ amt. paid~. O'lS amt. due ~4.~~ Signature of Applicant Date , Fee Received By Date []cash []check LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C74-119 \ ' \ i' ,,;~:-,," .~;l. ,~ ( (< ,:1 :"h-; , \ .".... " ~~ FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT ',~ 1 J . Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 .-." TO: L...../ PERt.HT PROCESSING PER~HT NUMBER _, ~?4 ~ 19 r PLANNING PARTITION NU~mER PUBLIC WORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES NO V SITE IN FLOOD ~AZARD AREA YES NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRO~1 FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. % -0 REcm~~~ENDATIONS : . '1 '\: ." , I..... < ~~ ,\ ~ )::> x r o ~ DATE ...) .. -:; ,r.:., - 7 "; ~_.. ., "1--__ ~ T BY .""':" }. Ii .r ..\: ...~ C99 - 21 ~ ('. r ".. ',', . :~'-';. , '. .'.... :", i, ''\ :'.~ ~c. (r' ' '.';.-. ,',1; ;':'~n';:. . ,. "', I--'~-: ,'\'J::'" ',\,:,',1,"1','.-"'. :~'.,:" ~ '~'" '-'Pi-c, ~,,~; ~ r';" . . ,,,-. ,""t~:'l' . .. .; /....e:... BUILDING PERMIT__.~:,-.y-7? />....-;""..:~' ,//~", ~ , r ~:// .. / .// OWNER > ,,1:>:-<, C1<;",,:/;'-:;~j;~~;~/ '/7 7.?: ,A:;'>i~~&:-,;iJ;;r:r .,/.><~: .,;'j'~.5-/h/r I address phone. ..' ",' . //,-?,'I""" ":1',, ":, \ CONTRACTOR /.rf~>:Z~;;"'? ,.<('kAt:? . Li ~ ,1."....~,;.~t.-:-:1!'~\r;-;:;3d....;/ \ 'i .' /"'Y" . 'ildaress /,./' ,,-;:/' \. phone PROPERTY ADDR~S5 7"" ~~.;fi" ,~"1~/.::;'~.(~A:;~;$;~.>/~' '\ ./ (Building Valuation) I Revise~ '\\) Prior ( \}.//'''' 1. '. -[Ja~i.tron r}~mt:. Que ,/ [t.}corr.,ecti on -,' ' JJre~un~) ,,-. IrK.p,,~ ::?.., "51 :: ) {P} a tNI ...// ,<3 '1 2 " /,/",J ,,~ , /,.,::.';)..::.rt .~.A,.,..' ,,-ycx.,s-j. Bld9.}1 .~:.,..j'."'- ..},c 01~. '. ,.7", ~ "1 / \_-" ',.,.. /...' ?' Waste ...- -","" '. ._", i~ I... -.,,. ~/79'9'... S'~. ,;,4,"':::}:f.;~~: P 1 U~b/. If..f.':t:?/ \ ",~tU t..r;. i /dJ!. ~ ',11' ~ / \ Plan R. /,1f/~ j A2L.l~ _p ~ ..>i$'~:r.:'~~/:.w"j/ \ ),~ur. '/.. 4r./ ! "L-2, off t / ' fr.,tJ t ,_~_,/ TOT AL.6:' ~ 44 amt. j:>a i d )f'd ~ o;f aiTi1t. du e" .JTiJ I. if ,~' \..1 . ' ~::. I, /. :. '\ ;. i -;,' i! ' '", : '- '_ " . i" I~~ I '\ 51 gnature of App 11 cant ~"".1tC~nt :\, . 'i> ' 1"; ", t Date -e':' '~) '.' " I " ;:-- 1\ . Fe~ Received By )~~) Jt;(' pate,,;;1~i,~l.y[JcaSh tj'check , < ,', LANE COUNTY DEPA~}M~NrOF' ENVIRON,MEN~At ~Jl:NAGEMENT:"",Jt:.C1 .~ . I \t...\' 7Ft ~ : '. '... ,'. :'..~... " ..._' I .,....~..-\., i ., ~,,:.. :.....:~.,,'_., ::'...~:....' ..:.;,>,~,~.,~~,..i~~., ;l'.;:...>...~:.,.:'l, '",l.' -" "..::...,.,': ;,4;. i.....:t!,.".,~ ", :. ~{),-~J.; .' ~.,:: '~ . IJ,'{.'. rl $'->1.' .... \~\ ,^".f- , ;SUPRLEMENT N0';,' "..' ..... ';"' {tv u1i ";1 ~ ,,1 n .L. ca,&~& JI ~"~: " '" C74-119 , "., . _ '; :' , C';.'" .,.~ "\.',' ' '_, ,,_, ," _ " ~- .' ~Q~ Receipt # ~',,' )lJ~ .' DEPART,t1ENT O~ ENVIRONr~ENTAL t1ANAGEMF"T ~/"" PSB 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE , ~ ~ ,'---- "-P..t..C~/1 ~GENE, OREGON 97401 '.~~F'i.r~r"""H~f,$~er~f~~~"'!~, ' ....:-:.~j,;h!'~'ri'{, ,.' :.::t: ~(' Job Address /" ,l~ KL Ar \.(' <:..-'r-.~<r <...... City ~ro .. v~ c: ,C"". C"' ~ ' " , ~,' ;,~ i ~cr~~~ ' Assigned'Numb~rs . ~;- Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot l!l_ (")~- '"):2 "<(I -C,- :'"' """",,:",," Subdi vi s i on -i?;:J,' .,'......bcs LL '=- '5:' -:;.........,,\::.&-..$ h~IiLLd Lot' - :g'o Block ~3 Appl ication ':UI' ('") _ _ -r-- _, . \. I .- __\:........~"\ .~c -,....~".....,-:- ~r ~,_."....., ,\1"),,:,,- :....,:;-...A..' . l_~t.~,-,,__t., """. 11- ~ G.." .... ~ f". r~...;::. ~- - - --'" --..-.-.... "t - '--'___ Structures now on the property _,.. \.. _ t-A ",': . 0,.._ '_.-,.,. <: ...;:),.- - -- \..... '", -- '-' ~ -' ........ Proposed use of property: /~. Residential ~/ Commercial /~/ Industrial /_/ Public Affidavit: I, ."....u "-(j:ilea;r~r'fi,1) "..: ' hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: \I owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; /' duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. /' ' ' Signature/Address (\.~\~. --I ,V~g~/~4,,::;;,~ /~,.?L{(ZiP) ., , . Te1eP1~)..f:.i;'__ 1:"1':':'1 or _..:2'1::" 1"'I"1!~ \ , ~: r?':':'..,,_l~L__,\i~ r;ry When permlt lS ready notlfr:-/-K--APP1~ C/ Owner C! Contractor .l:>L: C/ mall' /..iJ Phone. . Owner ~;'?( ~ '~e , /7 (ZiD) -'-,J~h~_ ..,-.-., Contractor /7, ~ // ~/ ___/_ / // r /' , (zip) Phone Contractor'sL-Q's'R#~ ..;/~:1 p.rv~ Y"'p~~ ~,~ " V DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready # of emp 1 oyees # of units SDS: C/ Existing, BP # ~ \J.lo ~ /~/ Proposed, SI # Fee Sq. Ft. or Code ,., f , Description # of Sites a////,/ ~ ' -/-, 7!' /~/--7'/...P/......-:::>~ ~: A '~":',^" _ .."....//A... /.c::-/.. ~ (;.',....'lA:.;r'/{./vd ".. V '{,/c;/-'" '-""'-"' V<V<~;"'P' ~~ / - v----- A, /~ / A '- (' K 4- ", r. . ~l kl... +.f~.:;: ~ ~..., , .......-c-- r 1....-&' rc...'<&~ 1"1../ ' , ~ D' / / L ~ bi:-VVo.vv v' I ~ V Unit Cost ,-,,'1 ~ ~ OLe) Valuation ..2 ""// / / J -" / -/, Fee 1-/ Cash -:.. /" ,L./,/Check # Received bv ,~ ,.. \ \. ~'--'..)'-- '" '-...... Total Valuation: ..:4- PI umbing fixtures at Sewer/0ater conn.'at $ $' .1.1 $/'1' x each each $m.x;' $ $ $ $ $ !?I'~ $ $::?/ A~ $~~q1f $ J f7 '_ ""7- $ /OJ U'v Subtota 1 4% State surcharge Pl ans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL $ SSJ#! PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone 'J:), () ~Part. # G.,fron\') "",-\.~~') G.,side '- :..:>' Parcel # ..._P.ar-ce-l Si zegc-'~ \,~ int( C-.......' '\ ; rear /.':.::... "''''. "- '--' _/ c:::.../ , .r Comments To be typed on permit ....... By \y,-", '\ \- "', I Date <=-~ / ,_ \ ...~\ ft. of drainfield~ePth of trenches: ~k~ D r:iI~;'lQO ns: be tYRed on permit o:tt" 0 ~ 0- ga,l. tank; , ~w~~ r~. ~l 0 /\ O.1t:1~_ " Directions to V-\.- ~~FO'-- '-'~lans 1- /S;; CP&I " ( ~ WPC / I Planning /~/..f~bYWorks , _ fit. Elevation C/ n/a ~/ Address CI Facility Permit C/ Environmental Health ~l \~~ ~ c"- \ '-- "--\ ',\_ (, 3 I) \ ,/ ~ , 'jl ...-'-'_,~ Telenhone si(terJ. -.L --\\c -~~'\c..."-C{ , to:- "LP"&'I '\Set (s) WPC set(s) By (1... 6m...t.. [ '. " ,. -, \'-:;) \ '-::\.... v' r--.. -...r ". ~.; -'--' __ '-- '-..-J \"'-~.. J.. \. ~G ,-,..~,--:l Date Hold SllP Required to PCC , '1 '\ 'l. -, v J ?--~~ d.., LIs-/?9' "~ . ,.. . __\, r <. ~ ',"-v ~___ I \. '---' " Da te Da te to Completed pce --",. .:y/v .~ -'d0- G-y'\. ~~(c,c_k ~~-\C\\ \~ , -, .,' 'lilt' t ( ieceipt N ~~ ~, *tV~ ~J~ I cL" DEPARTtlENT OF ENVIRONr~ENTAL rw.NAGEI" , I .,./ PSB. 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 " , ~ ~i.l:,'~""'!''"''tH'~'','!""''~i~..'''''~~'~~!' . "U:: ~ .--- ~ ASsi'g~ ,fWsllber:'S <, ..:.;< ., ,- .,.;'. ';'- .....'.." Job Address 4~ BLAc.K-.S\o~.sr City, Sp<2.rA.,)6-;:::'I(:l-!:> Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot I~- O~ -:t3 -::34 _:t!- "'Io-c:::s-c. ?ubdivision 'RO~AL.- 'De:..L.LE- ~~~ J.ai:tiHlot /g BloCk,i.3 Appl ication for ~~""Ot>f":,'-I ~..H.- - 'is't.~Itt..J 01"""- :lkCf2OCM..$ l?-A'"\"'I-\~OM Structures now on the property 'S.,t.Jt:rLf.., j:::'AMIl,..'-( 1L~~IDl<:lI.JC.'[,.... !Proposed U!;tl of property: @..R"Jsldential CI COlTI11ercial CI'Industrial () PUbftc' Affidavit: I, JtHt'U L., ~OMf'!l';S , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. (plp.ase print) , If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lan~pCounty Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: A owner of record; contr'act purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; ~ duly authorized to act for the own~r~ w~o is kno, wledgeabJ:,of tJi,SS~ a plication. ~ ~ ~t1 , Slgnature/Address J>v,.~ ' t 4B~~~/..5Y-. ~ (Z1P) Telep~"!L(.:i~Ic,;Ib( or .34~=fl.:3.3\ Date P'~_ J1.-I:_,..t' f17 ,"eo P'~.::tifJ([ &-~,;--"~' ) CI Owner CI Contractor h: CI ma~ Owner ~ ~ ~~ _ (zip) Phone Contractor ' ~d ~ ~~~~ (zip) Phone Contractor's OSRII ~80-f - ~ Plumbing by f7 If Commercial: 'of stories Residential: D of bedrooms SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees e of units 50S: I~I Existing, CI Proposed, BP II ~\~.lo~ SI # Fee Sq. Ft. or Cod'l./":7 // d -l-' .~criptio~ 4.. / . ~ f of S~tes _~~~~_~ y:j~ /6Y; _.~.bnLA'~ J # ~ <'tlk~./ I - () ,oni (~ Cost" d2<<M Valuation :~71/1/ Fee $~~dtJ $ $ $ $ $ f?.. tJ-o $ $3tJlIH:J $-1.1 LI t.L i " $ .I Jf. t:Jt? $ $.SS: 1/4 ()~ I~Ch~k , Rece i ved by Total Valuation: ::2. Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at $ $,f'1 ~ each $ each Su Ibtota 1 fA ~~, 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOT AL I' PERMIT PROCESSING Zoo, ~~~P'ct.' <1.. fron ""-\"'()/ <1., side Parcel # ~ \~-" ~Siz( t., ,,~~ intl ~ _~) ~~ear 2.) Minimum setbacks: Comments To be typed on permit Fire Zone By ~~ ~ Date ,--~/I/l' { Use Classification ~~-p ~ CP&1 Type N-':S" To be typed on permi t Group ~-- ~ '3 For plans inform~l (prea insP~cltor) , c-5ections to Si~C k -\-~, ("p -v\ ('')L.(,...) ~\1 - A_c, \) _ C _0 ~~ l \-.-. -0 .L-~ ~-r SIFO p,lans to: CP&1 '\et(s) Date - WPC set(s) Required J!5{ CP&I" ~ - d- d A WPC ~ -~?., <> ~ () Planning ~ Public Works }J/ ~ Elevation () rnr~ ~ LI Address I-I Facil ity Permit o '~Z:"~ ~~ \)~~ 3 1GD J C74-171 / By k{,Qj 1\0, (lr\lf\~ Date L- '1JO-l~ ~). (-,;~ - L Pllone ,'<ClIa2 ~=-', ~ - \,() ... \. tC-O ~0~ l (:') ~r~, ~\ ' Hold Slip Date Date to to PCC Completed pec ~,-~ ~ ~lGck ~~~ TRS TL \ 'I -C.~...... ~-3 =- ~~~ -=== q~c:l , . ' , Job Location (Address) M-1./-3 13 'AG-Ile.S.Tb~ ~ .sp /2..., ~~t:-I~~ O~ Permit il For Permit il For Permit if For Permit il For Permit il For Permit II For ~' .~ /;: ./,/ r X'::1IL~PoS!.P C"'-~(o.....J , . . ~'Plat Plan Subdivision 'Kt)~A\-- "D-i:..t-l-f:- (... S"r A ~I-e:...s Lot l~ Block 3 :i3 \..Ac...-".s~e::..- -S'rO-E-e:..."T"" ~9~ 0:,' ~~l S'cl ,.,)G- ' ~"""'SL :+ ~p J! 60. Vicinity Map . N --------- ~."\,-' /..~~ // --- C74-150 : \' ( ~ ~~ L../~ I \ r ?€.oP~ '-. "-'E:...- ~ Sf p, ,e.... tAu<.... , ,. , , DEPARH1ENT OF ENVIRONr~E~TALt1ANAGEMF' " Job Add,.", 443 6LA~O.) ::UG~~i:G:iH.9=~~j). . s ~ 1tnwnsMp:' R~nge.~ Sect ;"l.~ 1",~ t,;,;, , 1'1'" 0 a -.:;;::e. a . 4. '. :it: ~ooo , , .. _ ',; ~,q f J.~~.')' . 'S.td~dt~id~n' JJii.'-J~ ~e. ' ~-s.A" A.~E?- .So t~t ,g, R1U~cR" -3 (L1ibc: 0] " :.:d:.~,?? A'pplication for 5uPPi.2.Il.A....'2't.j~ ,,;,~("')iZ- AOO'XICN'A...L- ' F~~q;g\" " Str~ctures now on the property . ~ L)?'l 1" " uc;:.. (~..l~c;::. ez.~Oe.t.,..?_O), . ,', ::lril#i.j,ijIJi;;::~i:itipittj& ;g1:IIM:ijl.ij,~i1:~:C/:t.iNHi:t: C 1~ij4.ij$.'~rIil~ ',Clg~:M~'~:~::: ' , ; , Affidavit: r'.., , 6y:" Q....'eC-~(020.p,J' ',' ,'. ,.~hereby,ceft,if.y~hat this.,,~informati'on,.is true and accu'rate., :. i. . (ple~se ihint) ...~ .~ . . _, If,this,application is 'for an agr.iculturaLbuilding it will lie used for,purposes,allowed by the State Building Code and La.ne County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for"no other purpose'; 1. have the fpllowi,~'g'legal ihterest in the prop,erty: ::- ,l/" owner of re'co'rd; contract purchaser; , lessee; , holder of an exclusive option to purchase; " ~~ly authoHzed, to act JOr;th~wner/~hoiS knOWledg,~able of this applica'~;or]" ',', :,:> " ", ' Signatur~/Address.5~A&eOt0. r" .- --:'---~-'4' .t"'f"'-\-OM:...As.M.3 ~\::::::~~~ziP'J37477 , '-. '..J . ' . - r.-: .....,~-7CJ. , ,::' ,;','" 'Te~ephone 7't'7:"::'.1'=' 2.3 , or, 'Date ~B~~7[-' When perlilit is ready noti.fy: @ Appll cant"':.:-, (}Owner , C! Contractor J2y: CI ma il IjjJ phone Ow~er ~ A~' ^~OvE-;,' " P, Czi'j)) ,Phone Ae,ov'~ ,'Con:fractor ''- 1\ -(', '(zi'p) Phone . . . . . , , , ContraCtor's OSR# ; II '. ., 'Plumbing by ,'. .' 'k) A' " ':F~~,' t6d~, iiil'&MtiiHiM', " ,DO NOT WRITE BEL9W JHIS'H~I~~HHHHHHH , #, of employees ,-- "iNit\ijriliM - . .'.l-J A . -$:;,;;:::::::: , Unit ' , CO$ti' ' ,1~1~~illl:[ Valuation ,'. ' --Fee' , ' $" ' , ,'$ 2.4 .<.::,4, , ,.$ $ $ " :' eacti ,'$ " " each ,$' ," ':--' l' ':$ $ $ $ '2A ,,+, ':1 f Commerc i a 1 :}~rri'r:~r~~~' ...... ResJ den t i a l:~:QtI~ij;:~ \SI test holes ready ; .. " 5~p 'elL "',1:, ~~~ ' o-O,iZ- "~O,D. F'P'~,;::=o i'Z :'A.OO" ,:(v5" -~, .'. Total :Valuation':) ;~:", ,I.~II~~~~~~I~!:~~.'~, :,s~titota 1 , r/tiiW: '" .. .-' :::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::: ,gijij~$.i[f. ~. " , ,-; '-'Recei~~d.b;- R.oP e.~ ;'+OU-l's,', '- "r.. . ,'r WaterSupplY-" , :Proposed: ;Year Jnstall:ed 1'. ;. Ex is Ung 4%S~~ ~e,?urch~rge :~,l ari.{"~,hec:kfee ,Change. of Otcup,al)cy "t '.~ j~ " TOTAL' , . ~ '-, , , ,':,PERMIT PROCESSING.,' ,', Zone ' ~ /' Mi n1mum setbacks': ., '1., front' ,.' 'Part. # , Parcel # ,,' ',Parcel Size 1., side ' int; .' rear ... ,-~, -r' -: ~ ,.:' ,,,," .;_~' <,-'~ .. . . . ~..,;, ~,,. . _ ... , . .. . ..co~m~nts' 50 ~~'~,:tt, LC3~~~-7q ~'~,rJ J 'l.ir\~)/~, Tq,~e typed on permlt ". ' . . " U,',:, ", U,--~, · ": B7, ' , - pate~. ' .-....;..., ..., , . '-",-' , 'Use Clas'sification"''':'.-,-- CP&I 'Type' yO :be typed on 'pe~mit Group' ' Fire Zone -J . ' " . '~ ,. I 4.' , >'By : ' For plans information call ,(area inspector)~ ,Directions to site "T. . Date" , Phone' , r :- .. ~ . , [;1 SIFO Pl a'ris to: CP&I' . s:~,t(s), "WPC ';';, ',:s E,'t( s) ;,' ' ,. , ',l~( CP&L ' , , C! WPC ,: C/ Pi,anning, "', ,',E[Publ'ic ,Works, ':,)'=-I Xl evation,: CI r/a .. "/~/Addr~'ss"', . ",;, " ,': ,'C/ ..Filc ilfty ":~e'rmi t-,,~.', F/ Erivi.ronmen~arHea itti ' Date , Required ,Hold Slip , tOe PC,C, " ',',';~t~mDpal~ef~~,~,~::!". , , Da te to , :, Pce. ..-', .'." ~~:' .".~ ': . . '1'; , ' .l .r ....:.; . . '~ ': .';' -". ..,' ;:.~ ,:,~'" ""-' . .",~'," , .'. .. JOR INFciR~~J~ION 'ab6ut~'rogres\ cif you:- appl,~.c~ti~ncal).: G74-171.,- ,<, ::"" ~'" ",..-: , , Pe'r:mitC6ntr61 ',Cen~er '~687~~HP': ,(6d:'435!Y ;'.:. .~ ' \ ".' ~.'. :::'~ .~ .~ . ~,~ ...... 'I' . t. ~ . . .. .:~~{:;~ "' " POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT ,SITE t1~ ._~ 4~ wLoS ADDRESS: ~~3 0Ja.~eKs7m-,Jlt ST<>-!l- S~raw~\lH~lfi>> CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 'lCc>35~""79 TRS, TL:i1~~23~j.,.% S.wm Subdivision: .. ~$'V.' j).'i:!:.@", f{OYA~ Ou..!.l!:~'i'(H&S lor vB ~a,.ec(( :J ,This permit,for the referenced property is hereby A:P-Y.Qe~zo"; Setbacks and, other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Vfolation can result in revocation otthis permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # J000f'll l.. YMQJ~S ,SM41i.: I fC{\fA a~ Wu:,a., UD~ ~!&3 eR.D.C~:gv~m~ $v 91) SPIHi'JG.W' ~l1:t.@p O:~.. 91411 Telephone: ~yll-,~~4, (l\f;l j~30T~3n ,:/ ,1 Telephone: Telephone: I' :7 / ,Total Construction Value: 3D 1Y~~OO Construction approved by th'is permit: A@@'G3iH@W, YO '!!U\l.~1 001G:Mt!MJSltpltmr~N$~~M @\r lIDlt.tl1~,Q~A~DM'ir*~~:lo' (~~mtJW'~~~ f.w11 ~'\3 1*[ ~m!r..~1'I1 ~ Ot1rtMi, a NG " , \C, J S~~ sm:>~t.~C::1~j)!V (iIWl lrffil't t~1i'&D ~tltS ON S~o Fro ~N!i' 5 ~i..f~e~ F Uf'B'IJR~S" ,:',. -', ,.. Ifl1aterSupply. ~"'''''H'''''''''~'''' "'" " , #Bedrooms" "J # Plumbing F.lx'!'ures. ~:'7' PLANNING DIVISION 'WATER, POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION .. '-" Setbacks ,Interior property lines \ " C,dge of road right-of-way, " l, 1ilding foundation, : ' '>. ,.- Wells, other water sources ",~. . , \.'. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION , # Employe,es: Mil, .,; ~ Zoning: ~A, Partitioning #'~ Parcel # WA ,,' Parcel Size: Minim!Jm required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ~ t , ' ; cent~rline of road, , side exterior: .\t\, ; interior property lines: 5~ ;rear property line: 50 Speciallnstructigns: ~-!~ ' ' ,80lt'fr2(1 . .....~ For inforl1"1Cltion call 687-4394, ,/ .// ~MM ~r.> c,,~ tA~ ...6 ',/ Si'te Inspection #, ~t~ , . ,Installation specifications: .2l~ i$~mNG:' ga:,~' min. ~eptic tank capacity;, f',jA lineal feet of draI'nfield required;max. depth of trenches:f4A Special, I nstructions: Po MO'fi),\;! .tftt @'lJ~@ oi;l(l.:&tutQ~"-'<<wui,~ii.lt~'~L@ AT At:lV ;n..MlI~ t / RESli:R\i,ft ,,6't~98.fC~J~fN't f!,Rr:Ji';' , " , .. , Sept,fcTank 10' 10.'" .' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' ,: ,fCY . ' 10' 100' ..": .~j For information call ~Ph=~b2 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., GRlrG t;RAV/Rft ~VJU>.w .,'; Type of Construction: t",'b.5 Instructions:' \Group: R""3 I,Fire Zone: ,~se Clal'sification: fiFO/ADD.. , , . .~1 3 ),~ -\ For plans information call. \$81";3'161 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m." J!f4 lAIl,;S For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. bne county ...~. ",~ ,.' ~. Directions to Site: (!)VT Ml'\f'JL@t;1 Rtl~ 70 /{AYOl!:i\J 8~H.Xtl.~ WA'tp 1.4~f""f TO 3RD~ 51'.. f) ~ UGPl/T ON B&.A-cKS1'OO€" '~~ Af)A~/..JfO >~~ Date Issued: 2628,~ 79 C55; 13, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ,125 EAST 8TH AVEN!JE, EUqENE.'O~EGON97401 By: ~~, . ' SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED / V( 01 SAPPRDVED / / DATE ..1 - / - a INSPECTOR ~ v REMARKS FOUNDATION INS~iON ApPROVED / ;- / 01 SAPPROVEO / REMARKS C.I- ;fd'~- , /7k: / -t-. r-,--r- DATE ?-/9--r? INSPECTORc;;,.r-I' < V' 1-/-?9" ~,~ FRAMING INSPEC~ ApPROVED / "/ DISAPPROVED / / DATE] - /qd.!l- INSPECTOR~ REMARKS LATH OR SHEETR~PECTION ApPROVED / ~l DISAPPROVED / / DATE f-'2<J-7Y . INSPECT~ REMARKS F I r~AL INSPECT 1/ ApPROVED ,I V/ DISAPPROVED / / DATEd-z 3.- 2::l.1 NSPECTOR REMARKS L/- (?~ (J h-"A h~ ",d -../ U_ '7 J ~'d ~-/'7-79 ~, Sh~'~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE f J / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK S " ,1 ~\ " :I";>Y~;"--~:.":~:~ .--::>.-,-" :"':""""'~f.~7J~;';.r'" .-." P} " ."i;~~;; to ;r---, I ' i , / '---' ,,,,",, ( \, i'-...... j '_l,' 1,' i! ; \ '~' liV {" " . 11 "~ (., . r-; :~ , , FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT "'.~ '~ ,*,0 r;' , ~. Depa~tment,of Publ~c Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 .1 !~ TO: :r ,. L..........",.., PERt~IT NUMBER .-1 '-I ';'.N..::' ,1' J ..t ,,_,.' ",. f . ,) ',,,'i ,( ;..; PARTITION NU~1BER SUBDIVISION " ".1 7 OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. ," YES -~p NO ~,.......,. "',i! i SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO " -,::~ . .i' '..i c' SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRat,' FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF U1.S.L.) REQUIRED.' 2. 'MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOB-ILE HO~1E TIE DOHNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT t.10BILE Hor~E WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUtl FIRST FLOOR ELEVATIOtL ',. " (i' : 4. SITE LOCATED t~ITHIN, A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED., RECOMMENDATIONS: ~, <~ "'CJ ;,:; ~: " ." ... ,,,/ ,:~.. ~i" j-.-' ....1 .; ~ 'I. \, -; ,'; \, ,;; ~.\: ',', ,,-. ,I t' fj" ;': j' '" : '.~ '.." ".i 10... :..'. ..'~ ~" ~ ~" e ~J: -i' :t:> '," x' . r' " Q' , -i' " ~,' '\0 " DATE -'7' "" , <"...;~ , . :'" '; r 'of BY , .' :-~ ~.., ~~ "'-;'" \,', >, . \<~ c99..:21 ~'\,' ,;,_. 't";" t;~,~~' _;.,.:~ ~'t.::IJ. " ~ ,',.1,,,;,,,,:::,'::,;' ",' .. ~ ,., ~ ",,_~!~.,(' ' ~:' ~~ j~ \ ~, ,'"1': '~.. . . L~ .d SUPP'LEMENT [NOt? nn&l~i, BUILDING PERMIT_~'7"-77> OWNER ~j;//-:zZ~.d./ ~'7I,-3 /?4.~Z/~~ c5<7&-/~/5' ,/j' ..', / address- phone CON+RACTOR6~~ d# UL .&~~~~A' , - ~ ' , address r:;;r- phone PROPERTY ADDRESS ~~c? ~~/~e.e/~ (Building Valuation) ~S9 ~ ~.dl.s=~ ?' 7'?9 - ..5"'- ~4 ~~/M'./ 1'/ Revised( [Jaj,9J t ion [6-}correcti on Bldg. _r.fig ~ Waste ,-'~ Pl umb. - If. .fl::b Plan R.- /)f, f5;{. 3%sur. :r /',441 )' Prior ( !tamt. due 'Jrefund &/.~ ~ Jo1,'-" ~._----.-.~ ~,~~ ~&?~ A2L.. ~ --2, .of? /~.~ ~~ t? fn IJ , , TOTAL J;':t?' 414 amt.paid:%d~~>;f" amt. due,-2&..1 /"., v.- Signature of Applicant si'ltt1&\ c4? ~I)GVy1(l/J Date!JL~"J.JI tq7q .:/ _/ / '_, /, / ~ I Fee Received B'$6fMUf) ~ Dat~.I.1r7[]cash '&iJcheck LANE COUNTY DEPA~T-MENT OFENVIRONMENT~L ~ANAGEMENT ~j / ,? ~~ I 1/. ,. .A{-:: , C74-119 , " ,,'- .". },.. \ ' .-,: .. . _~." h""'" ;." ','... ~ . " (" " , .:, '..,'.;.1:..'. .: ',: '.~,l\' " ~. ':,1.'1 "-A~i' 'p. ,', ',', "':;-. '1 .: 't',' '". .. i , " ,~,' TRS TL '~-C":1-~3_~l.I-:tt::-f-l~c-o . " ,.Plot Plsn Subd i vis ion K!)'1 At...-- T>l:..LL.t:- e.... s-r f\ '1 E....$ Lot 1~ Block 3, Vicinity Map C74-150 Job Location Permit II Permit n Permit n N (Address) /"'1-1..-/-3 For For For :t3 \....ACK.. .s:r'~(:. B lAC. k. $'Tb.--lC. ~' Permit II Permit (I Permit n Sp~I~~'~Ict:U::>\ For For For orc -St-o 't: e:.:-r ~ td/-/ -H-b '-.... S L ~,)<..\ S'(-I ,...)G- G:,' ~ /- / ,/// ( \ !--" X' P'2..e:.Dcs~.? C ""- ,.tt.....~'s '0 >--..J ~ ~.:'frV L/~__ Pe.opGfiY L., 4... to -' J ,CO . '\- . < ~' L-'/",)v \?.~....c.. /' I /' -' . / ./' Sf p, 'c I^~'<.. ....""::r~.';.; ~. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE J@B AODRESS: 4lJj 5tACJ(STONIlt ST", S?;Jllf!\!G~tE1,.~ TRS,TL: 't1...a~23.'3,,~ ,~ COi'JS,TRUCTION PERMIT # u:""3;4~79 Subdivision: llU" ~d")tl.. ~O'iA\. ~t..!..f! t5TAyr:rS ,t~r 18 iAO'e.K;3 / This permit for the referenced property is hereby, Ap!il'aOvEV.. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed: Violatib~,can result in' revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by layv. , ' 1 Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/Address: ' Contractor's OS # J@:MN l.. 'f~AS- :~3 BLAciu.lTel'if: 51'.., $P'tt 4~Y~E,~,.f.l) Ga., S.M!~ ,CIDAlG fl ft,&. , t 334 /JeI ~' T ota I Construction Val ue: 311 1!t'4~OO 914Tl " 343,..l~1~ OR 3~3-1331*' Ielephone: Telephone: telephone: ' I :..;:~~' Construction approved. by thjs perl11it: ~ee(Ti<>>.l TO iUH~'!t~GHOU$\tJlt~'1'rr~Sl()~~ '(iF Stli)ROO!4 A~O ~lU\THR'O~M.. "',nlUCfU1(ES~i ~, "ff.GE '~ : 'D'll1l::l.~:arm, ' , " ' Water S' u'ppSIEy,.li;' $V~t.m~Ei:4" I} 'f'eaOOSf:llnltS G~ sQ:..rr,~~N#.1)B' t1:e'd'rPo~o~m~sQ.. !!XTlJR;t#'SP"lu'. mbln' 'g FIX' 't. ures' "" 7 ,# Emp,loy' ees:' ~u . , : ""lll<~Uiltl!,C". 1l"5'!'!l, ' , ':. ': ." , " " ,: M ' , "''''' PLANNING DIVISION \ . WATER. POLLUTION 'CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines - 'ige of road right-of-way uilding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Zoning:RA , Partitioning #~. " Parcel # * Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front:1to,' side ~xterior:t~ ';interior property lines: 5';rear property.line:5' Special Instructions: " Nc:m: ,. " Parcel Size: ' SoXl20 ; centerline oJ road, For information call 687-4394, ne~ti!A:L Il'It '~hMt ~... '.<<:' Site Inspection # * Installation specifications: ~:~~fi .r" 'gal. min. 'septic tank capacity; NA lineal feet of drainfielcJ required; max. depth of trenches: w., 'Special Instructions: t)ot-SOT ,OtHV~ OVER -€fR PARI": ON, D~AtUn~L~AT AMV TlMI!:,. , , ,RE$~'lRvtfN1!Pt.AeEt<lEN'T, Altfil\.. >~ . '; , .". ~ ',,-' ,.' . , t " Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' , ley , 10', 100' GREGGRAV!tt..BRYANT ~i ,;., For information call 681-~ between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Type of Construction: fIi...; I nstructi 0 ns: Group:' f:f....~ J Fi,re Zone: Use Classification: $FO/-A.'So.. 3 For plans information call (i81-316"l between 8:00a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jif4 lA\'J2' For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. .bne county - ,_,',..~,;-', " 1 l,j' / Date Issued: 2...28-'79 Directions to Site: OUT }tAR~Qt! Ro. TO WAYDEW .Sa ti1'#Gct WAY ,,1.!'..-T TC< ~t).. $1'... ,R H~MT Of4 atAC~$"QNEb By: MRA Af)~/,JO C55.1 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, ELJGENE, OREGON 97401 , ,f j r- , I ~I ii UlOOP ":::, LI-IO r LOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED /~/ DISAPPROVED / REMAR':<S GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED LJ::::::/, DISAPPROVED / REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED l / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED /'~/ DISAPPROVED / REMARKS FINAL GAS, PIPING ApPROVED / / DATE;J - & -11 INSPECTOR / DATE INSPECTOR / DATE ~ -I, -'?f INSPECTOR / DATE INSPECTOR / DATE~fI-;tr:71 INSPECTOR REMARK S / DISAPPROVED / / DATE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / REMARKS INSPECTOR / DA TE Rft- INSPECTOR ,'. '" ' .' ,;. - , '7<,,' :.," ,. .'i'"'' -'L', '~: ' :":": "..r- \.. _ .hr'--:. "'... ,,if ,\, J LJ ' .~ Ik:. ~ " --'~~' :;UP~LEMENT~,@2 rni]e;t~-i ' BUILDING PERMIT ~&j-7? OWNER t~//~7 ~d/3 h~~p-~ 'c?'L,(f-/~/1I , ,,' Y' . " , I address, phone' CONT\RACTOR C~---d ~ u..l h~~......A" ~ /7" , adaress' ~ phone PROPERTY ADDRESS ~..L/3 ./5~/--/'~~~ :. " ~ ~Building Valuation) LI vi 1""J7Ac..... ( ~5 ij1 /CJ c!fc;? dt...r::: '--' - /f'1?9- .5'-,~ ~~/~' ji'/ --;\~ " ~~. , !.\ , C);!~_1l9 " ) Prior ( Revi sed ( []add5.tion [6.1c<orrecti on Bldg. ~ t:il Waste ----... Plumb. K. ~ Plan R. 1/1, @" 3%sur. ' /.. 4~ . I ~~amt. due []refund ~.~ J04.~ ~'_._----"~ ~....__~..,::o ~~.g;;;; -AZ/.., . e-v. ,.,.2. b J? /~.~ AI! ~ t? to IJ, TOTAL ,G"5414/. amt. paid-ff~~oK amt. due",,..;,{.l..ll,,.. <J. Signature of Applicant SflOJ10~'\ j :::}~10v^1'10j) _Date ',M.fl'~f (q74 Fee Received BY~~~ Date~~~[]cash '~jcheck LANE COUNTY DEP'A~lifi1ENT OF ENVIRONMEN,?t. ~A'NAGEMENT rl ':\,(,.:.<';,1" ; , ' ". '~. ..' ,", .'_ \ :' ; {'_:.J:, >""1 .:..'.~._:';:':, '.:_<.; <~. ':'.. .:'