HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1998-6-4
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This Side To Be Filled Out by Applicant _
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~ ~ This permit is required for any site activity in -th,e flood plain and everywhere site alteratio,n consists of
., fi!ty, (50) cubic yards of material or more analo'r'if a drainageway is affected, within City limits and
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D,ate of Application
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Permit Expiration Date:
Property Owner,C LI-f .ft> tJ_<t rA '1't' -}3;; L Jt R
Address: ~-;/l.;:t;~~_1&:~;~~'~!::r3 't' Ll,; iA/A. Y
Site Address: gO? ~ 6 9 'l h
Phone: 7 t.) r{"- S ~tJ 7
City ,s6(jN!j State:~Zip.1.Zt7f
,Springfield, Oregon
UGB Tax Map No:
Journal number applicable Land Use Application
Tax Lot:
Ii2f FILL, Quantity.2 0.0 Y/A R D ?', Source Location
'Supplier DpL:rA '54 /Vel + r;; ~A \)r-I- ,Material 9/4-- c;...OA v r:=-L
o GRADING, Quantity ':':~':> ",! ..::' "...,
rr:Y .' / . J .. '?'n'l S' / 97i;
~ EXCAVATION, Quantity S-o Y A q . <; Destination: ',7'-..) .L:- b -r-- .
Supplier: I? 1/;::; f?, f.?t7D ./(' S ,Project Supervisor' r 01 (to f?rJ ,;- ~L f: t>
Address 6 9' S6 nf UI<- .t)>-LL ,Phone 7Li- L $:'lJ..t\'7
SITE PLAN Required Data:Quantity of material,. Property lines and descriptions, Tax map and
lot number, Site address, Existing contour lines, Proposed contour lines, Existing drainage
ways, Prollosed drainage ways, Significant trees and foliase, Ground cover, Soil types,
Buildings, Septic systems, Sewers, Areas 'subject to flooding, Utilities, Areas subject to land
slides, Proposed site improvements. '.
SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, 11D f( T fER,: "'PA'<9j/J.}1=t<" P 1 b ~'-I-?J'_fiY'3
''1'' R ee 5
COMPANY NAME: N AI 1. 13 Elvd E R S I ',../,
PROJECT SUPERVISOR: C..L. ~ -f .rv 1< D' 1S.5' 2.. J;=' R
ADDRESS: 67o()- /Yl" I!' Ho1teE:\,(/A-;"/ CITY S,L)i-jv9j::J('L~ STATEOV~
COMPANY NAME: THIS r::::lMITSIIALL cXPlnc :f'"fl.t!CWe~r.
PROJECT SUPERVISOR:._ . U.I___ -RIo --fUll-I" t{QT
ADDRESS: AU I HUHILt:U UI~ur::n Ie ?ft: i I .;j "
. ":~ONT.RACTOR NAME:(-~ D j...;:..AAV:ft8PP'AViES@PS;L--E R
PROJECT SUPERVISOR: .5 A- \VI (- PHONE ;; t.f6 6l.f' () 7
R.egistr~tion Number: 2.0 If- 2. " . " .' . , Expiration Date:
ADDRESS: t" 960 at Ve /re...4-' vV A y ,CITY:.s h j,.. /-..c;
STATE: Of-, ,ZIP: 9:l'l-yiT OFFICEPHONE'7t.J-6t-t./:67 FAXu
,PHONE 70 t rif 67
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I understand that I or my successors may have future plans for my property which may be anticipated or unanticipated at
this time. I understand that such future plans may require permits and developement approvals from the City of Springfield.
I understand that notwithstanding any approval of this Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP), that at the time of
application of future permits or approvals the City may review and reconsider all actions which I or ,my successors have
undertaken persuant to this LDAP. I understand that the City may as a condition of any future approval, require the
undoing, changing, or modification of any actions which I have undertaken as a result of the City's approval of this LDAP,
, , .
By signature, I state and agree. that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all
information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance
with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard specifications and Drawings, 'and the laws of the
State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify t,hat only con.tractors and employees who are in
compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project.
The City may inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one year period foilowing the receipt by
the City of notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City's sole desecration, any additional restoration
work required to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City. The permittee will be notified in writing of any work
required and will have thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to complete the work'. Work not completed at the end of
the thirty days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to the perminee.
I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from
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DRAINAGE, l:) St~~. 1:1 Ditch, l:)'''Culvert, l:) Natural
WETLANDS, Description ~
FLOOD PLAIN, Zone: C!.. , FEMA Community Panel No.: l{ 157!>9 ~ OI/Ocr A-
FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.: 5~ ,Date: ? h7/rS-
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101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS
1,001 TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS
10,000 TO 100,000 CUBIC YARDS
100,001 TO 200,000
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$40.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus
$20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
$220.00 For the first 100,001 cubic yards, plus
$20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
$340 For the first 200,001 cubic yards, plus
$6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS
1,001 TO '10,000 CUBIC YARDS
10,000 TO 100,000 CUBIC YARDS
100,001 TO 200,000
$30.00 For the first 100 cubic yards, plus
$14.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
$156.66 For the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus
$12.00 for each additional 1 ,000 cubic'yards or fraction thereof.
$264.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus
$54,00 for eikh additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof,
$750.00 For the first 100,001 cubic yards, plus
$30.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof,
Estimated Volume:
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Receipt No: 6 .
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Receipt No: (')~6 3 ~O
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Plan Check Fee:
Received By:
Grading Permit fee: 14.~4, rn>
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Received by: . 'i.v tv .
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o Planning~~~
G)---"Engineering L'v"i'- '-t'f;: ;tz:;;,1
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o Maintenance:
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Permit Number Q<(D77'5
Issued by:
RAquirAd FinRI InSpActions'
Land and Drainage activity as outlined in this permit has been completed in accordance with
the provisions of this permit. ,
Land and Drainaoe acftivitv as outlined in this permit has not been completed in accordance
wltn tne provlslollS 0 tn,s permit.
Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit.
Accepted by:
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Engineering Comments & Conditions
By Bob Kettwig
Date: June 16, 1998
1. Site slopes to the North and East.
This document is an extension to the conditions of the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. These conditions must be
carried out in addition to and as a part of any other conditions or requirements listed on this permit application and shall
be in addition to any current or pending permit application(s) or land use decisions. The owner shall be required to be in
compliance with federal, state and local ordinances and codes, and sound engineering practices. Specific conditions
include but are not limited to the following;
1. Should significant wet weather occur silt fences shall be placed on the South and West property boundries at that
time, Sediment shall not be allowed to enter the street or adjoining property. In addition protection must be placed
for the curb inlet at the N.E. comer ofthe property on 69th. I suggest the use of Bio-bags in a 'u' shape around the
street side of the opening.
2. The permitted must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation and
is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination,'suspension, or modification; or for denial of a permit,
renewal application, .
3. Issuance of this permit does not relieve the permittee all other permitting and licensing requirements. Prior to
bef!inninf! construction activities. all other necessarv aDDrovals shall be obtained.
4, Wet weather conditions are in effect October 1 through April 30 and may be extended as directed by the Public
Works Director.
5. Sediment from the construction must be trapped and prevented from leaving the project site or entering streams,
drainage ways, wetlands, or other environmentally sensitive areas. Private and public property down gradient of the
project site shall be protected against erosion during construction. 'Runoff from the project site during construction
shall be protected so tha~ sediment-laden water will be filtered before leaving the site or entering the conveyance
6. Temporary erosion control facilities must be designed for the 2-year, 24-hourstorm event unless otherwise specified
in the design guidance,
7. Stabilization of all exposed areas will be required within 48 hours after reaching finished grade.
8. Sediment and erosion control measures shall be in place and functioning before clearing and grading begins.
9. Construction site entrances are egress points for vehicles onto paved roadways. All projects, which will have
vehicular traffic, shall have a means to prevent vehicles from tracking soil from the site, The owner shall maintain the
entrance(s) as necessary to ensure proper functioning of pad. The inspector may require stabilization of interior
roadways and car parks to keep sediment contained.
If sediment is tracked offsite, sediment shall, on a daily basis, be swept or shoveled from the paved surface before
washing. Runoff from construction entrances shall be directed to sediment ponds or traps where these have been
otherwise provided on development sites. '
10. Erosion control facilities shall not be allowed to fall into' disrepair. The owner shall inspect facilities during and after
rainfall events to ensure that they continue to function effectively. Repairs shall be made as soon as possible during
rainfall events. '
11, Temporary erosion control measures may not be removed until the site is permammtly restored to the satisfaction of
the inspector. For projects that contain or adjoin drainage ways or environmentally sensitive areas, or occur on slopes
over 15 percent, the Director may require a restoration plan that shall consider vegetation types, mulching/armoring,
and/or maintenance to affect the following:
ii) Erosion and sediment control
iii) Soil and slope stability
iv) Protection of drainage ways and environmentally sensitive areas.
12. All temporary erosion control measures shall be removed within 30 days after fmal site stabilization has been
, achieved or after the measures are no longer needed. Sediment collected in traps, ponds, or silt fence shall be
removed and disposed in an approved manner or stabilized on site. Disturbed soil areas resulting from sediment
removal shall be permanently stabilized within seven days. .
13. Straw bale barriers are temporary and have a life expectancy of two months or less, The purpose of strawlhay bale
barriers is to I) intercept and detain small amounts of sediment from disturbed areas of limited extent in order to
prevent sediment from leaving the site, and 2) decrease the velocity of sheet flows and low level channel flows
ii) Strawlhay bale barriers are not a substitute for filter fabric fences as they are short-lived and provide very
little filtration of sediment. Straw and hay bales may be used below areas subject to sheet and fill erosion.
The size of the drainage area is to be no greater than 0.25 acre and the length of the slope behind the barrier
should be no greater than 100 feet. If the slope has a gradient greater than 10 percent, slope length should
be no more than 50 feet.]
iii) There shall be no concentration of water or possibility of a washout in a channel above the barrier.
14. If drainage problems to adjacent properties are caused by or as a result of activity on this site then the
applicant/owner/developer may be required place additional storm drainage to remedy the situation.
15. The owner/contractor shall be responsible to prevent any soil or materials from leaving the site., He/she shall
anticipate the worst case weather conditions and place adequate erosion control measures prior to an event. Failure
to provide control or prevent materials form entering the street or drainage system may result in a stop work order
and additional fines and penalties as well as liability for any cleanup or costs.
16. The approval of the LDAP does not constitute compliance with this permit. The permittee shall be responsible for
complying with all permit conditions and Federal, State and local laws and codes.
17. A copy of the LDAP shall be retained on-site and made available to the City of Springfield or its Agent upon request.
During inactive periods of greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days, the LDAP shall' be retained by the
18. The LDAP shall be developed and implemented to prevent the discharge of sediment to surface waters. The
following observations should be considered:
ii) Earth slides or mud flows that leave the construction site and an,; likely to discharge to surface waters.
iii) Evidence of concentrated flows of water causing erosion when such flows are not filtered or settled to
remove sediment prior to leaving the construction site and are likely to discharge to surface waters,
Evidence includes the presence of rills, rivulets or channels. Flow to storm water inlets or catch basins
located on the site will be considered "leaving the site" if there are no sediment control structures
downstream of the inlets or catch basins that are under the permittee's control.
iv) Turbid flows of water that are not filtered or settled to remove sediment prior to leaving the construction
site and are likely to discharge to surface waters. Flow to storm water inlets or catch basins located on the
site will be considered "leaving the site" ifthere are no sediment control structures downstream of the inlets
or catch basins that are under the permittee's control.
v) Deposits of sediment at the construction site in areas that drain to unprotected storm water inlets or catch
basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediment controls due to lack of
maintenance or inadequate design will be considered unprotected.
vi) Deposits of sediment from the construction site on public or private streets outside of the permitted
construction activity that are likely to discharge to surface waters.
vii) Deposits of sediment from the construction site on any adjacent property outside of the permitted
construction activity that are likely to discharge to surface waters.
19. The City of Springfield or its Agent may require modifications to the LDAP at any time if the LDAP is ineffective at
preventing the discharge of significant amounts of sediment to surface waters.
20. Significant amounts of sediment that leave the site shall be cleaned up immediately and placed back on the site or
properly disposed. Any in-stream clean-up shall be coordinated with the Oregon Division of State Lands.
21. Under no conditions shall sediment from the construction site be washed into storm sewers or drainageways.
22. The following controls and practices are required:
ii) Each site'shall have "raveled", paved, or constructed entrances, exits and parking areas to reduce the
tracking of sediment onto public or private roads.
iii) All unpaved roads located on-site shall be "raveled". Other effective erosion and sediment control measures
either on the road or down gradient may be used in place of "raveliilg",
iv) When trucking saturated soils from the site, either watertight trucks shall be used or loads shall be drained
on-site until dripping has been reduced to minimize spillage on roads.
v) A description of procedures for correct installation or use of all erosion and sediment control measures.
vi) A description of procedures for prompt maintenance or repair of erosion and sediment control measures
utilized on-'site.
23. Additional controls and practices shall be developed that are appropriate for the site. At a minimum the following
shall be addressed:
ii) A description of clearing and grading practices, including a schedule of implementation, that will minimize
the area of exposed soil throughout the life of the project. .
iii) Whenever practicable, clearing and grading shall be done in a phased manner to prevent exposed inactive
areas from becoming a source of erosion.
iv) A description of vegetative erosion control practices, including a schedule of implementation, designed to
preserve existing vegetation where practicable and re-vegetate open areas when practicable after grading or
In developing vegetative erosion control practices, the following shall be considered: temporary seeding, permanent
seeding, mulching, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, and protection of trees with protective construction fences.
v) A description of additional erosion control practices, including a schedule of implementation, designed to
protect exposed areas and prevent soil from being eroded by storm water.
vi) , In developing additional erosion control practices, the following shall be considered: mulching with straw
or other vegetation, use of erosion control blankets, and application of soil tackifiers,
vii) A description of sediment control practices, including a schedule of implementation, that will be used to
divert flows from exposed soil, store flows to allow for sedimentation, filter flows, or otherwise reduce
sediment laden runoff. All temporary sediment control practices shall notbe removed until permanent
vegetation or other cover of exposed areas is established.
In developing sediment control practices, the following shall be considered: use of straw bale dikes, silt fences, earth
dikes, brush barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, rock outlet protection, sediment
traps, and temporary or permanent sedimentation basins.
viii) A description of erosion and sediment control practices that will be used to prevent stockpiles from
becoming a source of erosion. Stockpiles located away from the construction activity but still under the
control of the permittee shall also be protected to prevent significant amounts of sediment from discharging
to surface waters.
In developing these practices, the following shall be considered: diversion of uncontaminated flows around stockpiles, use
of cover over stockpiles, and installation of silt fences around stockpiles.
A description of the best management practices that will be used to prevent or minimize storm water from
being exposed to pollutants from spills, cldming and maintenance activities, and waste handling activities.
These pollutants include fuel, hydraulic fluid, and other oils from vehicles and machinery, as well as debris,
leftover paints, solvents. and glues from construction operations,
In developing these practices, the following shall be considered: written spill prevention and response
procedures; employee training on spill prevention arid proper disposal procedures; regular maintenance
schedule for vehicles ,and machinery; and covered storage areas for wastes and supplies.
The permittee shall manage abandoned hazardous wastes, used oils, contaminated soils or other toxic
substances discovered during construction activities in a manner approved by the Department of
Environmental Quality.
24. All erosion and sediment controi measures shall be inspected at least once every seven (7) calendar days and within
24 hours after any' storm event of greater than 0.25 i~ches of rain per 24 hour period.
25. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected daily during periods when storm water runoff or
snowmelt runoff occurs.
26. Storm water runoff discharges shall be visually monitored at the above frequency to evaluate the effectiveness ofthe
erosion and sediment control measures. If significant amounts of sediment are leaving the property, corrective action
shall be taken to reduce the discharge of sediments and the LDAP amended accordingly.
The permittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative upon the presentation of credentials to:
27, Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records
must be kept under the conditions of this permit;
28. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit;
29. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or
operations regulated or required under this permit, and
30, Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purpose of assuring(permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by
state law, any substances or parameters at any location. '
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