HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-3-1 ORDINANCE NO. 5140 AN ORDINANCE PROCLAIMING THE ANNEXATIm OF CERTAIN REAL PRbPER'IY AND TERRITORY LOCATED AT 2350 YOLANDA AVENUE (Yolanda Elementary School) and 2355 YOLAN~ AVENUE (Briggs Middle School) TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ESTABLISHING LIENS AGAINST SUCH PROPER'IY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CI'IY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN: ~ Section 1: That there has been heretofore filed by the City of. Spr ihgf iel'd wi th the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission by Resolution 82-75 a notice of the desire and intention of the City of Springfield to annex certain property located at 2350 Yolanda Avenue (Yolanda Elementary School) and 2355 Yolanda Avenue (Briggs Middle School), in accordance. with and authorized by ORB 199.466, Section 14, Chapter 265, Oregon Laws 1981, providing for annexation' without the study, public hearing and adoption of a final order; said property being described with particularity as follows: e. An Area Located at 2350 Yolanda Avenue (Yolanda Elementary School) and 2355 Yolanda Avenue (Briggs Middle School). Beginning at the intersection of the North line of County Road No. 681 (Yolanda Street) and the East line of COLmty Road No. 840 (North 23rd Street) said intersection being North 2924.1 feet and East 1325.8 feet from the Southwest . corner of the Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette. Meridian; rur'lning thence North 0 degrees 121 4011 East along the East line of North, 23rd Street 636.86 feet; thenCe North 89""'- degrees 59' 10" East along the South .line of Filgrove as platted and recorded in Book 28, Page- 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records 632.9 feet; thence South 0 degrees 12' 40" West 698.84 feet to the South line of Yolanda Street; thence South 89 degrees 50 I 20" East along the South .line of Yolanda. Street 652.28 feet; thence SbiJthO degrees 10' 4011 West 626.26 fe~t to a point 'on the existing City boundary; thence along the Ci ty 'boundary North 89 degrees 51' 20 II '. West 1325.10 feet; thence North 0 degrees 101 4011 East 686.59 feet to the North line of Yolanda Street; thence East 40.0 . feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane CO,unty, Oregon. ~\~_!.'Jj<V . <y>-( I Section 2: That, thereafter, the Lane County Local 1/:;> '\(,~ . Government Boundary Commission having conside.red said annex i~n ~, and app~oved the same at its regular meeting. on January 28, ~83, . t: and such annexation under the 'provisions or ORS 199.410 to Oli MAR 1 1983-.}4 199.512 effective on the date the order of the Commission w~. ~ CITY OF. ,t:..j adopted, which date was January 28, 1983;. now, therefore,: E;\SPRINGFIELD :.:/ . \ .... PLANNING .,' IT IS HEREBY.. DECI...ARED -by .the Common Council of the City of.: " ,/ Springfield that the real property described is hereby annexed t6< "._ / and shall be part of the City of Springfield effective February 21, 1983. Ordinance No. 5140 Section 3: .In accordance with Section 2-11-6 of the Springfield City Code, authorizing systems deveiopment fees to be placed as liens against the property, the total amount of $48,219.83 is hereby declared to be a lien against the annexed property in the ownership of persons named as follows: (See Exhibit "All) Section 4: The Council hereby declares the amounts set forth to be liens upon the property and orders the City Recorder to enter the liens in the City lien docket to be collected in accordance with existing code provisions governing fe~s and charges for annexed property. The lien docket entry shall . include a complete legal description of the property so charged, the name of the reputed owner or owners, ~he' amount of the fees and charges, and the number of this authorizing ordinance. Section 5: The Council does hereby determine that the annexation and completion of procedures regarding annexation of the above described property constitute an emergency in the City of Springfield and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOt'T.t;jJ by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21st day of February, 1?83, I:?y _a vot~ of -5- for and -0- against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the Ci ty of Springfield this 21st day of February, 1983. ~~ \).L~ Mayo r y ',' ..' - ." Ordinance No. 5140 Exhibit "A" Springfield School District *19 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 $48,219.83 17-03-24-00-02100 17-03-24-41-03002 Beginning at the intersection of the North line of County Road No. 681 (Yolanda Street) and the East line of County Road No. 840 (North 23rd Street) said intersection being North 2924.1 feet and East 1325.8 feet from the Southwest corner of the Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land Claim No. 51/ Township 17 South, Range 3 ~~st, Willamette Meridian; running thence !'JorthO degrees 12' 40" East along the East line of North 23rd Street 636.8~ feet; thence North 89 d~rees 591 10" East along the South line of Filgrove as platted and recorded in Book 28, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records 632.9 feet; thence South 0 degrees 121 40" West 698.84 feet to the South line of Yolanda Street; thence South 89 degrees 501 20" East along the South line of Yolanda Street 652.28 feet; thence South 0 degrees 10' 4011 West 626.26 feet to a PJint on the existing City boundary; thence along the City boundary North 89 degrees 51' 20" West 1325.10 feet; thence North 0 degrees 10' 40" East 686.59 feet to the North line of Yolanda Street; thence East 40.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. --':. ' '"/"'11 - ?\O'?051'":) D..\ \- XA ' 0"\ ~G-G-S AWD ,{ot..-AI.J.D~ ~ :;?{:~F{~~~~~f~~~[~2;~;;~~)~~~?f~-~~::;:.~~~ia#~~~i;~~~~1~~~~~~zt~t~~~zr~1{g6~~~- ) n I- VI LOI'4DND . r l- e \' .."" A V r l- II) o II< ,., N ::: u U ..... AVE )? (rl'G~ f'U>~) ~w ) '''A~N.r:,() c~~ ~ 1l./l,.. (' -1 f-':),VA ~ I W ~ ____~ w ~k ~ e: '<:..N:~" 0 ~ , U - I----=;:-_ f- 1fl.t:t: ' 2 , - J (s w ~ ~ (f) ) I ~ o , C\J , \\ I I ! ----.:---' - I__~ _ --" 0110 '--. \ \ ~ I~ ~ ~ V' ~ en N L' 'r G"';'("; RHOCiODENDR 'E :c.T c:~.~~ I~NVA~="" ! I -\'7l?f)~ 1', 0..." a..c: M . 0...,," I 171 I"" f-'-''' ~ 1 , (c S~ IVl STREET ~ "'-'-"'~ qANTERBURY 5T . ~ DAPHr~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ lA~ ~ f- CTl VIEWMONT BGN PL II f- .;t N i AVENU.L_ _ -.J -.J f- - U I ' !0 (J ! ! f- ~ I ~ :n C\I YO:"'A:o,Ji-::'A CJ ,.... e;. 1 '~O' Nt \1 ~\l.'€>t.. r,- RESOLUTION NO. 82~75 RESOLUTION FOR ANNEXATION AND CONCURRENCE FOR TRIPLE MAJORITY A Resolution furthering annexation to the City of Springfield, Oregon the territory bounded by a line: An Area Located at 2350 Yolanda Avenue (Yolanda Elementary School) and 2355 Yolanda Avenue (Briqqs Middle School). Beginning at the intersection of the North line of County Road No. 681 (Yol.anda Street) and the East line of County Road No. 840 (North 23rd Street) said i~tersection being North 2924.1 feet and East 1325.8 feet from the Southwest corner of the Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian; running thence North 0 degrees 121 40" East along the East line of North 23rd Street 636.86 feet; thence North 89 degrees 59' IOu East along the South line of Filgrove as. platted and recorded in Bool< 28, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records 632.9 feet; thence South 0 degrees 121 40" West 698.84 feet to the South line of Yolanda Street; thence South 89 degrees 50l 2011 East along the South line of Yolanda Street 652.28 feet; thence South o degrees 10' 4.0'1 West 626.26 feet to a point on the existing City boundary; thence along the City boundary North 89 degrees 51' 20" West 1325.10 feet; thence North 0 degrees 10' 4011 East 686:59 feet to the North line of Yolanda Street; thence East 40.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. WHEREAS, the annexation of the territory to the City of Springfield, Oregon has been initiated by landowners' statements of consent, in accord... ance with ORS 199.490(2) and would therefore constitute a so called "triple majority" annexation and a IIminor boundary change" under the boundary com- mission law, ORS 199.41.0 to 199.512; and WHEREAS, part of the territory lies within the boundaries of the Rain- bow Water District and separate proceedings will be undertaken after annexation to withdraw the same form such district by authority of ORS 222.520 to 222.575. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of December, 1982, that: Section 1: The City Council hereby approves the proposed annexation and requests the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission to approve the proposed annexation authorized by Section 14, Chapter 265, Oregon Laws 1981, without the study, public hearing and adoption of a final order required. by ORS 199t461 and effect if as soon as possible. ' Section 2: The City Recorder is hereby directed to file certified 'copies of the statements of consent and of this Resolution with the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission at once. Resolution No. 82-75 /~;JJ~ (Y . ~n~/ ", /1" . ( A/ _ _ . . / .:.::->. \ ( /- ~ ------ " ~ City Recorder :JL~.L~ Mayor